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What if Rarity was your daughter?
Came here to say this.
Incest with Sweetie Belle
threesome with rarity and sweetie belle
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>Please no, daddy! I’m still a virgin!
That’s a little girl…
beat her and tell her to be more like the neighbors' perfect little angel, suri
>Rarity stabs Suri in the jugular with a knitting needle
>cuts her face off and wears it for you
>"Do you love me now, daddy?!"
stupid disappointment bitch daughter forgot to wear the rest of her body and clothes
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yandere daughteru is hot but I want to keep both girls.
>Rarity steals some of Suri's clothes
>She then skins Suri so she can wear her body later
>Takes the rest of the meat, bones, etc. and hides them in a steel drum that she welds shut
>Drops the drum in the ocean, makes sure it sinks
>As everyone is out looking for Suri, you and Rarity are in her room
>She's wearing her Suri suit and clothes
>"Do you love me now, daddy?"
Why is she smiling though?
>Rarity competing with Suri Polomare, the neighbor kid who attends Crystal Prep, for her father's approval.
FUCK, I wish I could write.
retarded rarity forgot to say mkay, dumb useless fuckwit daughter ruined my immersion
Good, embracing traditional gender roles and (apparently) not being a huge slut.
>She won't be done until she becomes Suri
>Once the search is called off, Rarity uses Coco to get closer to Suri's parents
>She offers to help out if they need anything, or if they even just want to talk with someone about Suri
>Suri's mother, still grief stricken, agrees
>Rarity is an excellent listener
>And she wants to know everything
>Suri's mother isn't like her daughter at all
>She's very generous
>She teaches Rarity how Suri used to style her hair, which actually used to be an old hairstyle of her own back when she was little
>She lets Rarity have Suri's old clothes sometimes, the ones she can let go of anyway
>Rarity can see it now, that hurt that's in her eyes whenever Suri's mother sees her wearing her daughter's clothes
>She feels like her daughter should be here still
>But she is
>Or at least she will be soon, if daddy ever gives her his approval
>She's so close to becoming Suri now
>She just needs your approval
>"Now you have to love me, daddy. M'kay."
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sounds unreasonably hot
>What if Rarity was your daughter?
Holy SHIT did that send me back.
So who was Erf? Was not-not-Erf just a double negative or was there a not-Erf and Erf that they needed to be distinguished from? Fuck it's been so long I'm doubting if that was even the authors name.
I need MOAR!
not until you win fashion week, unaccomplished daughter
The writefag?
He has a FimFic account, if you're wondering about him.
nah i'm bored
Where's Rarity?
In my pants
Yes this is the correct answer
out of ten!
I'd actually put effort in raising her so she doesn't become a narcissistic, manipulative cunt who dies alone and childless.
she would be adopted
She seems pretty independent from her parents which makes sense I guess. I probably wouldn't be much of an influence on her but I'd be glad she's so generous and I hope I didn't raise a whore.
You'd also fuck her too, right?
>doesn't become a narcissistic, manipulative
teach her these, but spare the further syllable. Yours deserves best
At least as Faust wrote her, she wanted a chivalrous man.
Look at her, she wants it!
Why is Rarity so built for daddy’s cock?
She's naturally slutty
It’s douta faggot. You’re saying “dot-L”
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You see her in her soccer outfit, what do you do?
i tell her to be careful because she has MRSA
Out of pocket
Everyone’s so willing to engage in incest with Rarity. Interesting…
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it’s not our fault
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>our daughter
>rape and murder
I would be worried sick of how fashion industry could screw her over:
- in workplace as her gullible, idealistic nature would be exploited
- constant stress due to deadlines would burn her out
- sexual exploitation, because I don't see how different it is from movie industry with girls trying to gain favors by fucking old guys
That’s why we have to fuck her first
Beg her to suffocate me with her gorgeous ass
I thought most fashionistas were female?
have you seen suri?
As there are no sleazy middle management.
Send her to Catholic school the second I hear about that femcel blowing up the gym.
Start nagging her until she agrees to hire bodyguards, considering she's a fashion mogul and living missile defense system yet has no guards or combat training beyond that one gaywad who does propaganda parades for the army.
I'd do my best as a loving father to encourage my daughter's interest in sports, but I'd suggest she tries out for the school volleyball team first you know for "reasons" and definitely not because the volleyball team's uniforms are more revealing or anything like that.
Ah volleyball, what a great game for young girls
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this >>41189455
to hot not to
Would Rarity boinking her dad be considered fatherless behavior or no?
I would kill her then kill myself

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