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"The Rider" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

Here is a pastebin that contains all the links posted and discussed here.
Mainly pony shops, but also rare/little known products, figuremaker contacts, among other things!

=== Main Links ===

+ List of Active Plushmakers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sUvaUhFKC37T7ilpriTX82M1_p4a5XR5DUaWlptCSz0/edit#gid=314530747
+ List of Public Plushie Patterns: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piwF9h_rXBmWkcHXxtr54drnD1eKJfiWh66x8nu_CQw/edit#gid=0
+ OP Plush Pattern (with instructions!): mares.horse/p/plush.html
+ /mlp/ Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags: neighsayerpatches.com
+ 4cc Jerseys, Pins: etsy.com/shop/zemming
+ Wallets: https://shop.mares.horse/
+ HorsePussy Books: amazon.com/gp/product/1660812933/ & amazon.com/gp/product/B086PLNPYF/

Feel free to suggest links about pony stuff to be added here and in the pastebin!

Previous Thread: >>41119843
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Some links and information from the last thread that can help you.

+ "Mighty Jaxx Kwistal: MLP Gala Series":
+ List of Official Show-Accurate Figures:

+ Pony 1911 Grips:

+ /mlp/ Patches/Stickers/Desk Flags: >neighsayerpatches.com

+ Anon Selling his Stuff (Help him go to MareFair!):
+ Anon Selling his Daring Do Plush:

+ Prints:
>Still waiting Frosty Flakes adoptions
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Why does this mane/tail give me furry vibes?
It's probably same faux fur they use in fursuits or something.
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Perfect for brushies
It looks kinda good in a way. Do you know what stuff it is?
that nurseanon knows no one will pay the going price for those cards right?
now post her with her filly pussy full of cum
Don't be an ass. He just wants to get to Mare Fair and he has a lot more for sale aside from that. I am space limited right now as I travel for work or else I would have grabbed some brushables
Do not the filly
I wish more pony plushies had actual brushable mane.
Do the filly
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The Build-a-Bear ponies certainly do, but nobody likes those except for me.
I feel like it would get annoying quick if you actualy regularly cuddle/sleep with them.
I found this, physical set(s) of Cards Against Equestria that this guy made and apparently took to some conventions.
Maybe someone here is interested, although it's discouraging that you can't see the cards. The type of humor is important so it should be shown, at least a few, to decide whether to buy it or not.
Anyways, it's probably something you can ask him by email.
The only problem of BAB is that they are exclusive only for a small amount of contries, and the MLP ones are very expensive.
Sorry, I figured you were in the US. There's plenty of BAB ponies on eBay if they ship to you.
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New pin just arrived today (right after /mlp/con, of course). It's a bit larger than my other pins.
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imagine giving any personal information to this nonce
What cards do you have?
mppp ded?
olyfactory is out of materials so there isnt much to thread about
Series One F36 Pinkie Pie Promo
Series One F38 Fluttershy Promo
Series One F39 Twilight Sparkle Promo
Series One F41 Derpy Promo
Series Two F37 Rainbow Dash Promo
Series Two F41 DJ Pon-3 Promo (Vinyl)
Series Two F43 Discord Promo
Series Three F65 Maud Promo (Baltimare '16)

Along with some foil puzzle sets and assorted foil ponies
What are you even on about? Face it no one is going to buy your overpriced crap
Now that's not friendship
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I saw this Invicta that pretty much has the colors of the elements of harmony around the bezel (let's just accept white as the element of magic)
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I received a picture of my lifesize G&PT's hat in progress from BlackWater627.

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I don’t really know where to ask this, but is Galacon worth going to? I only live 8 hours away and have the money to go, problem is for some reason they host in a city that has three hotels? And apparently it sells out in the first month of the con announcement. So I don’t want to travel from fucking stuggart to waiblingen.
Can't tell if bot or had a retard moment. Anon, you wanna run the colors through your head again?
Insane quality shitpost, I love it
Correct colors or not, they look kind of weird and out of place.
But I don't know much about watches desu

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