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nice site
Not clicking that honeypot ip grabber info stealer social engineering spam link
I am too schizophrenic, I'm sure it's nice tho
>all this effort wasted on worst pony
>reading books
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You're more well read than I, most of my books are historical and sociological in nature.
I often wish I was smarter at mathematics and sciences than meaningless things like English.
Skill issue
Y tho
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Beautiful. I wish I could make a monument like this. Not just for a pony, but for the show and fandom as a whole. Sadly, I cannot do basic things for myself. Thank you for sharing.
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I don't read books that don't have pictures in them. War and Peace? More like BORE and Peace, amirite?
God it's embarrassing how much 15 mogs everyone else
I wish i smart so I could honor glimmy
It's embarrassing you thought this was some kind of own when he trooned out and couldn't even beat 11labs after 2 more weeks of a dead model
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How long has 15.ai been down?
Why is always these math and science gigaspergs who are the ones trooning? Is it because they fail to develop an interesting personality and integrate among their peers as a unique male, so they think "becoming" "female" will replace that? It's really quite strange
math and science is an inherently female trait, males expressing the desire to do math and science will eventually become more feminine. i think the greeks first established that being smart makes you a pussyboy womanbottom
Math and science is inherently male. Teaching kindergartners and answering phone calls at the front desk is inherently female.
i don't think that's true, i think the greeks said the opposite of that in that having a tiny pp and being smart is basically equivalent but if you hang a huge dong you're a retard brute and peak male

therefore the smaller the penis, the smarter the male, and if your pp tiny you may as well just be female
Twilight slide thread
>15 trooned out
Source? I'm curious
what does 15 have to do with this?
where did you read this?
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this is true
fake and gay
i look at a lot of greek statues and pottery
15 and troon
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Amarezing, I knee- ACK
He made the site
yo if you made the site can you explain the appeal of fractional calculus? i don't know any applications besides physics.
also do you know a good source on geometric optimization? not stuff like geometric measure theory, more like convexity problems and stuff.
How do i get smart
treat other people's interests as interesting as your own, and ask them questions. assume by default that you're ignorant, rather than assuming you understand. repeat things back to them and ask them if you got it right.
drink coffee / take adderall.
cultivate a curious attitude.
absorb timeless information. math lasts longer than news articles. if you absorb lots of news your knowledge will become irrelevant as fast as you obtain knowledge. if you learn things which are immortal you will become smarter over time.
learn math up to a first course in calculus, then more if you like it.
work hard, but work with joy, because that improves retention and understanding
be born with good genes
IQ is almost entirely hereditary
i am the anon who posted an unironic answer. iq is hereditary and i am talented but I got significantly better at math by changing my personality and work habits, and taking stimulants. obviously talent matters (duh) but attitude also matters. you never see great mathematicians who are talentless, but you also never see great mathematicians who don't know how to love their work, and that helps people who are less talented as well, in all domains.
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Nice, anon!
Whatever . Move out the way guys ill be the first 100 IQ Genius
absolutely howling. it's like a toddler staggering to you, beaming with pride while carrying their full potty
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People say it's hereditary, but the the brain is a muscle. You have to work it out.
First start to develop your reasoning skills, develop your logical deduction, and learn how to see from the perspectives of others. Use philosophy to teach yourself strategies on how to think, and work out how people smarter than you come to their conclusions. Follow in the footsteps of the great giants and read their works.
Pay attention to everything and get good at paying attension. Don't feel like you should understand everything either. Some things only make sense in context, and often, you'll get that context much later.
The brain is extremely plastic, so if you aren't brain damaged, this all should help, Also stimulants massively help along with a healthy drive and work ethic.
Remember, always challenge yourself. That right there is the single most important habit to develop as you go through your journey.
>brain damaged
I unironically do . Not even joking . Time to become a dashiefag
Do you think you could further explain that archetype? I've noticed this archetype of the pussyboy and feminine intellectual does exist in reality, and I'd like to know more about it.
Damn. There's no way to fix brain damage.
The reason children can deal with brain damage better than adults is because a child's brain can better work arround it as a result of their age. However, the brain can only ever work arround it.
Best I can recomend is taking stimulants and keeping up with the latest stemcell research. Stemcells can acctualy fix brain damage, but they're far away from being used in the medical industry ladt time I checked.
But brain damage isn't the end of the world. It's more like a stat decrease than anything else. If anything you're just getting a xp debuff.
When acquiring any skill understand that the psychology can be divided into two parts: insight and technical skill. Only the most passionate will develop insight, and sometimes to seemingly supernatural levels, but everyone can develop technical skill. Books on any subject don't tell you things only talented people can understand, they tell you things that anyone can understand- if they're at the appropriate technical skill level to absorb it. Think of the passion/insight as the "what" you do, and the technical skill as the "how" you do it- anyone can learn "how" but only some will know "what." If you want to learn a skill enough to get a job, chances are, you'll only need to know "how," not "what," because that'll your boss' job.
Anyone can do it, so read up, and practice on.
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Nice site!
What is on the site?
click on it and see for yourself
Reminds me of a flash website (I mean this in a good way)
All it needs are fancy sound effects
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Lots of interesting books. I'm gonna look 'em up and read them.
Extremely cute
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Be purple
Why can't I scroll the page
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What's the use case for scrolling?
Oh God. Just reads the book once, without taking notes or doing further research after each chapter or applying any of the info into IRL, purely for the sake of updating their epic big brain smartypants list. Sure everyone believes they read the books, but no one believes they actually learned or retained anything.
>stimulants massively help
I had an Adderall perscription and was institutionalized for months because they thought I was schizophrenic. Turns out Adderall just makes some people crazy. Be careful about giving this advice. But otherwise thanks for the list. This year I've been working on a lot of these things, feels gud :)
That's a whole lotta assumptions you're making here.
I'm only making one assumption actually, and it's a pretty reasonable one because keeping a list of books like this suggests that's how you approach reading. One and done and onto the next.
That's exactly how I feel
Purple is my fav colour and i feel smarter alreadyt thx
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It's not, if you met the guy who invented IQ scale, he would kick you in the balls so hard you would forget you ever had any
Based Advice, Genuinely insightful take anon
>brain is a muscle
t. a doctor
yeah. Doctor Stupid lmao
>brain is a muscle
t. not a doctor
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lmao why are both of these about twi
not that I mind, who made the second one though
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kek what is this
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(forgot to chose the image before posting)

OP is a faggot
Good luck to those who clicked the link
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I haven't read a book since High School
fake as fuck kek
I'm 99.9% sure the second one is corp
proof it's fake?
Because the status code is wrong?
Sad that you have to fake this shit instead of appreciating a cool little project someone made for the fandom
I didn't even click the link idk what's in there
probably meme
aint risking still
mu cookies will be sold on a black market if I click this
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Intellectual capacity is most certainly genetic. Whether or not one makes use of that capacity can be due to a number of both environmental and genetic factors.
>Na'ah! It's all environmental, 'cuz that's what they told me in skoooool and what muh TV says on docooomentaries.
A simple illustration suffices:
Question: Can any chimp, given as much training as you like, ever competently learn and utilize calculus? Has there ever been a chimp that can do this?
Answer: Emphatic no to both questions.
Question: Why is that?
Answer: Maybe they just don't teach the chimps correctly.
Counter: Humans have been measuring the ability of chimps to learn mathematics for over a hundred years, with the conclusion that chimps generally cannot manage much past human toddler level of understanding of math. So, why not?
Answer: The structure of their minds is not conducive to high level abstract thought on par with humans.
Question: But why?
Answer: The physical geometry of chimp minds, the types and extents of its structures, the nature of its tissues, and its chemistry preclude neural networks that allow human-level abstract thought and language.
Question: And why?
Answer: It's because the chemical signaling pathways of the various tissues caused chimp minds to grow that way as they mature. This in turn is directly related to the the genetics vested in chimp DNA and how it is regulated.

Ergo, intellectual capacity is directly linked to the genetic complement found in the DNA. This makes perfect sense given that human capacity for abstract thought and language developed over the course of evolution through Darwinian selection pressures. This resulted favorability of certain sets of genetics over others in humans. Among these sets where those leading to ever greater intellectual capacity until you get the modern human.

Long story short, intellectual capacity is genetic and variability in average sets of genetics in different populations explains, to a great degree, variability in intellectual achievement among those populations.

The only thing environmental factors do is determine how closely a person comes the theoretical phenotypic maximum intelligence that their genetics allows.
> for 4chan /mlp/fags
fandom and 4chan should be separated, cz let's look at this honestly, 4chan has an insane concentration of pony degenerates compared to non 4chan fandom
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Are people really this much of a newfag to not know the 15.ai dev site?
shut the fuck up retard
15.ai is dead bruh
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God danm this is a wholesome site, just watching it play out with all of the animations brings a smile to my face in this corporatized world. Just two things:

A) I really hope that list of books is inspired by what you think Twiggles would read if she was plopped into our world, and not what you are actually reading. Because if that's all you are actually reading holy fuck your personality is going to suck like S1Ep1 Twilight.

B) If you're really the bastard who was running 15(dot)ai either shutter the patreon for it or get the fucking project working again. Stop charging idiots who forgot their checkbook for a product they can't access.
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If Corp made it, he needs to step it up. If Twi saw both tributes, who would she choose?
>Type 15.ai
>It's a blank page
I was gonna try to spin some excuse for why she'd like the second one better, but even I wasn't able to come up with anything.
IT's dead, jim
Something something less is more something.
But let's be honest here, "less is more" doesn't apply to this horse at all.
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It's so... simple. So practical. So me!
Twilight was ok with Rarity giving her a piece of plain rag for birthday.
I've never seen a better example of a pseudo-intellectual in my entire life.
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Twilight would be disgusted by an ugly tranny so dadbod Corp would mog 15.
What's the fucking point of having a cool website if you can't protect your wife???
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I'm gonna be honest, folks claiming 15 is a tranny were all hearsay, but I wouldn't fucking doubt because that faggot plays tf2 and is a STEMsissy through and through.
I met him at BABSCon, he is most definitely not a tranny lmfao
Site looks fine, but the fact that there's a link to the site itself in the credits makes no sense and activates my autism
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Well I'm glad to hear that I fucking hate trannies
Yeah I was genuinely scared to talk to him at first because he looked intimidating as fuck but it turned out he’s pretty chill (though a little autistic desu)
So who's going to make mare.best?
You're the one posted G%
Let's not pretend it wasn't still a pretty dress, even if only a fraction as elaborate as the complete design called for
It already exists
Oh, it just redirect to the pone site
>made in only 48 hours for fun
How the fuck
Corp tries to make up for it in volume, check the links on https://iwtcits.com/, several of those are his sites.
I challenge you to explain the emergence of intelligence in humans via evolution without resorting to genetics then. It is impossible to do so without appeal to some sort of mystical thing (like a god, or other). The fact that evolution is real, that it is a succession of changes at the genetic level due to selection pressures at the macroscopic scale, and that the distant ancestors of humans were low-intelligence ape-like creatures, forces you to conclude that intelligence is bound up in genetics, because it is the change in genetics through evolution that got us to our present condition. It's an inescapable consequence of the fact that humans are nothing more than sophisticated animals and that "life" is nothing more than a non-equilibrium thermodynamic system sustained by a complex web of chemical chain reactions. If it wasn't change in genetics that led from low-intelligence ape-like creatures to modern, higher intelligence humans, what was the cause?

It's even easier to see that intellectual capacity is genetic when you consider the host of genetic disease (ones where genes are damaged or mutated in some way) that result in significant limitations on intellectual development: Rett Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, Down Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, and many others. If intellectual capacity is not genetic, how do these genetic diseases result in decreased intellectual ability?
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My dad spent years drunkenly yelling at me to stop being crazy while I was taking Adderall because the school counselor told me I should to get better grades. It cost me a career in the military and my job and I still get mild hallucinations. It wasn't untill my life fell apart that my parents realized I wasn't lying for attention but by then I stopped taking it on my own.
>Stuff I've worked on
>HarmonyCon 2025 (WIP)
If Mare Fair 2024 is any indication, I'm pretty excited to see the announcement for this one
How do you even start making something like this? I know HTML CSS and Javascript. Is there something more?
The website posted doesn’t use that
Basically, we evolved to have the capacity for it, and our social structures allowed us the safety and free time to practice it, which allowed us to teach it to our children so they could become intelligent faster. You don't need an entire fucking essay to explain that.
You're right.
Nevertheless, if you're smart enough to type view-source, you're smart enough to steal his code.
How. Explain, I don’t see anything when I do that.
That's right. I completely forgot that stimulants, stronger than what I take, can cause schizophrenia.
>site doesn't adjust to different screen sizes
shit's off the screen for me
otherwise pretty cool
It does for me, works on my phone
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Are you on tablet maybe? Site on iPhone looks fine.
Yes, but you are referring to genes that relate to brain structure. A monkey has a significantly diffrent brain structure from humans. You're human v. monkey metaphor is not apt as a result.
The variation of brain structure from human to human is virtually nonexistent. Unless there is brain damage caused by either physical truma or a medical condition.
You're argument here is entirely off topic. We were never comparing animal intelligence in relation to human. But rather, asking ourselves the question of what makes one human intelligent in relation to another. Is it genetics or is it more enviromental considering the evidence?
A lot of Anons say intellect is genetic, but others say it is a skill issue, but you, on the other hand, say genetics because monkeys are not human? It's not hard to understand why you've been called a pseud. Especially considering that all you did was double-down rather than correct your misunderstanding.
I think autism and trooning out have been linked together pretty firmly at this point in studies.
I'd like to pass on one little bit that I hope will help: don't confuse familiarity with understanding. Just because you've seen something a million times and are 100% convinced you know how it works doesn't mean you actually have an understanding of how that something works or how to perform it; You need to practice and not only practice but practice "perfectly" i.e. with correct technique and focus in order to improve.
to all the guys mentioning drugs:
small amounts of psychedelics will give your brain a massive boost in processing new information as well as creativity
i could finish in less than 2 hours something that normally would take me like 8
>STILL pushing the "15 is a tranny tranny tranny unfortunately I can't stop thinking about trannies all I think about is trannies uooooh" meme
/pol/troons deserve the rope they so covet.
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>15 is a tranny tranny tranny unfortunately I can't stop thinking about trannies all I think about is trannies uooooh
>t. voices in my head
Anon, take your meds.
on God? damn that explains my mental break after I got given vyvanse
>not bore and piss
come on dude
reported the site for spreading misinformation
It is almost equal to the heredity of your height. Are you about to say that two people over 6'6" have no basis for assuming their offspring will be at least six feet tall? Should they expect the opposite? Should they put their kid on a stretching regimen to make him grow up to be tall?
everyone, take a look at this poster
notice how he posts:
>tranny tranny tranny
to (rightfully) mock the rent-freedom but then says:
pretty much automatically
also captcha: TGAYV
>It's just the brain structure. Therefore false because humans all have very similar brain structure.
No my argument is not just about brain structure. I mentioned the structure, the nature of the tissues, the chemical signaling pathways that operate within cells and in the intracellular areas, and the effect of the different chemistry on the process of the mind's maturity. It is not just one factor as you have falsely sought to frame my argument. All of these factors, and more, at play in the mind are genetic. The capacity for intelligence is a complex interplay of many factors, not just brain structure. If you had read my comment more carefully, you would have seen that. Notably, there are hundreds of genes that play a role in intelligence. So, it is very complex.
>You're human v. monkey metaphor is not apt as a result.
It is apt, because I was responding to an Anon that claimed that genetics was not involved in intelligence. The human vs. ape comparison (it is a comparison, not a metaphore; I suggest you look up the definition of metaphore) merely serves to demonstrate that it is genetics that makes intelligence in biological things even possible. Abstract thought and language is only possible in humans because we have the genetics to support it. The comparison to apes makes this clear and refutes the claim that genetics plays no role.
>Unless there is brain damage caused by either physical truma or a medical condition.
>...medical condition
You mean like any number of the genetic diseases I already mentioned? The ones that stem from problems with DNA or chromosomes, which have the consequence of limiting mental development? These show clearly that mental ability has a genetic basis. Pair this knowledge with twin studies and it turns out that intelligence has a high heritabilty factor within humans. That is to say, variance in intelligence from human to human has a strong genetic component.
>B-but there are other factors, blah, blah, blah...
Yes, there are environmental factors at play. I never said there weren't (and you can verify that by reading what I wrote). However, there are genetic factors at as well, and they play a strong role in human intelligence. At the very least, that role is significant enough that it cannot be discounted, as Anons here want to do. Again, genetics determines what out theoretical phenotypic maximum is for intelligence. Environmental factors simply have a bearing on how closely we get to that maximum.
>The variation of brain structure from human to human is virtually nonexistent.
Again, you have sought to frame my comment as only referring to brain structure, which it was not as I explained above. Therefore, this does not refute what I wrote.
>You're argument here is entirely off topic.
It's not off topic because once it can be seen that it is genetics that even makes intelligence possible, it can no longer be ignored or discounted in a discussion of what factors into variation of intelligence among humans. The human vs. ape comparison simply demonstrates that intelligence ultimately has a genetic basis. That is, humans have higher intelligence because our genes support it, whereas the genes of apes do not. Now it beces a question of how strongly an effect on the variability of intelligence in humans those genes have. This is not a trivial question that can just be dismissed. There are hundreds of genes relating to intelligence, so there is a lot of room for variability. As, I wrote here (>>41202940) the heritabilty factor for intelligence in humans is significant and cannot be ignored.

Anons, here want to ignore the genetic component to human intelligence because it is scary and painful to admit that our genetics places absolute limits on our intellectual ability. We want to think that we are blank slates that can be as smart as we want to be if we just work hard enough. We have been conditioned to believe this by society. To some extent our intelligence can be increased (through study, etc.), but genetics places a maximum on our abilities overall. And why not? Genetics places limits on how tall we grow, how resistant we are to cancers and illness, how strong we may become, whether or not certain diseases or ailments run in the family, and so forth. Intelligence is just another trait like these, and like these it has a strong basis in the genes we inherit from our parents, or perhaps even genes that got altered somehow in the spicing together of DNA that happens at conception.
ill make dashie site
Eggheads, and also the opposite of eggheads.
me when I make promises that I will never accomplish:
Pretty well designed site. The transition animations are long, but I also hate those in general. Great web dev work especially for 48 hours!
>notice how durr but he also insults hurr durr!
Fun fact
Methyl-amphetamine is a highly dangerous street drug addicts use.
Dextro-amphetamine is a perfectly safe drug prescribed to tens of millions of kids a year.

Really makes you think.
It honestly still bewilders me that 15 has a prominent online presence but refuses to even give a single word on the state of 15.ai
Yeah maybe the technology advanced, maybe he's given up on it (certainly seems this way based on how enthusiastically he's working on all kinds of other projects), but why not give a single update about "yup site is closed, guys"
Why just keep it in limbo forever

Also, the transition from bleeding edge AI researcher+implementor into webdev enthusiast is hilarious
>Why just keep it in limbo forever
The patreon is still up
He larped as having infinite money. The site apparently would cost thousands a week in GPU compute to run back then (while there are local models available now, remember that his shit wasn't as good as what exists now, and also that he was serving tons of requests at all times when the site was at the peak of popularity)
He used to say he hadn't withdrawn any patreon money, either

Now yes maybe he's literally just a grifter, especially since he's now mainly just making pretty websites. But he did make a bunch of things. His AI voices WERE very good for their time, and he did pay for the GPU compute somehow. I dunno. It's weird.
The only plausible explaination is that he somehow managed to get his hand on a datacenter server that is free but unreliable (the server intermittently shuting down back then), use it for what it worth, and then he somehow stopped having access to it.
No, that still doesn't explain why he doesn't just go "alright, I guess my site has been outclassed, it's now shut down". He literally links his twitter on this new website from this thread, but his twitter has a last update from early 2023 saying trust the plan two more weeks, and a pinned tweet saying fuck you to the copyright infringers from back when 15.ai was actually relevant.

Like, regardless of WHY he ended up shutting it down, I just fail to comprehend why he's just leaving it in a limbo like this and even still proudly promoting his completely un-updated twitter and stuff.
He could even have spun it as a win - back then he said his mission was to make AI freely available, and in the wake of 15.ai's popularity it's become the norm to make new AI services available for free to the public for playing around with. Now it's just as likely this is simply the normal business model that would have emerged anyway, but he can still say something about having been at the forefront of the public AI revolution and pioneered publicly accessible free genai services.

I could even understand if he had disappeared and left it hanging, but no, again, he's only increasing his public presence - going from a mysterious identity, to eventually revealing his voice, to now attending cons in person - and still proudly displaying the in-limbo abortive state of the project that made him horsefamous in the first place.
Basically the gist is autistic people have a hard time socializing with normies and failed normies, so they seek companionship in increasingly schizo/autistic places. The only people troons can connect with are other people who want to cut their dick off, so they think that's normal and acceptable behaviour and monkey see monkey do. You'll notice the amount of "well adjusted" people trooning out is effectively 0. Everyone that transitions has some kind of mental issue. Gender Dysphoria was even classified as a mental issue, until the WHO quietly removed it from their chart.
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Outside of being born with some incredible inclination or ability to pick up new concepts very quickly, practice for the most part. The real trick is finding the act of practice rewarding. Baring actual brain damage, the average person could learn almost anything. But why would they? They don't because their brain doesn't find it rewarding (either in the short term or the long term), so they don't practice because they don't enjoy the practice. Some people may not enjoy going to the gym, but they do it anyways because they know it's good for their body. They can appreciate the long term reward. Some people like the feeling of working out, so they can enjoy both the short and long term rewards.

You can learn basically anything. But you have to actually want to learn it beyond some vague notion of being smart, and I'm not sure you can force your brain to be interested in something. Like I don't give a shit about fighting games, and I doubt anything would make me interested. So I don't play them because I wouldn't find them fun or rewarding. The only way to become interested and "trick" your brain into enjoying something is to look at it from a perspective you hadn't considered before. But there's only so many perspectives you can look at something before you run out.
and now >>41203207 is upset and coping because i called him on his projected rent-freedom
For all you IQFags, i dont believe genetic is significant unless you are braindamaged or have a medical condition. There are many kinds of intelligence because the purpose of our brains is to navigate the environment around us and with the plasticity that our brains have the same brain can develop in many diferent ways by different stimulus
You have to be born with a decent baseline level and you have to be able to work hard. That's it. Hard work makes you better, and as long as you aren't a retard that has to bust their ass just to catch up to normal people, if you work hard you'll exceed most people. If your natural ability is already good AND you manage to put it to good use, you can achieve fantastic things.

t. was born with a good ability and always had an easy time learning but actually doing anything productive is like pulling teeth for me so I never achieved much or created any interesting projects
Fuck off 15, I'm not giving my data to your PCL clique.
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>Learn the guitar
>Learn a romantic language
>Learn how to fix the plumbing in your house/ basic carpentry
>Learn enough drawing skills to make rudimentary portraits of ponies and landscapes
>Learn how to make tasty meals/ mix drinks
>Learn about finance and smart investing
>Learn how to be a mediocre massuese
>Learn basic bondage

This is the only knowledge mares want in a man (Twilight included). Most people don't want knowledge for knowledge's sake. They want social clout from appearing smart and the list above is the best way to get that societal approval.
Forgot to add, piano also works, best to learn both.
This is better https://posey.neocities.org/

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