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Previous Thread: >>41087054
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957
Burning Sensation (NSFW, Mutant Sunset x Anon) by SUPERKEATON - https://ponepaste.org/3958
Cold by BOLTGREENS - https://ponepaste.org/3959

Sunset EQG Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNXV9Mb7egjHnPs8HxD56ec6qea0A-b7e
Good Vibes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygTvEUnXW8
Sunset Shimmer sings https://clyp.it/q5dz4aqe
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what did she do??
RSI from giving Anon Shimjobs.
>one shots shimmershite
Reminder that Shimmy was slowly falling in love with Flash.
Posting this for the other anons <3
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Okay and?
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Reminder that Flash never scored.
They are friends.
Why does she have a 5 o'clock shadow
Trixie gross, that carrot had nerd spittle on it
Free school lunches and the possibility of no dinner at home don't give her the nourishment she needs. She takes what she can get.
Poor shading.
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I want to write something for the thread, but I can't come up with an idea I like. Does anyone have an idea they want to see in a short green?
And you know this how?
Shimmy being okay that Flash is dating again.
>Shimmy being okay that Flash is dating again.
I'll start on this, and see if I can make something that I'm happy with. In the meantime, I'm still open to additional ideas.
She enters an online tournament to combat the toxic steamers.

>Friday afternoon was usually girls’ day for the Rainbooms
>”Usually” being the operative word because everyone except Sunset had taken a raincheck
>Rainbow had an extra day of soccer practice with regionals just around the corner and had messaged the group chat to let everyone know that she wouldn't be able to make it
>After that everyone had decided to simply put off girls' day until Saturday after the Wondercolts’ morning practice
>And so, caught up on homework and with nothing else to do, Sunset sat down on her couch and pulled up Mystable on her phone
>She scrolled passed various posts by students of CHS, pausing to chuckle at a picture of Twilight, the human girl not the pony princess, posing in front of a server rack that was at least twice her height
>Then Sunset saw something that made her pause longer
>A selfie of Rarity at a fancy restaurant, captioned “Waiting on my Flashing Prince Charming”
>At first Sunset thought that maybe it was a typo, not an uncommon occurrence on social media
>But Rarity, despite having middling grades, prided herself on being prim and proper
>That included her spelling
>So that left only one option
>Rarity was on a date with Flash Sentry
>While some others would have found this juicy gossip, Rarity included were she not the subject, Sunset felt unease
>Not that she thought that Flash would be anything other than a complete gentleman to Rarity's face
>After all, when they'd dated Flash had let Sunset control the pace of that ill-fated relationship
>Sunset felt unease specifically because of that relationship
>She'd said some pretty horrible things to Flash when they'd broken up, things that he'd forgiven her for, but ultimately things Sunset couldn't forgive herself for
>Because deep down, even post-Rainbow Friendship Lazer, Sunset still felt that some of them /were/ warranted
>Flash had always been a good guy, but he brought out the worst in Sunset back then
>Her jealousy, spite, and rage all came to the forefront when Flash was around
>He was kind to everyone, had an easy smile, and was a waterfall of complements
>And to Sunset at the time, she'd thought he'd been flirting with anything that had two legs and a vagina
>Ultimately he had been, but not entirely on purpose
>Flash simply interacted with everyone in a joking and friendly manner
>It's why despite him wanting to try again she'd turned him down
>They simply weren't good for each other
>Distantly Sunset realized that she'd been staring at the post for five minutes
>Maybe she /wasn't/ over Flash?
>Maybe she still wanted him?
>No, that wasn't it
>She knew, both in her mind and heart, that she wouldn't be happy with Flash
>Sure she'd grown as a person from when they'd dated, but ultimately it wasn't just that she'd been a conniving bitch, but that what she wanted from a partner and what Flash wanted from a partner were too different
>Sunset wanted a level of exclusivity that just wasn't possible for Flash
>She chuckled to herself, since in Equestria herds were far more common due to the gender ratio being skewed to something like 4 mares to every stallion
>The breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding left her with that, and Sunset responded to the post
“Go get him girl! <3”

Not exactly happy with this, but I don't know where else to take it.
I liking it so far are you going to do more?
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What a piggy she is
>want to say "Bigger."
I must not.
Hey, that's my meme.
>no show accurate animation
Nah, I think any more wouldn't carry the weight that I wanted the last line to carry. Plus I kinda want the end to be left to the reader's interpretation.
This (>>41184855) sounds a lot more pretentious to me than I meant it to be. What I mean is I want to leave Sunset's feelings on Flash dating Rarity to be up to the reader, and how they feel about it. And I don't think I could pull that off if I continued with it.
Why Rarity?
I guess Rarity dating Flash at some point always felt like an inevitability to me. Not that I think it would last long, but Flash is a kind guy, and clearly a bit of a romantic at heart kinda like Rarity. I've seen high school relationships that were formed on far-shakier grounds.
Interesting perspective. Maybe it's me but I always thought that he would date Lemon Zest.
I could see them working, but not until college when the high school rivalry ends.
I'm not sure if I can handle this one. Like who should the competition be? Canon characters? OCs? Real streamers? What are the stakes? Is it something magical? Is it just money? What game? I just don't know enough about competitive Vidya to know what to do.
Pretty sure with Cadence as dean would have end that.
Team based
>Canon characters oc real streams
yes to all three
take egotist toxic down a peg
also win the money for CHS
>What game
Counter Strike
>Counter Strike
Never played it. In fact, I've never played most competitive Vidya.
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Sunset would beat Trixie's ass 1v1
I wouldn't be so quick to associate Shimmy's anger issues with kicking someone's ass.

Also I would prefer Shimmy not be fighting anyone and sustaining injury
>Shimmy: magical failure
>Trixie: one of the greatest and most powerful unicorns to ever live
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Pick one retard.
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What are they even fighting over?
Who has the bigger ego, clearly... and both of these young ladies hate losing
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Fuck Sh*mmer
They're fighting over what was in the Angel's Egg
Flash Sentry of course.
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One of us
>this isn't a hoedown
Lmao evil Shimmy was fucking roasting everybody
>Pick one retard.
Of course. There's only room in my heart for one retard, and her name is Sunset Shimmer.
how do I reboot bacon
Who the two that flanking Shimmy?
One in the pink, two in the stink.
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You can try giving her an apple or a stalk of hay. If those don't work try a cup of coffee.
EqG Dyx and Anonfilly.
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Who took that pic?
I did.
Timber Spruce please.
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Twily you perv

lookin good tho
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How can one horse-woman be so cute?
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Sunset on motorcycles is so hot
I'd love to ride on Sunset' motorcycle.
That's a dirt bike not a motorcycle.
The one I posted was.
Pretty sure there's no difference.
>Pinkie flag
Say silly, now!
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I'll hit that old Shimussy
I'll make her feel like she's 10 years younger.
Shimmy's probably still so good, that she'd make us feel 10 years younger
We'll mutually feel like teenagers again.
Looking for a Sunset green or story (possibly two). I don't know if it was finished, or if there was even a lot of it. She's a pony, he's not. Starts with either her or Anon in the library. He's reading a book. Sunset wants the book - he doesn't give it up, they fight and get booted out. From this point on, it might be me mangling two stories into one. For some reason they have to stay together in her tower. There's only one bedroom because unicorn towers are just full of books and shit, so she divides the room into her bit, his bit and a shared bit. They were probably color-coded.
Did that exist or am I just retarded?
If that green exists I don't remember it.
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Shimmy likes to ride her bike slowly. She never gets overtaken though. Shimmy's glad she can feel safe on the road :)
Sunset's got such a smackable ass.
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Nigga Shimmer
God I wish that bike was me.
>Anon's Iseki life as Sunset's Dirt Bike
vroom vroom lol
Why is Celestia cosplaying as Shimmy?
Is this a sex joke?
what if Anon was Mr. Car?
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>Is this a sex joke?
Kinda, maybe? I mean - looking at Sunset's butt on the bike reminded me of some boomer-tier memes about (not) overtaking female cyclists lol
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do you not know what tanning is?
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Delicious Sunset ass.
Her sunbelt is so hot
Is there official content that says on what happened to Shimmy when she grow up?
None that I've seen.
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This pic always gives me Parasite Eve vibes
God damn look at those fuckin eyes <3
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I see you are an Anon of culture as well
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Not that Anon, but Sunset has the best eyes.
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I'd happily stare into her eyes for hours.
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