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New Tamers mlp kino tomorrow bros.
what a nightmare
kino countdown
>stuck at work again
welp have fun people
Dear fucking god, I hope he doesn't get in trouble for that thumbnail
Fuck yes, kino is back on the menu. /co/ on suicide watch
Man, if I could be a NEET I totally would. I don’t even care about ruining my social life. I have so many things I want to do that don’t cost money that would take too much time. I fucking hate being a wagie. At least I have a big enough nest egg to go to Marefair
We fucking won.

This is a bit later than normal so I'll actually be able to catch the premier instead of being stuck driving home while kino is airing.
I wonder if we'll see and hear any Brae-braps in this episode, not that I'd like that, I'm just curious.
Fuck all of you retards, seriously. Stop spamming this shit on /mlp/. This belongs on /co/. >inb4 but it's pony. I don't give a fuck, make an exception. Tamers does not fucking belong on /mlp/.
i think the above poster might dislike tamers a bit, just a hunch
i think it was bait
And if you retards can't tell: his MLP parodys get 3x as many views and that's the only reason he keeps doing them. He's not /ourguy/ or watever the fuck you fags think. Just some retard who got a little bit of fame, and then did what was trending on tiktok, and then got a little more fame. Fuck off seriosly, this is the worst youtuber ive ever seen be spammed on 4chan.
>le heckin dislike XD haha your mad and im happy
I wish i could still think like this but im not a retarded 14 year old anymore :(
Could've fooled us.
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What's the matter, gonna cry? Do something about it.
Fuck tamers, unfunny worthless spam that needs to be on either /co/ or /trash/. Guarantee you he himself has 0 respect for his fans
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You're making a lot of assumptions over someone you've never met.
I was coming here to complain about the same thing. This reminds me of the bland "comedy" that the stoner kids I hung out with in college were into. I've said it before, but the text-to-speech kills any hope these videos had to be funny. Both the robotic tone and awkward timing. I wouldn't go as far as to say it should be banned from the board, but it's just as unfunny as the PONY.MOV shorts.
I know what it's like to have a following & kno what ur posting is garbagfe. Watching ur retarded followers flock like fucking termites because you became the right thing at the right time. Not on my fucki g board. All of u retards GTFO my board back to /co/
He’s probably fine, it’s pretty standard as far as Tamers thumbnails go

Can’t wait for more passive aggressive Twilight
> You look like an heirloom tomato, if we were in the kitchen I’d accidentally put you on a sandwich

I’m not gonna lie, before the pony episodes I wasn’t sure how well he was going to handle such a heavy female cast, but Tamers did not disappoint!
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I like both
Who the fuck are you, dumbass? Go on and post whatever you have that garnered a following, if you have the balls to.
And "you became the right thing at the right time"? It's fucking 2024, ponies haven't been relevant in almost a decade.
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I think tamers is funny when uncle chucks spanish voice fucks up the english words. itts just an endless stream of pure humor to me. Im also retarded, but probably not as retarded as the anons botching and moaning about these videos

>more pony content BAD because i dont like!!!11

Of coutrse you. Hey guess what??>?
>Knock Knock
Who'se there
>knock knock
whose there

Noooooo u don't get it it's funny BECAUSE its bad!!!!!

OOOOOOooohhhhh that makes sense!!!

>knock knock

Seriously fuck you. Anyone who likes tamers needs to be permab& for being underage. 4chan is 18+ only


I am drunk which is why my posts are so epic right now.
I like both
meh. was the last one any better than the first one? haven't watched it yet.
It was some shite anime breakcore i made $2000 probably Tamers made $10k doing this shit
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Feels like I'm back on /v/
Fuck off retard dont you have MS paint slop to watch. They're about to reveal the epic lore of why rarity shit herself and twilight said niggerfaggot boner poopy XDDDD
>more pony content BAD because i dont like!!!11
wouldn't this logic also apply to neurodivergent poc lgbt+ humanizations and redesigns? we're just gonna lap up trans trixie because it's "more pony content"?
Make yuor text to speech read my post... COMEDY GOLD XDDD no u dont get it ITS FUNNY BECAUSE ITS BAD XDDDD i thoguht this "Comedy" style died a decade ago
Just admit you're jealous, dude.
Hey goober, Twilight never said 'niggerfaggot boner poopy XDDDD'. You'd know that if you actually watched Tamers tho. We are going to get the answer to why Rarity shit herself tho.
what iff......

twilite sparkle pooiped....

and rainbo dash said bad words

and the whole thing was MS paint....

and text to speech....



it's "KINO" guys TEEHEE....

that's it ive had enough of you fags

If I had to guess, Rarity probably just did it for attention
You'll be back to bitch again, bitch. You're clearly addicted to the attention.
I'm raelly not, personally i would get bored making this slop and i know it's not paying the bills so yea
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See you in the next thread when he posts another video.
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yeah and i dont like neurodivergent poc lgbt+ humanizations and redesigns either but the difference is i am a blatant hypocrite and retarded and couldnt care less what other people think

anyone hoping for more braemac? I want to see that twink get his ass stretched while he whimpers and moans like a girl
not gonna lie, baitanon kind of has a point. this shit just isn't funny. at all.
If i found out he's making a living doing this i would eb veru jealous but i kno he aint. Thas what it comes down to
Sorry you have poor taste, anon. This is old-fandom style kino in the year 2024.
so you can't even stick to your own guns? fitting that you would like something like this.
This is your brain on rewatch humor.
Please stay here and continue to be upset.
I'm more of a tamers watcher then MLP but his recent videos got me re-interested. Is it similar at all to how he depicts it in his videos? Like homosexual undertones or whatever?
He has 204 paying patrons at $3 minimum, and he seems to live in a pretty low-cost place, so he might be.
>Like homosexual undertones or whatever?
It feels like BraeMac is to MLP what Sleengo is to SU.
it is very fitting, thanks. You pointing this out has changed nothing and i will still watch the video when it comes out. then i will get back on 4chan and whine about eqg threads just like I always do.
Oh wow, look at all these completely different anons upset with a Tamers thread! They must all be friends considering their posting styles are so alike! Clearly we have no choice but to never talk about Tamers again
best post ITT
Most of your Patreon supporter's payments are gonna bounce. It's pretty easy to spoof these subscription sites. Not exactly something a creator can complain about publically and not look like an asshole. But yea, that's not a good indicator of how much money a creator's making.
Well there’s like 3 or 4 males in the entire show so I have to assume most couples are F/F. Also there’s no way Braeburn likes chicks
he should make one about discord picking his nose and shidding.
Literal Reddit humor lmao!!
His Patreon's been up for like seven years, he'll be fine
NTA but that's mostly for porn based or exclusive content patreons, Tamers on the other hand doesn't even post anything on there worth chargebacking for. Anyways I bought his game off itch.io so I know that he is at least seeing some real revenue even besides patreon.
>that thumbnail
Tamers knows we ponychads support him unlike the /co/tards. Just look at the fanservice in all of his MLP episodes so far. Not even Florachads got that much.
Isn't this the same guy who used to scream about people who like modern sonic ?
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Used to?
>alaayna, domingo you wana watch my little pony
Yep it is him though when did he started liking mlp?
His mom got him into it.
>Carlos is already shitting up the thread
Who would win in a fight Tamers or Mariotehplumber?
>Who would win in a f-
Why do you keep bringing up Mariotehplumber, anyway?
Really I seen no other MTP talk during this thread at all so I confused at what you mean?
I hope we get more episodes after this
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Someone mentioned him in the plus4chan thread, and I doubt it's a coincidence.
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Aleena pony
do she be stinking and farting?
Oh that was me I just find them both to be similar that is all.
Oddly enough Tamers hasn't made Aleena fart once. It's cool he's making the mares fart though.
He updates his supporter list every video and many of them have been there for years
Negative attention is still attention. We're the closest thing he has to friends
Tamers clearly likes making them, and they get a lot of views so I don't see him stopping
Some crazy son of a bitch needs to make a fart/shit counter for each character.
On that note, I think Sleet's only farted/sharted twice, once in Sleet and Dingo Origins and once in the Legends of the Hidden Temple episode
Aleena did poop her fucking pants one episode but I can’t remember which one exactly, maybe Sonic Finds His Father
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Hi Carlos, still mad that Tamers won't make your ship canon?
When is Fang gonna be added to this guy's videos?
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There's only room in this bitch for one purple, snaggle-toothed bounty hunter, and his name ain't Nack
Premiere time is impossible to catch for Euros. No stream.
qrd? Don't keep up with tamers lore
An annoying /pol/fag from Brazil or some shit, he's been plaguing these threads for a bit, picking fights and begging for Tamers to put Tails into the show, he also draws his "OC", which is a green Tails, doing stupid shit like giving Flora a George Floyd-themed valentine's day card. Also he's like 16
Though I'm not sure this guy's actually Carlos, I think people call a lot of annoying people Carlos because they're worried he's disguising himself (AKA taking off how name)
He's from Panama and spends most of his time on incel forums kvetching about brown people and not being able to get a girlfriend. You're 100% correct on everything else though
Wouldn't they be friends as they both hate modern sonic
Mariotehplumber probably hates Modern Sonic for the wrong reasons
He doesn't he said he makes these videos for his mom because she's a huge mlp fan
File deleted.
>>41185064 >>41185050

Yeah it was towards the end when she finds the triplets she said she shit her pants like 8 times out of fear
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Thinking about re-watching FiM again thanks to Tamers. I forgot how good the show was until the 11th anniversary cytube stream where they played all the early episodes throughout the night. It really showcased the drop in quality as the series went on, hell I stopped keeping up with MLP after the Season 7 finale. I tried finishing the rest a couple years ago but I got halfway through Season 9 and tapped out, it just wasn't doing it for me. Honestly I haven't been on this board since the second Antithology, hope things are going well.
Yeah, as a non-NEET Europoor I've just resigned myself to the fact that Tamers videos are for watching while eating breakfast 6-7 hours after the premiere
Lol the /co/ thread is fucking dead.
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No, Tamers said the my little pony episodes are for his mom. Tamers doesn't care about views
>Guarantee you he himself has 0 respect for his fans
Back when his twitter messages were open I sent him one of animations for a school project he broke character a bit to tell me how much he liked it and that he'd like to see other things whenever I get anything done, so I'm gonna disagree on that. Tamers is a edgy but he's also an artist who cares for his fanbase
Have you seen how many of us there are in his credits? If we're all donating $3 a month it's absolutely a livable income for Tamers, especially since he live din the midwest with low cost of living
People seem to forget Tamers is a character played by the man behind the screen.
This is clearly a troll, right? I can't see this being an actual retard due to the amount of effort and dedication being put into this.
>I can't see this being an actual retard due to the amount of effort and dedication being put into this.
I don't understand your reasoning. The amount of effort and dedication would make me think the opposite, you don't make this kind of shit consistently for well over a decade while slowly improving your skills as a troll.
Tamers isn’t lying when he says SU fans have it rough. You can make over a decade of Sonic Underground content and still get accused of being insincere.
SU fans face more discrimination than native Americans in the holocaust.
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I would agree. The first one was pretty neat because it was fucking weird and new (at least to me) and also had some weirdly deep moments, but the second one was just "haha ponies who are supposed to be about friendship are actually MEAN to each other isn't that just so funny and ironic and cool?" Sure man, like that hasn't been done a billion times before.

I do like the random pony style changes though, and especially when he gives them actually nice hips/asses.
oh, still belongs on /mlp/ for sure, and I can understand why they garner such big threads, but it's not really my cup of tea overall
> "haha ponies who are supposed to be about friendship are actually MEAN to each other isn't that just so funny and ironic and cool?" Sure man, like that hasn't been done a billion times before.

Well the difference is Tamers is actually funny. The other abridged mlp series aren’t really watchable when you aren’t 12 anymore imo
>RDP and FiW aren't watchable anymore
>but butt, poop, and fart jokes enjoyed by actual 12 year olds is
I see your bait and give you a (You)
I'm still going to watch it to see if it's a bit more redeemable than last time, but I'm not holding my breath
I don't get what the big deal about all this is in general, but I'm biased because his style and type of humor isn't my cup of tea. Still I don't understand the people sucking off tamers and I don't understand the people shitting on him either.
They aren’t, I tried rewatching. Only episode 8 and 9 of FiW kind of hold up. There’s more to Tamers then poop jokes, he’s very good at writing dialogue
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I liked the second episode more but whatever.
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Love that both dangerous weapons wielded in that episode were Rainbow Dash-themed, it hints at how dangerous of an individual she is.
I love that Tamers hates Rarity.
Same here
Hey there /co/, welcome. Please stay in your thread
At least .mov has better sound, timing, and art. Max made sure to give his mean spirited universe an underlying heart, so that it was overall enjoyable when the few chuckle worthy bits came. Tamers on the other hand is a constant barrage of ugly, mean, robotic, poop humor and irony that after 7 minutes I was done.
What is this thread.
Idk, tamers works overtime, you think its mean spirited but now rainow dash is fucked having to brap out a whole sonic rainboom
Shes gonna face her moralitiy
Colors of the rainbow was good too
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>but it's just as unfunny as the PONY.MOV shorts.
Tamers is an interesting case where you don't stay for the funny, you stay for the heart which peaks out from time to time and the surprisingly intricate storylines that weave through multiple episodes.

Tamers already said he has multiple videos ready and complete, and after somebody complained about how alicorn twilight is a hasbro fanfic Tamers said he was aware and that will be addressed in the story. The characters also don't have cutie marks in this series which Tamers jokes about not knowing what cutie marks were, but also implied that there is a story reason for it. Likely, in contrast to his Sonic Underground series with is a direct continuation of Sonic Underground, the Tamers12345 FiM series takes place in an alternate timeline than the one from the show.
Not a mlp fan so can anyone tell me what a sonic rainboom is?
It's the most powerful fart Rainbow Dash is able to muster in her nasty Pegasus ass. It's so powerful it launches her at hypersonic speeds. The stench is also so profound it kills anything that takes 1 breath of it in.
It's some /co/ spam. They shouldn't be allowed here, I'm annoyed, they should be outright banned or at least contained to a containment board.
Isn't that how it works? You bitch and moan enough and things you don't like end up getting removed? We got our own place now, like you wanted /co/cksuckers, you are not allowed here.
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>This half ironic scat fetish fic has sovl and epic lore that requires a high IQ to understand.
It's a sonic boom that Rainbow Dash can do by going really fast. An explosion that knocks you on your ass
Rainbow Dash flies really fast and creates a sonic boom that also creates a giant rainbow shockwave that stretches across the sky.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Tamers. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of scatology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head.
Personally. As long as they stay in their singular thread and leave once it dies, I can put up with them.
I just don't want /co/ to contaminate our board
Yes, faggot.
No, fuck that - they wanted us gone so much that bitched and moaned until we got GR15. If they want to discuss their trash, they should make their own imageboard.
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Best pony killing worst pony. Tamers got 20% cooler.
As a frequent on mlp and a lifelong fan of tamers I love these boards and the fact that I have a place to talk about it with. I don't see why it's a problem when it's 1 board every couple weeks, you could just stay out of it. We all know you're just pissed your ai boards about filly asses are being completely overshadowed by top quality /Tamer/Ponies voluptuous behinds
It's about the principle, no quarter to /co/cksuckers.
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Being a lifelong fan ain't so hard when you were born yesterday.
What are you predictions? Go. Mine are
>Rainbow Dash and Twilight will be shipped together, probably one-sided on Twilight because Rainbow Dash already seemingly has a crush on Pinkie Pie.
>Rainbow Dash will fart while doing the Sonic Rainboom and cause a catastrophic event
>There will be a Sonic Underground reference because of the name "sonic rainboom" or Sonic and/or Bartleby will actually show up.
Welp the /co/ thread just died guess we won /mlp/bros
I don't know why you would think Twilight and RD will be shipped together. Anyway I think Applejack will choke someone again.
/co/ is so shit. Tamers is definetly doing these /mlp/ episodes just to kill off his audience on /co/ ever since that dox. Guarantee this was gonna be a one off deal before than.
If it's about the Sonic Rainboom, I bet the Wonderbolts will show up, and the episode'll take place in Cloudsdale.
I doubt it, people were already talking about his personal shit years ago so I bet he just likes the horses now
This is different though. They doxxed him because he did an MLP episode.
>They doxxed him
*One person did that, noone else did. Don't group everyone with that absolute dickhead.
So that's further evidence that these /co/ threads do not belong here and they are still assblasted about pony. /co/ should become a containment board, GR15 needs to be removed, and pony needs to be allowed on all boards. It's painfully clear that the rule was made to cater to unreasonable, retarded autists who cannot let go.
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Tamers is already fully aware, you can tell from the last episode he used a specifc location from his iconic photo where one of the anons told where he specifically lived.
Rainbow dash will die
Tamers is pony now
As.someone who knows Tamers in real life he is definitely doing this to mess with /co/tards .
Reddit thread
Are people on here mad that this is the one of most alive threads on this dead board
Honestly, based.
Oh yeah, which one?
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These faces are magical.
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twilight drawn by ken penders
yeahhh just about what I expected
Sexy mare farts
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Fuck your board borders
ALL bow to bardonic
From 4chan to the mainsteamest of facebook
All is tamers12345
Damn, I guess no fluttershy this episode
this might be too gay for me bros...
that was INCREDIBLY gay
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thought it was cause his mom wanted them
I wasnt expecting tamers go THAT gay lmao
despite making up 3% of the population, unicorns make up 88% of all crime
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holy SHIT
Applejack is pretty based
soarburn fuck yeah
i hate that im going to fucking jack off to that scene. i hate being a faggot coomer.
>the gay redneck ponies are the only ones not drawn grotesquely
Its clear where tamers' loyalties lie
based rainbow
here comes the thumbnail
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as you should
i already did. fucking hate myself. its fucking tamers. im such a fucking loser. fucking damn it
Kek, I called the atomic fart. Also Unf.
>best pony
That's it, get in the retard bin
Damn that ending got a little too real.
So is fluttershy just not gonna appear in these videos anymore, I think tamers said he doesn’t care about her despite her appearances in the first two videos. I hope that changes.
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another kino episode
I hate fags so damn much. Stallion niggers should kill themselves instantly.
I like tamers but holy fuck you're a pretentious faggot. It's funny gay poop humor not some secret deep art
I wonder if Soarbrae will become the Bardonic for this series
This was a very gay episode, but it was pretty kino as well.
if there's another one, I'm only going to watch it for the big mac, braeburn, soarin triangle. but goddamn did I really dislike it other than that.
soarin rather looked tired rather than happy to see braeburn, but hopefully it'll turn out alright.
Tamers really pushing the youtube censors with this one holy fucking shit
Really fun episode. I'm glad these are happening every other SU episode now.
i liked the last episode more
can't agree
Tamers is actually kinda good at drawing stuff when he's not trying to make it look like ass for comedic effect
The singular slice of pepperoni for the road lmao idk who’s more funny Twilight or Celestia
Here’s my ranking
Birthday>sonic and bartleby>rainboom
Still all really funny but I liked the birthday episode the best
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I like this tiny twilight
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i have been converted. I am no longer a braemac fan. I am all soarburn now.
So the movie "Something Borrowed" must be one of Tamers' fave films as that's where Phil Dutra's music that Tamers uses all the time is from.
Are you new to Tamers? Rest assured scenes like that aren’t uncommon. Pretty similar one in the Goodwill episode
I'd say Celestia, she's becoming my favorite of Tamers' continuation so far. That and I like how her voice is the only one that actually is trying to be as accurate to her real voice so it really sticks out.
I respect your opinion but the birthday episode felt so short wven though it wasn't really. The second half just felt empty or something. So it's Sonic & Bartleby>Rainboom>Birthday for me but all of these episodes are great.
That was kino. I'm also not sure how to feel how good Tamers is at drawing gay ponies.
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I viewed it as he saw the bruise on Braeburn's face, and he knew Big Mac did it. And realized Braeburn was lying about being in a relationship with Big Mac because he was embarrassed about Big Mac was abusing him
Tamers realized what he could get away with after the Flora spanking scene and is only growing more powerful
Well, you got one of those things correct
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That was a lot better than I expected.
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embrace it
The superior Phil Dutra song

>Introduced Soarin in a Rainbow Dash Centric video
>Tamers immediately cuts off any possible chemistry between him and Rainbow Dash because she's too racist for him
Fuck, this takes me back to when everybody shipped Soarburn. I jumped when Big Mac called Braeburn a worthless coltcuddler. Tamers know the mlp lingo.
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>Starlight fucking dies
Literally the best thing Tamers has ever done
So who's going to clip this?
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I wonder if she's really gone for good, somebody should ask Tamers
Not to mention Twilight being allowed to take two guest but deciding to take nobody, she really takes after Celestia with how based she is
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Every time I watch these something in my brain gets nostalgic for jerking off to these horses 10+ years ago and tells me to do it again.
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Cute fillies
Amazing episode, I can't wait for the next one.
based foal fucker
Scootaloo's obsession with Rainbow Dash is very funny to me.
There we different slapping noises whenever it cut to a different shot of Braeburn being spanked.....
I just did.
Oh cool the new tamers episode is ou >>41186898 OH MY GOODNESS
>most replayed
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I would've posted the clip sooner, but like >>41186914 I got distracted
I'm really torn now ;_;
can someone make a gif of the apple inbred family?
Why did Tamers make Braeburn so fucking cute? Fuck you Tamers you turned me into a faggot
We’ve gotten BraeMac and SoarBurn so far, do we think Tamers is gonna throw another one into the mix? There’s only so many male characters.
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>I'm really torn now ;_;

braeburn deserves nothing but the best, and if soarin is accepting to him, and if big mac mistreats him every day and blames it on his anger issues, I'd rather have soarburn.
We should have always knew Soarburn was endgame, they're literally Bartleby and Sonic Aesthetically
That’s just what Tamers does to people man. He’s made me fall in love with a blonde mink, a purple wolf, an orange dingo, and an old pale blue hedgehog.
Probably my favorite so far I hope we find out what happens next for Soarin and Braeburn in the next episode.
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>a purple wolf
She's a hedgehog too.
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you were always a faggot anon, you just needed some braeburn in your life to let your inner coltcuddler blossom
I'm not gay but I wish that were me.
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Official response.
>Spanking shots
>Face shots
*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
It's really interesting because Tamers has never done an M/M/M love triangle before. I can't see him adding another one in unless it's for Big Mac
Yeah, it's a much healthier ship and leaves Big Mac for me ;)
He really knows what his fans like!
Tamers absolutely refusing to call them ponies and just calling them horses kills me every time
He's so cute bros ;_;
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>"Look at that anon, Applejack. He thinks we're stupid when he's the one wearing clothes. Everypony knows horses don't wear clothes."
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purple tomoko pony
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My one question is why did Soarin try to out Braeburn during the Spitfire hospital scene? He didn't have to try and do him in like that, unless he was trying to act more like a stereotypical pegasus to get on Dash's good side.
But then Rainbow shoots him down by covering for Braeburn, so maybe that for him that was just the nail in the coffin to stop trying.

This is probably true. I'd have a hard time believing Soarin took Braeburn's words at face value, considering Big Mac's expression, but they hardly know each other, so he might have.

that is one damn fine image anon
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This one gave me flashbacks to gym class
Braeburn chose wrong. Big Mac rawdogged him publicly in the streets and then cuddled. What did Soarin do other than accidentally slam into him?
dr whooves, as a mudpony, definitely dead tho
He was asking and dash gave a very straightforward answer.
The multiple Tamers theory is 100% bullshit that a bunch of retards made up. This episode was pretty good my favorite part was the Phil Dutra is in hell joke.
Soarin gave him his hat which fell on the ground and gave him a ride
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Who’s a hedgehog?
I love how vindictive AJ is in these videos.
>Soarin gave him his hat which fell
Which Soarin knocked off.
>and gave him a ride
Big Mac gave Braeburn a better ride in the middle of the street
I don't believe a word of what Tamers writes in the comments section
Worlds most closeted brony.
A bit of hope, yay! Little does he know Glim is considered the most powerful unicorn.
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>My one question is why did Soarin try to out Braeburn during the Spitfire hospital scene?
I think he's just being direct, but is too much of a himbo to realize the implications
>This is probably true. I'd have a hard time believing Soarin took Braeburn's words at face value, considering Big Mac's expression, but they hardly know each other, so he might have.
Yeah, I think his feelings are mixed here. He's happy to see Braeburn, sad to see he's been hurt by his lover, and relieved that he's left him
While that was mega hot, Big Mac doesn't respect him, and unlike Sonic he's not into that
>Which Soarin knocked off.
He's playing the long game!
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Now that I think of it, what if Soarin isn't gay, but is just a friendly but oblivious hetero? Sure he's been nice to Braeburn, and Braeburn's clearly into him, but there's not even been any lustful glances on Soarin's part
Tamers looking to ship any characters who are blue and yellow like bardonic and he just so happens to choose the most popular FiM slash ship from the early 2010s is pretty great
Can Tamers do a guest story for Stc online ? As I think Tamers writing a story in the Fleetwayverse would be pretty funny.
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Do we think Tamers is setting up an evil Twilight storyline? Tamers talked before the stream about how Alicorn twilight will be addressed and that she probably won't be one for long, and this episode seemed to imply Celestia is considering choosing another as her pupil. alicorn rainbow dash incoming...?
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>Tamers looking to ship any characters who are blue and yellow like bardonic
lmao, that's probably it
>he just so happens to choose the most popular FiM slash ship
Really? I would've figured BraeMac was more popular, even if SoarBurn is really cute
Those require you to write in the Fleetway continuity, which doesn't include Bartleby. Also, Sonic's a snarky asexual, not a hedonistic homo in Fleetway
That'd be really interesting
>I think he's just being direct, but is too much of a himbo to realize the implications
He seems to be smart enough to question and reject the prevailing racism that his own race widely partakes in, so I'm not sure if I can agree with you there. There's at least something pulsing behind those bright green eyes.
>Yeah, I think his feelings are mixed here. He's happy to see Braeburn, sad to see he's been hurt by his lover, and relieved that he's left him
Agreed on that, though dunno if Soarin knows he's left Big Mac yet. I don't recall Brae taking his things from Sweet Apple Acres, and instead just kinda left in haste, understandably.
Original - https://files.catbox.moe/vjuabs.mp4
AI Dash - https://files.catbox.moe/2v2gcs.mp4
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>be with somepony who sates your needs but is abusive and doesn't respect you
>or forever pine after somepony who doesn't feel the same way for you
to the salt-lickin' bar with ye
>what if Soarin isn't gay, but is just a friendly but oblivious hetero?
The more I think about it, the more I think this is probably the case. I mean, we did see very clearly in the beginning about how he was trying to flirt with Rainbow (unsuccessfully), so unless he's bi, Brae might still be in for a world of hurt.

this is really nice anon
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>My one question is why did Soarin try to out Braeburn during the Spitfire hospital scene?
Because if Braeburn was gay, Soarin would have had him executed because being gay is a crime in Cloudsdale.
That's a fun idea but it seems like Celestia enjoys having Twilight as her bitch. Also Twilight and Rainbow Dash made up which doesn't seem like something they would do if he's setting them up as enemies.
Thanks anon, this is cute.
that smug look from rainbow dash says otherwise
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I'm glad you guys like it. I immediately knew I was going to make these when I saw that scene.
>He seems to be smart enough to question and reject the prevailing racism that his own race widely partakes in, so I'm not sure if I can agree with you there.
I'm wondering if being a member of the Wonderbolts means he's above the law when it comes to being gay, or if there's something else going on here
>Agreed on that, though dunno if Soarin knows he's left Big Mac yet. I don't recall Brae taking his things from Sweet Apple Acres, and instead just kinda left in haste, understandably.
I get the feeling he's left him (for now at least), but decided to get out of there asap after Big Mac hit him since there's no way he can stand up to him physically. As for what Soarin knows, he can see Braeburn's been crying, been hit, and that he left in a rush (he's missing his hat and has been running). If he hasn't worked it out, Braeburn will probably tell him
Wow, that sounds surprisingly good!
I think most of us have been in a similar situation where we misinterpret a clueless straight guy's friendliness for flirting. It sucks that gaydar can sometimes be a wishful thinking-dar instead
>unless he's bi
Now that'd be a twist! Technically he wouldn't be gay, so it's not illegal. Also, most of Tamers' straight characters are at least somewhat gay (Knuckles, Manic, Aleena, etc)
I mean it’s possible he’s just very friendly but idk I wouldn’t fly someone around riding on my back just to be nice
Mariotehplumber hands down
Looks like 2 more episodes of kino, boys.
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I crack up every time Celestia's on screen
That's the thing though, oblivious heterosexuals do some of the gayest stuff ever. I once went on (what I thought was) a date with a guy and he fed me some of his gelato with his spoon. Turns out he was just being friendly ;_;
I really hope it becomes an ongoing thing
Not only do I agree but this guy is the biggest mariotehplumber ripoff I ever saw literally all of his live action videos are just mtp videos but not funny and his animated videos are just fart jokes.
I'm not gay but I genuinely feel bad for Braeburn, wherever he decides to go with his storyline I just hope he ends up happy in the end.
It's a bit sad knowing that these videos will eventually stop but I'm happy we even got more than 1.
It’s pretty great how every Tamers character, regardless of status, all eat the same Dollar General snacks. Poor Twilight didn’t even some shredded cheese with her singular slice of pepperoni.

Man I really hope Soarin isn’t leading on Braeburn, he needs someone that treats him right. Damn anon I’m sorry
His mom likes them. So he is definitely gonna make more than 5.

Tamers is definetly a horsefucker, or was at one point, there is IRL vids of him and he has a Twi plush on his bed. The mom thing is just a part of the character he's playing.
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Tamers answered that. Soarin is also gay and it was his gaydar going off. Big mac realized which is why he kept calling Soarin "that faggot pegasus"
He at least says if people keep watching them and they get views he'll keep them going, and with his latest mlp videos getting twice the amount of views as his sonic underground videos, I'd be shocked if he stopped
Shut up Ronald no one likes your streams now do an hero faggot
what the fuck kind of a straight man does that
I'm sorry anon
So braeburn has to choose the abusive incest or the closet case at that point he should just give up on both and pick me
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>Big mac realized which is why he kept calling Soarin "that faggot pegasus"
shit how I could forget that/not make the connection? well that settles it then
I love that the only difference between Celestia and the rest is that she can afford to add extra cheese and pepperoni to her pizzas Thanks anon, it was a long time ago so it's nbd
He knows way too much about the source material to not be a fan. At the very least he'll have watched a large number of episodes to get the backgrounds
That's good to hear, at least SoarBurn has a chance!
In hindsight, he was European. They're just a lot more comfortable with physical contact.
It is kinda odd how someone wants to startup a rivalry between Tamers and this other guy. Anyone that's watched even a small amount of Tamers' videos should know he doesn't give a shit about things like that
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What couples in the Tamersverse have broken up, Manic and Mindy in the episode about finding Sonic's dad, Aleena and the aforementioned Sonic's dad, and now Braeburn and Big Mac?
It seems pretty rare, and this could be the first time one of them finds someone new instead of them getting back together or never finding someone else.
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I arrive at a foreign board to ask the traditional question for all Tamerschads; What was your favorite part of the video, anon?
Also out of curiosity I want to know how many of you in this thread are newfags to Tamers from /mlp/, and how many of you are regulars from the /co/ threads
I've been into tamers since 2015-2016. Also my favorite part was the bit where the ponies were trying to get on the bus.
This needs to stop. I didn't even know he made a new video because it can't be posted on /co/. When will we get rid of GR15? I feel dirty, like I've failed to support him by shitting up the YT chat when it was live, and asking him inane, stupid questions...
that would be quite the arc for him because while on one hand he's fine with at least not openly displaying his faggotry in public, he'd have a hard time with A. denying it to others and B. having Soarin need to deny it to others if only so that they don't get executed.
the only solution I could at least see right now is having Soarin move to Appleoosa/Equestria proper, but considering Soarin's job, that might not be possible.

my favorite part was braeburn manning up and walking out on big mac, good for him. I think I had heard of the series/creator once before, but have only started watching because of the pony episodes. I'll probably only watch the pony episodes.
Okay anon as the guy who originally brought Mariotehplumber up I need to clarify some things 1. The guy you are responding to is a complete asshole who had have a campaign the last few months to take Ronald better known as Ballish down for no reason 2. Even though Tamers and MTP do have a lot in common claiming that Tamers rip mtp off is totally false and if you honestly believe that you are a idiot .
I been a Tamers fan since I first discovered him back in 2016
There were a lot of good parts but if I had to pick one it would be Applejack shooting Spitfire. The slut deserved it. I'm a newfag to tamers, but I've been watching a lot of his videos since the first mlp crossover video came out. I hope the next mlp video has more violence.
Also forget to say my favorite part which was the SoarBurn scenes and the Phil Dutra jokes.
Tamers has referenced mlp before. If anything he was probably a fan of the show but didn't want to pivot off his Sonic obsession back when it would have been relevant to do MLP
If it happens, this will be the first time we get to see a breakup and new relationship start
>Aleena and the aforementioned Sonic's dad
They're still together, just physically separated for unknown reasons. Tamers has stated they're still married a few times
I've been a fan since 2015, and while I liked the entire episode, Braeburn's spanking was the highlight for me
I always mention the new episode and link to the threads on plus4chan https://boards.plus4chan.org/sssr/t639.html
>my favorite part was braeburn manning up and walking out on big mac, good for him.
Yeah, that part was really touching
Fair enough. I don't know who any of these people are so I don't have an opinion on them. I was just saying that starting up a rivalry wouldn't work because Tamers doesn't care about drama
Most episodes are violent, but this one was relatively mild (aside from the nuclear blast)
Those were great, and it's always fun when Tamers adds in a reoccurring joke for the episode
>plus4chan still exists
godDAMN son
Thanks for listening to me anon also here is a good video to watch if you don't know who Mariotehplumber is https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=MoaOyNi5VJI&pp=ygUPbWFyaW90ZWhwbHVtYmVy
Also I honestly don't understand why that anon wants drama either as mariotehplumber actually used to comment on Tamers videos back in the day.
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I'm sad because I missed the discussion when the episode was airing... I feel like a fat gay retard because I didn't think it was possible for him to release two full-length episodes a week apart from each other... It never occurred to me that he stockpiled these for release close to each other...
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You dumb bitch.
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Favorite moment was Braeburn leaving Big Mac, Brae's abuse felt too real, so I hope it's actually over.

My favorite funny moment/joke is, while I was getting tired of the statistics joke by the time Twilight was writing about it, her talking about having to look up or make up stuff to counter it was super funny to me. Runner-ups are "Talk about blowing up" because I said the exact same thing right before Rarity did, the concept that the Apple family is so inbred that they're considered one person, I also liked when Applejack shot Spitfire.
My favorite moment was Rainbow Dash not reading the room and trying to kiss Twilight after the latter gave her speech on how friendship is magic. I've been in that situation so much throughout my life (needing pep talks before doing something that's supposed to kill me) that I really associated with her in that moment.
It just turned 18 and celebrated by opening the Sonic board!
No worries, I'll check his stuff out soon
I use the browser extension feedbro so I'm notified the minute Tamers releases a new video
>Brae's abuse felt too real
Yeah, they obviously care for each other but Big Mac treated him horribly. With Bartleby and Sonic the abuse is consensual but here it's clearly not
I don't care about this shit and want you /co/ unironic faggots off my board. You don't get to force us out and then just litter the place with your trash. This garbage shouldn't be allowed on the site.
It’s not just the homos. Knuckles is abusive to Sonia. Aleena destroys Flora’s ass. Everyone in the Tamersverse is an asshole.
Don't forget that the episode opened with Celestia using her magic to beat the shit out of Twilight in her pre-birthday gamer Cheetos craze that could only be satiated by adding cheap, low-quality pepperoni and Kraft cheese to an already low-quality pizza square.
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Man, I really want some fucking Cheetos now, and not just because they're orange like Dingo's butt
I'm surprised Twilight was even able to kill her in the first video.
Since Tamers doesn't give a shit about MLP and is just making these spin-off videos for his momma (and now some of his audience since it was received better than his Zatch Bell spin-off), I'm willing to overlook such a clear mistake in terms of power scaling.
That was probably just her catching Celestia off-guard
Exactly. Literally every relationship (romantic or otherwise) in the Tamersverse is physically violent at some point. Even Tamers himself is violent towards his creations
She was physically weakened by casting the world ending spell, fighting the other ponies, and not having the Gatling gun she stores in her butt crack
That too. It's probably pretty rare for someone to try and fight her
I really like this about tamers videos too. But it's because I'm gay and despise bland squeaky-clean gay couples that are plastered in everything. To be human is to be an asshole, if you can't write a certain group of people as assholes under any circumstances, you're not acknowledging them as human.
That's because most people don't think gays are human. The same can be said of anyone who isn't white. I think the last time a non-white was ever considered human was some dude named Othello, and that was lifetimes ago. I think the last non-straight person that was human was Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Holy shit, annoying retard alert. This thread is here because it’s about mlp fan content. Fucking Duh.
Well said. I absolutely hate being spoken down to in mainstream media where token gays are perfect and can do no wrong. It was better when we just had gay coded villains. At least they had fun and were allowed to fuck up. With Tamers, gays are every bit as petty, dysfunctional and violent as the straight characters. It also helps that Tamers depicts the unique problems gay people can have, such as not knowing if the guy you're attracted to is gay, and one partner in a relationship being in the closet
>Tim Curry in the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Easily one of my favorite movies and favorite performances. He plays a smug psycho so well!
It's here because these same niggers were so gaped that the site got GR15. Get these mare hating faggots off my board, they don't get to post here. Offboarders need to get out, I don't care if their retarded fetish cartoon is masquerading as pony, they do not deserve to use this board.
>Dash blushing at Rarity
>Dash genuinely enjoying her time with Pinkie
>Dash trying to kiss Twilight
So she just wants to fuck all of her friends.
Ooooh I get it, you’re doing a bit. Ok, have fun, anon.
so she's just like us :O
Maybe she's a high-functioning autistic that can't understand the difference between platonic love and romantic love? She is blue, and she reminds me of another autistic racist cunt that has strong lesbian tendencies because she doesn't understand her own emotions.
I thought the ending of the second ep was actually really funny
this moment of rainbow being held back and then trying to murder rarity out of pure rage
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He's Time Lord from Gallopfrey, he'll just regenerate
I mean, she's literally on a mission from Celestia to learn about friendship. And what better way than to get very, very friendly with them
I love them so much ;_;
Why does the middle one wants balls in his shit hole so badly? I could get it if he wanted to put balls in his mouth since things are supposed to go into the mouth, but things are supposed to come out the ass, not go into the ass. Is he stupid?
brb gonna go beat my dick to Braeburn
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The bigger question is if he's got two holes and two guys, what's there to be indecisive about?
Eiffel Towers are cringe, unless you've got bigger balls than the dude you're facing. Though, it takes metaphorical big balls to do an Eiffel Tower with a dude that has physically bigger balls than your own. That doesn't change the fact that you can't get ass with small balls. You can only get mouth, and you might as well find a woman for that.
So is this guy actually gay or is he only pretending to be ? Serious question by the way
This moment of awkward confusion between all the insanity is really satisfying.
He isn't gay, but his boyfriend is. Why do you care, anyways? What does the creator's sexuality have to do with your enjoyment of the material? Are you going to hate it if Tamers likes balls in his ass? Do you also hate Kevin Spacey movies because he's a homosexual pedophile?
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Oh man, I wish I hadn't used my Sleet sweating webm!
>you might as well find a woman for that
Tamers enjoys writing homosexual and heterosexual relationships. The main relationship is between Bartleby and Sonic, but the two next most important ones are hetero (Knuckles and Sonia, Manic and Mindy)
>He isn't gay, but his boyfriend is
Reminds me of someone!
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He's not gay
>Manic and Mindy
Nah man. Even Sleengo gets more attention. Not saying Tamers is gay but the gay relationships are far more front and center than the straight ones
My selective memory disagrees with you, since Tamers, as an auteur, doesn't care if characters have balls or not when making romantic scenes. If anything I would argue Tamers is the very definition of pansexual. Not the whore kind of pansexual, but the kind of person who genuinely loves love. Who cares if someone has balls are not (outside of building bridges and space ships), love is love, and as long as it is pure and consensual, people should have that love.
I don't disagree. Sorry, my autism got the better of me and I honed in on the Manic/Mindy thing more than the actual larger point. You're absolutely right, the man clearly loves writing about love and relationships
Can't a straight man enjoy masculine male asses and homosexual love without these prying questions about his personal life?
I'm a filthy tourist from /v/ so I'm a tourist even in the /co/ threads. Scootaloo is the best pone in these videos. She brings me great joy.
>Let go of me. I've got to pull the trigger the exact millisecond she hits the ground so we die at the same time. I need this connection with her. It's all I have.
... bro...?
>you know how i said i was okay with us just being friends?
>... i lied
that was my favorite gag as well
Does anyone have a playlist for his MLP videos specifically? I wanna start from the start. I haven't watched any Tamers shit in ages.
There's only three
Thanks a bunch, Anon.
Aw shucks, 'twern't nuthin'
Gohan is a brony. His favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle and he wants to cum inside her.
It was technically the first ship shown, even if it hasn't been given that much focus lately. It did get a good episode recently though, and even got Tamers himself to drop in
Yeah, Tamers writes relationships, the genders of the partners are probably not something he considers
Better to be passionate about SU than indifferent
Tamers (the character) has made comments about women wanting him and about Bardonic being hot
It's great seeing her admiration of Rainbow Dash in the original show morphing into this outright obsession
Why did Tamers give him anime fangs?
Because he knows all of my fantasies
Tamers lets his characters be bad people. The couples in his show don’t always treat each other right, but ultimately they pull through for each other at the end of the day. I think it’s much sweeter than mainstream media relationships could ever hope to be.
hope he gets in future episodes
I can't believe how sexy this is, when did he become good at making softcore porn? Did all those massive ass farts throw me off?
>rainbow dash calling the cmc the beansprout bitches
Yeah, between the expressions, the posing, the spitting on the "hoof," the moans, and the "spanking" sounds it's genuinely erotic. I can only imagine what animations are locked away in the Tamers vault
File deleted.
Could a gay man create this
I mean, when they're all that hot, who wouldn't?
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Could a straight man create this?
>im such a fucking loser
That's hot, and you're so fucking whiny.
It's okay, I'm a loser faggot perv too.
that was honestly pretty funny
>I think most of us have been in a similar situation where we misinterpret a clueless straight guy's friendliness for flirting. It sucks that gaydar can sometimes be a wishful thinking-dar instead
This has kind of happened, misinterpreting someone's friendliness for flirting.
I'm a newfag, literally, I came out the closet a year ago at most.
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The real answer is because tamers draws hot female characters for the same reason drag exists and all gay icons are women. Woman are always pushed down, repressed, and beaten in society just like faggots. That is to say, Tamers as a gay man understands why it is empowering for Aleena, another woman, to be the one to spank Flora. Tamers doesn't want to fuck Flora, he wants Aleena to do it because it's woman taking back their power. He wants to fuck Braeburn though
Yeah, we like to think that gadar's a sure thing, but it really isn't! Still, if they're good people it doesn't have to be awkward
Congrats anon! I didn't come out until my 20s, but was much happier afterwards. Everyone's situation is different though, and coming out's a lifetime journey anyway, since there's always the question of if and when you mention it to people you meet
>He wants to fuck Braeburn though
Don't let the cardboard Bartleby costume fool you, if anything he self-inserts as Sonic and Braeburn
Thank you, same.
I was in my 30s, it just feels nice to be myself now
No, no it doesn't but I'm the type who dwells on silly shit that happened years ago if it pops into my head out of the blue.
Sure we forget but when it pops back in, that shit's awkward.

>Self-inserts as Sonic and Braeburn
See, I thought he self-inserts as Bartleby, personally, but this fucking makes sense.
No worries, I'm in my 30s and spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on the past too. If you ever want to chat about anything, I'm active in the plus4chan thread
>See, I thought he self-inserts as Bartleby, personally, but this fucking makes sense.
This is all complete speculation, but the stories are (almost) never told from Bartleby's and never from Big Mac's point of view, it's always Sonic and Braeburn. We get to see their inner thoughts and private actions in a way that none of the other characters do. This is all different to Tamers (the character), who makes everyone his bitch. It should also be noted that the first costume was a Sonic one, not a Bartleby one
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Totally teared up over Braeburn's story, no homo
Well yeah, Tamers (The Character) is pretty much short of God, who can use his ass to defend 9/11 from happening, and fart down helicopters, it's unknown who is more powerful him or Bart-Lebby.
I hate how ignorant I was to this, you aren't the first person to tell me Sonic is his self-insert. >inb4 you were, all those years ago
I hate that it makes sense, he just wants a big muscular rich sugardaddy to fart him into a coma every night, and then go nuts.

Appreciate it, Anon, I may just take you up on that offer.
tfw soarin is gonna be gay and i was pretty excited to see him with rainbow before it failed. it would be cool to see a straight ship in the show but i know he likes yaoi so im not gonna count on it. ack. id like it if he kept starlight dead and spike gone. i really liked how the anti racism plotline wasnt just about racism existing for no reason and how everyone is 100% the same even though they literally arent like how its usually handled in cartoons.
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These expressions man, these expressions
He's just so cute!
>it's unknown who is more powerful him or Bart-Lebby
Canonically Bartleby and Tamers are confidants, with Tamers being the only one he invites over for discussions over rosebud tea. Not even Sonic's allowed to attend. As for who's more powerful, Bartleby's the most powerful mortal, but Tamers is a god. That said, Tamers derives his power from his love of Bardonic so in a way they're each more powerful than the other
>inb4 you were, all those years ago
Well, I do remember mentioning it to an anon a while back!
>he just wants a big muscular rich sugardaddy to fart him into a coma every night, and then go nuts.
He's got good taste at least!
Cool! No pressure though
Most of his SU ships are straight (Knuckles/Sonia, Manic/Mindy, Aleena/(you)). Bartleby/Sonic and Sleet/Dingo are the only main gay ones, even if almost every character has experienced some same sex attraction. With the ponies, there's very few males so we probably won't get any straight ships outside of maybe the established ones. As for Spike, he doesn't seem to exist in Tamers' MLP. Twilight writes and sends the letters to Celestia herself and no one's ever even mentioned him
The fanservice is just too good in these mlp eps. I almost masturbated.

Tamers knows the allure of a mare fart, even if he's gay himself.
maybe the gag about Spike not appearing is that he's the Tails of tamers' mlp-verse
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>I almost masturbated
Ha! He didn't include the cutie marks either so he's probably just trimming out the parts he doesn't think contribute to the story. Interestingly, he hasn't scrapped many SU characters, although he did scrap Mobius and people being roboticized (outside of clips from the original show). That said, Chomps (Knuckles' pet dinosaur), Renée (resistance leader of the city of Anays), and the Azcan Tribe Freedom Fighters have yet to make an appearance.
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Am I gay? I don't wanna be gay you guys but damn Braeburn is cute and sweet
you just know there's no thoughts going through that head when there's no eye highlights
That scene with Braeburn getting his ass spanked was really hot. Would have been way less if it hadn't actually been animated decently.
Is the whole "mom" story Tamers keeps bringing up just a cover to hide the fact he's a brony?
I can't imagine any mother watching this and being OK with it
I mean if his mom watches his normal videos this kind of thing wouldn't be a surprise to her. I do suspect he's lying though, but he probably wasn't watched the whole show. Maybe only the first like 3 or 4 seasons. Which would explain how he's familiar enough with a lot of the character dynamics and fandom in-jokes/terminology but doesn't necessarily know later characters like Starlight >>41187046
>I can't imagine any mother watching this and being OK with it
Tamers said his mom is the one behind the camera recording his vlogs so she's clearly very supportive of his animation ventures
Tamers' using his mom as a scapegoat for things he either can't explain or doesn't want to be bothered with has been a long running joke. He says she's the cameraman when he's the one not holding the camera, she's the one he's playing minecraft with in his minecraft video, she's the one who fucks up his christmas haul videos, and she's the one who is a fan of MLP and the reason he makes these videos.
I vaguely remember that with the Christmas gifts video
Well feels good to have more MLP from Tamers. Hope he continues
No one's 100% anything, all that matters is that they're cute!
>I can't imagine any mother watching this and being OK with it
Canonically, Tamers has been the original SU watching several hours a day for over a decade. After that much SU, I'm sure his mother's enjoying the change of pace
Yeah, using unseen characters as a scapegoat used to be a fairly popular sitcom troupe, although it actually dates back thousands of years to some of the first plays. It still cracks me up when he threatens her and the camera shakes in fear
He's made five so far, so we've got two more until he'll need to make more. They're doing better numbers than his usual videos and it's clear he's having fun with them so I think we'll see more
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Does that mean Tamers would start making Modern Sonic videos if his mom became a modern sonic fan.
Chill out with the small penis humiliation, your majesty.
There are certain lines you do not cross.
If his mom became a Modern Sonic fan then he wouldn't have a mom anymore
That wouldn't happen. He's beat her fucking ass into next week if she ever even mentioned modern sonic.
Can we now have every new episode thread here instead of on /co/ as it is vastly calmer here and the people here are mostly nice to us.
this is certainly a nice thread but this pony stint will likely be short-lived. tamers is a sonic underground man first and foremost. soon it'll be back to usual and we'll be back off to /co/. damn, it's like we're living the bardonic crossover in real time.

i don't really use the threads on /co/ anymore, too septic. i came here out of curiosity and was pleasantly surprised
Only if the episode has pony
>but this pony stint will likely be short-lived.
There's confirmed another 2 videos already made and just waiting to be released inbetween SU videos and he said he'd keep making MLP videos so long as people like them, which they overwhelmingly do. The only reason he dropped stuff like Zatch is because nobody gave a shit about it but his fanbase is mostly supportive of the MLP videos and they've been drawing in a lot of new audience too so I can see him still making these for quite some time. Not anywhere to the extent of SU which should stick to /co/ but I think we've got a good few more MLP videos coming our way.
Ah, you're probably right. I was under the impression it was just the two more episodes and then Tamers was done with it. Not sure how I would feel about Tamers' audience growing bigger. Not that I don't want more people to see and appreciate his work, I just worry about his channel getting noticed and subsequently purged by youtube
I have a feeling the current Pony arc is likely gonna tie into a larger SU crossover arc the same way the last major arc did with Death Note / Yu-Gi-Oh and WW3.
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Jesus Christ can you please shut the fuck up and talk about that “le social justice le society expectations le nonhuman” garbage in your circlejerks? Fags have buttsex and as far as I’m aware everyone fucking knows that, nevermind the fecal oral route of disease transmission and aids, they’re fucking “non-human” because they keep trying to act in the most outlandish mentally ill ways as a own and ironically mark themselves as highly poisonous due to the bright colored hair and clothing they wear. As for the “le drag queen” shit, shut the fuck up, you can go to the shows I don’t care, don’t bring that retarded cancer out into public, for fucks sake even the highschool I used to go to hosts that shit now with no privacy barriers right out in public, so I hate you faggots for that.

Now, cute ponies, big butts, and mare farts, where were we at?

I sort of don’t want to watch the episode yet until I can drag my friend along for the ride, but I just fear he isn’t autistic enough.
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Being gay isn't political, you retard.
I love mare farts
>I sort of don’t want to watch the episode yet until I can drag my friend along for the ride, but I just fear he isn’t autistic enough.
You should definitely wait until you can watch it with your friend, that way you can reenact the BraeMac scenes with him
Sure seems like you want to force it to be that way retard.
Why else would you intrude public spaces, political agendas, and bills?

We really need to just force you faggots to do that shit at home and have some fucking respect for yourself and others.
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I got a little tired of Tamers stuff after the WW3 arc . This new Pony vids are kinda refreshing, I'm not even a ponyfag but having a new cast of characters doing the tamers style of comedy it's kinda fun. Hope it's also refreshing for Tamers to work on something new after so much SA. This is the most successful spin off, getting more views than his regular vids. I think we up to a new arc fellas.

I'll be doing drawing requests on the next video thread. Have fun lads!
>video has gay shit
>people talk about gay shit
I'm sorry your uncle raped you and gave you aids or whatever but that's no reason to act like a retarded chimp
he just wants to shit it up for shitting up's sake, just ignore him
Tamers can be really good at drawing when he wants to. Sure it has no traces of superior anatomy in it but it's very soulful stylization
Cute Dingface gif!
The /co/ thread has died. Hopefully there will be a complete purge of the cancer that began to populate the threads there after the next two episodes of MLP content are uploaded. Maybe Tamers is even more of a genius than we thought... Maybe he's known all along that MLP is the chemo that would cure /co/!
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It feels like there's a small section of Tamers' fanbase that think all the gay stuff is ironic, and that he's only making things gay to make fun of the fags, and that's so sad.
It's like being colorblind, not being able to see blue and yellow, or purple and orange.
He's such a cute dude, him and his boyf.
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Tamers spoils us with all the hunks in his videos.
>tfw Uncle Chuck's built like me
I gasped when Soarin showed up
ate so good with this episode
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but its nasty looking irl. no one likes fatties unless you are a biological female born with a uterus and functioning breasts.
>first reply is
>>I'd call you a silly boy too if thats what you look like
>>silly boy
>second reply
I'm from /v/ and I've been watching Tamers ever since his World War 3 video was being shilled on /v/.
I think tamers fan's consider that a bad episode but I thought it was ludicrously kino but it was also my first and I had a pretty open mind to wtv the fuck it was I watching.
The only reason it’s considered bad is because it took two years and many of the ideas and jokes in it he had already done in other videos. We recognize that he just wanted to get it out and done so he could move on to other things, and I think he realized he doesn’t have any obligation to us to make good shit. We just want him to make what he wants to make, and that’s okay. WW3 served its purpose by changing the way Tamers approached his videos and the mindset he has. That’s why these MLP videos are good, because he’s doing what he wants, rather than what’s expected.

One of the worst things creators can do is try to cater to a broader audience.
Based faggothater
So is no one gonna question the random ass hobbit screencap in the middle of the video?
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You know what? Fuck you. I fucking hate gay people. Not because you faggots like shoving hot dogs up each other's asses or some shit, but because if the gay movement did anything worthwhile, Sonic Underground would have been uncanceled by now. All those faggot niggers (or as I like to call them, figgers) ever talk about during pride month is civil rights or some bull shit, but they never talk about Bardonic. We could be living in a world where Sonic Underground could be airing live on Nick Jr right now, but no, I get banned on /co/ just for posting an image of Sonic's poop-stained ass.

Look at you. You've been posting nothing but Sleengo all up in this thread when you should be talking about Bardonic. Imagine Willie Wonka himself offered you the best fucking chocolate in the world and you instead kneel down and start eating the dog poop off the ground (I mean, you are gay so I guess licking up poop is your idea of a fun Tuesday night haha). That's you. I mean, Sleengo is okay, but it's nothing compared to Bardonic. Your taste is so shit you don't even care about the best ship in the world.
Probably foreshadow for an evebtual episode, he did the same thing with Cars.
The momma lore goes deep. Typically she only comes up when he does IRL videos and usually he's threatening her with repeated violence for small infractions ruining the video. She is also occasionally blamed for buying him random merchandise which he usually, but not always, complains about because it's not from SU.
She's whatever is required to keep kayfabe. He does not mention friends or anything else IRL ever. I think he mentions his brother once for something that couldn't have been his mother because it was obviously a man.

No. Modern Sonic is heretical and he's probably murder Momma over that.
Except he kept going with Zatch even though it had an extremely poor reception. He even continued to cross it back into The New Sonic Underground to drum up support and interest. After the first episode of mlp he's not even bothered to feature SU and he's made multiple eps within weeks of each other unlike Zatch which was months and months apart.
It remains to be seen what he'll do with a popular spin-off. It is clearly evident, however, that he desires spin-offs and has tried to make them work before now.
>I just worry about his channel getting noticed and subsequently purged by youtube
You are a bit late for that. I was thinking that when he opened a patreon.

>career horsefucker immediately identifies and hates sleengofags
lel. I understand but they also have a right to be here and are very welcome.
>the mudpony and stickhead he chose to use both happen to be time travelers...
WW3 had the worst reception I've ever seen and even compelled Tamers to respond about said reception. The only thing he's gotten pissier about was the response to twink Knuckle's voice.
Which pissed me off because twink voice Knuckles is infinitely better for the character than Mark voice Knuckles. Hearing a twink call himself "cool" and call other people "bitch" and try to be threatening despite being a manlet is infinitely funnier than how his voice normally sounds.
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>he doesn't even know about Tamers123456
I think that was supposed to be pinkie's face
>His mom beat him in Minecraft
>He doesn't know basic Tamers lore
I'm not a tamers loremaster, but the only other time I remember that happening was with Ginarrbrik in the jaleel white episode.
>mud ponies
>colt cuddler
He really did his research, ehh?
holy shit just shut the fuck up. hopefully when youtube finally purges tamers you will shut up and fuck of with the race politics.
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Cool bloggo
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>amount of effort
It's literally a MSPaint-tier art
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hope things are going well for you too. /mlp/con is tomorrow with the new antithology premiering at 9PM Eastern time. hope to see you there
im an adult nigga
wait >>41187548 was satire
everyone responded to it so genuinely
or was everyone being sartastic (whatever that word is)
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Big mac really just stood there while he watched Braeburn ride a faggot pegasus 4 times in a row. How does a stallion move on from this level of cuckery?
What other twinks are there in MLP that he can abuse?
I completely forgot about him, isn’t he also one of Big Mac’s cousins?
I don't recall, but I don't think so. I think that might be fanon.
i don't know, the last time i was obsessed with mlp is when i was 8 or some shit after watching the equestria girls movie and then i got obsessed with mlp for like 2 years kek.
He doesn't, he's going to have to find some new twink to take his aggression out on.
inb4 he cant find one and it becomes his family and applejack aint havin that shit so they disown him
Well this is tamers we are talking about, he would probably get away with it because the rest of his family members are female.
>not a brony in the slightest
>have greatly enjoyed the recent mlp tamers vids more than a lot of the normal stuff
what is happening
Good content is good regardless of whomstever the actors maybeought.
Sometimes it's good to take a break from something you are used to for something more fresh. Personally, I'm hoping for another crossover episode.
Do you have to be a brony to enjoy pony content? Do you have to ascribe to any fandom to its extreme to enjoy it? I would say Reddit caused this dumb mindset but Star Trek conventions before the 2000s were just as bad so I've got nothing. My post is meaningless.
he puts an unreasonable amount of effort into the animation whenever braeburn is onscreen
He might be having a better time writing these new characters because no one has expectations for them yet, so he doesn't feel pressured to listen to fan feedback like he might with the SU characters
the concept of bronies feels kind of old-hat anyway doesn't it
like, the vast majority of /co/ watches shows intended for kids anyway, this one just got singled out because it was without precedent (and also people in like 2011 were way more fucking autistic and annoying about their interest in it I guess)
how the hell does he write a group of women who proclaim to be friends being massive cunts to eachother so well
> that think all the gay stuff is ironic
>and that he's only making things gay to make fun of the fags
> and that's so sad.
no its fucking hilarious, and plus we can't prove that tamers is gay or that he's not making fun of the gay couples.

but yeah whatever just because they lovey dovey cuddle and frot their cocks at night it's totally a heckin wholesome gay relationship.
His momma must be like a real Stacy with lots of friends so he could learn from their behaviors, since he's just some dude living in a trailer park in Alabama and gets no socialization whatsoever. I can't think of any other way he'd nail it.
What makes you think he's straight, then?
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>floraXaleena spanking scene got way more attention than tamers probably thought it would
>recreates it with braeburnXmcintosh
>makes it more elaborate to the point where it's basically porn on youtube
>makes braeburn quiver as he assumes the position
>t. autism situation
Watch the first two seasons faggot.
>the final redpill when it comes to media production
>he's just some dude living in a trailer park in Alabama and gets no socialization whatsoever.
omg he's me! (but Arizona)
>it's basically porn on youtube
Tamers gets a pass. It's a very roughly animated video with low view count with a specific fanbase and rare graphically sexual scenes. People like Vivziepop make a completely sexualized show depicting sex multiple times and gets millions of views from young teens with zero age restriction.
You reek of living in Apache Junction.
Pretty close. Rural Maricopa city.
>tells him to lift his tail
he went all out on that scene
What did he mean by this?
A mother's love is very powerful (although weaker than Tamers himself and the power of Bardonic). Just look at Dantes' mom and Aleena
You must be imagining things anon, there was no Frodo still in the video. Next you'll be telling me he had singing crayons in the Star Wars episode
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I want Tamers to do an abusive but wholesome arc with these two goobers.
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Is it so hard to believe his mom is a Soarburn shipper?
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Speaking of Soarburn I went and found the Braeburn/Big Mac AMV from the mlp/su crossover video. Turns out it was actually a Braeburn x Soarin video, but Tamers edited Big mac into Soarin's place, so that makes me think Braeburn/Soarin was always Tamers plan and he was just playing the long game, which also aligns with the Rainbow Dash birthday episode where Rainbow Dash mentioned the Wonderbolts before their reveal, and Pinkie's line at the party about "Applejack is depressed because she thinks Big Mac might be gay"
Man I kind of hope he does a Soarburn Black Butler ED now
Damn, you're completely right! I've spliced the two videos together for comparison over on plus https://boards.plus4chan.org/sssr/t639.html#p4351
While I'd like that, I think he'll probably switch to a different anime where the relationship is more wholesome
Turns out they also did a Black Butler AMV. It's all connected!
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You’re probably right, in any case I’d be down for any SU/Black Butler content.
They work surprisingly well as ponies! Yeah, I'd love to see more Black Butler content too. They'd fit so well into the Tamersverse you'd be forgiven thinking they're Tamers OCs. Just finished the latest season and it was so good! I'll write more over on plus
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They really would! Ofc gotta post the main boys too
You can almost hear their bantering! Having best boys (smug and evil) be unicorns/alicorns and best boys (psychotic and evil) be pegasi is a nice touch

lol I was the anon shilling it on /v/ when it came out, that's cool it got you into Tamers; and I agree with you WW3 was pure kino. I think casual Tamers fans might have hated it because the intro drags pretty hard. The first 10 minutes are pretty painful to slog through but once they get to the Scary Godmother dimension it takes off hard.

Another Anon in here replied and told you it got hated on because it was in development hell for ages but I feel that's not a great argument. It wasn't like Tamers wasn't making great episodes while WW3 kept getting postponed. It would make sense if he stopped putting out content period because of WW3 taking forever, then you could hate on it but that wasn't the case. He just kept getting sidetracked doing Slice of Life episodes instead. So the only people who could truly be butthurt about WW3 taking forever is I guess Tamers fans that only like the Shonen style episodes. But those feel like straight up fake fans. The mix between Shonen and Slice of Life is what makes the series so great.

Also something that hasn't been mentioned is when Tamers actually finally did get around to finishing WW3 he did a really great rollout beforehand where he was regularly dropping episodes introducing supporting characters. So again I guess you could be mad WW3 took forever to come out but when it finally was ready there was like a solid 2 months of build up to it. Some of the characters like the Vocaloids and Doodlebops he had done episodes on ages ago so they didn't need to be introduced. But there was Nier / Death Note / Yu-Gi-Oh centric episodes that all came out right before WW3. Those must have taken a ton of effort and they were all hilarious too. I think that's a component of WW3 taking forever that people don't consider. Tamers could have half assed it but he didn't. He knew he needed to not only finish WW3 but finish like 5-10 supporting episodes that would properly lead into it and he fully delivered. So many other people would have just cut the scope of WW3 down significantly and dropped it without the lead up episodes. He really did it justice and I think it ended up being better than Battle with the Boys which was probably his previous high mark.

Also the craziest shit is even if you hated WW3 like a week after he dropped ANOTHER movie which was Dr. Robotnik Has Had Enough and it's probably one of his best works period. Was basically a full length Sleengo movie which tons of people wanted but never expected and it had a Michael Jackson cameo and it was just really fucking funny. I still can't believe he didn't take a huge break after WW3 and instead just dropped something that basically rivals it.
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God, wtf - I watched this and had fun with this and now I have to read actual gay people discussing and interpreting this shit. Holy fucking faggotry. My ass laughed when Braeburn got slapped and y'all gay people or faggots as I like to call them cried for him, and fucking tell your stories how you lusted all over boys in PE class - God, you disgust me. I hope I never met anyone homosexual in my life as the thought of a faggot wanting to lick my sweat makes me want to vomit.
keyed as fuck
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I think what's making these episodes stand out from the regular SU episodes is not just the fact that they're a continuous story, but they actually feel planned out, like with what >>41190810 pointed out
Like, this Brae/Big Mac/Soarin love triangle was obviously planned from the start, but do you think stuff like that one kid that had the map to Manic and Knuckles' secret hideout was something Tamers cared enough to plan about? The climax of that doesn't even take place in said hideout. It felt like something he made simply to produce intrigue and then just made something up for the conclusion after the fact, hoping that no matter what, it'd be seen as a good pay-off.
Seriously, I know that /co/mblr was a thing back in the day, but the fact that it's THIS bad? There's somebody unironically talking about "pansexuality" in here.
Tamers seems to have a type
>fluffy buoyant hair
>big soulful eyes
>melts into the arms of a big man
>post where appreciating humanization of homosexuals gets deleted
>posts of virulent anti-homosexuality stay up
Holy fucking based, I had no idea that /mlp/ was the straightest board on 4chan! If I had know that, then I would’ve been here way fucking sooner LMAO
I am kind of interested in how tamers would characterize them. I feel like Trixie would get bullied for being shit at using magic, but since Rarity is already the go-to punching bag of the group he might have something different in mind. I don't know what he would do with Glimmer. He seems to be mostly focusing on content from the earlier seasons so she might not even become a character in his episodes.
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What are you talking about, dumbass?
It was Carlos' posts and replies to Carlos that got deleted
Is it bad how much I love SoarBurn despite prior to two days ago I had no idea one of the characters let alone the ship itself existed..
Holy fucking lore
Haha thanks for the long and detailed reply. For me, a big appeal for the series has been seeing the original episodes where all these characters came from and seeing all the lore connections and realizing that there are actually several long narrative arcs going on most of the time.
I even recently started watching the actual Sonic Underground show and it's pretty funny seeing that Sleet and Dingo are still gay and robotnik's bitches.
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Yep mlp is here to say
that school bus episode was pretty good.
What I really hope for is that more of the Sonic Underground characters can interact with the ponies
I don't think Tamers will ever stop doing Sonic Underground because that is his passion but he's got to know he struck gold with the mlp content
It'll keep happening until it's not popular anymore like with Zatchbell. I wish more people payed attention when he added 2B and 9S to the tamerverse since they've only showed up in like 2 episodes and they weren't popular ones.
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Hope he doesn't feel obligated to continue the series longer than he would want to keep this viewership
bait or retard??
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The fight at the end of the school bus episode is fucking great even if I don't understand exactly what happened with the time reversal thing. I hope one of the mlp episodes has an action scene as cool as that.
none of those guys are me bro. what did you expect from 4chan? a lot of people from pol are in mlp and vice versa.
>the time reversal thing.
that was some king crimson shit
No it wasn’t, that was Bites the Dust. If you’re going to be making JoJo references, then you could at least make an attempt at knowing what you’re talking about.
I explained my theory here: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/144122577/#144146772 TLDR: A powerful force attacked Sonic and Knuckles, and someone (likely Bartleby) reversed time, altering eventsm to save them.
I also slowed down and reversed the rewinded time part here https://boards.plus4chan.org/sssr/t639.html#p2561
What ever happened to Zack Bell 2020 episode 4?
Bartleby can only reverse time by fucking his boyfriend Sonic in the ass for hours on end. This isn’t a limitation of his power, by the way; since he never makes mistakes, he has no need to go back in time to try and fix things. Someone/thing else would have had to do the time rewind, and the only four/five characters that can do that are:
-Aleena (Hyperborean Hedgehog magic)
-Flora (filthy blue pixie magic)
-Athair (filthy digger magic)
-Knuckles (potentially)
-Sonic (by getting fucked in the ass for hours by his boyfriend Bartleby)

Bartleby and Tamers are the only ones who can keep their memories outside of time, though, so I’m sure one of them will explain things if this ever comes up again.
Uncle Chuck has magic powers too, though I think the only spells he knows are creating empty beer cans and reviving the dead
He obviously can’t go back in time otherwise he would have clapped Mindy’s cheeks repeatedly and gone back in time so he couldn’t go to jail for putting his balls in her plastic ass.
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since the thread is ending soon i'm just going to post a quick rundown on tamers12345 someone made for anyone that is new to his content
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At first I thought these were just based images, but looking through their gallery I realize this person has terminal autism. Please don't be mean to them, they clearly suffer enough already.
the images have descriptions and a comment section, retard. the links lead to images with descriptions to read below. the person in question is better than tamers even if you don't think so.
also this
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dude i love being gay
if i wasn't gay, then i wouldn't be like bartleby or sonic or sleet or dingo or braeburn or soarin
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Hey mods could you please ban the self admitted child please. Minors are not allowed on this website.
>shares facts with evidence and citations that contradict your cult of personality
Don’t you retards have any self-introspection? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don’t. As soon as you realize who Tamers is and that he’s not an actual khv faggot with no friends you’re going to be awfully embarrassed how much you worship him lmao
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What the fuck does KHV mean?
And like hell he isn't at least bi, unless you can prove otherwise.
i'm not a minor bitch
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Sorry you got groomed but you shouldn't be on this site
using old shit to prove someone was a minor doesn't prove they're still minors and that shit is from years ago dude.
Prove that you aren't one, then, because you sure do act like a kid.
>I hate you for proving that my cult is a farce
>doxx yourself for me so I can ruin your life because you proved me wrong
Unlike you, I’m not going to try and get someone to ban you even though I could report you for calling for a doxx. Hopefully you get over your mental illness soon.
Why should anyone believe anything you say? Remember the plu4chan thread where people were pointing out that you're a self hating spic that cries on forums about how you wish you were white, you denied it, then when links to yours posts were posted you silently disappeared? You're full of shit.

>n-no!! I want children on an adult only site!! They agree with me! YOU'RE the mentally ill one!
either carlos turning off his name off or his discord groomer, either way kill yourself.
You can’t prove a negative. You prove that Carlos is underage right now, since you’re the one who is making claims and calling for Mommy and Daddy to save you from his messages of truth. If you can’t, then shut up, retard.
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What "truths"? All I see is someone on Deviantart who actually thinks Tamers goes around and kills Modern Sonic fans
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>Carlos is in the thread
Nigga, for your own sake get out of this here before you make things worse for yourself and your potential life.

Your face, gmail, social media accounts, forum accounts, general location and school are all public knowledge at this point because you are such a spic shitskin you just have to use the same username or a variation of it on every site and "hello my fellow white people" forums you piss away your days on and all it takes is a single autist to scrape every little bit of information on you until they have information on you that will by no means benefit you in any way.

You have garnered such a small but strong hatred among people here over the past couple years that people have gone out of their way to images compiling your age, nigga wake the fuck up. You claim up and down that you are white wherever you go on the internet but you lack the basic intelligence of the superior white man and it shows in everything you post on the internet because once again, you have released that much info about yourself out there.

Your best bet is to delete all social media accounts / forum accounts and move on with your life instead of wasting time complaining about a show that doesn't matter to anyone who isn't autistic.
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I like Flora/Maeve but hate Carlos
They should both learn when they're not wanted and go away.
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you have no idea how much i fucking hate bart-lebby the stupid rich muscular retard. i would blaspheme the fuck out of that rich freak gay retardleby fuckclair of nowhere whenever i want.
how about tamers leaves first? i already have various reports pending on youtube of his videos.
Bartleby and Flora don't even dislike each other in the show. He acknowledges her one time and it's solely to tell Mindy she's a disgusting whore and Flora is right.
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post the gay to scare carlos away
i'm not that autistic to be scared by a bunch of fgs kissing
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I'm going to miss this but it will probably be fun
oh yes you are
that's why it's called homophobia
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31 seconds in
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yeah for procreation, but I bet Dingo could knock Sleet up if he tried hard enough
I thought it was to make ham and cheese sandwiches
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Does the ham represent women and the cheese represent men?
I guess this scene where Dingo makes Sleet a grilled cheese is even gayer than I thought.
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I hope next MLP episode we get even more Princess Celestia content. i want to see her being more of a tyrannical asshole.
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Reminder that G*d ain't got shit on Bartleby, so be a fag if you want to.
bartlebitch is inferior to even modern sonic
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why do they have butts?
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Everyone has butts, how else will they poop?
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It's like the old Looney Tunes shorts, there's occasional saucy stuff that kids wouldn't get for the parents watching
you have genuine mental problems
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The only mental problem I have is depression caused by a lack of Sleengo, I hope the next SU episode has them!
have we seen luna at all?
luna was at rainbow dash's roller skate party
Threadly reminder that you can continue the conversation over on plus4chan, and that Carlos is banned for life over there
i know, but why did they ban me?
Because you're annoying, what other reason do you need?
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Carlos why are you in a thread about sucking Big Mac's cock?
Because you're underaged, an incel, and shit up threads
>spics cross the border, shit up the place, and wonder why no one wants them there
>carlos enters thread, shits up the place, and wonders why no one wants him there
It really is in your beaner DNA to be retarded.
I am surprised that Tamers hasn't mock Carlos yet
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He's not worthy of being immortalized in a Tamers video
I doubt Tamers even knows Carlos exists. Such things are beneath his concern. Oh, and in case anyone's worried about Carlos flagging Tamers' videos, Tamers has disputed copyright strikes from Disney and won. Also, when one of his videos was taken down, he uploaded a censored version to YouTube and put the uncensored version up on his Vimeo. Even if he didn't, ArchiveAnon, myself, and at least a few other anons all independently back up Tamers' videos
Who was more annoying Carlos or that one guy
who was trying to start up a rivalry between Tamers and Mariotehplumber ?

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