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>Log 12.001.1
Initial Project Equestria tests have yielded remarkable results. Utilizing mutagenic compounds derived from Phazon, we have successfully altered the genetic makeup of several test subjects. These subjects, once mundane and insignificant creatures, now exhibit significantly enhanced physical attributes and cognitive capabilities. The most unexpected and intriguing development has been the transformation of these subjects into a form resembling that of equine creatures from an obscure Chozo mythology—ponies.
The modified subjects exhibit extraordinary strength, agility, and resilience, combined with an unexpectedly profound aesthetic appeal. These attributes have prompted the designation of this new bioform as "Ponified Space Pirate Mares."

>Log 12.015.3
Advanced experiments on Project Equestria show promising enhancement in the bioform’s resilience to hostile environments. These Ponified Space Pirate Mares demonstrate a tenfold increase in survivability in extreme conditions compared to baseline Space Pirates. Furthermore, their enhanced physicality is matched by an equally notable increase in cognitive function, resulting in heightened tactical proficiency and problem-solving abilities.
However, an unforeseen consequence has emerged: a significant shift in social dynamics among our ranks. Male Space Pirates exhibit a marked decline in interest towards their female counterparts, drawn instead to the ponified mares. This phenomenon, now termed "Marefieber," is characterized by an overwhelming attraction to the new bioform. Research on the cause of Marefieber has led to the discovery of a cellular tissue unique to the ponified mares. This tissue, referred to as "Snowpity," emits a low-frequency bio-emission that seems to directly influence the neurochemical pathways of Space Pirates.

>Log 12.042.9
Efforts to understand Snowpity have been extensive but inconclusive. The entrancing appeal of the ponified mares seems to stem from an amalgamation of their enhanced physical beauty and an enigmatic, almost ethereal quality that we can only describe as the "loving soul" or "beautiful essence" of a mare pony. This essence appears to be a potent psycho-emotional stimulus, evoking profound admiration and desire.
Studies indicate that Snowpity's effect is not merely superficial. Male Space Pirates under the influence of Snowpity demonstrate heightened loyalty, focus, and morale when assigned to duties involving ponified mares. However, this has led to a decline in traditional mating behaviors, causing concern for long-term reproductive viability.
I wanna eat Samus Mareans ass
I used to speedrun Super with a keyboard but I tried to play it today(before I even saw this thread what a weird coincidence). I couldn't even machball w/ my joycons.
haha, I wish I don't become a guinea pig for the space pirate mare experiments
Are these ponified scan entries from Prime 1? I can't recall their exact wordings since I haven't played this game in a decade, but it sure as hell sounds like it.
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So would this make Queen Chrysalis and the other changelings kinda like the X parasites?
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No, they're literally the metroids. They suck their victims dry until they're an empty husk. And both have hives and queens too.
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Aw shit you right, Anon. The key difference though, is that; God I want to fuck her.
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The duality of man.
Duality? I would fuck 'em both!
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>"Love energy is just as good as any other kind~."
>as any other kind
Even kinetic? You mean I can feed you with my fists?
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>"...Nevermind. I don't want to feed my hive dumb energy."
What about rape energy? Both love and kinetic. Two for one, limited offer!
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>"Go ahead and try..."
I want to destroy Chrysalis by having loving sex, forcing her to OD on love.
The longer you make love to her, the more powerful she becomes.
Damn that is a cute pony.
Imagine taming such a powerful, deceitful, and selfish beast. Imagine feeding her with your essence, making her even stronger, but knowing full well that despite her nature she'll never turn against you.
Imagine being so foolish and gullible.
Wouldn't she just work her mind control magic on you to keep you as her personal love battery?
She would. Yes, she would.
Samus Maran is cute! CUTE!
We need more of her.
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this thread is like a dream come true. i love samus so much. metroid and ponies both keep me going in life
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outfit? you mean your rape suit?
Can you even fuck a metroid queen in the first place? They lay eggs and stuff, but I don't think it was ever mentioned whether these things must be externally fertilized or not.
Bro, what do you think? They fertilize themselves?
Maybe? They're artificially designed bio weapons created by the chozo. The birdmen could've given them all kinds of weird or nigh impossible traits.
Pone but tooob
Up to this day, I never even considered that there could be R34 out there with queen metroids. And I still dread to check.
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>dread to check.
I see what you did there.
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Once Samus got the pony upgrade she'd never go back.
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Damn half mare half griffon hybrid.
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W-what is she gonna do?
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Eat all the X Parasprites
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Thats it?
probably lay eggs too.
Yeah so shes gonna need someone to fertilize her eggs, right?
wtf i loved zero mission. this is such a good picture
x parasite pone. pic just a honey pone
She's cute!
have been working on a samus outfit for OpenPony. some of the pictures here definitely could help me figure out how to translate the body suit pattern. thanks! need the motivation to keep working on this
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fren had done the same for halloween last year. unfortunately couldn't take any better pictures in time
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Samus Maran needs ear scritches and cuddles after a successful mission to help her relax.
For a moment I thought that was intended to be an X pone. At least until I saw the bee up there.
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Also, when she finishes them in under 2 hours, she gets additional uspies and belly rubs too
*cums on the floor*
looks awesome babe
If she finishes them with a 100% in under two hours, she gets not only belly rubs and upsies, but a hoof rub too.
Never got horny for Samus, but man, I would that mare.
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>Obstructing the wing
This seems highly impractical.
We will never get a metroidponyvania
i want to make a metroid pony game very badly. i guarantee its something ill make in the future ^^
Thread bump acquired!
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These are some metroids I'd let suck the life outta me.
Too much chitin, honestly. It would probably not be pleasant unless they shift and become softer by it.
Press "Post" to reset the page count to one.
I'd love to see a pony skin for Super Metroid or so
That would be hard to pull off unless you go for, and pardon me for using the word, anthro. The sprites and the hitboxes are all made for a bipedal player character.
Keep the hitbox the same, just change tye sprite

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