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Guys what the fuck do I even do? I want to have sex with mares, I want to spend time with cute ponies and I hate being alone but I CAN’T because im not in Equestria yet. Earlier tonight I gave this girl a drink that anyone on /gif/ would probably describe as “rapebait” or even “jailbait” but even though she was obviously coming onto me I had to turn her down because I wasn’t fucking attracted to her. I can’t take this anymore. I’m an extrovert, I spend all my time alone and I hate it, i dont want to spend the rest of my life utterly alone, but I will because the thought of being with a woman just feels fucking weird. Only if im with a pone does things like dating/mareage/sex make sense to me.

Anyone else feel this way? Should I just indirectly kill myself with a rube goldberg machine so i can still go to equestria?
Just be like me where no women would want anything to do with you anyway. Pretty simple.
>itt things that did not happen
I'm this way and yet I'm still attracted to human women. How do I unshackle myself from these desires that will never be fulfilled and accept fate?
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I know that feel. Compared to stallions liking human women seems pretty gay
>Should I just [...]kill myself
No mare likes a quitter. All iron has to spend its time in the forge and on the anvil if it's going to turn out useful for anything.
I wish I could tell you, despite how disgusting I must be to them I still desire one that shares my pony obsession, but it's never going to happen so I'm miserable.
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Dear Anon,

I have a solution, but you’re not gonna like it. You see, over the course of Celestia knows how long, you have been seeing and hacking off to mares. You probably love them for all of their physical features and personality, something with people, including women, are currently incapable of imitating.

This is gonna be hard, but you gotta cut out the mares man. If it really means that much to you, that’s the only way. In high school psy 1 speak, You’ve programmed your brain to only be attracted to ponies. Reprogram yourself by watching normal porn, or interacting with normal women (I know, I hate people too).

If that is unacceptable, then I’m sorry, there isn’t another solution.
Why is this a problem? When I realized women no longer held any power over me I was fucking thrilled.
I pity some of my friends who are desperately trying to find some 3dpd who doesn't suck, while I just fuck my plushie and enjoy life.
You are currently experiencing the PROCESS, which is a part of the METHOD. You have to endure the PROCESS so that the METHOD can complete and you can go to equestria.
Transition and you can become my pony-obsessed gf anon
I'm going to die sooner ir later anyway, life isn't endless. I just enjoy life before I get into Equestria when I die.
I'm not attracted to women at all.

I hope a "hate crime" will fix your parents' mistake.
Make some friends? Find an asexual gf who doesn't mind you whacking it to pony porn instead of fucking her?
I can tell that this is a reference to some esoteric shit, but what?
>just indirectly kill myself with a rube goldberg machine
why don't you wait around a few years until the Rube Goldberg machines that are made look exactly like pony waifus and include a broad range of social and sexual applications
>just find a gf
Normies think its that easy.
>Yes anon, you need to make a pornhub account and look at 3D women stuffing ping pong balls in their ass, or you will be maladjusted forever!
Don't fall for this, OP. You have to start with simple friendship and let it blossom from there. A girl (or guy, I don't judge) will show up eventually if you socialize about your interests, and friendships will build attachment the same way watching our ponies' daily life and connecting with their personality quirks made you fonder of them. Attraction will come with time, there's no rush to put a bun in the oven if you're a guy under 65.
>t. made several close pone friends, and has recently been propositioned for cuddlesex by one
When I can meet with that friend I wanna show her a good time, take her out for curry and end the night with plushes, cartoons, and copious amounts of vodka.
If you don’t mind sharing, what did you do to meet your friends?
A lot of them through the pony gaming thread playing RoR2. My bestie through the secret santa - though I knew of her from her writes before the assignment. It doesn't take much to get out there, anon ^:)
They made a sequel to Rule of Rose?
If it lasts longer than a decade then it's not a phase.

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