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/mlp/ - Pony

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>"Oh my God bro I'm so hungry I really want to eat rn oh man I'm just starving bro Spike I'm so hungry you don't understand I'm literally going to fucking die unless i eat 20000 ponycalories immediately. Also I'm a genius and super smart."

Why doesn't she just eat the grass? Such a dumb horse I swear. Eat the fucking grass. The grass is food, dumb horse.
the grass isn't greasy though. piggy needs her slop.
She can just rub some butter on the grass no?
that would require her to hang around her least favorite friend, fluttershy, then. no go.
Because horses can't actually eat grass. They chew on it more to keep their teeth in check than for eating. Their guts are better suited for munching on tougher stuff like bark and roots, not just plain grass. In the wild, you'll see horses digging for the nutrient-packed soil under the grass.
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Give her a break, she’s a growing mare
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How much is a ponycalorie?
>Their guts are better suited for munching on tougher stuff like bark
Nice to know that Twiggy Piggy would've eaten the Treebrary had it not blown up
The quantity of energy needed to raise the temperature of one liter of pony by one degree Celsius.
>no treebrary 'house of candy' type sequence
Why live?
grass isn't filling, she needs borger
>So hungry you could eat a...
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>Because horses can't actually eat grass
False, on good quality pasture, horses can get all the nutrients they need from grass. They prefer a mix of grass and legumes though.
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It's the same as a regular calorie but they just put pony in front of it for some reason.
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>Horses can't eat grass
>Horses can eat meat
>Horses are actially top tier predators
>Horses are actually more carnivore than herbivore or omnivore
>Horses become trippy through salt consumption
>Horses can eat chocolate
What is this animal?
>Because horses can't actually eat grass. They chew on it more to keep their teeth in check than for eating.
Meds and sproke. NOW.
Everyone on this board is suddenly an expert in horses.
No anon they eat hay these days just fine along with other grains for other nutrients they might need. Sure they probably ate other shrubs and stuff naturally to get those nutrients and it's but horses evolved in you know, plains, and plains tend to have a lot of grass which was a major portion of their diet (not to mention the seeds on the grass plants which is what we call grain now).
she's so fuckin' pretty
>Horses become cannibals
pudgy pony pudgy pony hahahaha
go eat a grass fatty
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>dude hay lmao
What’s her fucking problem
overeating, evidently
why is every1 so mean to hershe let herself go and ate some burgers ONCE
She can eat me. I will gladly perish to sate that rumbly tummer for a while.
>tfw not getting burned to death by acid in the hot, moist depths of a pony's belly
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I would totally fuck her up the ass

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