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How would you start a relationship with Applejack?
Dressing as Big Mac. The rest just kind of happens.
Be white
Be hard working
Be traditional
Have morals
Like physical labor
Be open to starting a family
ask her if you can help on the farm. the rest will follow
>Mighty kind of you to ask partner, but the Apples can take care of our own farm just fine.
What do?
Go to the carrot or pear farm. Possibly even the rock farm
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I'm a huge applefag and I have spent many hours dreaming about this
My idea is always starting out as a farm hand and then getting on from there
Once I spent almost two hours making up a story inside my head and it ended with us having sex in the barn and I started wanking to my imagination
It was one of the best orgasms I've ever had lol it's so over
W imagination
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You have to get her to hate you first, then she'll love you later. And she'll really love you.

Applejack's parents have been gone since she was a child, so she took up the mantle of responsibility early on. She's a hard working woman/mare whichever dimension we're in or whichever you prefer her mind is always on the job and her eyes are always on the farm. She couldn't be bothered to look at another man, not even for a second. Trying to impress her won't do any good, her heart is for the farm and her family. Mess with her family, and she'll make your life a living hell.

So, get in an accident with her family. She'll hate you at first, but have no choice but to divert her attention from the farm and address the sorry son of a bitch who stumbled over her family, that being (you). Promise you'll make it up to her, pay off your debt at the farm. Show the little sister some tricks, shoot rounds with the big brother, and spend some quality time with the elder. Only then will she see that you're not such a bad guy after all. Hook, line and sinker, anon.
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Mating dances!
That's really creative
It's still really important to be physically fit to work on the farm
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>she won't love you until she hates you first
What a woman thing to do.
A female is the same everywhere
Gift her apples
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this outfit was so hot
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Unfortunately, she's taken.
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Those skimpy panties
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No it's not, she ended up with RD. The fucking carpet muncher
the prerequisite involves shipping, not characters mind you.
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Lies. Besides, they have no chemistry. Rarijack is the only valid ship.

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