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AI Art Thread #38


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods / papers implemented first.

>"But I don't have a decent GPU"
NovelAI also does great pony: https://novelai.net
You could also use a service like civitai.


>Pony Diffusion V6 XL

>Autism Mix (Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it. Better anatomy / more coherent.)

>Seaart (Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.)

>Useful artist style LoRA:

>LoRAs by /mlp/:

>LoRAs by /h and other useful info:

>How to make your own LoRA:

>Prompt tips for new users:
Grab a image you like the style of from the desired model's citvia's site and drop it onto the PNG info tab in SD, you can then click send to text to image to reuse its generation info for your own images. Change the seed so you do not get just the same image. Use tags from e621 and natural language.

>No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:

>Previous Thread

>Past Threads
Woops, wasn't home yesterday and didn't notice the post count.
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>we died

>that Luna
hmmmm maybe ai isn't as half bad as it seems
I know this might sound like blasphemy, but can you try to generate some mare bits that are not winking or spreading? I like how neat and tight the horsepussy looks with lips together.
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I like how that looks too. I remember trying to prompt for it but not having much luck (I don't do anything to prompt for winking, it's just the default). That said, sometimes it gens mare bits like that by chance and I'm sitting on a few images like that:
It’s been a while since we’ve seen that one anon who used to dump dozens of catbox links all at once. Hope he’s doing okay.
I love her!
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>Ai isn't thef-
Uh oh xirs, the walls are coming down
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Have another.
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>Ai isn't thef-
t. Fixed that for you.
Media MAFFIAA shill disregarded

Post ponies
Whatever. Most pop music is written by about five people anyway.
more like patrician taste, lovely gens btw
For whoever asked for buff stallions last thread:
damn that is a FAT fucking wink
I'll take that as derpy canon along with her fat fucking ass
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you have my full attention
Settle down, 'Bloom. One thrust from that and you'll no longer have any internal organs.
I like that style. Strikes a great balance between cartoony and horsey. What parameters did you use?
Holy crap that is a CUTE LUNA.
LISTEN: AI is notorious for screwing up hands, but it has no issue with hooves. Could it be that ponies just have more reasonable and logical geometry? After all, why would anyone prefer human women with their nasty, wiggling penis-shaped fingers when there are adorable ponies with perfect, soft, squishy hooves?
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How do I even get started with making AI art?
Read the op. If you've got a decent nvidia gpu it's pretty easy to get started.
i can't bilieve the last thread just died
>happy all the way through
That's our Ponk
great, used bing or pony difussion?
Any money made from this is going to lawyers and Taylor Swift.
how, i can't get a perfect comic strip like that
Dunno. I just describe it panel by panel. You know, 1st panel: Pinkie holding hot pepper, etc.
Are there any better online diffusion generators than Civit?
tensor.art has some free daily gens and prompts aren't cucked as far as I can tell. Not as many LoRAs available though
>prompts aren't cucked as far as I can tell
Could you elaborate on what you mean by that?
Civit aggressively filters prompts that they don't like. So if you want a big mare and a small human, it gets cranky. I've had it come up even though I wasn't trying to make anything that's against their TOS, but the autofilter flagged my account regardless.
Mind you I use them both for my XL gens, it's just that tensor is more lax with what you gen. Not sure about posting on site, but I don't do that anyways.
>So if you want a big mare and a small human
I don't. I can live with that limitation.
>Not sure about posting on site, but I don't do that anyways.
Same. I wouldn't post anything nsfw anyway, just a few sfw pictures to farm their currency.
>the autofilter flagged my account regardless.
What were you trying to make, and what happened to your account?
>What were you trying to make, and what happened to your account?

I don't exactly remember but it was something that wasn't pony related, and the automod thought I was trying to make porn of a celebrity (!?). It turns out the automod shat the bed according to the dev posts, but I was careful with all of my later gens.

Mind you Civit.ai isn't a garbage platform, but having multiple platforms isn't bad

There's also dezgo.com, and it's quite useful too. Even lets you use any LoRA from civit as well, which is nice.

>verification not required.
Ok, I was a bit worried that there was something shady about civit that I didn't know about. But did anything happen to your account when it got flagged?
I was temporarily blocked from genning, but it was resolved a few hours later. Again, the automod was fucked up, and IIRC I was able to gen with the same prompt later without issue, but it's something to be aware of.
Not too bad.
It was me, and that looks great, thanks!
Could we see a few more in this style with Celestia and Luna? I'm looking for refs for a drawing I'm working on, and this is close to the style I want to use.
Sus Luna.
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>Aislop content experiment

Applejack burnt her pie,
Written by ChatGPT
Music by Suno.AI
Applejack Vocals by Sovits 5.0
Album Cover by Stable Diffusion AUTOMATIC 1111, AutismmixSDXL_autismmixDPO
Edited by a Human

Total time to make, 1 hour.

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Another example,
Written by Suno.AI
Written by Suno.AI
Rainbow Dash Vocals Sovits 5.0
Album Wallpaper by Stable Diffusion AUTOMATIC 1111, AutismmixSDXL_autismmixDPO
Edited by a Human

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Last Example, i just realized i should of posted these in the /ppp/ thread.
Written by Suno.AI
Written by Suno.AI
Rainbow Dash Vocals Sovits 5.0
Album Wallpaper by Stable Diffusion AUTOMATIC 1111, AutismmixSDXL_autismmixDPO
Edited by a Human

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Nice, I especially like the AJ one
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I got around getting the ComfyUI to work, its nice how its takes less time and ram space to generate BUT the result is looking bit strange than what I would normally get from the SD. Any advice ai art bros, what am I doing wrong here?
Upload a pic somewhere other than 4chan, we should be able to see your workflow from it
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Try this and mess with the prompt wording, just drag it onto comfyui. I don't have your lora but I was getting much better results using autismmixDPO model + euler sampler. But I think in order to get Derpy inside the car will take some inpainting or other tricks.
The model I use
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>Patreon watermarks
a new low for ainiggers
what a time to be alive
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Fake Patreon links are fun.

Not canon. In the G5 timeline, all G4 ponies are dead. Also, Rarity isn't that short But she would be really cute if she was
Anyone willing to gen some Spike?
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i thought it added a nice touch, i didn't ask for it,


still fun to gen tho, might be an alternate timeline.
Patreon is filled with people charging for AI packs
They are all brown people coincidentally
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It's okay she wasn't using it much
It’s the Headless Horse!
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild her. We have the autism.
>all the superfluous parts have been removed to decrease air resistance
Didn't even need to use any pony artists loras to get decent looking ponies ffs.
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>Take this scribbled on image
>run it through SD again
Horses on horses.
You just know
Rares might probably choose to ride side-saddle
Request AI generated Equestrian agitprop meant to induce greater friendship and comfyness in the kingdom.
/r/equesting more of this
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I love that the AI nonsense text kinda looks like the horse text we see in the show
Kek. Thanks, Anon!
What does putting a part of the prompt between parentheses do?
() increases the strength of that prompt, [] decreases. You can also stack them.
For instance, I put (((anthro))) in the negative prompt.
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Mint chocolate chip mare
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Sometimes it adds a recording overlay, as if you're looking through a camera, and I think that's fun.
Been out of the loop since like a week after NAI released Furry V3, was any progress made on the attempts to replicate artist styles in that?
Requesting ponified EqG.
I can do that.
Rara also likes horses.
A true friend indeed!
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Isn't that just ponies?
>that singular teat at the rump
Holy kek.
Technically the equestria girl designs are vaguely weird on details so you could make them "visually distinct", though guessing the idea is carrying over accessories or something?
Also obviously an AI would shit the bed with the power of a thousand suns if you tried to get it to translate random design oddities from "rainbow dash" onto "rainbow dash".
The only one that does have a distinct design is Twilight in terms of canon.

So yeah probably the best you can do is a twilight with glasses and otherwise normal ponies ignoring the obvious put them in the outfits scenario.
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>TFW Pinkie Pie is as addicted to laughing gas as the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors.
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Kek! That's just about how I imagined it.
>”nice cook bro!”
Sunset Shimmer, the Dazzlings, the Shadow Bolts, the villainesses.
If you're using NovelAI it's {} for increase and [] for decrease.
Rome if pony.
How do I install sovits?
Is this a good guide:
(seems convoluted)

where do I get pony models?
Quality AI-heavy barn mare song. Very nicely done!
I intend on doing something similar; already have a few lined up.
You could always use hay say (https://haysay.ai/) for that. It already has all the pony models on it.

The local install via its GitHub also has a method built in for installing the models for whichever architecture you're wanting to use. The interface is pretty much identical to the hosted site.
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That rarity tummy is yummy but that arm / mangled hand ruins it.
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I personally prefer featureless crotches for some reason.
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I want to train an AI on season-specific color combinations in order to call OCs a shit scientifically and don't know where to start.
You have to be online to use haysay. I want the models locally so I can use it offline.
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>The local install via its GitHub

I think there was link to github on the https://haysay.ai but it got removed? Anyway, the github link is above.
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>Come to a halt.
>Yell the name of the city at the top of your lungs.
>"Minas Tirith!"
>Continue trotting.
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Results are in, the more likely you are to use ai the more of a nigger you are irl.
I dunno if I should envy Spike or feel sorry for him, not like he's ever gonna touch any of that

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