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>tries to be honest
>people get pissed off
>tries to be loyal
>gets manipulated to do bad things
>tried to be kind
>gets treated like subhuman filth
>tries to be generous
>normie gets pissed, thinking I’m pitying them
>try to create some laughter
>fails and annoy people more than they already are

How the fuck are you supposed to do this shit when every time I try to be “harmonious” I get fucked every single time? Is it too late for a harmonious society, fellow horsefuckers?
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its literally just based on christianity dude lmfao just do as christ and boom you're following the heavenly virtues. The elements of harmony are an actual thing in our world if you're a catholic lmfao
just don't even bother
>the christsperg is also a flagnigger
But pope is cringe! Why would I wanna be a Catholic?
But what about the harmony maaaaaan?
you're missing the most important element of all silly filly, Magic! just do some of that and you're set.
How? You can only have magic when the other elements are present. As we can see, none are present. Am I missing something?
Yep, you absolutely miss one little thing. Remember the show, what is magic?
Friendship? But I have no friends.
You're dealing with humans, and worse than that, normie humans. Why interact with those sort anymore than is strictly needed?
Exactly! You can't be all the elements at once, and there won't be any magic without friendship.
Want to make fren so there is magic and harmony. Is that so bad?
>tries to be honest
>people get pissed off
You're conflating "honest" with "compulsively telling the truth." There is a difference.
>tries to be loyal
>gets manipulated to do bad things
You're conflating "loyalty" with "slavishness." There is a difference.
>tried to be kind
>gets treated like subhuman filth
You're conflating "kindness" with "doing nice things with ulterior motives." There is a difference.
>tries to be generous
>normie gets pissed, thinking I’m pitying them
You're conflating "generosity" with "giving people free shit." There is a difference.
>try to create some laughter
>fails and annoy people more than they already are
You're conflating being funny with being a sperg. There is a difference.
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I try to have fren, but it doesn’t work. No mare, no free. Only cri.
Anon, I am very confused. Could you explain the differences with all that you have mentioned?
How does friendship with normies even work?
You're 100% correct to have certain values, to uphold them yourself, and to expect to be treated the same by others. Keep doing the right thing Anon. Also, don't limit your worldview to the slogan of a children's cartoon. The elements of harmony are good values but they were just written by random people, IRL there are many more elements of harmony than just those 5
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One way you can cope is stop caring about that >>41194872
Just bullshit yourself into thinking that it doesn't matter. Human mind is a wonderful thing, it can easily induce an insanity on itself. Remember tulpafags? Another way is to create friends yourself!
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Cause you don't want to be some anarchist splitter whose movement constantly fractures
>Human mind is a wonderful thing, it can easily induce an insanity on itself. Remember tulpafags? Another way is to create friends yourself!
Not him but I can't seem manage to convince myself things don't matter or do the tupperware thing. I hate having a retard brain.
>retard brain
Perhaps that's a problem. You still need some mental gymnastics to achieve that. Maybe faith is a better way for you?
I will try to have this “Tulpa”. It sounds like psudeo-science, but I’ll give it a shot.
Trips of based nuance

Honesty, loyalty, kindness, and generosity are internal mental postures thay happen to be directed towards external subjects. The actual physical action associated with them are byproducts, you cannot create the virtue by copying the byproduct, because copying always yields an inferior product (i.e. dissonance, the actions you take conflict with one another and cause problems).
Laughter is less clear but since we're talking about virtues, any intepretation that causes strife is obviously wrong. I think anon was off the mark though - imo laughter isn't about being funny, it's again more about truly wishing to uplift those around you and seeing how you can improve things in ever moment.

Really though the keystone is magic - love. This internal aspwct of the virtues is exactly that, it's the deep impulse to see the whole world uplifted. It is the undifferentiated force of which the rest of the elements are specialized parts. Love is an organizing principle, it makes sense of things and grants clarity, allowing you to see why and when to crystalize these individual virtues as actions.
You forgot the most important part of this: be a candy pony in a magical world. Or at least be handsome.
>le everything is always your fault XD
how can a genre of trolling be so stale yet still be funny after all that time
No repeating digits of cringe hippie ramblings and none of it is remotely canon just completely pulled out of your ass
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Let me state it with no room for doubt then.

Honesty requires subtlety and tact, compassion, to be a virtue or you hurt people.

Loyalty requires self-respect to be a virtue or you neglect yourself and fail to help others as much as you could have.

Kindness also requires self-respect to be a virtue, or you neglect yourself and reduce your capacity for kind acts towards others.

Generosity requires, again, self-respect to be a virtue, because, again, you give away all your strength until your reserve runs dry, and then you have nothing left to give.

Laughter requires an inner attitude of joy or it's hollow and ineffective in spreading happiness.

Magic, I reiterate, is love, harmony, balance, compassion, and so on. If not love itself, then it is at least a key principle which stands apart from the other 5, and activates the other 5, and is directly begotten by something which sounds a lot like love.
>"You see Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the 6th Element - the Element of Magic!"
I was expecting to have to justify myself more honestly but Twi said it best.
I think you are implying too much based off the what OP said.
All of this is utterly meaningless when you try to apply it in this world. The "self-respect, love yourself" talk is so tiresome. When dealing with humans everything is an act. If you don't play along with that acting you don't get anywhere. Sheer honesty will reveal weakness sooner or later, and as much as they might pretend to be sympathetic most people secretly (or openly) despise displays of weakness. It sucks, but people suck. One can only hope ponies aren't so heartless.
dont do it for the approval of others. do it because it's the right thing to do
Do what in particular?
ddude i dont even know i dont read posts on 4chan anymore because the words r getting in the way of the archetype transfers that ppl are trying to do . so probably being awesome and nice
Anon pls you like directly ignoring what I'm saying. To use your example of just honesty, being compassionate with honesty means being able to tell where it hurts people and therefore figure out how to live your best life while still practicing honesty and paying mind to its virtues. It's not about being fucking stupid and naive, we can both agree.
You need to exercise judgement and start slow, you sperg. You don't act this way towards strangers, it weirds people out.
It's not archetypes, it's viral infections. We have to defend ourselves. Add more noise, more words, more unnecessarities. Dig hidden pits with stakes on bottoms to catch them. Call the police. Eat grass. Run away.
How are you supposed to act with strangers? Why bother at all when they're just going to view you with distrust?
Go to a common place where people socialise, in real life or online, break the ice with some light humour, discuss shared interests. Reality isn't the show, the show runs on narrative logic where every interaction strictly follows tropes to predictable outcomes. Real life isn't like that, the future is an unknown quantity, so there's no formula you can follow for a guaranteed outcome, you have to go out on a limb and see where it goes, if you do it well and have a little bit of luck, you'll make a friend. Sometimes you won't, the unfortunate truth is that some people are just incompatible with each other in one way or another, and this is something you have to accept and deal with.
A common place where people socialize? I'm not even sure where people do that anymore. I don't think I can even connect to people who don't share any of my interests. I've gone to pony conventions but even there the self-doubt and anxiety is overwhelming.
Yeah, things are pretty fucked up right now, and somewhere like a convention is a pretty bad place no matter what's going on more widely. Making friends isn't as easy as it used to be, you used to be able to just go down to the pub, watch a game and you'd wind up in a group over that eventually. These days it's more about the online sphere, and I don't mean here either, 4chan is all anonymous interactions and I'm not sure meetups happen very often anymore, to say nothing of the physical distances that can be involved. Sorry I can't give you better news, there isn't exactly a manual for how this stuff is meant to work.
would u eat grass
surface level conversation topics. never goes anywhere deeper
Exactly, that's not even friendship. It's the same level of "friendship" as somebody you know on Facebook.
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i get what you mean, but maybe it's still better to have that level of interaction with them instead of completely avoiding socialization and writhing in my hatred of them
Yeah, it's really fucked and it feels like there is nothing I can do. The only MLP group in my state is long dead.
IDK, I think it would just reinforce my hatred of them.
just be handsome, strong and charismatic
If I was a herbivore, certainly. I tried it as a kid. It didn't taste well but my mom told me to stop so it became something of a forbidden fruit. Picnics would be a much messier business if grass was a fruit. Just imagine. It crunches, juice gets everywhere like sand in a desert. But then again, we have ants irl who get everywhere and they're more malicious than any juice or sand and it is fine?
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I recently thought of that too but
>there are many more elements of harmony than just those 5
Who's going to write the next gen?
Technically G4 was trying to slap in random new elements. Hasbro wanted(or atleast gave them the idea) Cadance to be an element and Glimmer was being called some vague shit as well.
So way ahead of a new gen.
we can't all be Zizzy
Fuck off cathcuck mexican nigger Protestantism is the way
this whole cap is just retarded people and japes, there are people who spend lots of time trying to make tulpamancy more understandable and accessible and you're trying to learn from a fucking creepypasta

People who think themselves saintly and blame everyone else for not recognizing it are just arrogant fools.
>>41195742 this.
People will just leave you as soon as their fun ideal version you've held is gone as you decide to be vulnerable for once.
The whole show, media and people spreading the same message of honesty and friendship is a lie and it took a beating to the balls for me to realize, the faster you meme yourself into not caring the better.
IDK it sucks.
oftentimes, if you consciously "try" to do something like this, people will notice, and see it as disingenuous.
to some degree, they're right. people don't care that about individual kindness, they care whetherr you have a kind attitude toward them in general.
if you want the power of the magic of friendship, cultivate an intrinsic desire to help others. are human beings are The Same, in a fundamental sense. other people's desires are just as legitimate as yours.
loyalty is complicated and subtle, ignore it.
comedy is difficult, and it's important to know your audience. remember that the end goal is the benefit of others: even if their sense of humor is "inferior" to yours, that's a skill issue. adapt and triumph.
bullshit, skill issue. i am autistic my whole life and I had to learn how to deal with people from scratch. people are liars and cheats but they are also sometimes truth-tellers, and intensely honest. you have to examine individuals and understand their individual strengths and flaws, including yourself.
I've been autistic my whole life but it doesn't mean I've met these supposed good people you think exist.
This world exists for us to get all our sinning done before reaching Equestria. Do drugs, kill a bear, kill your family, whatever. You'll be absolved at the alicorn gates.
I for one think its fun to play characters and trick people. You'd be surprised, if you just smile a big twinkly eyed smile people's brains turn off. The people at the McDonalds near me know my name and give me free coffee because I listen to them vent about how shitty their jobs are. I hate the fakeness of humanity too Anon. I wish they could be like ponies, I wish men were more friendly and women had snowpities. But that's not the society we live in. So take revenge.
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>be nice to people
>they're nice back to you
>call them shallow and fake
>when you're being nice purely for the sake of trying to trick them
>complain about Earth not being like Equestria
>when you're one of the people making it worse
Projecting misanthropic psychopaths like you need to be killed.
How immodest can you be to assume you mastered each element? You would flunk out of the school of friendship.
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>anon discovers humanity is different from cartoon ponyland for the first time
The lessons are meant to be applied in the real world
>tries to be honest
>people get pissed off
How are you delivering your honesty? If you come off as overbearing and confrontational, then people will raise their guard against you. Being humble while delivering your truth and leaving room for the other person to disagree will almost always avoid an increase in tension. It's the difference between "People get mad at you because you're being rude" and "To me it seems like your approach might be a bit too direct. That often makes people more defensive."
>tries to be loyal
>gets manipulated to do bad things
Sounds more like obedience than loyalty. Loyalty doesn't mean you should turn off your brain and stand by someone no matter what. Being loyal means being there for someone because they treat you in a way that makes them worth having you in their corner when things are shit.
>tried to be kind
>gets treated like subhuman filth
Don't know how you're fucking this one up. If you come off as patronizing or like you have some kind of motive behind what you're doing, then people will be suspicious of you. It's a harsh world. Can't say more without knowing exactly what's going on.
>tries to be generous
>normie gets pissed, thinking I’m pitying them
Like the above.
>try to create some laughter
>fails and annoy people more than they already are
People constantly trying to be funny or amusing are incredible exhausting to be around. Like the other anon said, the goal shouldn't be to be a comedian, but be a positive and uplifting influence in your environment.

Overall, I get the impression that you're trying to follow a recipe for making people like you when your real objective is to make yourself a better you for your own sake.
You're suppose to kill all bad people on Earth(starting with India, Africa, China, Russia, South America(in that order)) and then focus on caucasian people's bad people who pale in comparison to the other nations' evils. Tell them that everyone will revive as white people if there's only white people left in the world.
>ignore it
Without loyalty why bother with any of this? The whole idea crumbles without that. And why would I have an "intrinsic" desire to help others? Thats not realistic. There has to be some sort of motivation even if its simple as thinking of such people as friends.
If everyone helps each other, there isn't much need to be stingy. What more can a selfish person ask for? Altruism is beneficial even to a selfish person, if you're in a high trust society.
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Stop listening to the media and read his writings yourself. The MSM made me an uber-papist.
every time im generous to my friends they dont appreciate my gifts. they also use me. im not feeling the friendship bros
>Stop listening to the media
>brings a picture full of media sensationalising sensationalistically
I'm not sure if it's shitposting or legit brainrot but it's scary either way.

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