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Previous: >>41153517
Won't watch.
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Oh hey its another episode where Misty is mopping around over her insecurities AGAIN

God i wish that evil Misty replaced the real Misty and actually gain some personality
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>another misty episode
Well that was shit. Misty schizoing a better version of herself doesn't change the fact its a full ass Misty episode right after a mostly Misty episode.
>Mistyschizo calls Misty schizo
It's like pottery
The only good parts is evil Misty and 2 seconds of Posey being a Karen again
'Evil' Misty should have used the old mane colouring imo
I was just thinking that. They probably just didn't think of it, but showing them side by side probably also would have highlighted that the old mane matches her colors better.
Based I won't either unless there's a sexy mare fart. Even than I'll just skip to that scene snd rewind it endlessly while I jerk off.
>two misty episodes in a row
Why would they change coloring? That ghost Misty has nothing to do with her past or Opaline. Its just her inner fear personified.
This fucking bitch again.
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>2 Misty episodes in a row
Yes... yes...
>2 Misties in 1 Episode
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Does anyone even like Misty? Also why is there ghost Misty?
Misty is an outright schizo talking to herself
Maybe the people who came up with her initial concept and never actually had to deal with the character do.
I invested in Misty stock from the very beginning, and it has paid off handsomely. But I can't believe I'm saying this, in the words of our lord and savior, I'm tired of winning bros.
I hope its just show runners messing up episode order and it isn't because majority of episodes is about Misty. Feels like Hitch is just an unwelcomed bg character
Misty had officially became the new Fluttershy. Instead her trying to be assertive each season it is now Misty trying to fight her insecurities in every episode.
Considering the theoretical upcoming Princess Misty stuff I feel like the order really fits.
Also we all know Bitch isn't getting jack.
Misty is annoying, and I refuse to watch a Misty episode.
Misty is very popular outside 4chan so they are just trying to give fanservice to attract the almost nonexistence G5 fans
she wishes she was the new fluttershy
>Princess Misty
Don't tell me she will become an alicorn, when we already have a fake one that doesn't do shit but won't even become one.
I wouldn't be shocked if Sunny just randomly promotes in the finale or something.

Regardless nah its just the Alphabittle Haven wedding implications being thrown around.
Gotta sell that Misty with a new outfit and crown or whatever Hasbro will probably remember to release a year after or something.
Or not at all. G5 seems to be trying to sell a lot of stuff that Hasbro gave up on.
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Misty is so fucking adorable, her episodes always make me feel some type of way. I love how she manned up on her own, gosh she is such a good pony I want to pet and hug her.
Ugly nigger dog
Fiji mermaid
>Misty is very popular outside 4chan
yeah, that's why the only reason they can sell misty toys is by packing her in with other characters
otherwise she sells for clearance prices lol
Everypony in G5 sells for clearance prices. The toys are shit and aren't selling nothing, Hasbro can't even come with more creative toys to actually make people interested in buying it. Outside /mlp/ in other pony sites Misty is very well appreciated, and the approach of her episodes are different. I don't like her anyway, she was more interesting back in MYM. Anyway we need a G5 general for such discussions.
Misty? More like miss me with that shit.
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>Everypony in G5 sells for clearance prices.
Lying mistyfaggot
I might come back to watch this one at a later date. I just really don't feel like watching another Misty episode right now.
I think blm scared/intimidated redditors into liking misty lol
I'm Hitchfag, faggot
You don't really need a general for discussions that much and these threads derail really quickly because there isn't that much to say.
Especially when the episode in question barely has any fucking substance like this one.

G5 has an obvious skew to certain characters selling except there's also like three different releases of them at the same time and sane people will buy one at most.
You can tell Hitch and Misty are at the higher end of shelfwarming; though Misty doesn't have the quantity of normal releases yet. Which is actually more damning.

Some of the molds being ugly and the packaging being kinda weird is only half the story.
>some of the molds
Isn't the thing with g5 is they shove body diversity down your throat and preach about how amazing it is an improvement over g4 and then the toys all use the exact same doggy anatomy mold
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sure you are
if you actually were a Hitchfag you would know that not only does he have more toys and merch than misty but his stuff is more expensive on top of that
and the cherry on top? Hitch doesn't need leech off everyone else
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More or less. Its interesting because as the dragon set shows they are willing sometimes; but not for the main cast they release like twenty of each. Truely the priorities of Hasbro are an enigma.
Hasbro says body diversity but i believe one of the reasons for not having enough secondary/bg ponies toys is because how diversified they are in the show, and we all know Hasbro is lazy enough to create new molds. Still they could use Hitch's current mold to design any other male pony that wouldn't be a big deal, and they didn't even tried giving Argyle a beard for no apparent reason or more likely reuse the shitty pony life blind bag mold. Seriously why they fucked up not only with their main shit but also the show.
>G5 in a year
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misty needs to be like this more often
I can't believe how smug this mare is
also can someone draw misty as a wojak saying her heart makes her >feel
I told you that it was the new fluttershy being assertive
In this episode Misty once more kills another interesting part of herself in order to become the most bland and boring character in the entire show.
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Genuinely evil Misty is great
Evil Misty arc when?
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>rape by your past self whenever she feels like it
How would that work?
She was deliciously malicious.
Ask tulpafags
Fluttershy sucked ass. Making her episodes be about overcoming her shyness was the wrong move, they should have been about her element of Kindness. Shy is also literally in her name, it makes no sense to try to "fix" this built-in character flaw.

Misty is different, shyness isn't her main gimmick, empathy is. Misty is all about working through emotions, feelings, and morality, so having episodes deal with her insecurities is the right move in furthering her character development.
>Pixar: Don't get rid of your bad memories, they still shape who you are as a whole.
>Recycled power rangers line
>Recycled song
Also, does it rub anyone the wrong way that she just shredded or burnt off a part of her personality? Instead of accepting that it's OK to have some fear, but that you won't let it dominate your life? Because some fear and discretion is important. I don't like this moral, it feels weird and childish.
good .Misty should be evil ,evill
She shouldn’t exist at all
>Misty’s painful loneliness and hatred of her virginity, and lack of a marefriend-free stallion has deteriorated into unchecked schizophrenia.
>She needs FUCK n CUM. NOW.
The fuck? It's symbolism for conquering her fear that was preventing her from having fun. What, were you expecting her tulpa to start having fun alongside her? Why is /mlp/ filled with sociopaths that get stumped by a simple kids show.
>Why is /mlp/ filled with sociopaths that get stumped by a simple kids show.
Why you'd ask. This is literally why /mlp/ and arguing about it is meaningless.
Tantabus merged with Luna
I just finished watching the Fluttershy episode where she goes through a similar thing as Misty here, but ends in a better way imho, where she confronts her fear, does a great job scaring the crap out of her friends, and then resolves to stay true to herself: not participating in it any further. But I'm biased against Misty, so that's tinting my analysis too
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She got deleted in Telegram
I'm with Misty here. The only way you're getting me on that roller coaster is if Pipp sits in my lap. Me and Misty can go make out behind the funnel cake booth while they ride.
>Pipp throws her phone in the air on a roller coaster for a picture knowing that Misty would catch it with her telekinesis.
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>Misty and the hedgehog girls
>many years later Misty is arrested by the ponice for allegedly raping her dementia ridden father
Her gimmick is more cringe. Nobody wants to hear about her emotional shit, is she going to make another episode on her feeling about choosing chocolate or vanilla icecream?
Is this the first onscreen death in MLP: TYT?
Cake dragon was first, Opaline second
When we gonna see Izzy PoV episode, complete with ghost ancestors constantly advising her, distracting from stuff.
ego death
>autistic manchild hates thing he can't understand, emotions.
Thank hoofness you're not the core audience.
>straight up murders a pony in broad daylight in front of all her friends and gets away with it.
I'm thinking Misty is based. That's my princess!
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>Why do they talk like power rangers?
>Why does the roller coaster magically fly?
>Fuck you, that's why, our board says more magical moments, no matter how retarded, random, and ham-fisted they are
This is such slop
Misty really ruined the series lol
Nor you
>Misty gets over her fear of roller coasters only to ride one that goes off the tracks.
Somehow, I don't think the writers thought that one through.
Reminder that you can't plow Misty's ghost.
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>one that goes off the tracks
They exist IRL. Look up "Donkey Kong Coaster".
no buts. It does go off the track, you never specified it had to go off all the tracks at once.
>All those complains about power rangers
All it did was push her imaginary critic away for a few meters. It wasn't used to solve her problem.
>located in universal studios japan
nips get all the cool shit...
I agree with the first minute of the review, but then the schizo ramble begins...
Sounds like quitter talk to me.

Is this the reviewer vaguely referred to in the last few threads?
I guess the roller-coaster stuff is something I didn't really think about, so hey the last bit is also not pure babble, only mostly. With that power there might be atleast 1 and a half minutes of workable content.

The autism about not understanding the basic intent of last episode sure exists. "The other characters should bend over for misty so she can mope".
All five Mistyfags in existence are truely a plague upon us all.
Yeah, that's him. He complains about everything. He's right about the Posey thing though. I would have rather had an episode about Posey just trying to take a ride on a rollercoaster or something and everything keeps going wrong. Misty being a sadsack is neither here nor there for me.
I'm just glad Posey returned to status quo of not being friends with mane6 and hanging out with Dahlia and acting like grumpy Karen
The last thread got archived long before the new episode. Is MLP dying?
he's right though and so is Posey the mane 6 just cutting in line was incredibly rude
Misty kills the hype
Don't most amusement parks have a "fast pass"?
Fast Passes don't literally skip the entire line; they just skip the back area.
Weird, I thought invited celebrities/influencers didn't stand in lines.
Personally I'm more interested in that magic spell book. When Misty is going to open a magic school, like how Zipp opened a flight school?
I like that idea, like they just let them go to the front because Sunny's The Alicorn(tm).
Sunny is like the equivalent of United Nations Secretary-General, Pipp Petals is a royal/pop-star/influencer, Zipp is the next ruler of Zephyr Heights, Hitch basically rules Maretime Bay, Misty is the daughter of the de-facto ruler of Bridlewood Forest, and Izzy owns the amusement park.
Any leaks?
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Nobody asked.
I asked. Thanks for your input.
misty watched final destination
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She got tired of making Opaline her schizo ghost so now she just blame herself?
Wait a second who's the one doing the selfcest >rape
One of the Misties
But which one?
I know sometimes I get nervous when ponies stare and tape, but when my cutie mark shines , I start to fuck and cum
I calculated, and at the rate of releases right now, the next special is going to come out between December 8th 2024 and April 7th 2025.
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Oh hey the toyline came out of its coma.
Seaponies by 2030 trust.

>Potentially April
It could actually overlap with the contract ending by march eh.
>contract ending by march
You should stop believing random statements from randos.
Nigger you can literally find public statements backing this.
>initially exercisable during the one-year period following December 31, 2021. During 2022, the Company and Discovery agreed to extend the option exercise window to March 31, 2025.
That's broadcasting agreement, has nothing to do with G4 appearing in G5.
Except that is literally something some broadcasting rights account for.
Why would they renew it in 2022, then? DF clearly have some permanent rights to FiM, the only way is to re-buy CN's 60%, tear off all the rights one by one, then sell it's corpse. Which Hasbro won't do, they don't want the repeat of eOne.
I'm pretty sure Netflix cratered during 2022 and thats the "big reason" to pull out of discovery; the timeline actually does make sense from Hasbros perspective to an extent.
Technically some of the language there heavily seems to imply that its a holding right contract but yeah its vague nonsense obviously.

If it isn't though, considering Warner is merging branches; I don't think Hasbro could eOne even if they wanted to; which they don't yeah.
In theory in the long term it'd probably be strangled out(cause ultimately Warner can't do shit with G4 without Hasbro either) but there's no way in hell that'd be in the life span of G5.
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Isn't this months late after the special episode? what the fuck is hasbro doing
moments before disaster
What are you complaining about Sunnyfag? Sunny had several great moments in this episode, like the time she asked where Misty was or the part where she asked how Misty was feeling.
Remember when Allura existed? Yeah...
Anyway, TYT is there to promote toys.
Specifically, specials are "tentpole moments" in the marketing calendar.
Then why the fuck everything is delayed to 2025?
Did Hasbro give up on 2024 or something?
What the fuck even going on...

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