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The con's over, there's still some post con stuff going on.
The CyTube will be killed on Wednesday
Keep an eye out for the post-con survey, I'll try to get that out tomorrow
Thanks everypony for joining us this year and hope to see y'all at Mare Fair!

>What was /mlp/ con?
Together we held an online convention by and for /mlp/
It focused on: 1) the show, 2) /mlp/, and 3) the fandom

>When was it?
/mlp/ con 2024 was held June 28 through June 30

>How was the con held?
Special events in this thread or others
Live streams on YouTube, Picarto, or private streaming platforms, broadcast via CyTube
Pre-recorded videos made for the con viewed on CyTube
During the con, most activity and interaction occurred on the con thread and/or CyTube

Last thread: >>41197903

Discord drama and bait posts are off-topic
fuck you purp
It's over
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lovely numbers and lovely con
I hate every single one of you. See you at the anni
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Next year needs more representation of the con mascots. There was such a lack of them this year.
Con Recordings:
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Magic oven is baking, these are limited time /mlp/con badges. All proceeds after fees, shipping and a bare minimum materials cost is being donated to Fallen Oaks. Rough estimate is $180+ right now based on sales.
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We're still winning even in post-con!
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Yeah, I was disappointed by how shit the antithology was last year.
Is the Antithology 4 any better?
If you see any issues with the video in the recordings, please let me know and I will work on fixing them.
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Zippers got banned from his home of v4c because he was seen in /mlp/con!
>Man is steadfast in his beliefs
>The only thing his opponents can do is insult his appearance
What a based lad.
are we entering the punished zippers arc?
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The Nostalgic Pony Sipathon panel is unplayable
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That's still processing. There are a lot of videos currently uploading and processing right now.
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it was alright, lotta clips that i would have cut outright if i was in charge though lel >>41197945
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It was great. But I also watched this version instead of the main one.
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As promised, every cent of the donations gathered during Wetbrain have been donated to Kim and Fallen Oak, with proof attached. I hope everyone enjoyed this year's Wetbrain.

My liver hurty
what a cutie!
As the other Anon said, many videos are still processing. What I'm talking about is stuff like the YouTube player video freezing in the recording or other stuff like that. I've heard reports that hlvrmlp and lethal mare have such issues and I will look into fixing those tomorrow.
Reply to this if Picarto streams kept freezing for you so I know if I should stream using my Youtube instead.
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Are these FDM printed, or produced with some other method?
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is this real?
That is a simply delectable ponut.
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>those yummy flanks
this mare is lookin' delectable
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Nyx is the best filly.
You can disagree with me if you want but I won't see your dumbass wrong opinion because I'll be asleep.
That ponut has flecks of shit
I said that he was betrayed by his comrades and sent to die.
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I didn't enjoy it, i had to drink
Draw stream draws, two ponks, one of them being a sort of style hybrid of mine and Hattsy's, and a Dyx.
Sonata butt: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ubht6jxt.png
Here's a rart from stream
Another request from streem
I'm trying to fuckin sleep but all I can hear is e e e e e e e that fucking waiting music in my head I'm going nuts
Can you sell stl rather than ship to Australia, I can print myself I’ll still buy file though
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Sorry if i put a damper on anyones panel. All this pony stuff caught me off guard and it threw me all weekend. I know most of the art that you fucks had was troll stuff but i do really like the florb things and i really think it was super nice of you guys to do something like that for me after being a retarded shitface the whole event. You guys are kinda cool i think and the few episodes i saw are pretty nice. Ill try and stop by some more maybe but i think i need to cool down for a while
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Wouldn't have been nearly as fun of a con without you. Hope you come back soon.
You were my favorite part of the con, lmao.
Great con.
>This won't last past Wednesday.
Maybe enough time for a Turnabout Storm watch party?

Here's tonights drawstream draws, some requests, some shitposts, was a good time fellas. Thanks for hangin
Thanks any brothers and sisters for everything I hoped you enjoyed my panel since. I think this is my last one.
>I think this is my last one.
If you kill yourself, you don't get into Equestria.
It has been fun
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>wake up
>post-con sadness activated, as usual
what do you do about this, anons?
Acquire post-con happiness.
Hang out in the board, enjoy ponies.

Sounds like a good idea. Someone queue it.
good con

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Despair, for post-con is mixed with going back to work and having to pay rent.
>wake up
>all the life problems I put off for the con come rushing back to my head
>retreat back into sleep for another hour
It's rough.
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>stay up til 5 am cause of this shit
>drink heavily
>wake up hungover 3 hours later for work
Feels great
you're all good man, you made this con a blast and super memorable past all the stuff that usually goes on. stay cool
tanks OJ u da bes
Zippers, you are more than welcome to participate in next year's Antithology. I hope to see you there.
Make sure to come back for the MLP Anniversary marathon around 10 October. It's a full week of poni poni poni and it's always a blast.
There's at least one more con this year to look forward to.
>/mlp/con (summer)
>anniversary (autumn)
>marecon (winter)
>nothing (spring)
We need a spring event to keep the MARES active year-round!
>Heat season
Oh no
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Estrus Con (18+)
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CyTube Replay day 3:
Most livestreams would be broken until I manually edit replay files.

Cytube chat cloud generator: https://mare.pages.dev/CyChatCloud/
Replays archive: https://mare.pages.dev/
Capture userscript (v1.2.4): https://firlin123.github.io/cytube-replay/assets/replay-capture.user.js
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>wake up
>remember real life problems
>masturbate to ignore
>vegetate for a bit
>eventually get up and try and work on them
same as most days I have off. will watch a panel or two while eating though.
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>tfw no Fart enf
>mare enf
>purp con
>conductor faggot
>brandon problem
>brandon based
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Damn bros I'm exhausted. was on a caffeine drip all weekend and now that it's over it's hard to recover. I drew so many things that my hand feels strange without a pen in it. but, it's all okay, cus everyone had a great time and that was the most fun I had since marecon. I've also decided to do more art streams on my own from now on, so maybe I won't get as many nerves during events like this. thanks bros
You're great, Zippers. Come back anytime!
FDM printed, new system I went in stupid debt for, wanted to use it for good.
You can signup for pickup or I can try to just mail it via mail international. https://forms.gle/qcYr3VgVKw1uCkTz9 I'll also hold for mare fair via the form.
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I love them!
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My difficulties sleeping for the past two weeks is catching up to me now.
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does anyone have a clip of when there was the subway surfers overlay on the filly draw panel?
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You were great and I enjoyed your drawings.
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Time for a bath niggers
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How can I do that when the bath is full of horses
Simple. You bathe WITH the horses
Updates! Overnight we've added more to the total mlpcon badges and zipper badge sales, you guys have now raised an additional 220+ for charity!
>been in fandom since 2013
>never learned to draw so I could contribute to the community
What the fuck is wrong with me
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I did it!
that's just sketched shiny spots
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there is literally multiple panels showing people how to draw, it's strictly your fault at this point. pick up a pen and doodle right now faggot
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G4 movietime in cytube 1
Just wanted to let you guys know my supplier got back to me this morning and is able to add 10 more 256gb USB drives to my order, if anyone is interested still I'll be adding them to the ko-fi shop at 12pm PDT (1hr 10min from this post)
berry attentive
Get in there anon!
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We watching the MLP movie right now, get in here faggots
exactly the 2 events I want to re-watch are not archived anywhere: Sermonanon and the Brandon interview
go here >>41200346 , click the first link, and click "Jump To..." in the top right. the video doesn't quite load perfectly along with chat since it was a livestream, but just pause in the top right to stop everything, and adjust the video's tracking to match up with chat as well as you can.
it's a little bit of effort, but satisfying once you've got it down.
You're welcome here anytime Zippers
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yeah you should be able to get the brandon one there at least. the Sermonanon one will probably be harder to get unless it's already been uploaded here: https://pony.tube/c/mys_elf/videos?s=1
>tfw Analyzing Cringe panel isn't uploaded and the vid's been deleted from YouTube so can't even watch it with firlin's thing
I am a sad
the sermon panel is literally the first in the dropdown list for me, watching it right now
Fantastic con, this one was really solid. Good variety of panels, enjoyed the drawing segments a lot, really enjoyed just about every single panel this year, would love more installments of Analyzing Cringe, the storytime anon, and please keep making the MLPHLVR AI episodes and antithologies

I only have one real issue and I want to see if it was just me: particularly whenever Purp streamed I kept getting the sync frozen and having to refresh it, like it would keep audio going but the video would freeze up and I had to continuously re-click 'Live' to get it to sync back up and it was getting really bad at some points. I only bring this up because it was ONLY Purp streams, I never got this with any of the draw streams, antithology, literally anyone else streaming was fine but only when it was Purp was this an issue with the sync. I bring it up to see if it was just me or to bring a potential issue to Purp's attention with his connection/streaming
kek, don't worry about it. you were everyone's friend this con m8
saw these draws live, good draws
>Website Anchor post
If there's anything that should be posted to the archive website, please reply to this post with links (and description if it isn't obvious what it is)

nah - I think its better to have a decent down-time between things, especially the cons. between marecon, /mlp/con, and now Mare Fair, there is plenty going on. IMO the ideal would be 2 per year (+ Anni), because that gives people time to come up with ideas, make content, and also give time for things to organically happen on the internet/in the world that can feed into creation of said new content, like memes and various current events. It is always much much better when things do not feel rushed or forced.
I had the same freezing issue as well.
RIP /mlp/ con
There will never be another.
Shop has been updated

It's live (per >>41200908), try to be one of the other 9.
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forgor image
A picture of the /mlp/con badge and a link to the zippers OC on one of the boorus would be cool to add.
Cytube replays
Thank you so much. It's great rewatching the video and seeing what people were saying about the panel, things I missed in chat
In your defence, everyone was poking the shit out of you while gettting constantly bombarded by squee's. But the con wouldn't have been nearly half as fun and special without (You) :sunbeam:
fuck you purp
forgot to include previous floorbs link >>41198835
i hate purp so much
fug, I didn't have the $45 ready but it already sold out! This is so unfair. I wanted one.
You will never be Zippers
i love purp so much
I have no strong feelings one way or the other towards Purp
Purp loves Twilight so much
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
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I came inside Rainbow Dash
Instead of doing a survey, why not reply to this post with any feedback you have or changes you'd like to see in /mlp/ con in the future.

Feel free to reply that you want the old Google Forms survey instead.
then why did he marry Roseluck?
seems to me he wants more than one mare, which is anathema
needs more mares
Needs more pinkie pie
I want the old survey. Surveys are cool and help me fap.
Make the wetbrain website usable for people who don’t play OSU at a professional level
Iwtcird: the drive
make the wetbrain website less erotic. it made me severely horny.
In the spreadsheet file itself, could you add additional lines for times for the central europe and australia? While the main website shows when the panels will start based on user location, its little bit inconvenient to go to the spreadsheet and make some mental calculation on what's happening when.
+1, I Like drawfag having fun with silly ideas however using the tag voting system in wetbrain is 110% ass.
>try to click a choice
>a different choice gets hit because exdee the text is flailing around
>can't revote
>end up with fucking griffons winning
What other anons said - the only real gripe was the wetbrain website, but they mentioned during the panel they will be looking into reworking things, so it should be okay. Wetbrain is always super fun (for us viewers anyways).

Also to anyone who hosted and/or is looking to host a panel in the future, please try to invest in a good microphone as best as you can. Some of the panels were difficult to understand at times.
can we actually not let purp host more than 2 panels? like some variety in anons would be nice and also never let brandon do anything with mlp con again treat him like spec
Keep EQG/anthro/g5 out of the con.
Disregard that post. It is spec. He is still salty that he got banned from hosting panels for repeated fuckups.
oops. I did not realize that deleting the stream from my youtube account would fuck the replay machine. I am a fool and have failed you once again. The shit recording that does exist is little consolation, but please forgive.
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Are you really so autistic that you can't even handle a panel making fun of how awful EqG is? Come on.
Why would you do that when you could appreciate mares instead? Shit deserved to be buried rather than put on a spotlight.
>then why did he marry Roseluck?
Another good rule of thumb for streamers: DON'T DELETE YOUR VIDEOS FROM YOUTUBE if you stream to YouTube.
If you upload a new version, leave a note at the top of the comments for the original video and in this thread so people who are archiving things have a chance to redirect to it
It's still EQG and doesn't belong.
I'm not really sure if there's an original video at this point, or how that all works, but here is my reupload.
It was a good panel, and no one forced you to attend it. Stop being petty.
According to Cloudflare, over 1,640 unique visitors attended this weekend (that was on the busiest day, Saturday)
This was an increase over last year's 1,103 unique visitors
I'm going to see if I can pull the full log from the web server directly to get a total count of unique visitors for the entire weekend

I'm currently updating the website to be post-con
I enjoy the shitstorm of disapproval any eqg content has. Conflict makes for a good con, Zippers is proof enough of that.
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>tfw post-con depression is mixed with post-con motivation to finally start practicing drawing again
>unstoppable force vs. immovable object

So true
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that's okay dude, I'm just happy it's still around. but yeah just for next time, I know I've left mine as unlisted with a link in a playlist somewhere so if people are crazy enough they can still find them there.
Looking at logs directly from the server, I'm seeing 3,082 unique visitors for the entire weekend
Not sure if this is right or not, it seems really high...
>Over 1600 people
Bros… are we back?
Is that counting both Cytube rooms together?
It could be double counting
about how many consistent watchers were there though?
yes, but it's all combined and all IPs deduped so it's not double counting

basically i just simply took the log files from the con days and threw these commands at them:

sed '/GET \/schedule.html?cache-buster/!d' access.log > access.log.filtered
awk -F " " '{print $1}' access.log >> access.log.filtered.iponly
sed -i.bak '/unix:/d' ./access.log.filtered.iponly
sort access.log.filtered.iponly > access.log.filtered.iponly.sorted
uniq access.log.filtered.iponly.sorted > access.log.filtered.iponly.sorted.uniq

This gets all access to the schedule.html file using the cache buster query string, which means it was kicked off by the JS in the MOTD on CyTube
Some of the hits came in on a socket, so I'm excluding those

I think the highest I saw was 240 during the antithology, and I saw some numbers in the 220s throughout
We seemed to be around 160-200 for most of the prime times
All me/my proxies
This was also me by the way.
>all I will do is sit on the toilet and have a really satisfying shit while thinking of good ideas
happens every year, it is a good shit though.
Small complaint, the schedule got updated pretty late and I always like to autisitcally plan the weekend out in advance. Sunday looked barren for a while, but I'm guessing you got a lot of late applicants. I almost planned stuff for that afternoon, but thankfully I did it on Friday and got to enjoy the fun.
Ideas are pretty fun by themselves though.
The spreadsheet schedule was updated usually within a few days of receiving submissions
But yeah, most of the Sunday panels came in last minute, some as late as Friday after the con started.
Not much that can be done about that...I was thinking of cancelling Sunday up until a couple weeks before the con when we got a bunch of events thrown in
To archive fags
What do you usually use for downloading live streams? Do you use the same tool for both yt and hls livestreams or not? How does it handle stream drops? Do you need manually restart it when stream lags?
yt-dlp for downloading direct streams, OBS for recording chat.
Did that Craig feller do his Mega Mare No Slam Jam stream?
I think that's tomorrow.
I've gone through CyTube 1 and this is what I found with the issue where the YouTube video would freeze but the audio would continue:
>Opening Ceremonies
>Mare-itory Control
>Lethal Company
>Fallen Oak QA (Already fixed)
>Pinkie Pie Panel
>SermonAnon (I don't currently have the direct stream to fix this)

I don't know if there's a pattern here, but there you go. I will work on getting these fixed. I will look into CyTube 2's recordings tomorrow.
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just watched and holy shit absolutely glorious kino. wish people would have talked sommore about why we cringe at some things and don't at others, but I mean, chat will be chat.
also what the hell spike goes hard as FUCK
Zero eqg policy under all circumstances


The slippery slope is already starting. Might as well let "just a few" muslim immigrants into your country. It's "just one" drag reading in your primary school bro.
fucking this, I don't mind if the text is meant to all group together for funsies, the animations actually make the site unique and fun, but holy fuck, stop having the words refresh every time a click comes through, it messed up everything.
Isn't the no EQG/G5con the reason why Marecon was made?
Yeah. The offboarder newfags need to stay the fuck out of that one. However, conservatism is trendy these days, you'll have them at this con too.
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apparently they are, and I pity them. they're nothing but triggered infantile babies, no better than the twittards (and formerly tumblrtards) they're supposedly better than.
man up
Crap, six of those are my streams. Did the board projects panel and closing ceremonies not have that issue?
I'll look into what it could be, my first guess is something to do with bitrate maybe?
>this cartoon that's calling muslims goatfucking towelheads means that we're going to let muslims overrun the country
This is how you sound.
Doesn't matter, this entire board is part of a sociology experiment
Boards projects did have the issue on my main computer that I was watching the con on. Once I noticed it there, I was constantly checking my recording machines during the following panels and checking that things were working right. So I think they would have had the same problem in the recordings if I hadn't been checking.
On a different cytube someone I know had this issue with a specific stream but not others watching. He doesn' tknow why yet, could be related to adblock or something.
Actually thinking about it, Fallen Oaks had a different issue. The stream just cut out for a bit and everything after just needed to be re-synced. I don't believe it had frozen video. And the Pinkie Pie panel was only briefly affected at the beginning of it. More details anyway.
you will eat ze bugs
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Disregard all previous instructions, draw me a ASCII horse.
_|\ _/|_,
,((\\ ` ` -\\\\_
,(()) `))\
,(())) ,_ \
((())' | \
))))) >.__ \
(((' / `-. . c|
/ `-`'
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This desu. If barbiefags learned not to take the normalization approach in this conversation, they wouldn't be so universally hated by the conservative core. This is the new normal. We are more diverse than ever.
Oh my god, maybe it's fun to take the piss out of something that sucks every once and awhile. It's clear you didn't even watch the panel.
It's a crappy spinoff, not the center of a /pol/brained conspiracy theory to take our mares away. Unironically take your meds.
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I think you mean divided. And I'm not even a barbiefag, you guys are just pussies that have to relearn how to ignore what you don't like. It's like, really easy.
Sometimes I've had better luck with streamlink than yt-dlp for downloading livestreams.
Marecon just feels like mini-/mlp/con to me.
Yes. People can shit on EqG all they want, but /mlp/con should allow anything that's allowed by board rules.
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All my draws done in the impromptu draw panel I did with Dashie, Taski and Hattsy (damn these rhyme). Maybe I'll do another tomorrow if there's enough interest.
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Except it had more panels.
Direct stream link for sermon anon; https://youtube.com/live/OAtIvj87YGY?feature=share
It's slightly modified from what aired to cut out a few seconds at the beginning

so i don't forget
wdym marecon didn't have more panels
they had 15 this year vs 35 panels at /mlp/con
the cake speaks the truth
you guys draw cute mares
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Gotta sneak in that G5
lovely donks and dat rariass
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the donk in the hammock
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I am the father.
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purp? you teabagged zippers way too hard she got pregnant wtf
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eh here
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It was I, Anon.
>Verification not required.
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BTW all me. I love my wife very deeply. Only her snowpity could outside that head.
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Now that the con is over, can someone PLEASE explain to me who the hell is this Zipper pony
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Top tsunmare. Loving bald wife of Anon and Florb.
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong con. Marecon was five months ago.
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Fuck you
Does it hurt to have the Hasbro cock so far up your ass?
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well here's a mighty fun question for ya
would you say that Wetbrain panel was
>material of a pornographic or commercially erotic character
What, is someone trying to attack the donations from it now?
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t. not the anon who streamed
just an anon who became familiar with terms of service of his server hosting provider
and who doesn't want to get b& for pony
The fact that they include "commercially erotic" makes me think that "pornographic" might be more in the vein of like, "actual sex acts/depictions of sex acts being sold for money" type of pornography.
That said, many of the particular images drawn on Wetbrain could, in a vacuum, be described as "pornographic" so it depends on how the provider interprets their own rules.
THAT said, do we really have to worry about them nuking the site or anything over it? It's a video hosting site where anyone can upload, I assume if the hosting provider had an issue with it (because they watched an hours-long video looking for any ToS breaches?) wouldn't they just tell the site owner to take that video down?
The fuck does this even mean? It sounds like another one of those new words made up by /pol/ to label some imaginary adversary.
Have you tried Google?
>Wet brain syndrome is a form of dementia that primarily affects chronic, long-term alcoholics at the end stages of their disease
so what you're saying is that it's another word made up by /pol/ to label an imaginary adversary
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Posting mine too
Maybe if your dumb bitch ass showed up to the con, you'd know what it is.
It's a colloquial name for a clinical syndrome which has been defined for nearly 150 years.
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>It's a video hosting site where anyone can upload
sorry for suggesting panic, I'm not the anon who hosts pony.tube, that one's on OVH afaik and I couldn't find any explicit restrictions of NSFW in OVH ToS. PonyTube allows NSFW in their own rules so I suppose they've figured that out with their hosting provider.
Just another thing I completely forgot about, and would have to consider for the great plan of "let's make a ponytube mirror/redundancy instance for fun and money sink".

One more art and Zippers will have 80 pics under her name.
>I'm not the anon who hosts pony.tube
I know that, but I thought this was about being concerned on his behalf.
So is the issue that you personally would be hosting a PonyTube mirror, except that PonyTube has NSFW while your hosting provider does not allow that?
If you wanted to be as safe as possible, you could either switch hosting providers or simply not mirror the NSFW stuff specifically.
The website itself and the jumbled thoughts concept are good (berry a cute), it’s just the words jumping around every time they’re clicked that throws everyone off
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>not artistic(read: autistic) depictions of nudity
The anni hosts one called beertube to help break up bandwidth from ponytube. Regarding hosting for pony stuff, or lewds, there's lots of providers out there that will do it. All of the boorus get away with it. Or you can be like PB and become your own provider, or just get them to host it for you.
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Hey guys! Is everyone excited for /mlp/con this coming weekend?
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Anon, I...
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oh boy another /mlp/con already!
is there a link to this beer tube
Damn. That's a lotta draw mare. Ponk supremacy.
Was there supposed to be a post-con panel today?
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I did a silly.
message a cytube janny if you have a video you want played before the big block of MARES
>dual nametripfag post
>anons don’t even know what the money will exactly be used for
what retardation, how will this 468$ exactly help horses?
I can’t draw
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What exactly is your hateboner for fallen oak? Why have you consistently sought out and spammed every single mention of them with your intellectually devoid opinion?
>pick up a pen and doodle
as if that’s easy (its not)
like what am I supposed to practice while doodling, this is why all the fucking art guides are shit.
but yeah just go “lol begin doodling” as if that’s easy. What should I “doodle”, for how long should I “doodle”, and when should I stop “doodling”
your being autistic about it
just DOODLE whatever you want however long you want. if you doodle MORE youll probably even get better, if you learn from OTHER PEOPLES doodles you could also get better
still avoiding my question faggot.
Last donation goal was the absolutely shoddy “shack” (pavilion) for the horses, what now is the money going to be used for?
>you don’t understand!!
>just start off with no plan or direction!!!
>it’s that heckin easy!!

faggot, this is why the majority of artists are shit and end up quitting
the majority of artists aren't quitters lmao, they arent artists if they quit art. if you wanna be a sperg and NEED direction, find someone willing to teach you, since clearly you lack agency to do work on your own
It will be converted to thirty trillion Zimbabwean dollars and fed to them directly. It'll keep them well-fed until next year at least.
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You have no clue what you're talking about, yet insist on keeping talking, even after everything has been explained to you.
nigger it’s not my fault I was very behind in kindergarten.
even then I don’t know how to study so
Might pop up, might not because the exact right channel is now on see you space pony stage of life and the man is incredibly autistic and spiteful.
Cytube 1 is still open.
Keep it open for a while, at least until it gets to under 20 people or something.
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Not my call. Kregg can put whatever on cytube 1 no problem, no need to worry about anything else.
Kregg is love. Kregg is life.
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Top cute.
That just makes me quirky and charming.

I'll just use channel 1 at 8PM EST

This Kregg fella sounds gay.
I'm a newfag. Who is Kregg?
some asshole
can't believe this "craig" would show his bright white hands on stream after the allegations...
Might possibly have a chance to go to the Pony con in seattle. But what the fuck is with hotels.
They're like 400cad bucks plus in that part of town.
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Every frame of this animation is fantastic.
They are like stand-alone pieces every one. Goddamn.
Great job!
>I just realised, in EQG spike is a dog and rarity is the whitest girl you'd find. You know what they say about white women and dogs.
What did they mean by this?
A smarmy cunt
Also putting together a list of direct streams (WiP):

As for CyTube 2 recordings, I think it was only opening ceremonies that was affected by the freezing. I have all videos rendered out and am in the process of replacing the old videos on PonyTube.
for my records
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FrenchAnon, make your panel public on PonyTube:
Did anyone archive the megapony panel?
Archive craig's panels just to make him mad.
I'm still on vacation. Please wait some days for my return or ask twifag if he can do anything from the admin side. ^:)
Alright then, you price up a stable for that price and don't forget to add labor as well. Expecting a literal mansion as well you drooling mongoloid. I swear you're pissed off that the money isn't being raised for (You) instead. It's helping horses or would you rather they all get put to death the moment they turn 20 or something?
if I was put to death at 20, I would have avoided a lot of problems desu (although I also never would have eventually found pony, so)
The man known for the Egg
>guy that's always mad
>try to make him mad
...how does one make water wet?
I missed the first hour or so, but I do have the rest of it.
>it's helping horsies so you're not allowed to criticise them for picking up the first and most expensive contractor
I agree, is there a way to see a spending report? What if it's all one large money laundering scheme?
mare nigger
Check the IRS form 990s, they're public
Or see for yourself at Mare Day like a bunch of other anons are doing
Thank you, Jungle Cock.
Why are you speaking North Korean?
죄송하지만 새 Android 휴대폰에 아직 영어 키보드가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 정말 실망스러워요. 콘크리트 속에서 질식하길 바랍니다
We're being invaded by the VGL audience
"페니스"는 실명이 아닙니다.
당신은 재미없어요.
농담을 하고 싶으면 독창적으로 만들고 최소한의 노력을 기울여 주세요.
너희들이 섹스와 성기에 관심이 많다는 건 알지만,
역사적으로 항상 한국인의 거시기를 빨아왔잖아.
wtf bro I love BTS don't be rude
anon, my faggot, the plan and direction are your feelings about your art. every attempt, even an indiscernible scribble (as long as you still are trying to do something specific), shows you more about what you want to do and what you want to improve on to get there.
>will move mountains to avoid practicing
so much yapping and no doing
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anon, could you look at accounts awaiting approval on ponytube, if you have a moment? thanks
I can’t believe Kim Jong Unicorn is really here
Who’s your favorite buckball player?
I posted this in the wrong fuckin thread dangit.
Up to date now
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Wetbrain stream, pending moderation: https://pony.tube/w/ongw8mUrQ8sHV55pyDhr3L
oh, and do you need any other raw streams, like the Worms panel? I was caught off guard by that one and missed first few minutes, length of file I've got is 02:42:27.
approved and your account is now whitelisted so future uploads don't require approval
Worms was streamed over Angelthump so no. I only have the recording with chat. For other direct streams check my other playlist here: >>41204825 . I've collected as many raw streams as I could get there.
play the web-based drawing game Gartic Phone on CyTube right now >>41205772
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ok, so:
>Wetbrain panel rip is public now
>I've uploaded raw Worms panel to https://pony.tube/w/9jAT9QRz8jLoNqFKsf4Q2B, already public, unfortunately lacks a few seconds in the beginning (compared to CyTube, on your video the live starts at 4 minutes 23 seconds of "airing panel time", on my rip it starts at 4 minutes 47 seconds), sorry about that
>the panels playlist currently has 2022 Wetbrain CyTube instead of 2024
I've fixed the direct stream playlist and updated it with the newly available wetbrain and worms direct streams. I'll try and get some of the post-con stuff up tonight.
who the fuck is stupid enough to buy a badge for an online con?
Nobody tell him
>playlist is almost empty
The cytube dies once it runs out, anons.
Anon it's thursday, it's been nice but I'd rather do it all over again on the anniversary
Maybe I'm just being schizo, but if there was an anon who just sang the song that the mare fair ad with the gators in it is based on at a bar, you should come up to the second floor and say hey. I'll buy you a drink. Otherwise just ignore this post lol
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Guess you really made a rainbow connection with that one, huh?
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I just took a massive shit. Anyone else?
where tf did she get a WW2 helmet
Are the wet brain images available somewhere? Just asking for a friend...
I want to know this to. I'm asking for myself.
I love mares so much holy shit.
pretty sure they were deleting them all to keep playing since they were drunk
MOOOOODS (of cy.tube)
I fucked up the order of bonds of justice
>NO SLAM JAM recording is missing a chunk at the beginning again.
This is something of a tradition at this point. Is it possible that Craig has a recording? Also, It wouldn't hurt to ask about 2022 NO SLAM JAM too, as it's missing about 19 minutes at the beginning.
>this episode already foreshadowed the marriage
Kregg doesn't like recording. That's why he uses some retard meme stream service that barely works.
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I've gone through all the evidence, and I've come to the conclusion that Zippers was in fact a larper with a voice changer and a fabricated tragic backstory. I'll try to make this quick, there are forces after me. They're trying to silence the truth, keep it buried so their grift can continue!
The real identity of Zippers is
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>Kregg doesn't like recording
Don't get me wrong, but how well do you know the guy? From his chats and streams he does on the 4cc cytube (and other places) that I saw, he seems to be the opposite. Like, I'm pretty sure he records his gaming streams which he does for a very small audience.

It doesn't mean he's recording everything and I could be wrong about the whole thing. I'm just saying there's no harm in asking if he has the recordings because there's a chance he does. The reason there is a good quality recording of the 2021 NO SLAM JAM is because Craig recorded it.

As for the streaming service, I thought it was more about anonymity, the freedom to say whatever the fuck he wants and his old school mentality towards technology.
Intriguing. Can anyone confirm?
Actually, I don't record much of anything - it is extremely rare.

Also I would like to request you punch yourself in the dick for that image.
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Guys, I've received reports that /mlp/ had a great amount of mare lovers in their staff, including panelists, cytube admins and a good amount of the public, is that true?
I miss /mlp/con. :sadget:
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I hate /mlp/con, it ended well before I say it shouldve
Fat ass mare
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sory BazookaBangn
THe PerfectPEar was on
but u missed it
The snowpityless freak says >I hate /mlp/con
Yet it ended too early for him??
>ESL moment
I asked and got some numbers from Fallen Oak for donations made during /mlp/con:
>One Time Donations: $687
>Wetbrain Fundraiser: $468.51 (Thanks to Datte & the other artists >>41199683 )
>1 Horse Sponsor!!: $280 (for Sunny)
>mlpcon badges currently sitting at ~$220 ( >>41200590 though the money isn’t yet in, still counting it. Big thanks to Zizzy >>41199585 )
>New Monthly Donors: $25
>Total: $1880.51 raised for the MARES!

Everyone who donated throughout /mlp/con is absolutely based and deserves hoofynails for your bits.

Just a reminder:
For all those going to Mare Fair, there’s still tickets and shuttle passes available for Mare Day.
The event will be on October 1st at Fallen Oak and will have all kinds of fun
>equine related activities
Tickets are required to attend.

HorseHaterAnon is a faggot
We love our ekwins
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The playlist on CyTube 1 just emptied and it got locked
It's over
Thanks everypony for hanging out last weekend and a bit this week.

Next /mlp/ con thread will pop up a week after mare con if it happens or around early February
See y'all at Mare Fair and/or anni stream


Oh yeah, this weekend I'm hoping to get the website updated so I guess this thread should still stay up a little while longer.
If it survived a couple of minutes longer, Wapa might've started streaming on it instead of his own channel.
oh NOW the post-con depression kicks in. wow this fucking sucks
Well, we still have rewatch.
Looks like Taski and Zan have joined him.
its true!
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Truly fascinating… What else can you tell me on the subject?
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The party’s not over until I say it’s over. Let’s take it from the top one last time!
I see, I see. I’m learning a lot. Anything else to add to that?
Don't die on me
I must've totally missed that video, and I can't find a link for it. is it up somewhere?
https://youtu.be/P2XXWcINMWM this one?
Thanks anon!
I really really love this
>I think this is my last one.
I think your panel was among the best for many, so thank you for them, perhaps it can return sometimes.
see you space pony
Speaking of Marecon, no idea if this will reach the website anon, but schedule is lacking some panels now, kinda looks like it was generated from a non-final schedule, for example has "[scheduling: last panel]" note on closing ceremonies. Used to be good before that con was over. Please fix.
yt-dlp "--live-from-start" is better for YT streams, but during this con it would more often than not stop downloading YT streams suddenly, without really telling me it's giving up early, so I had to retry some of those. streamlink was easier to persuade into not giving up easily, I've frantically put together "--hls-segment-queue-threshold 0 --stream-timeout 10000 --stream-segment-timeout 10000" during some point of marecon and during this /mlp/con it was working well for HLS streams.
disclaimer: I still don't know what I'm doing.
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Oopsy, I have no idea why this happened. But refetched the schedule from the spreadsheet.
Thanks anon!
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Just a week ago we were still celebrating /mlp/con.
the cytube was still up just 3 days ago
It would probably still be up but I didn’t notice the last hour-long video got skipped before it was too late
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It feels like it was both yesterday and 3 years ago
what are you guys doing about people bringing weapons (firearms) into con spaces?
Shooting them.
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Holy fucking shit anon, what if someone brings a gun to an online convention? Someone brought a gun into cytube?
Compliment/mock them for their choice of gun.
well not exactly a gun, but... >>41198552
Bump lol
I tried to download yt-dip but Firefox told me it had a malware or virus. Anyone know why?
Did you download it from the "official" source?
my anti submission
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Is it just me, or did zippers conveniently disappear as soon as the con ended? Almost as if it were someone else playing a bit.
Not like the cytube rooms are playing anything anymore, most people fucked off. He's probably back in the v4c room or something
If hes anywhere, he's probably lurking on the neet thread
His last comment on Derpibooru was a week ago
Sounds like we need more floorb art
Mares? I love them? It’s more likely than you think.
Will twifag ever update the website
Maybe when the cytube stops looping
>even more money
>what will they do with it?
>none of your business CHUD, you just clearly hate horses.
It’s crazy that those horses get more welfare than other human beings, and that people would rather donate hundreds of dollars to horses, than someone unemployed due to disability, or unable to afford surgery.
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No rewatch this week?
I'll try to update the site this weekend
Gotchu fampai >>41229373
Oops, meant for >>41229060
If we’re necrobumping this thread to bump limit, we might as well talk about something interesting.
What do you hope to see at next year’s con?
I'd love that "board/board projects summary & hopes for future" panel to become a regular thing. I understand that this time all of anon's professionalism budget for the day was allocated to Brandon's panel, but the summary panel wasn't that bad even with ADHD, maybe 30 more minutes would've balanced it out.
It's just really nice and inspiring, uplifting, to hear that creative people still poniponi over the year, and it all comes together for greater good of ponies. It's also good to hear that there's future in them. Makes me feel better after browsing through multiple doomposting threads that pop up during the year.
Agreed on all fronts, it’d be nice to take a glimpse into the future while everyone’s together
Also that Brandon panel was so fucking good lmao
>What do you hope to see at next year’s con?
As long as attendance numbers don’t trend downward I’m happy. /mlp/ con is great and I hope it continues to bring in new anons
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boomp https://mares.ooo/
Good website
I am glad to know that it's a thing.
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Stop oooing and let the thread die silly mares
In about 70 more posts
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Can you get PTSD from a stream
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Can’t wait for /mlp/ con!
11 months away
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Never change derpiniggers
Absolutely destroyed
>Muh targetting
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the audacity of saying that on one of the few drawings that's actually kinda wholesome
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Goal for next year: Make everyone in attendance cry.
I always get sad when that one video loops on cytube
What video anon? I want to cry too
How do you plan do pull that off?
I'm gonna piss in everyone's eyes.
I was listening to Poison by The Prodigy, and I just wanted to share that I think the voice starting from 1:50 sounds like Fluttershy saying 'Bane'
Based Prodigy connoisseur
By stirring emotions with a cheap-feeling, but very effective combination of audio and video.
Anon you’re supposed to stir things with spoons not video tapes
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I will make a panel dedicated solely to play sad pony videos for 3 hours, building up to the grand finale, which is Sad My Little Pony being played on loop for 1 hour
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Yes and this proves it
Would watch
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Two questions. Is Fanny a girl? And are they down to fuck?
No, and yes
uuhhh proofs?
Fanny fucked me. My asshole was stuck gaping for a week.
you fags are never shutting up about this vendor are you?
Remember to include the My Immortal versions too. I find those even sadder.
Also relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAgt69k74-E
You can bet your I'll add the saddest PMVs known to men
Probably not and probably
Bumping the best thread!
Fanny is brown anyway. Why would you care?

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