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As a joke, Princess Celestia turns you back into an infant and erases all your old memories. The M6 find you crying in the woods. In theory which one of them would be the best mother at raising you and teaching you valuable Equestrian morals and life lessons?
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>shit my pants
Milk quality in order:
>Pinkie Pie
>Rainbow Dash
They would all make great mothers, but if I could only pick one, it would be Fluttershy.
For me, it's Applejack
Have fun being coddled, IDIOT
>They would all make great mothers
hell no
Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow would probably harbor resentment towards you for putting their careers on hold. Applejack wouldn't like to raise a stranger's baby on top of Sweetie and taking care of the farm. Pinkie would drown you in sugar and never tell you no. Fluttershy would be the best parent because she has experience child rearing already and seems to have the least obligations
>tfw you get to drink mare milk daily until you're maybe 1 or 2 years old in human years
>"Come on, I'd be the BEST mom in ALL of Equestria!"
>"Rainbow Dash, you'd probably forget you even had them at least once a day."
>"Would not!"
>"You'd forget yer wings if they weren't attached to ya."
>"They're right, Darling. Besides, we all know that I'd be the best mother."
>"Um, Rarity? Not to be rude, but, um, I don't think that's entirely accurate...sorry..."
>"Fluttershy dear, are you implying that you'd be more well-equipped to handle a foal? You do know they won't stop fussing just because you asked nicely, don't you?"
>"Well, Rarity, I wasn't implying that, actually. But now, maybe I am!...if that's okay with you all..."
>"Oohoohooh, I'd be a great Momma Pinkie! We'd play games and eat cupcakes and read bedtime stories and watch TV and play peekaboo and watch paint dry and-"
>"Woah there, Pinkie. You might babysit for the Cakes on occasion, but that doesn't really translate to actual childrearing. According to 'Fathering Fine Foals: Fourth Edition', you should-"
>"Twilight, let me stop ya there. Ya ain't gonna convince anypony here that readin' a book is gonna teach ya to raise a foal. Cuz it ain't. Now, real world experience, that's the only way to learn."
>"Precisely right, Darling. Which is why I'm quite clearly-"
>"Oh, don't you start now. Yer too wrapped up in yer dresses to care for a foal."
>"And you're far too wrapped up in mud and apples to care for one."
>"Why you prissy-"
"God, shut up! Some of us have a hangover to sleep off!"
>"...Girls, I have an idea how we can settle this 'disagreement'."
>harboring resentment to a literal child
anon they she can just hire a babysitter she is handling Sweebs fine.
what career? being a princess something tells me she’ll be fine.
the only one I can maybe see harboring some form of resentment but with her friends and her parents she would be overall good.
just out of character she’s apart of the apple family
great support system she already has experience with the cake twins (and she has a child)
oh shit a green
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Keep going, i'm rooting for momma pinkie
Sweetie Belle is like, 10, that's not the same as a baby.
The whole point of the Cake Twins episode was about how hard a baby is to care for. Also Pinkie's child happens in the epilogue and I'm assuming we're talking about the start of the show here
+ consider that they would be going at this alone as the girls are single
+ consider its some random kid they found in the woods and not theirs
The smart thing to do is give infant anon to Celestia.
I think you meant Cadance, who has experience raising a child unlike the Shit 6 and BARRENlestia and BARRENuna.
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I think you mean Trixie. The babby would definitely die either way but at least with Trixie it'll happen pretty early on, when she tries to give it a bath using a big pot and the open flame of a campfire, and leaves the heat on too long.
Being a babysitter is not the same as raising a child bro. A babysitter is like, maybe once a month, raising a child takes YEEARS
The smart thing to do is give it to an orphanage and see if someone will foster it, but the problem with foster parents is that if the baby didn't come out of you the maternal instinct is much weaker
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>"Sooo ,Anon... Our firstborn was really more of a test run... Right?"
anon she has a child.
>All you did was ask her why the stew you're eating tasted funny today
>Look down into your bowl
>Your child's eyeball floats up to the surface of the broth and stares at you
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Replace Twilight with Pinkie and would be spot on
What's Celestia's problem? What kind of fucking joke is that?
That's like saying
>As a joke, Princess Celestia raped you and ate your ass.
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>"Hey, anon, wouldn't it be funny if I turned you back into an infant and erased all your memories? Just imagine you as a little baby again, completely helpless and in need of constant caring by some mare who would dedicate years of her life to raising you to be the best boy you could be. Getting to look down into your adorable little eyes as you gaze up at the world in wonder, always full of curiosity and awe. Getting to watch you speak your first words, take your first steps, grow and learn through your childhood as you mature. Wouldn't that be simply hilarious."
AJ is the most balanced though her hooves are already full with Applebloom. Twilight is the best if you want to metagame it because she'll probably try to keep you alive as long as Spike.
Dashie. Unf plap plap plap
Shes lived for 1000 years, 99% of all things shes seen are mundane, only the bizarre and unconventional remain.
Twimom would be great but I'd probably grow up to be an antisocial sperg again. At least I'd be very well educated.
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Imagine this as a fucking wacky ass episode where they compete to be the best mom and see everypony spending 3 minutes with the child and everyone gets something wrong like Rainbow Dahs almost killing the child (lol). Then, in the end they decide to become a big, beautiful patchwork family.
>Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow would probably harbor resentment towards you for putting their careers on hold.
twilight wouldnt do that, she already helped with spike so she has some experience and well he can help too
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>shit my pants
we are talking about early seasons tho, nothing past season 3
> "God, shut up! Some of us have a hangover to sleep off!"
Was that Spike?
With all respect, friend, Angel exists. Yes, it might depend on when in the timeline we are but you've got a good chance of being the spoiltest brattiest spoilt brat who ever spoilt bratted.
>threatening me with a good time
> Get Diabeetus as a foal
Spike is a slave masquerading as a properly raised child.
She'd metagame you into something she needs at that moment.
Sex slave arc, let's gooooooo
Anons rate how kinky Twilight is so we can gauge how loose this anons anus will be.
Why would you want to be an neglected child?
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>when you raise anon and despite his memories and old personality being erased he still turns into a pervert
rip in pepperoni flutters
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anon is looking at pony ass 24/7 what do you expect
But will i be able tonsuck your teats?
Don't make me tell Luna of this conversation, Celestia.

Actually, speaking of royalty why don't we shift this into an entirely different direction: Getting raised by Queen Chrysalis.
How fucked are we bros?
Enjoy being a slave.
I will.
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She knows what she's doing
Probably twily although i find her the worst of the mane 6
>mostly vegans
Well, she's got the most mom experience. But would she recognize you have a diet that doesn't consist of love (which she can't provide anyway)?
No, shes a psychopath bug monster who can't maintain a facade or learn social cues.
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if you aren’t a bug and for some reason Chrysalis takes you she’ll probably raise you as a bug or a emergency love supplier hopefully that means raising (you) with affection so you’d give out more that’s what folklore changelings do.
Raised by the cakes. She would be a glorified sister. Kickass birthday parties tho.
Lots and lots of baby pictures. Like, holy fuck you would be a child model. She would be inspired to work on new foal-centered lines. A lot of traveling around and spending time with rich assholes. Not many friends. She would leave you home alone often.
Probably the best option. Outdoors, strong family values and lots of company. You would live and breathe the Apple family way.
Generally fine but with the occasional neurotic mom shenanigans. Spike would be promoted to the man of the house and try his hardest to set a good example. She would rely heavily on parenting related books and force you to like reading as much as she does. An overprotective and suffocating parent.
Naturally motherly so taking care of a baby wouldn't be far off her skillset. At worst she would stumble at times but she would adapt by adopting a fitting persona. She would spoil the fuck out of you, causing Angel and Discord to seethe in unison.
An absolute mess at first. She would have no idea of how to balance her career with taking care of a baby and would be too proud to admit that she's hopeless. There would also be issues with a human living in a cloud house. Eventually, however, she would get really into the idea of raising a child in her image and become a helicopter parent. Similar to her parents, she would be rather supportive, if not pushy.
Rarity already has experience with multitasking by taking care of Sweetie Belle. Tapping into child centered clothing would also be creative crack for her.
very nice
go on?
>staring at your adoptive mommys horse butt
>he wouldn't
>tugging/lifting her tail
>touching her flanks/privates curiously
Who of the mane six corrects his mistakes and teaches him why that’s generally wrong to do, and which would secretly allow or even encourage it?
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Based in what you say, Applejack or Twilight. But Rara is best pone.
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Fluttershy. No contest.
All of them, but Twilight has the best of all worlds.
Only if I get to become a pony
World's first discovery of a faggot bigger than OP.
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She's the smartest of the 6 and would be able to read her way out of any lack of knowledge on taking care of kids, or just ask her own parents or Celestia. If this is pre-princess, she would probably have decent funds from being Celestia's student and brother to the Royal Guard captain. If its post-princess, she's probably rich so she can afford to have a kid, plus her house is easily accessible. She really loves teaching, so education would not be an issue. She also has the strongest connections out of the Main 6 in case extra help is needed. Lastly, she has the most experience because she raised Spike. She's practically a mom already.
>Not many friends.
>She would leave you home alone often.
I'd just become friends with the CMC. They're clearly left to their own devices plenty of the time.
a man of fine taste
You can't both be right.
>doesn't want to go to Equestria
He has to be a faggot.

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