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I, Vogelino Trollzord of /mlp/, declare Marequest (not the VN) to be the only genre & thematic accurate video game of G1 & G4 MLP FIM.

It has the gothic mystery like a Harry Potter game, it has the hub area, it has NPC collecting better than Dalmatian Puppies to the Rescue, it has exploration, it has minigames, it has dungeons. It balances adventure and slice of life well.
I for one wish for a sequel where you get to actually use your hub area for more than just achievements. Something like a Kingdom game or any RTS game where you build your city from the ground one, almost like an incremental game. You need to save NPCs to make quests appear, you need to build the quests. It's just like Smurfs.
Once again this game understands the message of the TV Show and toy collection perfectly by having you gotta feed em all with your all apples and catch em all. You create a safe heaven for your NPC ponies away from the dangerous parts of the world away from the shadow ponies. The shadow ponies are also congruent with the themes of the show; Every pony has inner darkness in them or a natural darkness that can easily corrupt and ponies are extra easy to corrupt due to their innocence. Any pony who lacks friendship turns into a very corrupted version of themselves(Pinkamena, Nightmare Moon, etc.)

Congratulations to ElectroKaplosion LLC, you understood the elements of the TV Show perfectly. I wish you or someone would make a 3D version and more detailed options to put your saved NPCs to good use as well as create more detailed quests and areas such as Sunny Town, Story of the Blanks inside of your game.
It's certainly very close to the show, while other games are usually shooters or other wildly different genres. That in and of itself is a great achievement.
Here's more stuff you guys might be into;

Albeit only Hanazuki does the positive stuff. The other 3 are full depression mode while still being cute like powerpuff girl(full of blood and punching).
As much as I appreciate the work he has done to make that game, there is so much more that could be done with a pony game. The surface has barely been scratched. Nobody has the resources we need to create the game ponyfags deserve.
>Nobody has the resources we need to create the game ponyfags deserve

X doubt

game dev becomes cheaper and more efficient by the year

At this point we could even commission a simple ass complete game for less than 30k from a freelancer ... that seems to be an attainable sum for us?
Ironically other games such as Megapony and Ponyvania have put a lot more effort and time into their games with entire teams behind them, but they're nothing but shallow crossovers who didn't understand the message of the show.
Stuff like Megapony where the Mane6 are the bosses doesn't sparkle well with the message of the show where the Mane6 are suppose to your friends you respect. Most Anon In Equestria/self inserts seem to have a natural disrespect towards the main six and equestria as a whole.

Then we have Legacy of the Pony which at least attempts to make each level and each ability Mane6 thematic.
Then we have Clockwork Stallions which at the very least happens in Equestria complete with every location and less seen location such as San Palomino desert which was taken from the Equestria map released by Hasbro way back in 2012, but the show never touched upon it till season 8?

Sadly Legacy of the Pony happens entirely within an underground area for just 1 quest to save Rarity and Clockwork Stallions has the main enemies be robots and not even cute looking exotic robots like Sonic & Freedom Planet, Rocket Knight Adventures which all of their robots represent animals, insects, flowers, various wildlife & fauna. They're uglier than even Spark The Electric Jester's enemies which are more similar to a Kirby game where it's cute Little Toaster enemies with talking mouths and eyes like Cars.
>Nobody has the resources we need to create the game
Absolutely doubtful. We have the resources, we simply lack the game designer and bronies to stop being introverted lazy quitters.
We lack the game designer/game director which knows wtf he's doing. Most people who do crossover games do it because they have no imagination and require a step by step guide on doing everything, they require a parody cause parodying can often times mean modding/modifications. It's much easier to add tiny things on top of an existing game instead of making from 0. Bronies go all the way and recreate everything from 0 while ignoring the main game designer.
I am very curious what Equestria Online AKA Legends of Equestria was suppose to be like with the main creator(who went MIA for 6-12 months) and then came back and told the team to scrap everything or to change direction entirely and the team went rogue on him.

We simply lack tactful game designers, just like we lack tactful fanfic writers/guidelines to force people to follow a certain direction in order to create ACCURATE things.

I've played almost every single pony game from every tiny minigame like Twilight's Escape and that one gamejam where you do button press combination to make Twilight cast spells and it's a puzzle platformer with 40 levels.
Story of the Blanks was also made as part of a game jam on EquestriagGaming, made in under 1 month. SoTB's sequel was actually coded, but the creator never released it because he lacked the 16-bit graphics and I believe he found the story to be much more boring, generic, cliche than the first one.
Now with the advent of AI getting better and better, just look at audio AI, it is easier than ever to get the resources require as an indie dev and to stop relying on lazy people who haven't opened a game engine & framework in their entire lives.
GPT4 and other LLMs are actually acceptable right now at creating a basic prototype for the game even for somebody who doesn't know programming. Since the advantage is GPT4 churns out the code in less than 20 seconds as opposed to a human taking 2 hours to write 4 pages of code(at best).
For 30k you can make a much bigger game albeit potentially without the animations and custom music. It of course depends from which world are you hiring? first, second or third?

However just like Hollywood gets told to focus on the book first, this fandom too should focus on hiring a damn game designer(just like Hasbro hired Faust) to create gold ... and then try not to fuck over the game designer like Hasbro fucked Faust.

Albeit Faust was always kind of a mercenary and Hasbro was always kind of "Just provide the base for us and we'll build upon it" and then what they built upon it was nothing like the base. Imagine putting the fandom to make a sequel game when most people in this fanbase don't play video games.

Another problem with why vidya is so ignored in this fandom is because most people in here are not players, they don't play video games, they never did. That's why games are dead last even lesser than fanfics(just like most fanfic writers suck at writing and only took it as a hobby).

Also this is probably the most antisocial fandom I've ever seen ironically. They might be friendly with you for a beer, but the moment you demand work & responsibility they all shy away. So many good artists in this fandom (probably one of the few things this fandom together with Pokemon have going for it) yet from all those graphical artists not one approached a game dev and most gamedevs in this fandom themselves aren't good people charmers capable of convincing artists to work for not even IOUs, but for free.
I have to agree. We aren't a cooperative fandom when it comes to big projects.
We can't even make a simple VN...
Sure is summer in here
Yeah, it's end of june.
Blame those egotistical artists. They refuse to make comic books about fanfics and refused to lend their art skills towards video games. All of our 50+ video games are arted by people who don't normally art.
>posting in the thread instead of lurking
One of the things that holds back large pony games is that it's hard to monetize them due to the ever-present thread of a Hasbro c&d nuke. Even a game that gets more popular than "niche" might make enough of a splash to attract Hasbro's attention, at which point odds are good the game will get shut down. It's old, but see Fighting is Magic. They had to entirely rebrand.
There's also the related problem of licensing. Devs can't really use the mlp IP without putting themselves at greater risk, see again Fighting is Magic, but also smaller games like Legends of Equestria and even Mare Quest in the OP.

Without a monetary incentive, you can't really hold people to as high of a standard as is necessary to reliably create a polished product. The alternative is some rich autist paying devs (because even on his own, one programmer can only do so much) and commission art out of pocket. These aren't conditions under which you could reasonably expect a healthy indie game scene to thrive.

>inb4 a TRVE horsefucking autist would nolife in his dev cave for 2 years to make the PERFECT and SOULFUL passion project game for FREE and give it to everyone so we can suck his cock
That's not a realistic expectation by any means. You can list examples of this sort of thing happening for other games, but they're extremely rare and I doubt we see more than one example in the pony fandom. This may be due to /mlp/fags being lazier than the average fandom resident, but if anything, that's more reason not to expect it.
> it's hard to monetize them due to the ever-present thread of a Hasbro c&d nuke
Skill issue imo.

Host it in Russia or Cayman island where nobody gives a fuck. Pretend it's a work of parody without letting the parody set the mood and theme for it.
As long as you botch the names a little like Twilight Velvet/Twilight Glimmer/Twilight Shimmer/Twilight Strong and you don't use the mane6's exact symbols you'll get away with it. I personally never understood why they wanted to copy the Mane6's voice actors 1:1 when most actors in TV Shows always change every few seasons see Rick and Morty. Could have just gave them different but smooth sounding voices (albeit in this fandom of nasal biological rejects most of the few women we had were also nasal geeks or latinas who often have light voices).
In my educated opinion it isn't the money as once again ironically Them's Fightin Herds has proven. They got how much? 500k USDs? and they couldn't deliver on 6 measly completed characters AGAIN. Originally they excused themselves with "Not enough free time, we have jobs, pls understanduu" despite everyone telling them Fighting games are the easiest fucking game to make since they didn't even make all full level 3 moves and ultimates to have what to waste time to balance on. Then they got all the money they needed and they still fucked up to the point the publisher had to breathe down their necks by almost sue-ing the shit out of them before they got forced to make a few extra DLC characters. Fucks sake it took them how long after they got the funding? 6 years? and they only finished 1 out of 6 story modes and they AGAIN REFUSED to complete all the abilities of the characters.

Bronies are just naturally lazy pieces of shits which no matter how much money you throw at them you won't fix laziness. Being lazy is a real mental issue that needs psychiatric help in the form of the army.
>there is so much more that could be done with a pony game
such as? other anons try to answer this question.
The MLP FiM setting is quite rich, a lot of things can be created on its worldbuilding/lore base
>The MLP FiM setting is
Such as visual novels, tell-tale, point-and-click adventures etc. many genres, on a lore and setting base of FiM world
the setting and equestria worldbuilding goes hars
last wordb is "hard"*
stupidass typo
The setting and Equestria goes C & D
Genuine skill issue.
Genuine brain issue.
It's not my fault you can't not do things in a way that will get you C&D'd.
Everything not C&D style that goes half-in is trash that just ends up coming across as a cringy bootleg. Remember the UE3 'Not' Twilight game that went nowhere?
then use the show artstyle and character designs, and do no use anything that explicitly points on the Equestria and Mane 6 elements

Which is basically FiM but completely different characters and altered visual representation of Equestria and the setting

Your laziness is not an excuse to not try and feel for workarounds
See >>41197760
There is literally nothing stopping you from using assets ripped directly from the show.
Fucking retard, do you want to get sued?
Damn, right, sorry, I forgot about Hasbro's magical suing crystal ball.
There are crypto coins called DragonBallZ and using DBZ characters and OCs stealing Toryiama art and specific facial features, clothes, hairstyle and you're scared of Hasbro? Pussy. Being scared of Hasbro is like being scared of Sega. Ken Penders don't give a fuck.
Now being scared of Disney and Nintendo is an entirely different story. The mouse and the plumber take no prisoners.
Whats with the recent politically motivated forcing of G1 everywhere?
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And here I was expecting specific mechanics. Damn ponyfags really do not play video games. No wonder they have no imagination for coming up with good detailed ideas

on a lore and setting base of the FIM world sure, just like Twilight's Escape could be used as a picture book/something less than a comic book because of its voice acting and images acting as cutscenes, but those aren't really games.

This article is 100% on the money since 2014 and it still is now in 2024.

We do not have pony video games because there is no demand for them. If we had people actually interested in video games then for every 100 players we'd have 1 game designer and for every 10 game designer we'd have a proper jack of all trades game developer. But from how many Equestria-themed games we ALREADY HAVE none are ever discussed so the demand is 0.


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