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Last thread, >>40985186

IRC: irc.rizon.net #/mlp/AiE
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>PiE Corner
>Remember to tag all PiE Stories.
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If anon ends up in an EqG world as a female, what thread does that go in? AiE? Anonfilly?
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I was thinking of writing a story about an anon who ends up in EqG, and thinks that his love of anime girls caused the world to distort, and sets out to bring the world "back to normal".
Femanon stories go here
Transanon stories go in the trash, lol
We've never actually worked that out.
Never leap before you look dumb dumb.
Where else would it go?
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unfortunately i sometimes only learn by being a hapless retard. lesson learned

also updated my little chrysalis side project
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Cheesy cup
>EqG is over a decade old
Don’t remind me
Well now you know to only live as a basement dweller like the rest of us
Yeah, but the plan is to have the brony die before EqG comes out, some time just after S2 or so. That way, it seems like his love of high school anime has distorted Equestria into an ironic hell.
Canterlot High School is where bad people go when they die.
Remember when we used to burn through 2 or even 3 threads per day? I do...
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Nah I don't 'member much since the head injury.
Hold on no one said anything about a fan in the story
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I remember you bitching and moaning over and over again instead of contributing.
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>The night after Anon bender party
Why would a horse pregnancy test be made for monkey hands
because they used ones made by humans
Why would they be the same shape
Form follows function?
Not if the ones using it don't have digits.
The test would be a plastic stick with the absorbent material inside of it.
The "how the hell do I use this with hooves" part is solved by a holder with a large loop for the hoof. It's not shown because it's been washed and set aside.
That’s an awful lot of work to justify a shitpost scribble
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They just hold it with how they hold everything with hooves.
Grasp hooves are stupid...

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