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Faustchan is a carefully curated forum that emphasizes both the quality and interests of its communities, rather than focusing solely on interests.

Consider our elite general board, which combines fanfiction, show discussions, and audiovisual analysis. Contributions to this board must adhere to high standards of quality and follow a specific direction, rejecting the idea that all opinions are equal. Only individuals with a demonstrated above-average level of intelligence are permitted to participate in discussions on /elite/.

I will oversee this General by selectively deleting certain posts and banning specific users through a simulated banhammer, while also refining certain pieces of prose to achieve a more eloquent style. Your posts will receive responses incorporating my modifications. This serves as an experiment and a testing ground for a future project focused on enhancing forum discussions.
>he wants to rp as a mod
just make a discord server
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Seems a bit elitist to me, but hey, if you elitist-fags are okay with it, go for it!
i like ponut
Let us begin.

Ahem, "Magical Mystery Cure" is the worst episode ever.

"But we already discussed 'Magical Mystery Cure.'"

Indeed, you have examined "Magical Mystery Cure" from one perspective, but there remain 69 other viewpoints to explore. Each perspective can offer new insights and a deeper understanding of the episode's complexities and nuances. Let's consider these diverse angles to fully appreciate or critique the episode's merits and shortcomings.
wings pretty
Midwit: The Post
I disagree. The episode shows the importance of the elements cutie marks, as well as how important it is to have friends who can guide you when you are in the wrong path. I think when you start to see all the other perspectives, you will see the deepness of the season finale.

I will admit, what was originally the shows send off was rather bland, but as part of the larger show, it is excellent.
Takes one to know one or rather jealousy and something you'd understand easier; shun the non believer!
While it acknowledges the elements, it fundamentally overlooks that these elements were intrinsic to the characters from the beginning. It misconstrues the symbols, failing to grasp that they are merely representations. Believing that ponies are devoid of identity without these symbols is a superficial and stereotypical interpretation of cutie marks. It erroneously attributes magical powers to the tattoos themselves, rather than recognizing them as a manifestation of the individual’s inherent qualities.

There was a comic that elegantly addressed this concept, illustrating that the Mane 5 would naturally find ways to excel in their respective roles. It refrained from the sadistic and nihilistic trope of inverting their roles, where characters are depicted as struggling with unsuitable jobs in a bizarre alternate universe, akin to a Groundhog Day scenario. This comic avoided the gratuitous abuse of the characters and the mockery of their supposed incompetence, instead, it portrayed a sincere respect for their true abilities and destinies.
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Non-S1/S2 purists are subhuman and do not have a voice, an opinion, or a right to live.
He does it for free
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First of all, they DO have power in their own right, as seen in The Cutie Pox, the sixth episode of the second season.

There, Apple Bloom is able to acquire multiple cutie marks, each one giving her an ability she did not have before.

Also, “The Cutie Map”, episodes 1 and 2 of season 5, show us what happens when cutie marks are taken away. They are not just a “tatto”, they hold magic on their own.

Besides, that was not what I was trying to get across. What makes the episode brilliant is how it portrays how a friend, who knows their strengths better than they know themselves, can help point out a better path than they could have themselves. While the fact that it happened is odd, the opportunity for character development led to it being a pretty nice set of episodes in my book.
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Pray tell, why is that, fellow horsefucker?
>The Cutie Pox
Very clearly not real cutie marks.
>The Cutie Map
Contradictory and therefore non-canon.
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Non-S1 purists* fixed it for you. You're welcome.
Here is the comic you mentioned, along with another that challenges the idea that friends always know what's best for you: >>41200903. I advise against taking the lessons from S1-S9 too literally. I suggest taking any canonity post S1 with a grain of salt. I will permit a meta-discussion for exactly two posts on the concept that a party member, who has not experienced personal upheaval but understands your backstory and personality and remains unaffected by a curse, might serve as a more competent parental figure than someone directly afflicted by the situation. This is already quite meta and off-topic, in my informed opinion.

I urge everyone to examine the links before continuing the discussion. To ensure this, I will test your engagement by asking you to quote Twilight's exact question to Rarity.

Any posts made will be modified for the final archived thread, including this one. I aim to have a presentation-grade thread for anyone who reads your posts. However this is the discussion thread, a work in progress before the final archive.
Why is it that when im shitting and peeing the pee regenerates
What are you talking about? It’s all cannon! It’s all in the show. You can just nitpick what is and isn’t cannon!

Also, those aren’t her “official” cutie marks, but their powers are very real. And with season 4, which you conveniently called non-cannon, cutie makes themselves, official or otherwise, possess power.
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I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
I'd delete all these posts even before the thread archives as they offer nothing in terms of TV Show, audiovisual and fanfiction discussion.
Maybe the post stating its elitist would evolve into an intelligent discussion, but that discussion would be meta as hell.
I'm not sure if this post is serious.
Neither am I , it sounds very sarcastic complete with the exclamation marks and deliberately mispelled canon.
It is, I am just a bit retarded when it comes to my spelling and punctuation.
We all want to,anon we all want to cum inside rainbow dash
I personally want to cum inside Twilight Sparkle.
Interesting choice. I want to cum inside fluttershy
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>it’s better because of some autistic arbitrary definition I made up in my head that says it is. And that arbitrary definition is correct because of the circular logic I built into it to prevent falsification of my ideas okay
Superiority breeds jealousy.
you're stuck in a piss loop bro. gonna need to seek professional help there
there just aren't enough quality posters to sustain such a general, let alone an entire board on an entire imageboard.
Somebody make a thread titled Fandom discussion.


"True commuinism has never been tried before"
Yes it has, it's called socialism.
" ... like I said ... communism has never been tried before "
lol faggot "muh sacred cow" suck a dick, faggot.

You ever think what this fandom would be like if it took responsibility for itself and acted more mature?
Equestria Daily could be a base of operations
Each segment of the fandom would be actually different in mentality and demeanour and not just at a surface level. Not just different sides of the same shitcoin.
Building, collaborating, socializing and discussing on a normal person level and on an academical level.
But then I guess it wouldn't be a fandumb anymore if we had those just like EQD wouldn't just be a news blog and Seth wouldn't readily suck Hasbro's dick and betray people like the stinking jew he is.
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I came inside Dashie unf
You mean to say that you came inside the rainbow? ;))
Give me more posts.
Gib moar posts.
He is building AI off this thread.

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