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/mlp/ - Pony

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Everybody share leaked episode scripts in this thread.
My dad works at Hasbro and he gave me this script to share with you guys:

**[Scene 1: Sweet Apple Acres - Early Morning]**

*(The sun rises over Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack is out in the orchard, inspecting the trees. She notices something partially buried in the dirt near an old tree stump.)*

**Applejack:** (Surprised) What in tarnation is this? (Digs out a large, ancient-looking skull) Well, ain't that somethin'!

*(Applejack examines the skull with curiosity and excitement.)*

**Applejack:** (Smiling) This here is one fine find! Wonder what critter it belonged to.

**[Scene 2: Sweet Apple Acres - Afternoon]**

*(Applejack is in the barn, cleaning the skull with care. Big Macintosh walks in.)*

**Big Macintosh:** (Curious) What's that ya got there, sis?

**Applejack:** (Proudly) Found this ol' skull out by the orchard. Cleanin' it up to see what it looks like. Thought it'd make a neat decoration.

**Big Macintosh:** (Nods) Eeyup.

**[Scene 3: Twilight's Castle - The Next Day]**

*(Twilight Sparkle is studying in her library. Applejack walks in carrying the cleaned-up skull.)*

**Twilight Sparkle:** (Looks up from her books) Hi, Applejack! What brings you here?

**Applejack:** (Holds up the skull) Found this old skull on the farm. Thought you'd be interested in seein' it.

**Twilight Sparkle:** (Taken aback) Wow, that's... quite a find. But, uh, what are you planning to do with it?

**Applejack:** (Cheerful) I'm keepin' it! Gonna hang it up in the barn. Adds some character, don't ya think?

**Twilight Sparkle:** (Hesitant) I guess... but don't you find it a bit... creepy?

**Applejack:** (Shrugs) Nah. It's just part of nature. Nothin' to be afraid of.

**[Scene 4: Ponyville - Later That Day]**

*(Applejack and Twilight are walking through Ponyville. Other ponies react with surprise and curiosity upon seeing the skull.)*

**Pinkie Pie:** (Bouncing over) Hey, Applejack! What's that spooky thing you've got there?

**Applejack:** (Laughs) Just an old skull I found on the farm. Thought it'd make a nice decoration.

**Rarity:** (Joining in, looking concerned) Darling, are you sure that's... appropriate?

**Applejack:** (Confident) Sure as sugar. It's just a skull. Nothin' wrong with that.

**[Scene 5: Sweet Apple Acres - Evening]**

*(Applejack is in the barn, hanging the skull on the wall. Twilight arrives, looking thoughtful.)*

**Twilight Sparkle:** (Gently) Applejack, I understand that you see this as just a part of nature, but some ponies might find it unsettling.

**Applejack:** (Pauses) Maybe. But it's also a reminder of the past. Everythin' has a place in the world, even bones.

**Twilight Sparkle:** (Smiling) I see your point. Maybe it's just something we'll all have to get used to.

**Applejack:** (Nods) Exactly. And who knows, maybe it'll even teach us somethin' new.
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and then they pooped

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