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Quarter Muncher Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41110479
Mare RPG
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Map of the VS Server.
Vintage Story Server Info

Host is horsefucker.party
When you join the server, mods download automatically.
If you are new to the game, I recommend loading a singleplayer world to learn the UI.

You can't create a new character without admin intervention, so make sure you get it right. Do not upsize your character or it will look goofy ah. Here's a basic tutorial.
It took a group's effort of autism to get a map this accurate.
>Do not upsize your character or it will look goofy ah
strongly disagree, you need to upsize your pone to max size to mog the ponelets
There's around three filly sized anons' running on the map.
>Imagine not being a cute filly
What are you, Gay?
No, seriously. If you have an upsized character and someone has the waving foliage setting enabled, your character looks like Discord came along, turned you into a dried up corn cob and threw you in the microwave for two minutes on high. Butter and salted to taste.

Here's a screenshot of the mod list if anyone is curious.
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I'm aware of that.
And if you touch the size slider at all you won't be able to place beams properly.
These are the names of places. Remember that folks~
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Hanging out in the cellar.
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>Struggle vs Mogh
>Cave in, lose greatshield, equipt big bleeding bonking stick instead of Greatsword
>Mindlessly spam rolls and swing at Mogh all the time like an angry chimpanzee
>Win on the second try
I fucking hate to see it.
Oh well, DLC here I come.
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AT-AT's deploying troops.
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Engaging enemy Executor.
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Cute Hunter pony.
Should I unclaim fortade since no one is using the land anymore?
Yes, let me plunder it for Greater Mudland.
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Artwork I mentioned doing while having that sleep over, Bud!
Another Ruin to plunder?
Put artist tag on when uploading, it's not a personal gallery (so it won't get automatically added) and anyone can make new tags, just write it in and hit enter or comma.
Also that pony consists mostly of butt.
Thanks, and will do so next time and correct. c:
>Sea of Velvet allure
Is that a horse pussy reference?
>let me describe this really funny and quirky visual glitch that happens!
>also here's a screenshot of a loading screen
fuck you too
Art thee a furry? Wherefore art thee obsess'd with being non-pone, art thee a griffon?
what? meds
is this a server or single player?
Server that's listed here, >>41187603
>Two other pones in pov
Temporal Storm is gone, you can come back safely now.
What does the race spread look like on the server?
Earth pony majority.
Earth pone majority and Pegasus minority.
No unicorns? Maybe I'll update this game from whenever I last played and hop on
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Requesting Waffle Rarity holding a bundle of air-treading earth ponies above a sheer drop.
Best I can do is Zeebs.
No. The fortade is still my active base of operations. I couldn't play without the cook room or my farm.
how difficult is it to get into?
>inb4 “just play it”

I only get a free few GB from tunnelbear a month I want to make it worth it
It can be pretty rough to get the hang of. It does have an in-game guide book to help you though, so you won't be wandering around completely clueless.
where should I pirate it from? And how big is the game?
Pretty sure there was a post in one of the past few threads about it.
on a scale of 1-10 what is the effort put into the players' cutie marks?
also what classes are most people?
Evenly spread as far I know, with Black Guards being majority by two players.
I put 7-10 into the ass mark.
Also, commoner.
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me and my buddy finally beat the Elden Ring DLC.. you guys might like the end and the last boss but me personally found it to be the most cringe thing. just a warning to lower expectations
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Semi-offtopic but I wanted to post about this somewhere, I posted in the /v/ steam sale gifting thread asking for pony drawings and - well, most are mspaint scribbles as could be expected, but I also got some actual bona fide gems
Like take a gander at this beaut that some random guy just dropped in exchange for a roguelike. He doesn't even have a booru tag apparently

I'm still not fully convinced it's an original drawing, but none of the reverse image searches brought anything up
Hey, if it isn't archived, good enough.
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Or this one
Random /v/tards coming out of nowhere with actual pony drawing skills
Absolutely based artfags drawing pone for games, goodjob with the bartering commissions
Anyone up for a game of Cossack 3?
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The Rakehell. Got it for beating the Duskhan League.
And this is why I told you to pirate it you bumbling fucking retard.
Any game recommendations for the summer sale?
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You think I could knock them off with a rock?
They are trying to build the tower of babel. STOP THEM!
until this they had not disappointed me, next time I doubt I'll be so careless. Didn't buy it for myself anyways it twas a gift
I missed.
Clearly, you need a bigger rock. Or maybe a catapult even
TTS is 50% off. All the board games ever for just 10 bucks.
Arkham Knight is super cheap; fantastic game, if you can digest the superhero nonsense.
Anno 1800, Hunt: Showdown, Hades, Disco Elysium, Hitman, Frostpunk are all great pickups.
Sekiro is 50% off and at $30, and I'm actually kinda mad. It's a 5-year-old game now, and they haven't knocked the price down at all. Admittedly, it /is/ undoubtedly the best Fromsoft game.
ARMA 3’s on sale for about 5 bucks Canadian, otherwise the other game sales are dogshit
The tower grows.
>implying I don't own EAW on disc and on steam already
this looks kinda fun
I try not to look at how many hours I have in arma
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The Tower is almost completed.
Mostly Earth ponies, one or two pegasi? Two batponies, one Kirin (what I'm aware of.)
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still working on Stellaris mod, started adding relics
Do you have a workshop link for that? Imma download Stellaris for this. Just hope I can find a good pirate for the DLC's again.
not yet, if I do upload it I will also upload it somewhere else than the Steam workshop so that piratefags can be sure to find it up to date
I see. Be sure to upload it though.
New thread? It's been moving so quickly. Anyways, anchor post for the weekly Left 4 Dead and/or Sven sessions. We usually play on Saturday, but both servers are up 24/7 if you wish to organize a game at some other time.
To join Left4Dead, join via "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console, if this won't work use "connect"
To join Sven Coop, join via "connect sven.equulei.wang" or "connect", password is iwtcirb
>Do I need something
Yes, for L4D we host a variety of custom campaigns on the server, they're all included in this collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932; Remember to subscribe to the collections nested inside of this one, they're at the bottom! For Sven, fastdl will serve up everything you need to join.
>I want ponies
Check this collection out: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=240330680; it has (almost) all pony mods on the workshop listed, do NOT subscribe to all, it WILL cause conflicts, instead pick and match whatever fits your fancy.
Playing some Left 4 Dead right now!
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Funny looking island.
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Alright, that's too much.
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Juggernaut vs Tie Mauler. A fair fight.
Is anyone else's penis shaped like this?
Only on rare occasion.
Work's been knocking me flat on my back for the past two weeks, but after some rain risking, I feel pretty confident in my Artificer buildcrafting and movement. Anyponer wanna play in about 6-7 hours after my shift? I got nowhere to be in the morning, so all-nighting sounds based. Just gimme some precious (You)s so I know there's interest and then if we aren't already steam frens we can share lobby names.
>trying to run the Pinkie Pie mod for Pizza Tower
>game crashes
>spent an hour updating sprites in a new version of the game
>it works, but the sprites are shifted.
>tried installing the original mod again, but without english.txt
>works fine
I like to do pointless shit
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haha benis :DDD
Risk of Rain 2? I haven't play much so I'm bad but I'd be down to play with some poners, would I need any DLC or anything?
rare benis
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I don't think ponies were suppose to be this far north.
Mare belongs wherever she wants to go, and she'll do plenty well when she gets there.
>trying to find a Project Zomboid MP server
>ah here’s a OK looking server
>spend 49 minutes downloading all the mods in queue
>join but the game refuses to load the map despite decent ping.
>tfw this server has 50 map mods, and 59 car mods
>leave and never join back

Now I remember why I hardly touch zomboid at all, because 99.9997% of all servers are piles of dogshit that you can’t play on. That and the countless mod incompatibilities and mixing mods that add the same shit instead of sticking to one, (britas is plenty enough you don’t need “amazing swat officer pack” that uses fucking b40 hydrocraft armor code for its riot shield.

Where’s zomboid server anon when we need him?
I don't have Survivors either, I plan to get it after I complete the major achievements and buy it during the summer sale. If anyone in a multiplayer match has Survivors though everyone gets the benefits - kinda like Payday 2 heist packs ^^
Skill levels aren't a dealbreaker, but I miiiiiight play Monsoon difficulty just for Artificer's last unlock, kek
I'll let you know when my shift ends and I get home!
There was nothing 16k blocks north.
There was, it was death.
You didn't try hard enough.
You'd need a full expedition to the north. Winter will be nothing but death over there.
>Server is still spring.
mare Utumno when?
Alright anon, I'm home and my nightly obligations are over with, sorry for the delay. Work had me an extra hour and then my stream-mate didn't show up for an extra hour so I was kinda thrown off in my schedule. If you're still up for it, I'll make a lobby momentarily ^^
Alright, RoR2 lobby's open now, the lobby number is:
Password is the board name, slashes included.
trying to join with 'join clipboard lobby' but i just get 'bad password' error message and no opportunity to enter one.
weird, sorry anon. If you check the server browser thing, mine's called Horsefuckers Anonymous. Maybe the password prompt will show up that way?
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Hell of a night. It was crushing to lose on the 9th vent of the void fields with you that first run. Felt like we would breeze through the rest of the run completely, beat mithrix in seconds. You played very well for Monsoon and not just because I gave you all the bestest build items~
gn poners
RoR2 was fun, thanks for hosting would be cool to do it again with more ppl
got a couple homies who might be able to sometime, they just weren't in the mood to play tonight
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peaches last 8 days in a cellar ???
the harvest is complete
food for a town
only one mare in said town...
its actually time consuming to buck all these trees
Now imagine just how much longer it'd take if you couldn't buck.
shut the fuck up and get your own general Jesus Christ, you just always flood threads with the “le vintage story game” chat and how quirky it is to die to fucking winter or grind 8 hours for materials.

fuck off
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NOO THEY'RE GAMING IN MY GAMING THREAD!! nooo not that game!!!! play my kind of games!!
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erm actually a few of the posts you replied to were in reference to the video game Risk of Rain 2, not Vintage Story...
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get back in the con thread zipper
Go back to /v or /vg then.
>Doing the polite thing and using pony gaming thread to talk about pony vintage story.
>Not flooding /mlp with different gaming threads.
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You can construct what I am talking about with less information right?
here's your (You)
>giving me a (You)
Anon, I was posting about Risk of Rain 2, and when we met ingame we shut up until after we split up for the night. Calm down.
They didn't screech about Elden ring players posting earlier, while yes I find elden ring a bore. I do not bother other players posting about it, they enjoy the game and are free to post in pony general.
I won't ruin their fun.
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>Dash is Tarma
>Flutters is Fio
That's perfect.
Yeah, that's basically how I feel about Vintage Story. I'm not interested in playing it personally but I'm happy to let them post and interject with RoR or Zombies whenever the mood strikes. Just...basic courtesy.
The DLC is pretty fun and good so far
Rellana was tought nut to crack, had to change my set up a little
Respec is a thing since Dark Souls 2.
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SSD meeting.
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Run finished.
Excellent Campaign, anon.
It's a shame that the multiplayer campaign was turned off on it.
don't even try. he refuses to make a build that isn't just random shit
considering joining the Vintage Story server, I was just wondering if there are some comfy hills and valley that generates, got a knack lately for that stuff
There's quite a few to setup in.
oh -golly- gee anon.. it's not as simple as modded minecraft is. it's very convoluted and tedious
I am aware my dear nigger, I've already sunk a good amount of hours into VS, I was just wondering if the terrain gen on the serb is any different from vanilla
golly draw
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I was just trying to be helpful cause I found it extremely tedious. especially crafting

it's ok fellow faggot, but don't worry, the autism knows no bound
It's funny how you find the need to be a cunt at every opportunity you get.
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can't we all be frens
no, it's forbidden
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we can be frens :)
the golly silly anger filly is correct. we must argue forever and be mad at each other
What do frens do with frens?
>Call me a cunt for making an honest suggestion
Sopa de macaco
According to the devs, it couldn't work due to the mod's complexity.
First, I did respec, prior to the DLC, I realized I never really used my crucible aspect incantations, so these 27 points into Faith went down to 17 Faith and put it elsewhere. These new crucible aspect incantations almost make me regret that decision.
Second, by changing set up I meant merely changing my Greatsword for an Electrified Armament heavy Anchor with Wild Strikes, which made short work of her.
But your answer of respecing makes you sound like a condencending asshole, like Seluvis. And nobody likes a Seluvis.
I don't think you could survive with crippling HP but feel free to play the victim card.
>if you're having too much trouble just respec
How on earth did you get as far as you did into the souldborne franchise. You're DSP-tier with the justifications and complaints.
He dies a lot.
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any gamers?
something something pony not allowed outside /mlp/
Too busy gaming I guess
you are fren :)
You cannot talk about videogames here without someone throwing a hissy fit
yeah I game. do you want to game? what game
I don’t usually play much multiplayer stuff so I’ve been wanting to try out some games I bought but never really got to play: Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2, Gunfire Reborn. I was also thinking of picking up Abiotic Factor since it’s on sale and it looks interesting.
did you ever find out where to pirate?
if only the project Zomboid server anon came back, since Project Zomboid multiplayer servers fucking suck in their current state and the owners always cram 50+ fucking maps onto the server and expect people to play when you can’t load any section of the map despite having 20ms ping.
That and unironically waiting 30+ minutes to install mods
>Abiotic Factor
that's nice game, played it with my buddy. we didn't finish it yet though
My itch for zomboid grows day by day
more fun than it should be just collecting guns with that one gun mod, probably killed thousands of zombies with a suppressed spas-12
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good shot m8
imagine the seething if that first blood popped up during p0ny's heyday
it still causes seething even now 10 years later i bet
I hope so
>BF3 after class with the first pony people I've ever interacted with AND my real life friends
It might've been my peak
damn this fucking guy has friends and pony friends
>tfw no friends or pony friends
Don't worry, this is where I'm now at, thus back then might've been my peak
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Started a CSA run. They have droids.
Anyponer feel like playing Risk of Rain 2 today to pass the time? Room will be the same as before, Horsefuckers Anonymous, with the password /mlp/.
ill be down to play in about an hourish
sweet, sweet. I'll leave the lobby open for a bit while I run the laundry.
gaming bump
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Anonymous is not beating the horsefucker allegations
>Bebaki sounds like a 'Ling name
>a Bebaki
No, he's not beating the xenofucker allegations.
Off with his heads.
Does anyone know where I can find EOI models for a TF2 map? There’s a guy on DeviantArt who may have them, but they may have been taken down or compelled to be made private.
I was literally in the middle of purging them and Anon decided it was prudent to fly over and fuck one before they were all gone
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I did not have sexual relations with that ayyy.
>Is that not the glipgloop of a Bebaki on your neck?!
based as fuck
slip in before they're all holocausted and none of them can claim they got dicked after
bump two
Anyone know why MineLP (modern versions) keeps resetting FillyCam to On? 1.20.1 via Sinytra Connector on NeoForge, if that matters.
I'm planning on hosting a HOI4 EAW game, which will likely be a MARESOC coop this Sunday at 18:30 CET. Feel free to join then!
Is the server down?
Anyone wanna do some tabletop board games in a few hours (4h-5h)?
I was thinking pony games, light party games but also a couple of drawing games where we can do pony drawings.
>via Sinytra Connector on NeoForge
prob this. I have no real idea but it's probably somethign with this
Probably Connector, yeah.
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Sure, will be a bit late but can try to be there
Ah, apologies, can't make it today
Oh I didn't see this post until now, I'd still be up for it if you're free later. There might be more Anons that are able to join as well.
How many hours from now Anon? Might just make one ourselves if the Anon can't make it
I could join up, if it happens soon enough
Does 3-4 hours from now sound good?
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What is "soon" that's still not a timeframe, so Anons can prepare and/or read and join. Could just have made a room if was to be spontaneous...
I guess there's 3 of us just waiting for the other, so...?
How about in one hour, so Anons can read and ready?
Oh, 3-4, that's really late for me, but been a while so I could try.
How about in 2 hours at least? A middle ground from the one and 3, unless you cannot yourself
I guess I could sleep for 3–4 hours and then-

Oh, gods. Two hours is too short to sleep and too long to wait. I guess you can start it in 2 hours, and then I'll join up later.
The alternative for me is to start it in the next 10 minutes.
I'm fine with 3 hours, it's just slightly late here, but I have nothing tommorrow, so even 4 hours is fine honestly
Well I said 3-4 hours to give us plenty of time, but if we're all ready now, then we can get to it now. It's not that late for me, really.
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Everyone just keeps babbling and no one makes anything. Damnit...
Opening a room, we can keep discussing meanwhile
>Opening a room
Where is it sire?
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Room up
Name: /mlp/
Pass: mare
No idea what we're playing yet since wasn't the one who was going to make a room.

Just made it and was about to post
3 in, doing a game of Send Love while we give a chance for players to join up
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Nearly finished, join us before the next one
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Next game starting now, ponk is too good at finding dem bugs with her pinkie sense
Now playing with words and mare word acessories in So Clover!
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Did a round of clover, one more today then
3 in
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Yes, Chrysalis, or how I like to remember her as, Ambulance Mouth
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GGs, clovering done
Kinda wish we made this a more common thing on saturdays, but thanks for coming for some games everyone
The Vintage Story died, REEEEEEEEEEEEE
It truly is a vintage story now, i guess
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sowwwyy x,x if still ded i wil check fix after iget 2 my laptop after ac ends
I think every two weeks would be a perfect frequency; too bad that we don't get more ponyfriends coming in, they're really missing out on a lot of fun.
>Vintage Story server still ded.
With the Steam Summer sale going on, what games are people getting? I was thinking of grabbing Barony, and apparently that game has online co-op. I feel like the thread should compile a list of games that you can play with other Anons. Stuff like:
Tabletop Simulator
Left 4 Dead 2

very fun with people
I picked up inkbound
have had fun with it thus far, just not a fan of the fake longevity progression
Marequest 2
Slaughter Horse
Pony World 3
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Lobby is up. We'll be doing a MARESOC coop as New Mareland. I'll probably buff up a few of our neighbors for an extra challenge, The game will start at 18:30 CET, which is around an hour from now.

ID: 90199771863931915
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players

Hotjoin and coop will be on, don't be alarmed if you cannot chat at first. It's a common bug that will go away once the game starts.
all of the sales are barely good, if your a true fren you’d buy arma III for 5 bucks though which is the only good sale I saw.

Otherwise enjoy paying 30-40 dollars for most of the games ((on sale)) because they originally were 70-80 dollars or even 60 dollars, fuck I hate the sales jew.

There’s a reason why piracy wins, and it’s exactly this. If you care about the dev they probably have some personal donation patreon or something so you can avoid 90% of steam fees for them.
If you are playing games which cost 70-80 dollars on release I think you may just have bad taste.
atleast I unironically bought Project Zomboid for cheap in 2019 (16$) and then had to witness the torture of newfags flooding the game and making it shit, especially multiplayer. Same game is now nearly 21-30$ and they only shat out the “le animation le graphiks” update instead of taking the time to fix broken things. Of course normalfags are attracted to “da realistic graphiks” like flies to shit.

Can’t find any servers that aren’t 100-200 mods that barely work together and take 40 minutes of install, with 50 of them being pop culture vehicles and 50 of the other ones being map additions.

the map additions absolutely kill any chance of playing on the server even with good ping due to how zomboid handles map loading.

Roleplayfags are also a cancer that needs swift execution, largest servers cater to them and are shit, nobody just makes a server that isn’t a mish mash of the completely same mods that conflict with them.

All the good servers I’ve played on just ended up dying, Valhalla and “BANG” are both cancer that needs execution too, Valhalla for having the “le secret reddit Project Zomboid shared server ban list” and the owner going onions/having a temper tantrum over me breaking no rules, then “banning me” when he could’ve just warned me instead and I would’ve left (no part of the server clarified on the hidden ban list). Would be tough reaching out to a PZ server mod just to infiltrate and dump his list, but for those interested “Myon” is definitely a weak link, and could probably have his account compromised via his “indie dev project” from a malicious executable or something.
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ID: 90199773380243467
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players
nice to see you whining about zomboid again
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I got mostly solo games since that's what I play.
>The Last Starship
>Super Wooden GP
>Super Wooden GP 2
And this last one could work for MP, but really just got it if that ever happens
>Castle Crashers
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okk alive srbr it ran out of disk space wen i was traveling lole!! x,x if there is any world corruption pls slet me kno!! & i wil restore backup
>ran out of disk space
That explains what was happening to me the other day. There was some odd behavior but I didn't lose anything important personally.
Playing this with my normie friends recently has been torture because why not play the funni pony mod
It takes 200% effort for the spaghetti to not explode from my pockets and I'm dying
Yooo, recently thought about 100%ing Castle Crashers but playing solo from level 1 is a bit of a pain. I have it on Steam too, but I'm working a lot this week. If you bring it up Friday, I'm up for it ^c^
We could try that yea, if other Anons want to join up too depending of time
I bought it too and want to play with you guys.
3 so far? Sick. Real party game hours so far. I call poison knight!
I'm down for friday castle crashing
Can't wait for lava world to raise my blood pressure
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Alright then, perhaps we should be able to have even more than a room going at once, but definely could do a full 0 to hero. So next step would be what's the best time for everyone to join up?
Being friday I expect some might still be working till slightly later but here's three times we could likely start, all GMT-0
Or we can do it saturday and start earlier, what do you guys think?
This is perfect for me.
21:00 or saturday's good too.
19:30 or 21 are both good
I'm on the west coast USA, GMT-8, but Friday is my day off, and I work Saturday. The earlier times would be easiest for me. My vote's on 19:30, and not just because I wish I could have seen an empire rise during that decade.
Pi-ehm. Heck. No Ary art on this device. A shame.
ok post b41 newfag, let me know how your brita’s and sapphs mod combo is going and that you also fellate braven’s shlong
we already did this bit retard
Nonny, you've been hoodwinked:
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Oh based, good find. I was seriously suspecting it but none of the reverse image searches worked, lmao.
Thanks for actually finding it, anon. How did you even do it, did you recognise it or the artist? Or did some tool actually manage to find it?

Here, let's have what was my 2nd or 3rd favourite, who I suppose has now been promoted to 1st/2nd instead.
"blep, presenting, -explicit". Simple as.
Very based.
>"blep, presenting, -explicit". Simple as.
I am genuinely brain damaged holy shit lmao
I honestly deserve to get hoodwinked
There was terrible corruption!!!
I lost ten stacks of steel ingots, a stack of glass in every color, and a whole assortment of creative glow blocks.
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happens to the best of us, anon, but it's still funny when it happens to someone else
I got Castle Crashers ages ago but haven't played it in years. I'd be down to play it again.
Chiseling glowing pony in -15C while an army of drifters bang on the buttresses of this atrium.
What Stardew Valley mods do you guys recommend? Any pony mods?
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Reminder to get Tabletop Simulator during the Steam Sale if you somehow don't have it already.
I've never even seen TTS before. What's it like?
Holy shit anons, if you don't have Castle Crashers, you ought to get it. $1.49. 12 hours to go guys, get the lead out!
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Finally. My bulk biceps statue has something to lift now. Ceiling being held up by a column being held up by twilight being held up by a futuristic sign being held up by popeye the pony.
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Really? Tabletop Simulator has kind of been a well-known entity since it came out.
Anyway, it's not a game per se, it's a sandbox that allows for creation and adaptation of a wide variety of board games into a digital 3D environment.
And at this point, you would be hard-pressed to find a board game that doesn't have a tts mod, meaning, with TTS, you get access to THOUSANDS of board games to enjoy and play online.
What's also nice is that it's super easy to get into, it's got a good 5-minute tutorial and joining games is as simple as finding a room and clicking it.
Besides board games, you can also do TTRPGs. Curiously, there is an MLP TTRPG you can find, but I hear it's a little shit.

We've been doing Tabletop games here occasionally. Usually the few pony board games there are, but also party games and on the occasion something heavier.
used to be simpler but now global chat is dead to sensitivity concerns
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It's kind of like Garry's Mod, but for board games. Virtually every single board game has a mod (if not multiple) for TTS. All of which are completely free and easy to download. You just press "Subscribe" in the official Steam Workshop and you can download the board game in TTS. Every now and then, the thread will have a month or two of TTS sessions, where we use pony pieces substituted into games. You can also set custom 3D backgrounds to play board games in, like this picture. It's definitely worth getting at 50% off, even if you're unsure. You get a ton of value from the purchase. The only thing you don't get with the purchase is friends ^:(
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Reminder we're doing Castle Crashers tomorrow at 19:30 Gmt-0 too.
I don't know if it's a thing, but should there be room size limits, with more fags, it should be easier to subdivide between rooms too
Speaking of, wasn't there a "better" tabletop sandbox coming out some time ago? With sane physics and stuff? Did it die or something
What are you talking about
Tabletop Playground. It really is better in many ways, but doesn't use Steam Workshop and instead does some other gay method of distributing mods
It also changed up controls and shortcuts enough to have people not wanna bother relearning all the tricks they already know in TTS.

>global chat
TTS had global chat, so you could just arrange games with randos that way, but they removed it 'cause.. idk.
I think it's because some people complained about naughty messages and devs decided to just straight up remove global chat.
LGBT wordsalad was banned in global (presumably because they started doing suspicious shit there), LGBT cancelled game, devs said 'fuck you, no more global for anyone'.
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With 45 minutes left in the sale, I thought I'd mention Ultimate Chicken Horse as a fun multiplayer game. It's a party game where you and 3 other people (more if you use a mod) build a 2D platformer stage that's easy enough for you to beat, but hard enough to defeat your opponents. If everyone beats the stage, no one gets any points. If no one beats the stage, it gives you bombs to blow up harder obstacles. It's pretty fun, and pretty cheap at the moment. It also has a bangin' jazzy soundtrack.
>Ultimate Chicken Horse
i remember when the AH boyz played that. was funny to watch
Bought the game and ready to play ,but not today , if someone will host it
Gay. Yeah network effect is a bitch I suppose, and TS is "good enough" for most purposes that players are happy to stick with what they know.

>global chat got removed
Mildly gay but also I never used it. I suppose it's really a bummer if you didn't have friends and wanted to jump in with randoms
Another anon here, also down to play castle crashers.
How many are wanting to play total? seems like more than 4, will we need to split into multiple groups?
Does cc have a lobby browser or do we need a steam chat? I've only played with friends before
With you seems like 6
I'm thinking of just making a steam group and organizing us in lobbies that way. Seem right?
can't wait to get picked last for volleyball
group or a chat would both work as long as you can invite i guess
Could also form a temporary dicksword groupchat to organize and then open a call while we play, could be fun and reminiscent of a splitscreen party.
nonsense fren, if we get 6 players we can split into triplets. No fren left behind.
I think just because I'm bored before work I'll post this so we can congregate/organize tonight and tomorrow.
>discord: zVNQXynX
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I guess, for as much as mulp hates dicksword fags sure seem to rely on Steam for everything as the whiteflagged platform...
And talking about it, kek
I'd rather use a matrix between the two, but I'm so tired of the "Discord bad, Steam good" tirade from some that sure, will join when home
Anon, those were both me, kek. But I feel that. I just thought in the moment that a group voice call would be good for organizing and enjoying a party game. I don't even know the extent of Steam's VC capabilities aside from one on one calls.
anyone want to join a new /mlp/ minecraft server?
Only originals, so can't here
what mods, what version
>you should sacrifice your anonymity to join a game because le hecking fun!!
nigger this is why I don’t even bother participating, there’s always no fucking option to remain anonymous, discord you have to make a shitty burner and be marked as a “bot/spammer” but even then that could be tracked back to you

same shit with steam because I have to make a new account but I can’t buy the game on that new account so it’s my main account

fuck you faggots for doing that sort of shit and trying to leak people
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Your name would still get shown to other fags playing so, not like that would matter in this case.
Honestly, your post is just an overreaction trying to ride on mine. And with that thinking of yours, your only pick is actual random lobbies or none at all.
Join the room, play, then leave. Done. You don't need to stay any more than necessary for everyone, including yourself, to organize.
>"I dont want to play with people because they will know my name!"
You sound like a massive socially inept introvert.
On the other hand, nobody here is out to get you, this is not /b/, you wont get pizza delivered the very moment you show up your name.
Not like you're actually important to warrant such a thing.
>trying to leak people
Anon, it's not that deep. Guy mentioned Castle Crashers, I had it, we organized a small group dedicated to playing vidya together. I would understand anonymity if you were a member of the American Alliance, or selling shrooms, but this wasn't made with the intent of doxing you and ratting you out. Don't like that? Don't join. Or better yet, don't actively share your criminal background with people. Your biggest way of maintaining anonymity is to not make enemies or paint a target on your back. I know it's tempting to think you're always in danger, but unless you have a following of four digits or a sex offender entry, nobody will care who you are enough to dig.
Reminder to ignore obvious bait and threadshitters.
A castle is worth quite a lot, and considering fags are looking to crash one... You'd be scared for your property too. /sarcasm
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Been playing as CSA. They can have a rather random navy.
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Slight hiccup on Castle Crashers -- I have to do something, but I have zero clean clothes except in the laundry! Fulltime job problems, kek. It's drying now, should be ready to crash some castles in about 50 minutes. Groupchat has 5 people, meaning a 3-2 split might work best unless more join.
No worries, I can wait Anon.
I retvrn, once again if anyone wants to play Castle Crashers today, the invite for the group is gonna be: zVNQXynX
Hey anons, it's been awhile but we'll be playing some Left 4 Dead today. Connect via via "connect mare4dead.poni.best" in the console, and make sure you are subscribed to this collection. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2857941932;
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How to stop being retarded and start playing with anons? I'm too fucking scared to join to any group.
7 mares glubbin
>see game others are playing
>join said game
that easy
what do you want to play?
just boot up the game and join, you don't even have to talk for most games if you're really that retarded
Better question would be

Why, or what you're scared of?
Map got updated and caused the server to restart, it's back up now!
just join and don't say a word
11 mares on buried deep
Play the vintage story server and become somepones serf
unironically some of my favorite anons, too
but that involves buying some indieshit game through their sketchy website.
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Me too, social autist anon. I had Risk of Rain running and was ready to join those anons the other day when they were playing and I froze up, pussied out and closed the game. It's hard to start an interaction. I've been rewriting this post for an hour now.
Why keep coming to the thread if not to play?
And is Risk of Rain any fun?
You should join us next time we play.
Very true! Oh...uh...um... Be alone then?
>he doesn't know
ROR1 or 2?
I'd play but my body's been on the verge of shutting down for like....12 hours.
Here's what both Minecraft and Vintage Story's websites used to look like. You can click through versions on the timeline.


Vintage Story
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I did it again!
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I want to go back.. do any of you still play? Golly? Craften? Crazieman? grammer_nazi? 79? so many more that aren't there on the top of my head, I want to go back
Golly draw.
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>haven't seen new golly art in years
He owes us
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i'm playing right now
you didn't name me though, so i'm content to remain such
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Raiding some schizo in Ready or Not
Isn't server long dead? and sorry I didn't name you
There's a ss13 thread going on in case anyone wants to check out
Its been mostly an idea discussion for a new type of pony focused server, but we are trying to find someone who can host a basic reskinned game at the moment. And we also got one anon helping making a customizable sprite for it.
Yes. I am a spooky ghost in the ghost server. ooOOOooo
Isn't this the fifth fucking time this has been tried?
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>Yes. I am a spooky ghost in the ghost server. ooOOOooo
can I join? I wanna be a ghost in the ded serb. I won't nuke it this time
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Like I said, we got one anon doing stuff. And if we can get one hosted game going on it will give the anons more of a reason to keep the thread going.
no, because you are alive
Real talk though, the only reason i haven't hosted after Bug's utter fucking retardation that sealed the fate of any future Horsecraft servers (for now) is because there's genuinely no pack worth hosting that would sate all autism.
Mostly because any quest-type autism packs would have to come with a pre-emptive ban of Craften to prevent his autism killing the whole point.
Maybe i'll nigger-rig something on 1.20 if i can find a good serverside auth mod.
because all of them are for fucking fagric (or, worse, troonric) as far as i can find. and Sinytra Connector is a temperamental piece of fucking garbage at the best of times, so i barely trust it to behave with mare mod.
oh god what the fuck codebase are you niggers using, TG was bad enough last time
>discord in OP
oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
The guy doing the sprite is leaning towards ss14, OP is leaning towards Nebula.
But they are open to suggestions.
ss14 means you get double-fuck-all plus tranny jannies constantly breathing down your neck- hub or no hub.
Nebula looks like a bayfork, automatically better than the above.
>breathing down your neck- hub or no hub.
I know about the de-hubbing part but what can they do besides that ?
>Sinytra Connector is a temperamental piece of fucking garbage at the best of times, so i barely trust it to behave with mare mod.
it doesn't even work with base forge and base fabric and pony mod. with no other forge shit. its terrible.. I hate to stick to the old 1.12 bandwagon but it's really what we have to stick with if we want any tech mods (as long as we don't go to 1.7.10 again it can't be that bad lets be real) we should also use BigPony (mare camera height) I don't think we used it in the olden days..

I think we should just jurryrig a schizo modpack again and let bugs and chaos reign supreme
Underground Biomes
Unlimited Chisel Works
YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)
I have others like that but I can't recall atm
They've proven they'll attack through other vectors if dehubbing isn't a threat enough.
I'm aware of the 1.12 specials.
>it doesn't even work with base install
Anon, i have it running on 1.20.1 right now, it's just a needy little shit that needs installed last if you have any of a... okay, disturbingly long list.
For once, i was exaggerating.
>all leather ziggered
>all refractory bricks ziggered
kill all ziggers on sight
yeah.. I get it, nothing is perfect but I do suggest looking at the mods I listed for 1.12.2 they have alot of stuff and do a ton and aren't very well known shoved together. might be a bit of an inventory bloat with all the stone types but maybe theres a mod that increases it's size? i've never been able to find a good one
Are you talking about this ?

Those all seemed to all be outside attacks, I was asking more about what they could directly do to a ss14 server besides dehubbing it.
Don't need to sate all autism, only most of it.
>oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
Being a retarded zoomy zoom zoom who can't live without his convenience, of course. He was told not to do that.
>TG was bad enough last time
Old TG is better than anything else, fite me.
>I hate to stick to the old 1.12
C R I N G E !
>YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)
No. No. Fuck you. No. It turns varied vanilla caves into one giant wavy slice of wide open area and is worse rather than better.
In fact experiencing how awful it is so you don't suggest it again, ever, is the primary reason for inclusion of that mod.
Anything you refuse to do out of decency, trannies are willing to do. Up to and including CP spamming your communication server, your game server, and anyone who was seen on either.
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>>I hate to stick to the old 1.12
>C R I N G E !
I mostly mean that other game versions have stuff to offer too in terms of modding :(
no bully
>YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)
No. No. Fuck you. No. It turns varied vanilla caves into one giant wavy slice of wide open area and is worse rather than better.
In fact experiencing how awful it is so you don't suggest it again, ever, is the primary reason for inclusion of that mod.
I'm no expert, anon. from the little i tried it I liked it but I am also retarded
include true darkness (mode 3 for moon phases, more light at night depending on moon phase) makes cave exploration big spooky and very fun. they may be wide open but do you have any better suggestions? I would really like to know even if its for my own personal use only
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I also hereby offer (for free) Marecraft logo for a Marecraft texture pack. load a simple texture pack in the modpack and enable it by default and there you go. personal use stuff I'm glad to share
that and more. see >>41235035 anyways. speaking of!
>Cringe (1.20 edition)
Bite me, mares require this or far older and i'm getting paid (in mares) to help a tard with this.
>old TG
yeah but unfortunately last time iirc the tard did not fork old TG
>Cringe (1.12 edition)
there are two modpacks from before then that can run without needing dedicated hosting of a java version so that they can be played.
both are too autistic for anyone save Craften to actually complete, and generally resist tampering to make less shit.
>Yung's Caves
Better than vanilla and its future counterparts, that's for fucking sure.
Definitely needs custom settings to make it generate less slopcaves, though, and only something i'd consider if i wanted to make larger spaces for underground bullshit.
make a version for pre-realms textures and we'll be golden
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>>>41235060 (You)
>make a version for pre-realms textures and we'll be golden
this isn't a texture file by any means but its the render. you can easily do this with Blockbench and go to 'minecraft text' you can make it say anything (it actually renders a 3d object and takes a rendered image at the correct angle to represent the normal games logo). I've made some other cool stuff with blockbench. never got to make a mod with them though..
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I have already given the better suggestion. Vanilla caves, unmodified.
I am yet to see a cave mod that does not fail at maintaining or improving variety of vanilla caves while changing them.
>true darkness
You're funny.
>Bite me, mares require this or far older
The cringe is not using the older versions.
>two modpacks from before 1.12
One is GTNH. What's the other?
>Better than vanilla and its future counterparts, that's for fucking sure.
>Definitely needs custom settings
Are you volunteering?
>larger spaces for underground bullshit
Cubic Chunks. Good luck stabilizing that for multiplayer, though.
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>>true darkness
>You're funny.
what's the joke? I'm autistic (I play modded minecraft)
Too many things that yeet darkness, including at range (if you wanted to also include Grue). So all it does is make playing obnoxious for the first hour or two - unless you are both competent and the ENTIRE pack is built around the concept of limited light.
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I just think it's cool and makes the experience more interesting and caving more fun..
can we get gregtech New Horizons pack?
that mod needs JEI for the recipes too.
would be fun to coordinate with other pones

if gregtech NH is too heavy, then gregtech ceu is fine
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Ok then i'm not playing, why the fuck would I even bother?

I don't want to play some gay roleplayshit game, I just want tech with ponies.

Mekanism is ass, industrialcraft is ok, buildcraft is ok, thermal foundation is ass, etc
>Ok then i'm not playing, why the fuck would I even bother?
Ever server either you or someone just like you says the same shit
>1.12 server that Wallflower nuked
erm where gregtech??
>1.12 server after
erm where gregtech?
>1.7.10 server
erm where gregtech?
>Bug's server
erm where gregtech?
if you want it. START IT. if I wanted to work I'd go to my job and get paid. at least then I can use my work to get mare plushie's rather then just grind away mindlessly microcrafting new random bullshit in giant tech spiderweb of hell
That's why you rush AE2, silly. Or destroy the server with a giant LP crafting wall, if the owner/packmaker did an oopsie and gated AE2 too far/did not include it.
'just do the microcrafting hell mod to make microcrafting hell pattern making hell!'
No gregtech. lets make a Beta minecraft server instead
Yes gregtech. Gregtech 2.7 of the 1.5.2 fame, before it became the shoggoth it is known as now.
>lets make a Beta minecraft server instead
based tee bee desu
Which version?
I don't really mind what version of beta. I really meant just the simple days of minecraft when it was.. simple, gregtech is far too much for me to have fun with it, "kitchen sink" modpacks I can choose what to do rather then follow a long tedious linear paths is annoying and mentioning beta minecraft is the exact opposite of what gregtech represents to me. shame no mare mod for it though
And I like figuring out/building setups to make stuff, so more things that do have setups instead of the "convenient" TE/EIO magic blocks are nice.
Old GT is basically just IC2 but more rather than total overhaul/even more retardedly total overhaul.

One thing that was better about old MC in multiplayer is actual reason to build transport - barely any flight and teleportation so Railcraft had an actual use.
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Queen Crysalis Wins!
Flawless Wictory
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The Edge of this FAG...
how about direwolf20? can we add marecraft to it? can I host it on my own server or do I have to buy their own FTB instance? will poorfags be able to play it? Is it over before it even started?
nvm FTB is not a fabric, forget about mine little pony, it is over
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>buying anything FTB
If you, the reader, are a retarded zoomer, translation: "tee hee we're replacing publicly viewable long-form posting site with a not publicly viewable, short-form messaging/voice service known for hostile takeovers". FTB is dead.
>what's the other
>vanilla and future counterparts
as in current vanilla and Yung's successors
>are you volunteering
probably not unless i end up making it from scratch
>cubic chunks
No. sneed.
The b1.7.3 version of mare mod is lost to the ages (and/or deliberately excluded from the archive)
there's a b1.8.1 version but everything else is full releases
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Also, for larger spaces for underground bullshit, Terrain Control works great. Its original development (as a plugin) had the server with a 12 block high cave underneath entirety of the ocean biome, for example.
Modded Beta Minecraft server used to be impossible until 1.3.1 where Mojang merges the client and the server.
>he doesn't know
is there a pony resource pack for terraria 1.4.4?
well, tell us anon. I don't know either
Did (you) enjoy Shadow of the Erdtree anon? And is this possibly the worst pvp meta in souls history?
Yes, I know about Bukkit. The vast majority of the beta mods don't have Bukkit support.
>he still doesn't know
>he doesn't know either
Client/Server split only meant a Client and a Server version of each mod, fucktards. A nice example (of still-working links, no less!) is the IC2 wiki's own downloads of its own mods.
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PVP? don't care. I only ever do PVP with my friends and not randoms. if something is fucked up and broken we don't use it, but yeah hopefully they fix stuff.
PVE?.. no, I didn't actually. I really wanted to. and there is some great enemies in the DLC. fireknights for one. twinblade black knight was cool. but so much is reused. bosses have no chill. they don't stop and it feels like they were all deliberately made to not be fun and for it to be super hard and not intuitive to figure out what they're doing. example being ds3 Midir. he does a big charge attack. tilts his head alot before it. bayle has a big roar that i guess he moves a leg?? and somehow that tells you he's going to do it. I feel they got caught up on making stuff hard they forgot to make it fun. that's for the bosses. they also forgot the fun part of the open world. its just empty minus like 40 cookbooks. you can say skill issue all you want I don't care. for me the boss fights weren't very fun. I liked Midra. he cool. but that's really it
I didn't play minecraft then. how the fuck would I know? geez i was just asking
I like your post anon. Personally, none of the bosses in the dlc gave me anywhere near the trouble some of the bosses from the trilogy did (ex midir/Gael) I killed most bosses in 5 attempts or less, the exceptions being relanna, messmer, and the final boss. I honestly think the lack of fun comes from not having to grind the boss to learn its moves and creating a strategy. Remember in ds3 when summoning against midir or Gael was a handicap? Sorry for the text wall of schizo Babble.
Your airplane has landed, and you will not get another at this terminal.
>I killed most bosses in 5 attempts or less, the exceptions being relanna, messmer, and the final boss
how? many of these took like 15 attempts. I did play co-op and my friend and I did not know how many of those blessing items existed or how high it went so we kept getting two shot by the Lion and Rellana (shit boss name btw)
For relanna, I used mimic tear and just spammed horned bolt. Very anticlimactic after the many close attempts using bleed. I used bleed on the lion with mimic tear, he took a few attempts and was the boss i had the most fun with.
Summons for commander gaius and the final boss. Bullshit hit boxes and flashbangs are not fun.
yeah mimic is easier then a summon. a summon may be smarter then a mimic but they give the boss more HP and damage while mimic doesn't
consequences of playing in co-op. but playing with friend makes games much more fun for both of us whatever it may be. I was a STR/ARC build using the new giant meteor sword and for the bullshit bosses the bloodfiends arm (broken and super OP). he was a fth/str build primarily using weapons. not much spells or ranged going on so yeah lots of hits. they don't give time to heal either. their pauses aren't long enough to finish the heal animation. its very weird, none of the other games have that
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>Did (you) enjoy Shadow of the Erdtree anon?
Yeah, for the most part, Ancient Ruins of Rauld I found to be tedious to traverse, and often the attack hitboxes of Messmer and Commander Gaius pissed me off, but otherwise it was alright. More Elden Ring.
I have yet to reach the final boss.
Also, feels like this DLC punishes people that are overly reliant on dodge spam and having little armor. The amount of times I have seen hosts instantly die on Gaius first charge was astonishing.
>And is this possibly the worst pvp meta in souls history?
Probably, the sheer amount of Swift Slashers and Blind Spot spammers was infuriating to fight in the colosseum. Actual braindead OP Ash of War.
They 100% did alot to make healing harder (amped up input read, few pauses etc) i had to rely alot on regen incantations for healing. No shield is a nightmare for sure too.
>I have yet to reach the final boss.
Come prepared for cbt. And don't forget to bring a greatshield.
>And don't forget to bring a greatshield.
Never leave home without my trusty Fingerprint, and my collection of 20 different Greatshields.
Althought also considered using a Sanctified Black Steel Greatshield for that 100% holy resistance
I already said I didn't enjoy it but I lied. I must admit I did for a time. but I spent a whole ass 3-4 hours running around the southern part of the map only to find jack shit. the red flower area, the blue one, the finger ruins, jagged peak, abyssal woods. all filled with jack shit. it sucked and really took alot of the fun out for me. the final boss was the last nail in the coffin for me. its just so stupid. not even the fight part but the story and lore.. its so fanfiction tier and I hate that guy in the base game and i've heard people say 'he's so cool' so many fucking times now. I don't find him cool. i don't like his base game fight and seeing him AGAIN as the final boss? nah that was stupid. I truly hate SOTE. it let me down like nothing else has in years
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Would this be a good candidate for a pony mod ?
I was considering this myself about a year ago, but in the end I lacked the conviction to actually make it. I thought it would be cool to replace all the races with ponies, changelings, etc. Did you have any other ideas for what a mod could add or change?
Yeah final boss was a disappointment. Him being a boss is fine but not the FINAL boss.
I think Radahn is cool.
Tho seeing him as Miquella's puppet rubbed me off the wrong way. The general deserved better.
Also I dont buy Miquella's whole schtick, no amount of peace is worth trading your free will.
I didn't buy the whole miquella thing at all. as in
it didn't feel believable, every action he took. his 'promise' to radahn. everything about the DLC's story and especially what they did with miquella felt goofy and stupid. it's just retarded
Justice for mogh he did nothing wrong, can't believe they miqullested the moghlester.
Magically charged automations that requires gems as a resource ?
Changes in warfare to take ranged magic and flying units into account ?
Love harvesting buildings for the changelings to put other slave species in ?
Maybe they dont even have to eat because of the love thing, but it requires a near constant slave input to keep the love coming in ?
Messmer and Mogh ended being sympathetic villains
More Messmer than Mogh, tho, I still find Mogh to be more unjustifiably evil than Messmer
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>I still find Mogh to be more unjustifiably evil
all he did was start a blood cult that kills people
when i say 'all' compared to the other Demi-gods
Ranni, killed her step brother Godwyn creating deathblight,
Rykard, got everyone at gelmir killed in the shattering and i'm pretty sure devoured anyone who was left and merged them to his giant serpent form
Miquella, gay weirdo mind rapist
Malenia, too close to the gay weirdo mind rapist and her and her rotted form should have just been killed for being a curse that spreads.
Morgott. did nothing wrong.
Radahn. I don't know but I don't think he did much other then stop the stars (still never explained, thanks Miyazaki. my guess is that they were going to write it that he was stopping the stars so the residents of Castle Sol could not bring about the Eclipse. something something living in death godwyn who cares. shows over. doesn't matter now)
Messmer, Mass genocide :|

Albinaurics tried to reach the haligtree to find kind miquella but.. are there any there? Loretta. that's it. where are they? Albinaurics are hunted by Gideon, tortured by Rykard's people but who lets them in? who let the Albinaurics in?

Mohg. Mohg is the -only- one who actually cares for the Albinaurics. say what you want about murder death blood cult based on a blood outer god. its really not that different from the others doing their thing. Kindly Miquella? more like Kindly Mohg
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Yet still no Formless Mother ending. shit game
While I dont disagree about everyone else being no different, this reads like Blood Cult propaganda
it's really Albinauric Propaganda . I find them neat little guys. the Gen 1's the Gen 2's. and I sympathize with them. they are created beings who are either literally fading away or unable to speak. yet the 'frog' like albinaurics are not stupid. and its insane how adaptive they are.
there are magic frost ones in liurnia. blood ones in mohgwyn palace. AND this one gets me. there are ones with yellow golden order eyes casting golden order incantations up in the snowfield. they're related to mimic tears I'm pretty sure. their silver blood and stuff
Stopping the stars to hold back a LOT of shit, actually, likely including Ranni's fate.
Part of why it's so shit that he gets mindraped by Miquella (seriously what the fuck Miquella)
Short story- all the demi-gods need to die, if only to cull their entire bloodline and keep this tier of shit from happening again.
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>all the demi-gods need to die, if only to cull their entire bloodline and keep this tier of shit from happening again.
I concur , everyone says ranni is powerful because she can just snap and kill you. if ranni is so powerful why do i need to kill everything? checkmate ranni simps

Kill demi-gods. Behead demi-gods. Roundhouse kick a demi-god into the poison lake. Slam dunk a demi-god baby down the sofira river elevator . Crucify filthy golden order. Defecate in a demi-gods food. Launch demi-gods into the sun. Stir fry demi-gods in prawn soup. Toss demi-gods into active volcanoes. Urinate into a demi-gods crimson flask. Judo throw demi-gods into a Abductor Virgin. Twist demi-gods heads off. Karate chop demi-gods in half. storm stomp pregnant demi-gods. Trap demi-gods in evergaols. Crush demi-gods with colossal weapons. Liquefy demi-gods in a vat of rot. Eat demi-gods. Dissect demi-gods. Exterminate demi-gods in the lake of rot. Stomp demi-god skulls with bullgoat greaves. Cremate demi-gods in the fire giant forge . Lobotomize demi-gods. Mandatory abortions for demi-gods. Grind demi-god fetuses with Ghiza's Wheel. Drown demi-gods in Liurnia. Vaporize demi-gods with Comet Azur. Kick old demi-gods down the stairs. Feed demi-gods to magma wyrms. Slice demi-gods with a katana
i love the idea for love harvesting buildings. i wish i were competent enough to work on such a mod.
It will be a long grind for consort Radahn
Become Patches and you will win, shield and spear. if you want I can place my summon if you play on PC. I hate that boss with a burning passion so strong the age of fire would last another million years if I linked the flame. show that boss no respect. show it no love. show it only hate and cheese that nigger boss
Only Greatshield and Greatsword.
Wish Therolina could stop aggoring Radhan tho
no summon either? alright suit yourself
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Jump of joy

Praise the chad wizard and his kamehameha's
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Wrong, it's the helmet that increases enemy aggro on me, so others are safer while I tank.
It has the same icon as Shabriri's woe, which has the same effect.
>The wearer becomes a slightly easier target for foes
somehow this means easier to see not as in increases damage or lowers defenses. fromsoftware moment once again
To be fair, taunt mechanics is nothing new, Red Eye ring in DS2 and Skull Ring in DS3, and I dont remenber if DS1 also had something of the sorts.
On the other hand, it's not the tankiest helmet so you're not entirely wrong, I guess.
I understand the increased enemy aggro, I just read the description and didn't think to consider 'is this lieing to me?' when i used the full set it felt like it was making me take more damage kek. its just a light armor issue
Any Sseth video is good Idea.
Rise of Legends or Breaders of Nephelyn
Because F' Amazing Cultivation Simulator.
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We have Dwarf Fortress at home:
Dwarfs!? (T.) Fortress (2) at Home:
{No Electricity!}
If crusader kings 2 wasn't so tedious to mod, I would suggest we make a pony mod for it. Nothing faggy that the other side of the fandom would make. Agressive pre-celestia warfare.
There was a plan for CK3 mod in early 2021 but nothing came out of it
Big pain. Also would have been a mixed bag if they made an open git for all us to add to it.
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hey, what games do you guys like
Elden ring colosseum pvp anyone?
Isn't it terribly unbalanced in the current version?
Not if you avoid the broken dlc weapons
I kind of want to but I'm terrible at pvp so I highly doubt it will be fun for either of us
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I hate video games
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Been on a Crypt of the Necrodancer rush again
If you think Aria/Glimmer is pain, don't play with Dash
woah i have no idea waht any of that means. is game fun? you don't seem to be having fun
my character is level 198 after the dlc. that's too much isn't it
i"m 204 so no. also password ensures we can do multiplayer regardless of level.
ok alright I can try a couple times. where do I go to fight u. what password
do you have the colosseums unlocked? if not main academy gate grace in raya lucaria works works. password iwtcit
Extremely fun, dash is just fast, hyper fast, and that's surprisingly harder than Aria despite Dash only having 2x speed modifier herself
i have the royal one and the limgrave one
Combat Ordeal, Royal Colosseum, password
yes. time for glorious combat
that was neat. I think the meteor sword was a bit much on my part, sorry
I'm playing very badly. I swear I was better a few days ago
I'm sorry for using the backhand blades
>Not if you avoid the broken dlc weapons
>pulls out backhand blade with that one weird ass weapon art
is that not the most broken thing kek
In my opinion the perfume weapons are the most broken
KEK yeah is ok just don't do that one weapon art. wtf is that shit? win button?
The most broken weapon art in the game my friend. Except for maybe palm blast
I don't even have the busted weapon art for these. I hate when my opponent flings fairy dust at me.
one more
i saw this near the end and started tryharding. my bad
it was pure instinct
I like the big stick too. Strength weapons are just too good in this game.
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yeag, post build
I saw you using a ton of random wacky shit
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I am in sheer awe as to how you beat the game with that build
file is titled 'cringe' but in reality i'm scared
I did a respec so I could use more weapons (str/int etc) It was more focused before the dlc, but I couldn't resist the new weapons.
i get it. just kinda schizo stats everywhere
you should try seamless co-op. i play with frens and is fun
The AI for AoE 2 DE is retarded.
>have castle and two towers at water crossing
>packed with garrisoned longbowmen
>enemy units get culled and do nothing different
>army gets decimated doing this
Should have sieged with trebuchets.
That's why people use specific and special tailoired AIs, at least back in HD, (Barbarian AI), in reality AI's in DE are nothing else but punching bags to practice build orders, you are better off playing against other players in order to improve
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>Miss horsefucker PvP
PvP would be a nice change of phase grinding my head against Radahn, last time I went to the colosseum against other randos were spamming Swift Slash and Blind Spot with bleed infused backhand blades
jesus christ anon, if there is any way to give yourself insomnia forever, it's putting stock in the 100% for Necrodancer. I couldn't beat Aria in all zones mode, but I was at least happy with playing as Cadance.
damn, sorry
I can try again maybe today? don't use that shield poking. that's boring. remember its about fun for both people
Sure, I'd love to
we agreed to not use some of the hyper broken stuff like backhand blades too.

i can play now if you'd like? only for a bit then im going to be playing minecraft with my fren
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ok I busy now. I'll be here later though if you wanna do it
>i can play now if you'd like?
Sorry I got myself busy and didnt notice, I can play soon for a hour, or later at night in around 5 hours
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hi anon
Right, down to PvP if you fellas want
>PVP in a game well known for having dogshit netcode
You're an Argentinian.
yeah I will. read >>41240252
that's the settings I'm going to do
its just for fun, anon. you don't need to be so sour
And white
Stop trying to be an asshole for once in your life, anon.
Booting up the game, be there in a minute
No, it's more ideal to PVP with other players in the same region instead of witnessing other players teleporting all over the place.
I play with my friends who are euros all the time. and I'm as American as it gets. we don't have many issues and neither of our internets are very good. its just casual fun. there are no prizes or anything. why's it matter?
Honestly? The putrid knight glaive opened me like a tin can opener
I did not expect that
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>cheating in horsefren pvp
really dude?
I have a little piece of advice as a veteran to Dark Souls 1 PVP: netcode might suck, but your ping is a major part of your PVP experience, and it's actually kinda interesting that way. Weapons aren't hitscan projectiles like in a shooter, so you're not getting killed around corners or anything. But parry timings, rolling timings, backstab timings, tech, etc., all have a surprising amount of depth with bad connection.
So yeah, a lag switcher teleporting from place to place isn't great, but learning to compensate for someone with 200ms of delay is actually pretty rewarding.
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Ready for my second round

I'm not cheating, these fake positives often pop up.
Seems to be not an uncommon bug.
i here yeah
Per chance are you using the Greatshield talisman? Because these spinning attacks were eating all my stamina.
alright now you're starting to lag bad
Look up the wiki
alright yeah I can't do that anymore. I get hit before I see you move. sometimes you just float in the air during your jumping attacks. I don't even know what's happening I just explode and die
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We can end it here if you want
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I warned ya
fine I'll try a different build i was doing before
I didn't know it would be that bad. he's fat rolling but I can barely roll catch because a million ping
South American internet connection runs on racism. I get sky high latency joining their TF2 servers.
That last one was fun!
for (you)
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>racism-powered internet
I knew that calling pyro players niggers was doing some good! I was like a hamster in a wheel out of thousands of others, powering the Valve servers~
These double K.O.'s are murdering my sides
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ok fine you're right. his internet is terrible and there is nothing I can do. you can't parry this guy. he lives on the moon
dude.. you do realize you hit me 1.5 seconds before I see you animate right? there is nothing I can do. get better internet my nigga
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Well it was fun while it lasted
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not really, you're borderline unkillable. I have zero ability to compete at all. its entirely one sided due to your internet and greatshield build
>I have zero ability to compete at all
You literally opened me like a can in the first 2 battles due the spinning attack fucking me over, and that bleed great weapon that bleeded me to death, it is when you switched to smaller weapons that you started losing.
Also, your smaller weapons failed to stagger me and I simply traded blows with my hyperarmor and ate a 2 handed greatsword.
>You literally opened me like a can in the first 2 battles due the spinning attack fucking me over, and that bleed great weapon that bleeded me to death
it's boring though. it was just tanking every hit spamming L2, braindead pvp
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I suppose
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what we should do is get many of us together into a seamless co-op lobby (like 4) and turn pvp on and have absolute free for all chaos
Are you certain? Pretty sure would complain about my ping regardless.
Also never used seamless coop before.
I'm just content by helping people fight bosses in coop.
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with a bunch of people just doing chaos it would matter less
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Yes. Now go away!
It'd be a lot easier to do than a Crusader Kings 3 mod. I'd be willing to offer whatever help I can if someone were to start work on a Crusader Kings 2 mod.
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Dead thread, dead fandom
Would it be better to have it opensource or closed down tighter than twilights cooch?
I'd say closed until it's done.
Or until a leak happens.
Always possible.
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thread ded

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