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Everything I know about loving mares I learned from Arthur Morgan
The part near the end where those fuckers shoot your horse really got to me cause I kept the same mare throughout the whole game
Modern games use animal abuse/death as a cheap heartstring pull because the writers arent worth shit
Name five.
Shadow of the colossus
Fable 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Cod Ghosts
Some of these don't seem modern.
That's because you're a zoomer
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They shot my apul...
Nobody's going to care when you die
holy shit man, I literally named my horse Applejack. I’m not gonna lie to you, I fuckin cried at the end when after everything he’d done, Arthur finally passed away while watching the sun rise up. No game has ever done that to me before. That game used my heart like a fleshlight.

FUCK YOU. Rdr2 is kino.
>cried over a video game
You're a fucking idiot.
Never played the game but now I'll just skip the story and go open world. No way I'm watching a horse be killed.
>Modern games
>Shadow of the colossus
That's like 19 years old now, you retard
Your horse can die during regular gameplay too, you know.
Great game but I don't really see why people kept calling Arthur a 'good' guy. He's clearly a dickhead who only changed once he realized that life caught up with him. He deserved everything that happened to him and worse. John's the better, morally pure protag for sure.
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>Yeah...that's a good girl...
>mows down dozens of lawmen with a fucking machine gun
>"Yer a good man Arthur"
I liked RDR2 but the story and its pacing was retarded compared to the first. I have no idea how almost no one sees this.
Arthur was a street-orphan which was pretty much a death sentence
It's not like 1800s America was a kind place to give him a future except dying in a coalmine
nta but
>It's not like 1800s America was a kind place to give him a future except dying in a coalmine
>Beats a husband for money he doesn't have.
>A beating that probably hastened his death.
>A death that resulted in his widow going into prostitution.
>Prostitution that led to the widows son...
>Working in a mine trying to get her out of prostitution.

Honestly the man encapsulates the absolute worst of every element of friendship. Loyal to people even after they take a turn for the worse, honest in that he at least knows he's a shitty person, kind enough to not leave Micah to hang, generous enough to forgive a debt after its already done its damage. Most of his jokes and laughs revolve around whatever heinous shit he did in the last five minutes and if none had occurred then it's about the lack thereof.
Do you think it all loops back around to him being a good friend?
He was a horrible person in a horrible world I'd say
>a good friend
To those he cared about. "Be loyal to what matters."
holy shit, fuck the feds, especially pinkertons, all they have EVER done is take away American's liberty. You think they're valuable to humanity? those pinkerton bitches are still around being douchebags-for-hire. He's a good guy but he lived a fast, hard life and still had THE precious moment of clarity everyone needs to have to realize their mortality and greater purpose. It would be better for that to happen under ideal scenarios, such as a good home and moral family. He had to bring himself to it while combating the truth of his own family, namely that it's dysfunctional as shit and imploding before him as he realizes he can't be around to lead them right and tries his hardest to impart love and kindness to those who'll have him despite his obviously terrible upbringing
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>fuck da police!
Have you tried stop being a nigger?
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Jesus fuck thats cruel.
Have you considered looking at any form of higher government and their decision making? They hate us. Police are their hands in our worlds. honestly they have always given me passes but that doesn't change their CHOSEN duty may bring them to potentially enforce illegitimate rulings
police are the niggers of jobs
verification not required
behold! a man and name is Arthur Morgan
A true man and a true legend. RIP, Arthur Morgan. You were one of gaming's best protagonists.
Also, vote Biden/Harris 2024! Arthur would've wanted that....
I watched someone's no commentary playthrough of the full story and it was basically just like a really long movie to me, and it was 10/10. I also cried.
>I watched someone's no commentary playthrough of the full story and it was basically just like a really long movie to me
Nigger you like movies, not games.
Video games are art on par with fine cinema you stupid faggot and it's valid to enjoy it as both a story and as an interactive experience, I merely chose to watch it instead of play it and I liked it just as much because it was a well crafted piece of art. You absolute drooling aboriginal.
you’re a massive faggot. Play the game.
I don't need to because the guy I watched play it made all the same decisions as I would have, there would be no meaningful difference between my Arthur and his Arthur. It's the same story.

If they made a standalone horse simulator where all you do is the non-story stuff then yeah, I'd probably get that, if it wasn't 80 dollars plus a console I don't own.
Video games are meant to be played. They don't need to be compared or likened to movies in order to be considered good, you nigger. They can stand on their own. So suffice it to say, you DIDN'T experience RDR2, because you didn't PLAY it. But you're a dirty fucking nigger so how can I expect you to understand this?
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just say you hate video games you bandwagoning zoomer tourist faggot
Sorry I offended you by saying the game's story is good enough to be watched on its own without my filthy hooves twiddling the controls around to make it happen for me

I actually love video games and the stories they have to offer

It's 67% off on steam so I might actually get it since I do want to play the parts where you're just riding a horse and like, fishing, or whatever. But I maintain I've already seen what the story has to offer and liked it. Not sure what's so offensive about calling the game good enough to watch without being in direct control of it.
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>"Video games are art on par with fine cinema"
>didn't even play the game
the absolute state of RDR2fags
Oh so now you've allowed yourself to be browbeaten into playing the fucking game good job anons you've bullied this faggot into actually picking up a controller. Sometimes this shit just works
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he got kissed, he didn't kiss. that's my only gripe with this screencap. being a moralist is not a bad thing. I understand it can be cringe for the average user but from the baseline of his character it was really only up from blackwater, the initial event to break him from his conditioning. Once he began questioning himself, his actions, and his gang's purpose who is he to judge anything? it doesn't make him right, if he had longer to live he would have balanced more evenly in the long run, but the game focuses on only the most tumultuous moments of his life.

If we followed him before blackwater it seems like we would have seen more of a dispassionate robin hood
okay well now I'm not going to do it on principle since as far as I'm aware the only thing I'm missing is riveting animal-skinning gameplay and clicking heads

RDR2 is best as a movie in fact so I can avoid all the tedious head-clicking, fuck you
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You are utterly delusional if you think Mr. Writes poetry and draws flowery ins his diary wasn't always the biggest lib in the 1800s. The very first thing we see him do is chastising Micah for being racist.
something your screencap fails to clarify is that his self loathing stems from his previous lifestyle, not developed between all his attempted acts of atonement
and this is why i wish i could marry him in real life. a sensitive man, but still strong and rugged. absolutely sopping wet for him
>bullied again into not playing the game
Let's face it, you probably don't even have the motor skills required to play a fucking game lmao. You're such a pushover hahahahahahaha
internally, yes he was a passionate individual who dreamt of retiring on the frontier from having lived too much life as he attempted to appreciate his surroundings. the very first thing WE see is a contrived exposition on behalf of Rockstar. a lot of original concepts were scrapped to appease the diverse overlords. i'm highly biased to his character design and empathize with a person from a trash upbringing trying to find their best self and overcompensating in the process.
That's it. I'm going to buy the game and then not even play it, while watching the 16 hour youtube playlist version of RDR2 as played by some silent German dude again. THAT WILL SHOW YOU!
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look at all the mares in this thread WOW
in awe at her barrel strength to do this
Her tail is made of lead, it helps distribute the weight a bit easier.
Get this humanposing shit out of here
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isnt making him a batpony a little too on the nose?
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>high honor + high bond with your horse changes the cutscene so Arthur waits and mourns
No that would be making him a Griffin

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