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Do people still like tomboys in current year?
she looks like she takes illegal substances
Tomboys are a rare breed past a certain age. They either become tamed girlygirls or angry misandrist lesbians.
tfw jews brainwashed countless tomboys and they now cut their breast and self-identify as non binary creatures, lesbians or "males". God i hate this timeline so much.
should've voted for communism
Looks like shit
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I do, most girly girls usually share nothing in common with me. I am currently besties with one that really loves pirates. She also has a room temperature IQ.
Most females will develop a sense to belong so strong they are willing to gaslight themselves, it is a sad exploit.
I like them. Not ayy ones, though.
I'm going to commission artwork of a humanized Rainbow Dash holding a trophy with her bare belly on display, strong muscles and abs visible.

Then a variant image will show her pregnant, using her hands to cup her big belly instead, her abs unnoticeable.

The final image of the set will be like the first, but her body will have changed. Instead of a trophy, she'll be holding her baby.
Yeah, but only the ones with hooves.
Yeah, pre nerf Four Loko
which ones are tomboys? only rd springs to mind
Should've voted for fascism.
It's the worst.
Gilda, Applejack, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Babs, Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Night Glider, Ember, Smolder, Limestone, Sunset, and Indigo Zap to name a few
Sadly there were no candidate in us elections.
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MFW evil RD is not mentioned.
Spitfire and Lightning Dust are not tomboys. They are alpha mares.
I would kill to be absolutely DESTROYED by Lightning Dust
Alpha mares are incredibly sexy, I want to serve them
>current year
Like it's some cultural fad or something kek
I have always been attracted to tomboys and complete dykes even
Wasn't ever really that interested in hyper-feminine girls (wouldn't turn them down but still)
My pony crushes have all been tomboyish as well (AJ, RD, Spitfire, Tempest, Lightning Dust)
I am not that submissive, but they are still so alluring to me. I would love to have a confident sassy gf
Dash totally drinks Four Loko and was absolutely pissed when they removed the caffeine from it
you are retarded
we live in the absolute worst timeline my friend. We all lost the cold war.
Does AJ count as a tomboy?
Applejack is much more of a tomboy than Rainbow Dash. Why?

1: Rainbow Dash, contrary to popular assumptions, never actually has expressed an issue with anything for being too feminine. For all of the masculine interests she has, she still very much enjoys the feminine stuff her friends do. I challenge you to find one example of Rainbow complaining about something for being too feminine. Applejack on the other hand has actively complained about fashion and other feminine things for being too impractical throughout the entire show. She has an extreme focus on practicality that is very masculine.

2: Applejack does not give a shit about what people think of her, she is extremely stubborn about her own moral values. (imo Integrity would have been a better element for her than Honesty.) Rainbow Dash on the other hand cares a lot about what people think of her and carefully controls her social image. She probably cares more about how she presents herself publicly than everyone else except Rarity.. She is very excitable and emotional in public. Applejack has a far more collected attitude, and does not publicly express her emotions nearly as much.

3: I know what the counterargument is going to be: Applejack is very family focused. However, she is focused on providing for her family in a very masculine way; her focus is almost entirely toward practically providing for them via concrete work and physical labor. As shown in episodes such as Applebuck Season and The Last Roundup, she is extremely stubborn about her role in practically providing and feels a deep obligation to practically provide and do work as much as possible. It is an extreme and obsessive focus for her. A more feminine version of Applejack would of course still be responsible and do the work, but she wouldn't let it define her so much (the conflicts in Applebuck Season, Last Roundup are good examples) to the point of neglecting the relationships that she has and missing the important emotional aspects. She is reclusive when it comes to expressing emotions and properly dealing with interpersonal conflicts. (While Rainbow Dash is much more openly emotional). Applejack is a classical masculine archetype.

4: Rainbow Dash simply does not have this same overwhelming masculine desire to work and provide. While she can be a hard worker herself when it comes to her pursuit of becoming a Wonderbolts, it is shown that her desire there is in large part of a desire for people to admire her coolness, and to just have fun. She is not nearly as serious in other pursuits and is not committed to her actual job nearly as much as Applejack (I honestly forget she has the weather control job half the time.) Even if she had a family, she does not strike me as the type to be ultra-focused on working and providing, she seems too chill.
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based applebro
I absolutely adore her kindheartedness
She is without a doubt the most lovable pony
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Next time you say its just a crazy conspiracy
tomboy bump
There are no alpha mares just tomboys.
Yes she does, she's embarrassed to show affection towards Tank. Also highly competitive physically.

Tomboys are made for being housewives anyways.
Why are doctors so intent on convincing kids and teens to chop body parts off so they can sell them for a profit?
>Why are doctors so intent on convincing kids and teens to chop body parts off so they can sell them for a profit?
Not enough profits from stealing the foreskins of infants, I guess.
Any idea for a good green?
faggots stole my foreskin
Going into more detail.
1. RD is embarrassed about showing affection towards Tank, while AJ doesn't care about doting on Winowna.

2. AJ is honest so she doesn't care about appearances, only standing up for her values. RD cares about loyalty, so appearances matters more for her.

3. Kinda? She wants to provide because if she doesn't do it nobody will. Pretty fair

4. Nah they are equally masculine. Wanting to be the best at flying or any other hobby isn't more or less masculine than working and providing. More often than not they overlap, and a top runner can provide for their family fine.
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Unironically only the ones who never get dicked OR have hilariously shitty boyfriends turn into lesbos. The rest find partners and have families because they're desirable. The amount of them trooning out is statistically nonexistent because, again, only incels and femcels turn into trannies. You have to be reeeeeally ugly as a femoid to be a femcel, and/or into incredibly esoteric shit. All the tomboys I knew were just good at sports, but otherwise had normal girl hobbies and interests.
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What would a date with a tomboy be like?
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And where are the Zipps?
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>show up at her place to pick her up
>dressed nice, all ready to go
>she either comes out looking like she normally does in just shorts and a tank top or nervous cause she’s actually dressed up and isn’t used to it
>you take her down to her favourite restaurant spend a good time talking and eating
>after wards you take her for a nice evening walk through the park
>she’ll blush up a storm as she grabs your hand to hold
>get closer as you walk with her before putting your arm around her shoulder
>she stammers out a wisecrack but you kiss her before she can finish
>she spends the rest of the evening dreamily looking at you and won’t leave from your side
>eventually take her back home and tell her that you’ve had a wonderful evening with her and you want to go out again sometime soon
>court her properly, marry her and have a big happy family
I'm a tomboy still
give me draw ideas
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how do you put your arm around her shoulder when she's already holding your hand?
Zipp and Dash arguing about tomboy nature.
What are you talking about? Rainbow Dash was spazzing out in that one SPA episode, she did NOT want to try that out at first
she seems to be scared
she clearly just is sensitive to getting her hooves touched, it's nothing to do with being embarrassed
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Yes indeed their are
Love her
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fucking unf
My mind is telling me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twUyGLnzgDM
But my body is telling me to make her grit her teeth.
she was supposed to be winking but oh well
you can't sneak this by me, see you are mare fair cutie
i'm sorry but you aren't real
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we need more of her
Not going, it's too far. Haven't been to a pony con yet.
I am, not sure what else to say
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>not sure what else to say
that you acknowledge being just a figment of imagination and you feel sorry for us
but seriously: that's neat
Only in small doses
You better not be American.
I think that's actually GOF (GodOfFury). He used to draw occasionally on the main pony Aggie when it first started. I think I remember him drawing this on one of the canvases.
90% sure that's artist:_ton618_
Ah, it is. That's strange, I swear GOF drew these, or maybe Ton drew them but never made an official account and that's what threw me off. I know GOF made art that was similar to this style, so maybe Ton is GOF's alt?
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How many of these are there?
If I remember correctly, Godoffury only drew these in Aggie:

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Yep in Current Year+9, I do indeed still enjoy tomboys.

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