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>refuses to go to any cons
>posts on zero platforms besides youtube
>nobody knows anything about him, besides that he makes high quality PTS’s and even better AI music, literally nothing else about him is known

Is he the only one of us who is truly anonymous? If only one of us can go to Equestria, it damn well better be him.
At least pick someone with taste.
may his creative spark burn forever brightly
He's been based since day one
the ideal anon
trixie would fuck this dude 6ft under
>AI music
into the trash it goes
Keep astroturfing faggot
It’s refreshing to see a creative being recognized for their work instead of How good They can game social media and the algorithm. The music overall is very good.
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I wanna drive you wild (wild wild)
cause baby you’re my style
I wanna be the one you think about
and sing about, for you
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I’ll go the extra mile (mile mile)
Cause you’re worth my while
So baby tell me everything about you
I want you, it’s true
Keep shiteating, ai never sounds good
>stop liking what I don't like WAHHHHH
>Stop not liking what I like WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
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>I like AI music
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>I like AI music
His Pinkie songs are some of the best.
>anon thinks bgm doesn't do things like go to cons just because he doesn't go by bgm there
I look like this and say this
Oh shit, if he actually did that itd be GLORIOUS. I’m gonna keep a lookout for anyone with a really deep, crisp, cinnamon voice. Not gay btw
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BGM, Vultraz, and PrinceWhateverer would be a god tier concert lineup.
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Can he get any better?
Pony Thread Simulator videos
Isn't it, like, tons of such YouTubers? Post only on youtube and doesn't reveal their real name and goes by nickname. Sounds super average to me. No one deserves to go to Equestria anyway. Why him exactly?
Imagine singing a love song with passion for your waifu so you can make it that your waifu is actually singing it back even better for you to hear, and others that waifu Trixie as well. Incredibly fucking based.
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Does he have a Silver Spoon video?
oh hey thats actually crazy. i know exactly who this is because we in the same [redacted] server together like, 3 years ago at this point. could be wrong though but 90% sure. they have like a shit tons of memes tied to them over the nearly 2 decades at this point. but never got like any mass appeal. he would just make it and then it would get posted a million places by others. good for that faggot for getting a little recognition. and if I'm wrong. no im not. i kept it vauge enough i can pretend I'm still right.
I don't look like this but I say this
>refuses to go to any cons
>stays anonymous
>makes the most banger music
HAHAHAHA holy shit this sounds terrible, chuds must be absolutely desperate for rep if they have to resort to gassing this up.
You're not even Anonymous on this website.
The reverse psychology worked. Listened to it and it really was pretty nice. This guy knows his way around a catchy hook.
All he creates is ai generated music, who cares
Me and you, my friend, we do.
Where do I get ahold of pony models for so-vits 5.0?
Literally in every thread you get some salty autist upset about some random shit. Have you ever tried being a likeable, nice person? You act like you feel personally attacked for some reason. You do not contribute anything to the board by being a whiny nigger, though let's be honest, people like you probably have never contributed anything to the fandom.
p.s. i'm not bgm
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Is it me, is the problem Trixie
Why am I chased away
Do I get any say?
he truly is, anonymous
>ai generated music
Only the voices are AI. The instrumentals and songwriting are all done by him. You have to actually sing the lyrics to put it through AI btw
>refuses to be involved in the community even further because anonymity is an ideal that needs to be chased apparently
I just don't see what's so based about that. Sure, attention whoring is bad, but going out of your way to gain any attention also prevents you from having more opportunities presented your way. And it's not like the Mare Fair community is bad, it's basically a /mlp/ con so there's nothing wrong with participating in it.
>>posts on zero platforms besides youtube
He also does the music for pony waifu sim.
Not BGM but I get it. Part of it is probably not caring about recognition but the art. /mlp/ con was fun, but also pretty degenerate. I can see why people wouldn't want to go in person to Mare Fair. Plus there can be retarded drama.

Most the money is going towards that charity anyways. Theoretically if I donated, what matters is the donation and not getting recognition. Why would I even ask Mare Fare to give me a shoutout?
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Honestly, his music is very mid and not because of AI but because of very basic VSTs he uses
>p.s. i'm not bgm
t. bgm
His PTS content and AI redubs are really funny, maybe if people would stop bugging him for more PTS or AI Redub shit like massive autistic fags then maybe he would have the courage or composure to make more. Though personally I have not heard any of this dude's music stuff, but I'm willing too give it a try regardless.
The PTS and redubs are very good, I've never seen anyone upset.
Triple sevens of divine truth
I have, but it's only the anti-ai tourists. Their opinions should be ignored.
I personally don't like the songs. Yes, he works magic with the A.I. I'm not denying that but the songs themselves feel kind of dull and stereotypical.
>he works magic with the A.I.
The A.I., in this specific use case of making a song, sound like shit.
It's new technology so I don't know what point you think you're making. It still sounds better than anything I've tried to make.
Any time someone dares to make a thread about a specific contributer to the fandom, there's always 1-3 bitter assholes who show up, incredibely threatened on a personal level by the idea of people genuinely, earnestly enjoying something. They're obsessed with rejecting the mainstream normie world that they resent, retreating to counter culture. Which isn't anything new for 4chan, but this specific breed of faggot is so obsessively consumed with seething over normies liking things that they don't, that now anyone enjoying anything that they don't or enjoying it in a different way, feels like a personal attack on their core beliefs. They build their fucking personality around what they don't like.
And of course they'll come draped in three levels of irony, thinking they're baiting or trolling or counter-trolling or some other justification why them acting like a retard is actually the pinnacle of clever satire, and will find people reacting to them with normal levels of annoyance endlessly entertaining. Like a retard pissing on people boots and chuckling condescendingly every time when they recoil, because the plebs are just oh so predictable.
He must be a celebrity. Maybe like a Z-list celebrity, but a handful of anons might know him. Or maybe if he's in a metal band or something, a few anons would recognize that band. But only a celebrity would be this anonymous.
>it is inconcievable to me that someone would dislike something that i like for a valid reason, and must be because they are either retarded or schizo
Who's the one seething here?
>No one deserves to go to Equestria anyway.
The songs aren't AI generated your dumbass, only the voices. Stop bitching around, have you ever watched his making-in-progress lives?
>No one deserves to go to Equestria
Actually I do.
This. He's not very original, it all just goes out the other ear for me.
I don't care that you don't like it. No one expects everyone to have the same taste. What's insufferable is when you can't let everyone else celebrate or enjoy something without coming into the creator/content X thread and replying to every fucking post like a sperg with repetitive autistic counterargumenta about how "actually X is very lame and cringe, my opinions are totally valid and objective even though no one else itt agrees."
Something can be both objectively good quality, and not at all enjoyable to you. Just shrug and move on from it.
>I totally don't care dude like I'm totally not bothered
>I mean you're entitled to your opinion man it's just like whatever
I think BGM should spend more time on one really good song rather than releasing one decent song every week. He's clearly talented but his current format feels like quantity over quality.
>I'll sperg out, that'll show him!
Thread shitter uppers are not sending their best
I'd agree with this. Some of his shit is absolutely god tier, but there's also a lot that's entirely forgettable.
Hey, it’s the only way to play the algorithm. Your music isn’t gonna get recommended to anyone if you’re only putting out a video every 3 months.

That said there’s definitely been a pretty huge drop in quality lately. I’d feel bad if I said that under one of his videos, so I’ll just say it here.
>someone not liking the same music i like is comparable to someone literally pissing on my fucking shoes
>Hey, it’s the only way to play the algorithm. Your music isn’t gonna get recommended to anyone if you’re only putting out a video every 3 months.
You'd think that anyone still making pony content in 2024 would not be an algorithm chaser, since it's not a topic that brings in revenue.
>play the algorithm
That's not exactly a defense. If that's his creative approach then that's pretty shallow and contemptable. His music can't be worth anymore than the mumble trap cicada hi hat slop on the radio, then.
I loved Drama Queen, I just wish it had more vocal sections
I'm confused. It has nothing to do with AI then. It's just a filter, no different from applying a reverb or phaser (like, you know, literally 100% of music released for the past sixty years).
It's not text to speech, but the voice filter uses an AI cloned voice, so that's where the AI comes in. You're not wrong in your assessment though.
>It has nothing to do with AI then
Machine learning was never AI in the first place.
>It's just a filter, no different from applying a reverb or phaser
From a usage perspective, yes. Run human vocals through AI, and AI changes into pony voice.
Reverb and phaser just re-layer the audio on top itself with delayed timing. An A.I. takes the audio and reconstructs it out of it's sample bank. The original audio is basically gone with A.I., maybe it keeps some consonants like S or T idk, but it's not a really a filter. Definitely not in the same sense that reverb and phaser are, at least.
>Is he the only one of us who is truly anonymous?
No, it's me
>refuses to go to any cons
>posts on zero platforms besides anonymous imageboards
>do nothing at all, produce no content whatsover, nobody knows anything about me, period
>there’s definitely been a pretty huge drop in quality lately
When? I don't disagree but I'm curious if we both pinpoint around the same time it happened.
BGM got me back into the fandom with his chill music streams. I think he's a pretty cool dude and I like his songs.
Ai is just for cope of skillets and browns which are the same thing, of course he only outputs mediocrity
The fuck is he supposed to do? Hire the actual VAs to sing his porn songs?
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The anti-ai guy participate in ai threads btw.
>Ai is just for cope of skillets
Oh no no no...
Figured this thread was just gonna suck this guy's dick. I'm surprised.
Anyway, I like the 'Fluttershy really likes humans' songs. That's all I've heard.
I don't think I've ever seen anything every Anon agrees with.

Anyways, I really like Wild, or Drama Queen.
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of course
>AIsloppa maker loves trannies
söy word
>man likes his wife regardless of twitter/Tumblr/redditchan headcanon
Oh noooo what a horrible thing.
Based word.
Holy shit, we are venturing into some impressive levels of obsession here
BGM is based and talented. Doesn't attention whore. Sometimes I think he's too productive because his songs don't get time to marinate before a new one drops but more pony music isn't a bad thing.
wtf I love BGM now
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>faggots didn't learn to shift-click baitniggers
Liked his music before I even knew he was part of /mlp/. Very good stuff
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Close, but it's pretty much just this, and it goes for every board on every imageboard on the internet, sometimes even for normal social media.
I have no clue how he's able to have the output he does. Man must be rich and retired IRL otherwise I can't even begin to fathom the kind of creative fire you'd need to harbor in yourself.
>mfw this faggot psycoanalysis
What VSTs does he use?
It's true though, it's just a long winded way of outlining how board culture and culture in general works.
Maybe if you have borderline personality disorder it becomes hard to differentiate between board posts and yourself. People are capable of deducing some kind of generalization of opinion without projecting their own opinions so directly.
>Maybe if you have borderline personality disorder it becomes hard to differentiate between board posts and yourself.
Most people are like this now thanks to social media, you realise?
I cannot disagree with you there...
He's streaming RIGHT NOW, so go check it out for yourself.
Well, it's actually super easy and cheap thanks to resources like castingcall
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No, I know YOU and this instantly makes you un-truly anonymous.
Uhhh... Nuh uh!
He's live streaming right now
I want the .pth files. Does haysay have an archive where I can download them?
Pinkie's Kinky Party for Two is his best song, I hope he makes similar ones for the other mane six.
I like the ones where he actually does the vocals himself
That's not even the trans flag, that's the ponysexual one.
It's good, just doesn't have the same vibe that Pinkie's party gives off.
good shit
Knowledge is power, Vengence and Louder are bangers too but Kinky party was the first song I heard from BGM so instant classic.
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BGM is /mlp/'s Satoshi Nakamoto
You guys are all retards. It was in front of our noses THE WHOLE DAMN TIME.


It was Anon all along and no one realized it.
You said this in the thread about Batsy as well. Do you just go around crying about people liking every person who actually makes things?
/mlp/ hates anyone who creates things
>You said this in the thread about Batsy as well.
No I didn't.
I thought it was Bald Green Man
It's actually
His magnus opus in my eyes

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