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Shiny mare gets a treat edition.
Post, talk, write about ponies in latex or BDSM clothing in general.
Red latex please.
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Might as well post some recent stuff.

Oh and leave draw/edit requests as well if you want, some anons might show up to take them.
Maybe they'll even be in the mood for joke edits like the OP image.
You mean for the donk ?
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Could she have some black flames on her suit ? Something like a red/black version of the washouts suit ?
does nurse redheart steal hospital supplies for her own kinky needs?
I hope so.
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I wish we could see one of the other mane six like this
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Nice digits
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She needs a more portable tank.
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Or someone to carry it around for her. I'd volunteer. It definitely would be nice to hear her breathe.

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You know, I've never seen any pony art that shows a locked gas mask. That could be an idea for Vinyl to try on Tavi.

Derpybot needs to make a sequel to that image, I want to see that other suit in the box being put on.
I just remembered a cool thing from one of the previous threads:

Thanks for creating these.
That IS a nice find.
Is that from the same guy who made these twixie scenes ?
What if each one had a different type of encasement ?
Unf, latex!
Eww... futa...
LOL I'm sorry futafrens.
I really love Trixie's bridle though.
Ooo, interesting idea.
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I was never really interested in OCs, but I'm starting to like this mare.
>gender: bisexual
Sex: yes
What should the unicorns have ?
Vibrating horn rings lol
You are joking but I like the idea.
-unicorns are handicapped on their hability to focus.
-pegasi are handicapped on their stamina.
-earth ponies are handicapped on their movement.
Let's say I was "half-joking". I like to think their horns are very sensitive. With such rings they wouldn't be able to use magic while being stimulated at the same time.
Does anyone have the story for this archived somewhere ?
Might have time for a an edit request or two, any suggestions?
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Rubberize this Vinyl please.
Dang, now I'm curious too. Image Hash search only shows this post.
Nope, sorry Anon
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What about Rarity https://derpibooru.org/images/3152643?q=Rarity%2C+pony%2C+vector dressing Twilight in a gimpsuit, much to the new princess's embarrassment
Gabby put on rubber socks to complete her shiny outfit.
Or alternatively, putting on hoof boots to complete a ponyplay look with bridle, wing binders, the whole shebang for the pony enthusiast.

There should be some smut on the screen. Maybe something she wanted to watch after dressing into something to help "set the mood".
How about an alternate version with just catsuit (with uncovered head)?
While I would appreciate Twilight being hooded I'd be fine with a cat suit if she at least had a gag.

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