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I'm about to go meet Celestia in my high risk surgery.
If I don't come back, you're all faggots, but you're my faggots
anon why is sun mare big
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you're NOT gonna make it
Good luck with your OP, OP.
And greet Celly when you meet her.
Congrats on your transition.
Praise the sun, anon, and you'll make it through.
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Good luck anon
she will make sure you are safe
tell us what you talked with her
I want her to sit on my face
Thats the anesthesia
Anon is getting his bottom surgery!!!
>Surgeons open Anon's chest to perform open-heart surgery.
>Are stunned to find a perfect, untarnished golden silhouette of a sun emblazed on his heart, gleaming in the operating threatre lights.

Good luck, Nonners. We belieb in you.
eat her ass, for me
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You WILL make it.
You WILL come back.
You WILL update us and deliver proofs upon your safe return.
Mein faggot. Enjoy the sun.
Have a pony NDE and report back
don't die, we need more macrochads in this board
Godspeed Anon.
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Get absolutely smashed the night before your surgery for a fun time. In the morning you won’t be drunk anymore but you’ll still have an extremely high BAC. If they try to put you under general anesthetic you’ll wake up in Equestria!

Do it for her, anon! She can’t wait to meet you!
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This >>41191381
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Alright Anon, don't forget to burn a post-it with the shitpost of the day for us if you end up on Equus !

Now let Nurse Redheart gas you into unconsciousness.
Good luck, anon. The highest risk surgery I've ever went through was an ingrown toenail removal and stupid bitch didn't inject enough anaesthesia so I almost shat myself when she sliced the nail up to the root
Good riddance! (of the toenail)
>His last posted art was an AI "art"
At least, Celestia was depicted
Good luck, faggot-owner
He will comeback aand post his own drawing
he will comeback and post a picture of the real Celestia
you will never be a woman even if htey cut your dick off
Are you getting your moral fiber readjusted?
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Another anon already meet her after his surgery, and even got a video.
No he’s getting his nervous system temporarily removed
Simultaneously beautiful and horrific at the same time.
Someone get her some fucking lip balm, Jesus.
You better stay alive and report back, faggot.

I met Discord during narcosis about a decade ago. It was very brief yet left a profound impact. It was a necessary but not risky surgery (removal of all wisdom teeth because they grew sideways into the roots of my other teeth, kek). More precisely, when I was about to wake up, my consciousness found itself in a dark void when Discord pulled me up and pushed me into a tunnel of light through which I returned to reality. I wasn't as blatant a Discordfag before then, so it came as a surprise and made me believe in the Noodle.

Funnily enough, where Discord has his fang, I have a milk tooth, so I've got ample space to insert a fake fang just there. I may or may not have the actual canine tooth emerge one day and be a different color from the rest. My jaw is rather fucked up as a whole, lmao.
this is beautiful, where did you obtain it?
Good luck Anon. Tell her I said "Hello".
if you don't make it, tell celly to be on the look out for a screaming soul from here to 45 years into the future, because that's gonna be me
Judging by the sound of its severity, it's his mortal fiber that's getting adjusted instead.
>No news 20 hours later
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Hey Anons, didn't expect the thread to still be up. Thanks for the words but sadly I won't be able to deliver any messages to Celestia, at least not yet.
Right now I'm borrowing my brothers phone to check the board, since I'm on the observation aisle right now for the new lung and will remain for a while, but seems like I'm going to make it.
Hate that I'll end up missing /mlp/con, but leave some of the fun for me when I get back alright? Gonna see if I can watch some of the antitology before visiting hours are over and while my bro doesn't get back...
Also feel free to sage, I don't want to be an attention whore, just wanted to make a final post if anything happened. You fags aren't getting rid of me that easily.
Love you fags, no homo.
Celestia's speed anon.
All the more time in our world to make yourself the best you can be for Celestia. Like not smoking asbestos anymore. Keep on pony on, Anon!
Get well soon, fellow Anon. o7
Hang in there brother /)
So awful that G% looks more appealing
>new lung
Rough times, but you will hang in there. /)
>feel free to sage
Fuck you.
Get your ass to marefair so I can tell you in person.
believe me or not, but I've been in a very similar situation, waiting with someone to get lungs in a hospital. It's a spooky time but god speed, Anon
If you get to Equestria before us, leave some mares for the unlucky fucks who ain't showed up yet.
Godspeed, anon.
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Good luck on your recovery anon. Here's an appul to help you on your way!
>New lung
Shit, that's not a small surgery. I'm glad to see you're still around and kicking, OP. Thinking of you, bro.
genuinely wondering where this guy is now
I hope you are OP and I hope that you'll be okay, anon. It's frightening to think that we're just humans and have limited amount of life that can be spent praising the ponies. Maybe we should just keep poni poni for the new people that hopefully will find ponies in future, and keep it all going, since what else can be done.
Not if I'm the sturgeon, I'm a doctor in physics I can fix him!

You should make it; if it's a tumor, nuke it literally with positrons.
What's that, a scalpel? Noope !
Love you too, full homo.
just make sure to connect the right ateries, the backup one with full oxy will work. then close it all, check saturation, and anti rejection pills twice a day, the rest is a dna miss but will work fine.
*checks on pubmed for tutorials online* urgh this is guro.
Positrons SUCK
Neutron capture ROCKS
>He made it
>Hate that I'll end up missing /mlp/con
You can make it up by coming to the next, we'll patiently wait for you, friend.
>Your surgeon didn't become a doctor because he wanted to help people, but because he has a guro fetish
>There's a non-zero% chance your doctor got a boner during your operation
The world is a fuck
Five-hundred billion dead med students
godspeed anon
jealous much?

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