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Realistically what jobs could you do in Equestria? How would you contribute to pony society?
I hope you're social person because ponies will make you socialize with them and constantly throw parties and other shindigs/hootenannys. They will make you dance and sing too
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I'm assuming this is as a human. I'd love to do mail delivery, I wouldn't be able to fly of course but if it's like Ponyville local deliveries I could probably get away with just walking, it seems like a close knit small town.

Mail delivery just seems so nice. You're helping people and getting around. It's like a direct service to everyone. Plus, you also get to work with derpy.
carpenter for sure maybe cook too
Marecock Inspector
They'd hate me and I would do nothing but be a cranky burden
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I will be a bum and a leech like I am here on Earth.
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I job
I want to be a bard. I mean, this is a high fantasy world and ponies love music, so there's definitely enough money in it to make a living traveling around.

Imagine setting up your little show in every village, singing joyful dances, legendary ballads, laments for old heroes, to rapt audiences of kind and grateful ponies (who always know how to be good audience members). You can invite ponies to sing or play their own music on stage with you and your band, learning their local tunes and tales, so you can spread them all around equestria and bring so much joy. Imagine all the mares, too indimidated to talk to such a handsome and charismatic anon as you, swooning when you ask for their hoof in a dance.
I'm a guitarchad irl and a herdchad in my headcanon and this fucking blew my mind. Time to write a million greens about this
I’m gonna be a warehouse supervisor
Is there a position available for a professional curmudgeon?
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It's not the most original idea but a masseur/masseuse always seemed like a good fit for human in Equestria to me. Hands are a uncommon commodity/novelty AND you'd essentially be getting to be paid to pet ponies in a socially acceptable way.
>Expert in repair and maintenance of technologies that don't yet exist in equestria.

Yep, the NEET life for me.
Unoriginal and retarded.
Fix the trains.
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>get to equine land
>was a professional chef by trade so that would be an obvious first choice
>get fired from every job i get because every headchef pony is too impatient for the apeman bumbling around their kitchen
>theres tons of catering jobs with all the galas and celebrations the ponies love to have
>realistically the ponies in charge of them are even more demanding
>get fired from every event job because i dont have the dexterity and speed on par with a unicorn's magic that they expect
>after a while of unemployment ponk convinces the cakes to hire me at the sugarcube corner
>ive worked in bakeries before so little is different
>its non stop production but its nice to be around ponk
>they even made me my own work station at the correct height
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nice digits
also not him but steam engines sounds like a lot different from techfag shit lol
I can make nonsensical useless laws that only apply to canterlot citizens and is only enforced on the elite (with celestia's blessing of) because she finds finds them very stuffy and boring
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>in reality anon only knows smoke on the water and a hand full of greenday songs
>ponka is still impressed
Doesn't matter what skills I have, eventually they're just gonna force me to be an escort.
pinker is the best
some sort of wondering merchant
Full-time bank robber
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>MFW I actually have experience working on steam
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>transported to equestria
>goes out of his way to become jewish
I'd cook. Everypony has to eat.
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I'm a sailor
well jews are rich so...
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He did say wandering
don't worry i wont take colt's foreskins
yes,it sounds cool. exploring, going from town to town.
Would ponies like human humour?
I could make pony versions of Japanese game shows like takeshi's castle.
>takeshi's castle.
No I need my funny MXC dub.
Well, I work as a night watch, so maybe security that's a bit more useful than pony guards. these guys let a lot of people wander around.
After a while, I wwould save up to take cooking classes. If everything is alright, I should run an inn before hitting retirement.
During all this time, I would pretend I'm a grumpy guy, so ponies gather thinking "wow, he needs to be cheered up".
By the time I get my inn I should be like the guy in the first town in Skyrim (I run the inn, I also cook. There's no more to tell), and yet, my business would have a good crowd of ponies being friends.
I would even joke about it (if all it took was a grumpy guy to show up so many ponies can become friends, then maybe you should frown more often. Don't tell them I'm actually happy seeing them around).
Having fingers could make you one hell of a masseuse
Hoof and belly masseuse. Pony groomer.
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>Be anon
>New guy at the PPO (ponyville postal office)
>Derpy is the supervisor for all the rookies
>She brings a freshly baked basket of muffins for everyone to start of the week on.
Not a bad life I must say.
I'm retarded so I would do most menial jobs.
Im fine with manual labor and quick to learn more technical things.
You're amazing. Stay strong.
Who said ponies like hands?
>anonfilly is the first
that’s cheating
It'd be fun making Equestria be #110.
I'm a therapist. Surely there are some unhappy ponies who need to talk.
Professor, modern novelist, stand-up comedian, podcaster.
wasted digits
I'm a Jew, and I'm not rich. I was a NEET for 7 years.
What job would you have in pony land tho
>not rich
kek,i hope you are doing good today tho
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I can do literally anything for a job, except work at a McDonald’s. I just got fired from one three days ago for pressing the wrong button on the deep fryers sometimes
I'm fine, anon. I got my master's degree and have a job now. I could be working longer so I could move out of my parents' house, but I'm trying to ease into things.
Well I'm not good at math, so I can't be anyone's accountant, and I don't have any knowledge of the legal system, so I can't be a pony lawyer. Maybe I could catch back up on trumpet and join a jazz band.
I don't believe you
post your sliced weenor
I don't have any skills but I'm sure Applejack could find some way for me to help out around the farm if I asked.
Post nose.
>I got my master's degree and have a job now.
Let me guess, banking?
I teach English to rich kids.
Sometimes I like to pretend to be schizophrenic on 4chan and have made a couple of such edits in the past.
I will kill myself the second I touch Equestrian soil.
Whatever they need me to do. I have no soul, squeamishness or self-respect and I'm a very fast learner especially when pissed off.
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No pony would want this mug :c
Social Work. No one told me about the MA/MS and LPC route, so I endured two years of leftist propaganda so that I could practice psychotherapy.

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