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(Escape from the Party cave edition)
Previous thread >>40950565

Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.
Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112
First for trixie
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Anon wished to be tiny in Equestria but his wish got monkey paw'd
>general dies
>barbiemaggots come in to feast on its corpse
It's Pride Month dude. This is the only time in the year when they can celebrate their diversity.
It's funny but I think Fluttershy would be the most adept at being around like that with her animal sense and shit
Her fetish guesses would certaily make Discord proud though
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this is you rn
I'm not complaining,new content >>41183629
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Why anthro though?
It's not content if it's off-topic though.
This is the micro/macro size fetish thread
Give me a simple prompt that I can draw in FiM style vector art.
Giant Ponk Pony hugs and gushes over a reluctant little Twilight
Rainbow or Twi nervously asking Giant Fluttershy what she's thinking about. Flutterbutter, upon realizing she's too big to be stopped, begins plotting lewdly.
Marble laying down while having a pony sitting down with their back against her chest fluff, Marble with her head low and nuzzling them
Limestone sitting down and crossing her legs in defiance to the tiny ponies saying she needs to "move her boulder" so the train can move or the big city carts can go about
Derpy delivering a package: It's a house, whole.
Seconding this
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Look who woke up...for better or worse
I just hope the big mare is having a better day than before...
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You think humans could come together as blade crafters for the poners? With our tech and all.
First for being inside Luna's shoes.
Poor Anon, got PTFG'd into a stallion and now every giant woman he comes into contact with is going to treat him like a stuffed animal.
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I read in another thread: "suicide by Milky" and then couldn't stop imagining the obvious
So, an worried Milky Way holding a teat in the air, while a pony/Anon lays in the ground under it, tired, saying "just let go" extra panel for her teat being too soft and molding on top of the poor soul after the initial heavy pomf, not killing despite the weight
tfw no sizeshifting stallion bf
"MMFF!! Gmmimff! I Canff ffreeff!"
>The warm, moist pressure lifts off of you as Pinkie Pie withdraws her tongue into her mouth.
>"What did you say Nonny?"
"I said I can't breathe!"
>Pinkie gasps in mock surprise.
>"Oh no! I'd better give you mouth-to-mouth then!"
>Pinkie Pie puckers her lips and moves her face closer to you.
"Pinkie Pie, stop it! You play too rough!"
>Your pleas are ignored as you scrabble backwards on the frog of her hoof, her lips drawing closer to you.
>You raise your hands and try to push her away, but given your relative sizes, it's like trying to shove an elephant.
>Her lips make contact with your face and torso, and part slightly. You can feel a suction develop on your chest.
"That isn't my mouth Pinkie!"
>Suddenly her lips part slightly further, and she tilts her face, her upper lip passing cleanly over your head.
>Then she closes her lips again, holding your torso in a soft, yet firm grip.
>As she sucks gently, her tongue rises to your face and plays with you like a lollipop.
"Seriously, let me out!!"
>You hear a giggle echo up from her throat, and she sucks a little harder, slurping up your legs like a noodle.
>You genuinely fear that she is going to eat you now.
>Instead, her tongue playfully wraps around you and presses you to the roof of her mouth.
>You struggle a bit, and then the pressure suddenly drops away, and you fall.
>Her tongue quickly presses in on you once more, slathering you with copious amounts of saliva.
>Then suddenly light reappears.
>You find yourself on the frog of Pinkie's hoof once again.
"Jeez Pinkie, you scared me! I really thought you were gonna eat me that time!"
>She giggles and snorts.
>"Yeah! It was fun though, wasn't it?"
>You blush.
>Pinkie Pie grins at you.
>"Wanna go again?"
>After a moment's hesitation, you nod.
>"Okee-dokee-lokee! Let me just roll out the red carpet for you!"
>She opens her mouth wide, and her tongue lolls out, stopping right in front of you.
>Are you really gonna do this?
>You look at yourself, covered head-to-toe in giant pony slobber already.
>Hell yeah! Let's do this!
>You rise to your feet and tentatively take a step onto Pinkie Pie's tongue.
>Pinkie Pie's breathing quickens in anticipation.
>You take two more steps before her tongue suddenly curls, grasping you, and pulls you back into her maw.
>Pinkie Pie plays with you like a peppermint candy.
>She's always careful of her teeth.
>She just thinks this is like giving you an all-over kiss.
>It's really fucking arousing.

MORAL: Vore is a shit fetish, but mouth play and tongue play are fucking hot!
>"I said I can't breathe!"
What should happen to him next?
You tell them!

Vore < Mouth play < Big kisses
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"Hey! Goddammit hugehorse, quit using my house for a footrest! I just fixed the fucking roof last week!"
>"Huh? Is someone talking to me? I can barely hear your dinky little voice there, Anon."
>She shifts her stance a bit to get more leverage against the stubborn stocking, giving you a show you really didn't need first thing in the morning.
>You blush and avert your eyes, taking a deep draught of your coffee for strength.
"Why the hell do you always have to use MY house for shit like this? Can't you go fuck up someone else's place?"
>"Nah. I like it here."
>She finishes pulling on her stockings and rolls up to her hooves.
>She sticks her face right into your personal space, such that you fear for being accidentally eaten.
>"You always make such funny noises when I come here. You're a riot, Anon!"
>She spreads her wings and lifts off, the downdraft blowing you twenty feet into the mud.
>"Later Anon!" she calls over her shoulder as she flies away.
/Fuck this place./
>You get to your feet and brush some of the mud off yourself.
/Seriously, fuck this fucking place./
>You go back inside to clean up the bits of roof that fell into your house,
/Fucking humongous horses./
I really want someone to do a comic of this green
Cooked a decent green, and topped it with a turdish spoiler.
>OP after making this thread
That Anon is way too big for the ponk to be a real comparison
Until you cook up your own green, vorefags can only DROOL
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>Oh yea, that's the spooooooot
He finds himself in a 'tug of war' between a massive Diamond Tiara and Applebloom obviously.
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Anon should consider himself lucky that this isn't her nightmare alternative. Pinkiacci wouldn't let him out of that maw, ever. Everlasting gobstopper treatment.
Mouthplay, but she just keeps you in her ass instead
Playing chess with a filly whose a cutie mark is on it and putting one's size on the line as a bet may not have been the smartest idea...
hypothetically, anons
how enthusiastic would you be to read a green of this
0, skipping as soon I noticed the premise
I remember this greentext, I really like it
And the moral is perfect
About tree fiddy if he's gonna be big
If he shrinks then like 6 or 7
Still the holy grail of MMP even after all these years. Such a perfect green.
not green, also vorecringe for boomers
>Doesn't even post the link to the green
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>Need spoonfeeding and can't find shit by himself in the bin
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Meh, open wide for little airplane. Ah~
Fan of the little stallions are you?
>Spoiler image
Snuggleproxy that you blessing us with fresh content?
Good to see you're alive if so.
>You are an earth pony stallion with an enchanted scepter that drains size from other ponies or creatures. The scepter can also infuse a single target with all the stored size it has accumulated.

So, what would you Anons do with this thing?
https://files.catbox.moe/p7h32h.png And so Anonstallion was never seen again
I have the perfect pic to work as prelude and post to this, but I'm not finding it...
Imagine feeling the winking from the inside.
Do you remember anything about the image? Not sure if I can find it either, but I could give it a shot
Anon asks Anonfilly to hide him from Twilight, rolls a d20 and gets 20 a crit, next panel has Anonfilly blushing as Twilight asks if filly saw Anon anywhere
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I drew that
Ye, that one, perfect timeline to fit aroundhue
>couldn't reverse image search it in the boorus
Explains why I couldn't find it either
>You were never seen again.
>Want to retry? YES/NO
Haven't done one of these on /mmp/ in a while I think
Well shit, I should've drawn just plain old Anon in Anonstallion's place then, oh well
Could do one of the /r/s above >>41183826
If want Anons to ask for your own, then I'd ask for this one of mine >>41185983
Have been wanting to see a Milky ever since the appul/milky draw too.

On another note, /mlp/con is about to start soon, could do a draw panel there instead, I imagine most Anon will be over there watching instead.
/r/ Sit on me
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Specialist Sunflower saluting while in her post with a bright smile. Even if the door to her post is smaller than a hoof.
Specialist Sunflower, but with me inside her shoe.
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I'll do this one >>41190631 (maybe >>41193086 too) tomorrow
>On another note, /mlp/con is about to start soon, could do a draw panel there instead, I imagine most Anon will be over there watching instead.
I considered setting up a panel there at one point, but I don't really like public spaces as it is (even on the internet), I just barely got used to streaming on Picarto and even that I haven't done for the past month or so
Thanks for the cute pic, based drawfriend
Glad to hear it :D
Cute, instead at searching for the outpost flag, ponies can just search for the outpost mare. Seems like a win win
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She's licking her lips because she wants to give you the greatest suck of your life
You’re doing Celestia’s work anon. That is top cute.
Done https://files.catbox.moe/rcdry3.png
From that point on, Anonstallion now had a good reason to live on
Outpost flags are kind of redundant now when ponies can just look for her anyways
Thank you :D
This is a very good size for Milky
please draw more milky, anon
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Floorb version of this
Milk saves lifes :sunbeam:

I was thinking on Milky being way bigger than that, to be completely smushed under the booba, but very nice still, thanks.
Also where's her tail?
>tfw no giant Tomoko and Floor Bored who share me
I bet they'd love cuddling
>Also where's her tail?
My dumbass forgot to draw it in orz
GtsTamago on twitter
this was not my fetish before but i guess it is now
Question for Growfag, if they are lurking in this thread. How goes the laptop repairs now that it's been a slight while? Going to take a guess that the parts is still in the middle of transit?
Ywn be trapped inside Princess Luna's shoes like any other piece of dirt
Oh, the part arrived just fine days ago.

It just happens that I am trapped in the lands between, prabably for a couple more more days
>You are a 50 foot tall pegasus mare in the Equestrian military. They mainly use you as a living transport craft. You can fly at supersonic speeds and have incredible strength/durability.
>4 votes
I’m a little surprised this one scored that well. Do some here like the idea of being the big one?
I certainly do Anon.
Do you always like that, or switching sizes?
If I was a giant mare that would be cool, but I'd wonder about where am I supposed to go to the bathroom.
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I switch, sure, though I'm the larger party in maybe three quarters of fantasies and roleplay sessions and such.
Being a growing pone is fun.
What do you like? Being a big gentle friend a small pony to trust and cuddle, or sitting on them, eating them etc? I could get behind the former easily, the latter it would take some work.
Behind the mountain.
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>What do you like? Being a big gentle friend a small pony to trust and cuddle, or sitting on them, eating them etc? I could get behind the former easily, the latter it would take some work.
My gentle side is definitely the rarer one. I'm quite a dominant pony, I like toying with those beneath me, teasing them, smothering them and so on. Mouthplay is top tier but I only swallow when I'm in the mood for it, which is not most of the time. When it comes to smothering that could involve any part of me. Snuffing happens sometimes, more regularly when I get fuckhuge but not at, uh, "smaller" giant sizes like 20:1.
unf So what do you like about being small in the remaining quarter of scenarios? Do you like receiving what you dish out?
Make sure to feed your mares plenty of oats
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For the most part they mirror the big scenarios, only with me in the smaller role. Less true for roleplays, though, since the roleplay partners I have aren't as dominant on a typical day. I don't get the roughest treatment often but it's great when I do.
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I don’t know where you begin to find people like this but we are starting to get off topic. Still interesting to find a someone with tastes such as your own. I was expecting this to be bottom only thread.
My cringy confession is that I sometimes roleplayed as Ultramare
I want to pamper her
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>Still interesting to find a someone with tastes such as your own. I was expecting this to be bottom only thread.
Most /mmp/ anons are quite submissive indeed. Maybe it's different for me since I want to be the pone.
I mean, I want to be the little green pone, but here we are.

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