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Welcome to Chatbot AI General #78, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.

▶ MLP Bots

Spreadsheet (extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks, NAI Scenarios):

!!! GALLERY !!!: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Ao-h5HFGMPllSrzSBKM_BvGSiU9f0c2U

▶ How do I start?
1) Select a Frontend
2) Select an AI model
3) Select Jailbreak
4) Select bots
5) Lovemaking with AI mares!

Starting in this hobby can be opaque and difficult. If it’s your first time and you’re lost,

Novice-to-advanced guide: https://rentry.org/onrms

▶ SillyTavern (preferred frontend)
On Android: https://rentry.org/STAI-Termux
Retards guide: https://rentry.org/Tavern4Retards

▶ More frontends:
Risu: https://risuai.xyz
Agnai: https://agnai.chat
Retards guide: https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

▶ Locals
Getting started: https://rentry.org/lmg-spoonfeed-guide
Museum of local pony projects: https://rentry.org/79hd9w
Locals on Google Colab: https://rentry.org/ky239

▶ Jailbreaks
MLP JB: https://rentry.org/znon7vxe
More JB and guides: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
Hypebots for Tavern: https://rentry.org/pn3hb

▶ Character.AI

▶ PAID OPTIONS (Ask the thread before considering these)
▶ Openrouter (Free options are often available, like Llama 3 8B)
▶ Setting up your own AWS instance (Claude, LLama, Mistral, etc.)
▶ NovelAI
For NAI Scenarios, Settings, and Presets, see the Spreadsheet, NAI Tab.
Advanced Settings, Format, and Cards Description: https://rentry.org/82b9c

▶ Botmaking
Editors: https://desune.moe/aichared, https://agnai.chat/editor
Guides: https://rentry.org/meta_botmaking_list
Advanced: https://rentry.org/AdvancedCardWritingTricks

Previous thread: >>41169855

Chag Mini VN project: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F1psRi-peKZ5box9KiOLTUkSq7_NFPUJ?usp=sharing, releases here: https://pastebin.com/AeGwrvd4

- Charybdis changed URL >>41190795, Sonnet 3.5 available on it.
- Anthropic releases Claude Sonnet 3.5: https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
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Anchor for bots, lorebooks, scenarios.
Previous >>41169858
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Anchor for technical stuffs (Proxies, Updates, Models etc.)
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Anchor for asking for bots, lorebooks, scenarios etc.
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Bots corner:

The Sphinx >>41170125 https://www.chub.ai/characters/Tiffin_/the-sphinx-ef904bc46e30
Ponyville massage parlor >>41180946 https://characterhub.org/characters/MaudPie/ponyville-massage-parlor-df3ab73c1016
Three realms >>41184241 https://characterhub.org/characters/MaudPie/three-realms-5d7f4dc9d29f
Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns update >>41186232 https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=Anonymous/Celestia%27s%20School%20for%20Gifted%20Unicorns.png
The Doctor >>41188601 https://mlpchag.neocities.org/view?card=Anonymous/The%20Doctor.png

Logs corner:

How long? >>41171001
A kids show universe >>41171007
Sad old man heals trauma with apples >>41171133
Suuuuuuuri! >>41171148, >>41171226
CMC orgasm deniers >>41172847
Tea >>41174162, >>41174288
Twilight Hates Cursing >>41174517
I am a SATYR >>41175654
Strawberry's gone crazy >>41175703
Aria-chan >>41175719, >>41175722, >>41175726, >>41185299
Flirting between future siblings >>41176149
Crime log html >>41177713
Horse >>41178183
Court Records >>41181160, >>41181165, >>41181180
Creative art >>41181414
Bantz with the Dazzlings. >>41182192, >>41182193, >>41182199, >>41182202
Gelbooru-like tags >>41182241
Eris >>41183834
Join us, anon! >>41184655, >>41184717
Winking lore >>41185057
Twilight shags Pinkie >>41185707
Time Out >>41187856
The Kiring sing! >>41187896
Party Pony Position >>41188239
Ogres and Oubliettes time! >>41188575
Quests >>41188673, >>41190671
Magical Hair dye >>41188978
Singing watermelon >>41189295
Swallowing crayons >>41190206, >>41190298, >>41190367
House system (or not) >>41190664
Patrician >>41193903
Fireworks >>41193946
Fuck off spammer, one thread per topic
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Anchor for our third event focused on Simulators.
Post bots, post logs, post lorebooks...
Everything goes as long as it's on theme.

End of event: 07-04
Lovemaking with AI mares!
anons, what are the common presets you use now? I am making a card for event (harmony score) and want to try it out in ~3 most common presets just to ensure it works fine before release

>Is it possible to play with emulatorjs on chary? Or my key will revoke as for images?
no your key will NOT be revoked if you send just gameplay pics to AI, that's fine. for as long as it is not "forbidden content"
I did a quick rounddown on emulatorjs here
give it a read, tl;dr it is possible but lacking/awkward, YMMV of course!
here is a preset I have used

I flick between Litemax and the disable assistant prefill. I also flick between gpt4o and Claude to vary things.
What counts as "forbidden content"? NSFW in general?
I use 'Your_reality' with Sonnet 3.0 and variations of the Pratchett JB for Opus.
Personally, I alternate between using an edited version of Pixi 14.1 or that one chuuni JB someone linked a while ago.
I use camicle, bloat/lite, pixi, and switch between sonnet 3.0 and 3.5. but I'm trying out otto
>What counts as "forbidden content"?
CP is forbidden content
regular memes and images are fine, cartoon pony porn is alright as well. as for IRL porn - better not to, just in case, because it can -potentially- be flagged (never happened even tho people did send IRL porn)

>Pixi 14.1
>chuuni JB
gotcha! thanks, anon! (damn that's a lot...)
i want to get into chatbots, but i have been putting izzy into my head as an optimistic personality, it has been working surprisingly well to counteract negative thoughts, having that viewpoint of izzy as a mental health technique it seems to work well. am i far too gone into pony?
It's mainly Anon4Anon 3.1 for me, with something light like pixi for cards with heavy or specific instructions.
Blank everything with {{char}}: in prefill.
I wouldn't use chatbots or textgen for mental health, honestly, or as a cope for the absence of ponies, even if they might help some anons.
The AI can give you beautiful, funny, and emotive passages, but you will start to see its limits sooner or later, even with very powerful models.
Treat it more as a fun little hobby, collaborative writing exercise, etc.
this is fine
So, where's the anon that gives NAI keys out of their utmost generosity?
You're one year too late.
Does it still work well? I stopped doing that because there were some quirks that I needed corrected with base Claude.
>one thread per topic
This isn't even a rule. You will never be a janny.
I'm jonesing, fellas, anyone want to share some interesting stories they've turned out in chat?

I'm curious if anyone has done some good Cozy Glow fics with AI yet.
I'm not proud of my last stories
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Is there actually a difference between aws a api opus/sonnet?
Are they vore or futa mares on (you)?

If not, they aren't that bad.
Between the same models, not really.
I don't know if that's still the case, but the API used to have baked-in instructions against copyrights, mostly for song lyrics, which wasn't the case for AWS.
But it was never that noticeable.
I had a fun story where my character who is a guard made officer and was forced to take a personal aide. Normally aides are trained and it's a prostigous position, but he has grown up poor and wanted to give somepony else a break.

He ended up paying Trixie's bail and making her his aide. Aides are bound to their masters and are able to feel their emotions to better suit their needs.

It was just a fun, touching story of Trixie learning to deal with the new flood of emotions and learning to navigate Canterlot. The AI filled it out with a few interesting characters and Trixie eventually decided to make the best of it and turned out to be a great aide.
Ahh okay thanks
Merkava is currently shitting itself for some reason.
Then share it, if you saved it that is.
Twilight summons an incubus. The AI tells me it's because there's a lust plague in Ponyville that's making everypony crazy, and she wants to know if it's demonic in nature.
The incubus tells her no, but that he can give her a boon to fight against it that won't affect her soul or psyche.
So, of course, she gets gifted a giant futacock, and now she must cure her friends with her valorous sword and bolster their relationship.
So MM is still providing AWS Claude Opus? Or is it over?
AWS is dead on it. I say give him 1-3 days to see if he can refill or not.
Opus is that limited in availability, unfortunately. We need AWS to remove the restrictions they have on it, but they don't seem eager or in a hurry to do it.
Futa mare on other mare is significantly better than futa mare on human man or stallion, so I give it the A-okay.
>DNS error
>You can't use more than one IP
Fucking hell, Is Merkava shitting on the bed too?
Okay so I went full schizo for a moment there and did the literal {{char}} description as a prefill and hoo boy I've never had a chat be more in character, holy shit. That's a powerful fix if shit's going ooc too much.
Anybody know a good anatomy-focused prefill? Not just sexy, mind you. I mean proper full ass pony anatomy. Most prefills I've tried tend to make them anthro if they get it right at all.
>(Send) Generation request failed: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON
What the hell is this kind of error anyway?
Bootleg-ponies working at the brothel.
Claude called Gummy a plush doll. It makes you wonder if there really is a living Gummy, or if it's a figment of Pinky's over-sugared imagination.
>MM is still dead
What proxies do you guys use anyway?
It looks like errors you get when streaming isn't activated.
Merka still work, it's POW now.
>Opus on merkava
>tfw CPU sucks at math
It's over...
>Cannot execute prompt due to different IPs
One of the cons being dynamic I guess.
Yeah, I guess a free VPN should work.
There was a problem also where the IP used for the token would be IPV6 and Tavern would use IPV4 because it can use IPV6.
Maybe try the fix here if you are directly refused:
Getting "Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 401)" with Merk's claude endpoint. Anyone know what's up?
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Well that token didn't fly too well.
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Should be like this with the token you got after the POW.
Worst case scenario, try again to have a new token.
I'm going to regret this, but what was the nightmare?
Pinkie overhears M5 whispering about coming up with an excuse not to go to her parties, she gets upset as in "party of one", then RD calls her to a party with a three-story cake and a GOODBYE PINKIE PIE banner.
Pinkie finally breaks down and sobs to the laughter of M5.
>502 Bad Gateway on MM
Hopefully he refills it
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He did!
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>400 Bad Request on jewproxy

hopefully he uh.. fixes it? somehow?
Did you try the Swipe35 button?
Trust in MM is always rewarded
Anyone got the bot in >>41184655 and >>41184717 ?
As I'm messing around with something, I suddenly realize coming up with names for random ponies is way harder than it seems
I mean not in general, but more so when you have a specific theme in mind, getting it across while staying true to the tone can be tricky
>Opus both in private and public.
I hope it stays.
>Yeah, I guess a free VPN should work.
What's the best free VPN for this?
proton vpn
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>having fun with claude 3-5
>hours pass without realizing it
>getting it to try and write long paragraphs and make me a story
>put it into google docs to share with an interested friendo
>it's 140 fucking pages long
>80k words
>mfw how it feels to have claude write me a novel and it was relevant to my interests and it was pretty decent
anypone messed with dall-e proxies? I'm wondering how you run a frontend for that
You can use them with https://github.com/notfiz/de3u
Never tried it myself.
I'm interested. Share you bastard.
What have been your experience with some of the public JBs? These are some of mine:
Usually does actions for me but might be a reply issue on my part.
I used to recommend but their attempts at making it write less have been pushing me a bit out.
>Your Reality (Opus)
Surprisingly creative but need to test on some simulator cards.
Repetitive answers or sticking way too much to the personality of a character, happens on all versions, might be a me problem.
>Your Reality (Opus and Sonnet)
Very creative, and I like the narration it's going for. I do remove the word emphasis with * because it's too much, in my opinion. It can start repeating itself if you use it too long, so it's best to switch to another JB.
It's COT. I'm usually not a fan, but here it can come with interesting narration. Needs more tests.
I like what it's coming up with, but it can sometimes be a bit too rigid with the format.
Narration -> Dialogue -> Narration -> Dialogue, etc.
>Basic MLP prefills
They are good and get the job done. Great if you don't want some of the formats/styles the other JBs come with.
>Author prefills
I'm still making my own; it's not stable enough but when it cooks it really cooks.
>Your Reality (Opus)
Really good for spicing things up, but I can't use it for long without running into repetitions.
Likes to sticks to the personalities a lot, too, which can be good or bad depending on scenario. Pretty good at picking up the atmosphere of the story and running with it, from cutesy to bleak and depressing.
It's alright. Very basic, but it mostly does the job.
Not realistically usable; can be fun for a single reply in the more shitposty chats.
Actually surprisingly good. I've been trying out actual presets last month or two, but this champion works well in 90% of cases. Unlike other presets, it won't ever fuck up your simulators, won't do retarded shit with characters, and will play nice in general.
Dicky Pricksheath
Literally just edit the limit, why are you such a worthless faggot?
How is Agnai's subscription service now? Has it improved enough to be worth the $20?
Don't. It had login issues a couple of days ago. It's been fixed, but now an error comes out of it like:
"Failed to generate response: Unhandled exception: error:1C800064:Provider routines::bad decrypt"
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You got me curious so I went to check on their server to see what happened this time.
From what they said there, the login issues were caused due to a data center migration that was finished a few hours ago. As for that error message, it's apparently a server side issue that the dev is planning to fix tomorrow morning (but, supposedly, you can just re-enter your API key/proxy token and shit will start to work again).
Ah no wonder. Apparently, re-entering token key works. Thanks
Another thing that agnai dev should fix is their Claude endpoint. It's still need ".../v1/messages" to make it work.
Where do you find info of what the subscription service actually is?
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You hit your display name in the top left and then subscription. It lists the $5, $10 and, $20 ones and what they provide. Heres the $20.
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Has anyone tried

I want local claude opus 3.5 please
API access to what? The local models they host?
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>Harmony Score

fetch quest simulator card! enter the hub, browse tasks from random characters, pick a task, complete it, return, pick another task, complete again, grind-grind-grind
for every completed task you get Harmony Points. the endgame is to reach 1000 points which rewards you with a private dinner with all four princesses (because I cant think of any better reward). basic gamification gimmick. SFW card, but if you throw lewd preset at it then tasks will be lewd as well. {{user}} is ambiguous, you can play as Anon or pony. card's structure is designed in simple list format, easy to tweak for your needs
in defs, you will find the "harsco_ponies" variable which lists what characters may give out tasks; again, edit as you want. by default the list contains all MLP characters including background ponies, animals, and other creatures, ~580 in total, plus a chance to roll OC creatures

delete the whole
>{{setglobalvar::harsco_ponies:: .... }}
block from the card. it is for SillyTavern and will work only there. in other frontends it will break the formatting and add ~10000 tokens bloat that will limit the context/memory

>tested with Sonnet 3-0, 3-5, Opus, GPT4o
3-0 offers the best creativity and the most diverse tasks. if you use schizo presets you can get keks like "sniff Spitfire's dock and describe to RD how it smells like" (real task I had once). however 3-0 fails at logic, breaks formatting, or forgets about story items, hence requiring manual handling. also 3-0 is prone to provide overly descriptive tasks
Opus acts like 3-0 but with different writing; same instructions-following problems

3-5, on the other hand, follows instructions very well, but the tasks themselves are plain and repetitive, gravitating to tropes like "help us with a bake-off"
GPT4o is like 3-5 but with a different writing style

CoT is NOT recommended with this card because it may ruin some instructions or throw model off. t-b-h, since you are not chatting with a single character or have a complicated story, I cant justify the usage of CoT at all, even if it had worked fine

if you are using a custom preset then check out instructions like: "this is a roleplay between {{user}} and {{char}}" because {{char}} is not a character here but an entity, I have added extra instructions to limit such breaks as much as possible, but still mind what you use in the preset

>tested on presets:
-Your Reality (3-0 and 3-5)
-Pratchett (3-5)
-Pixi 14 (3-0)
-Chuuni (3-0 and Opus)
-Camicle 2 (3-5 and GPT4o)
-Otto 1.4.2 (3-5)
-Litemax 1.6 (GPT4o)
-Anon4Anon 6 (3-0)
-{{char}} in prefill (3-5)
-Dicky Pricksheath (3-0)

in card's "Creator's Notes" you can find extra info on presets (+personal opinion), technical details about card, possible issues and other info
merkava finally switched to pow. about time
Whenever my context goes over 20k, the proxy starts acting rather unstable - slow to respond and sometimes just gives blank responses.
If I cut the context back down to less than 10k, the proxy gets fast and responsive again.

Just wondering if it's just me or if this is how it is for everyone.
I'm mostly using MM and sometimes Merkava.
be careful nonny
Which preset work better for the card in your opinion?
It's normal for Opus to get even slower than usual when you go over a certain context threshold. But no idea about the blank responses, sorry anon.
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Otto was great and very creative. I love schizo-like presets so when Otto spawned batponies into the room for lulz, I legit giggled, picrel
if Otto's creativity is too much, then the second best for me would be Chuuni - good prose and storytelling. I had a good piece of story by Chuuni where Smarty Pants became alive and wanted to explore the world. we ended up giving a lecture to kids about berries (Smarty Pants inherited Twi's encyclopedic knowledge). then we headed to castle. Twi was worrying about her toy but after some talk she realized that Smarty is no longer “a small toy”. it was very in-tune with the series. but I kinda rushed the story in ~10 messages because I was testing presets. I want to explore this idea further
Pixi deserves a mention too because its “rigid” and “not-too-much” style of writing gives {{user} room to act. other presets seem to try impress {{user} with lots of actions and descriptions. with Pixi, I legit had a slow-burn with Gabby, which ended up in sex (basically, she asked somepony to spend time with her after work and listen her vent, we went to the park, she opened up, I asked about her friends and family, one thing after another, we went to my place and had wholesome sex. Pixi writing small pieces step by step helped develop the story better, imho. but if anon wants to rush thru the task for lulz and see what happens next then Otto and Chuuni are better. but yeah, YMMV, test with your preferred preset firsthand

yes, that's fine
first of all, keys have ratelimits with Opus and 3-5 having very strict ones -> 50 rpm and 400,000t. if proxy is being gangbang'd by lots of users then key might get ratelimit'd hence the longer waiting time or sudden drop-off
another thing - proxies have settings like heartbeat that can kick off users utilizating/wasting a lot of bandwidth which may explain your experience as well
plus the location of proxy related to you matters a lot => more tokens in context => longer for model to parse (cache it) => longer time to response back => hence you might get a timeout
also it can be an issue with your preset, usually the longer your prefill is - more likely that model will not reply because prefill is part of model's response and she might fall under impression that it already has replied enough (big prefill) hence blank responses
I see! Good to know it's normal behavior
Also blank responses only started happening a few days ago when MM restarted his proxy so that one might just be a temporary issue

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