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The absolutes best Dazzle
Someone explain to me why there are whole threads up for these one-off characters with no substance aside from fetish and thirst content? I mean, I know posting about ponies is degenerate in of itself, but man how can there be so much dedication for completely indistinguishable characters like these monster high girls? It is newstoryteller tier.
i'll spoonfeed you this once so pay attention:
you can make whatever the fuck thread you want to. rules' the limit (most of the time)
I honestly don't know why these fishies get so much attention. there are very many ponies who are far more interesting. even eqg side characters who are more interesting. honestly i'd rather a thread about your life story to be honest
I suppose. Unfortunate that you wallow in such conditions.
That didn't spoonfeed anything over 10 yeear salivating over nothing characters
Ironic considering the catalog has a healthy amount of random background mare threads. Which I'm all for by the way. But to answer your question, it's called good character design. And that the Dazzlings play the role of villain. Villains always get attention, especially when they are hot. They also have a tie to Equestria which makes them more interesting, like Sunset. And they have some killer songs. Nothing characters don't get the role of villain or have great songs.
and the retard reveals himself
choke on the spoon
lmao, you could have just saved yourself time and just typed >no hooves
You could have saved yourself time and just stayed in your containment
Her breasts are not that big
That's the best part, now this is the EQG board there is ZERO places for your zoophile shit
No one cares about these nothing characters out of your containment retardkun
yes they are.
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I don't see it
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Aria can have interesting things going on for her if you make up your own conclusions and speculations from her design and personality (like her being the only one out of the two with a different eye color) but even if you grasp at the best straws, she's still utterly mogged by Sonata. Sonata has a great design and a unique character. Definitely one of the best things to come out of EQG.
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Sonata thread? Cool
What's the chances that Sonata becomes friends with Flash?
I know that he's been on the hunt ever since sci-twi cucked him, but I doubt that he would be on Sonata's radar.
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Man fuck it, I'll become friends with him. He needs it after getting dumped by two girls. He's just like us honestly
Whatever I see,
I... taco Tuesday?
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80s gf
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beach babe
How big is her horsecock compared to the others'?
So sexy
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Seahorses don't have dicks btw.
Fuck, why is she so hot
Sirens do.
Bigger than Aria but around the same size as Adagio
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Sonata >> Aria >>>Adagio
Because she's cute.
she's so seductive
It's her innocence compared to her sisters
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I like her hair. Just wish she was blue...

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