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It's been a while
I'm trying to get back into drawing again

Dubs decide what I draw
I'll try to deliver as much as possible.

If the request is nsfw I'll post it on catbox
pinkie pie eating ice cream
Happy Kirin
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Pinkie Pie eating marecock
Catbox sucks ass
Why are people still using it
meh it’s piss easy to use.
Tell us some alternatives then
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menapink being happy!
princess celestia sending luna to labour camp
Celestia doing a flying kick on discord
Celestia doing a flying kick to Anon's balls while Luna hits the griddy
Pinkie licking another Pinkie's cutie mark with the other saying "I always wanted to do this! What's it taste like?"
Full-package-futa Futashy with massive teats.
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Pipp Petals (and maybe Zipp too) zigger gangbang
tall rainbowdash
up to 1gb, loads faster, but most importantly, it doesn't hate my VPN
No upload via URL though
Celestia eating cake
Applejack making a sapling instantly grow into a full fruit-bearing tree by screaming at it
Applebloom eating strawberries.
celestia eating……….pie
Twilight sweating profusely as she puts a big chocolate chip cookie inside her hayburger
twiggy piggy
Trixie kissing Anon, from anon's perspective. And it's her first kiss even though she's a grown mare.
Trixie gingerly preparing to pour Pepsi into a Coca Cola glass, then cut to her trailer exploding
twiggy piggy fucking a McChicken with her marecock
cybermare kissy
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not a single dub is the power of autism failing?
really long rainbow dash
zipper redemption.
Fluttershy eating a steak
The Mane 6 eating raw steaks
really long twilight spekle
Twilight standing at the entrance to her library, shocked to see Pinkie surrounded by books and holding onto her now-enormous brain, with Twilight asking "Pinkie, what are you~" and Pinkie replying "I'VE BEEN LOCKED IN FOR THREE DAYS"
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pinkie pie eating a steak and rarity eating a burger
Ponuts kissing each other.
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This but it's your waifu
Princes Celestia sitting on my face
fuck you niggger
rolling for side view of Luna and anon french kissig, very sloppy, droll etc.
Twilight and Trixie in a boxing match
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one to rule them all
this but also add winghugs to that
Grogar being a grump.
cuddles with maud limey marble and pinks
le reroll
Maud ripping a huge wet fart so bad it kills some birds flying overhead that fall to the ground behind her
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Done, I'm trying to draw as fast as I possibly can
Nice. Take your time anon, can't rush quality.
You kinda have to go out of your way to get a Menapink huh. Seems a little cruel.
Finally, some good fucking weird-cute art.
I want to wear her over my shoulders like a boa
I'd love to see some Flutterstalker/Fluttershy creeping on (You)
Holy fuk
She so fookin long bros
Celestia peeing into Anon's mouth.
Third time lucky?
Stop being a nigger.
Draw this anon as a nigger
Anon deadlifting Celestia and Cadence on each end of the bar
Hey, I roll three times. Deal with it.
How 'bout you draw several ponies laughing at this anon
draw rainbow dash constantly rerolling dice because they aren't coming up with the numbers she wants
this makes pinkie sad because half the fun is playing by the rules
Draw Rarity in outer space
Cherry Jubilee with big crotchboobs.
Very based.
Silver Spoon on a boat with Anon.
I wanna see Smolder getting railed by anon, and you better believe I expect mating press.
Annoyed applejack tying trixie up in a lewd manner
Draw a pony yelling at me to stop being lazy and get back into drawing
Princess Luna emerging from a shimmering ethereal lake under the light of a full moon and countless stars. She should be looking out of the image plane, hair and tail flowing slightly in an enchanted starlit breeze. Her mane must shimmer with hues of deep navy and violet, complimenting her coat of the darkest midnight blue, perhaps with subtle hints of indigo where the moonlight hits just so.
It is absolutely crucial to incorporate the exact hex triplet color code #243B5E, #592C7B and #C372DC for her coat and mane. The angle of her horn should be no more than 33 degrees with an additional 3 degree variance to her right. Her eyes must gleam with a realistic lunar luminance of at least 60cd/m2.
An alpha level of 0.8 is preferred for the reflection of the star field in the lake waters. The ripples and waves should follow a sinusoidal distribution at an optimal frequency of 5 per second to convey a sense of gentleness. For the night sky, a minimum of 57 visible stars is required, with 15% large enough to produce a diffraction spike effect. The Milky Way should have a transparency range from 40-80% from left to right.
you should probably specify the pone for him
Rarity would be nice.
ahem this please >>41201502
Yandere Posey (G5) Ass
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my OC getting beaned in the back of the head by a snowball
A portal to Equestria
can I have this guy's OC giving birth to anon
have this guys OC getting a headpat
Rolling for dubs!
Draw an uncomfortable looking Trixie trying to comfort a crying Anon.
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Holy freaking trips, Australian Satan!
he can't do that, that's not how it works.
from who though
this is acceptable
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This took me more time to finish than I wanted, so the next drawings will be "sketchier" and more unfinished to save time
yandere posey!
i kneel
holy mother of WITNESSED
Omega based.
now put her in a wedding dress.
Great art anon, why did you ever stop drawing if even after taking a break you're this good
pinkie pie doing mitosis
Lyra stealing Derpy's muffin
lyra getting >rape by Derpy & anon
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uhhh ohhhhhh uga uga uga uga
ponify yourself drawing thread requests
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Ok, I edited the drawing and added the hug

My main source of income is 3D animations, so I don't have that much free time to draw stuff.

Unfortunately that's it for today, I'll go to sleep now
I'll come back tomorrow to draw more
Pretty nice art Anon
What in fucking tarnation–
Derpy Hooves eating a muffin.
i read that in her voice lel
Fluttershy and Anon under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
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anon blowing up a zigger with a bazooka
>off by one
an enraged anon flipping his desk because he didnt get dubs
Anon getting the best hug ever from Celestia.
Rainbow Dash's corpse humorously flopped over on its side, her eye wide and vacant and her tongue out like a washed up fish on the beach.
Sonata from EoJ showing her ponut and marehood.
Irony in it's finest form
thanks for what got done
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who is this, I've seen this style before.
Looks like Aer0Zer0.
your mom
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Vinyl on her DJ set, but it's like an 80s snythwave style
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i love you
Celestia seductively looking at the viewer.
Songbird Serenade with huge teats rimming Featherweight.
Princess Celestia being lowered into the frame via ropes, saying "Friendship", then being hoisted back up
Sonata Dusk, ponified, huge crotchboobs
Rarity sexually licking the big, beautiful, b-dazzling gem Tom with lots of saliva. (The stone blushes.)
OP abandoned thread.
Whatd you expect? Probably didnt get any prompts he wanted or we didnt circlejerk how amazing he is enough
Depressed, slightly emo trixie with a dunkin donuts iced coffee listening to black metal on earbuds
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Patience is a virtue
Princess Celestia presenting her backside with full view of her ponut and puss, with massive teats too. Lipstick around her ponut and her looking suggestively at the viewer.
lol off by one
Let a nibba reroll 1 more time but thats it i dont wanna spam
Draw the Smooze wearing a pink bikini, please.
Starlight drinking coffee, Anon thinks it looks delicious so he sneaks a sip when she isn't looking and his heart nearly blows up because Unicorns and Alicorns need hundreds of times the amount of normal caffeine levels in their energy drinks due their mana glands in their body.
Third time the charm.
rolling for this
Rolling for this again.
Uncensored: https://files.catbox.moe/ft3oha.png

OP here, I know I said that I was going to be faster with the drawings, but I really liked how this one was turning out, so I ended up spending a lot of time on it

I'll make the next one faster, but they are going to look more unfinished

Wasted dubs
I'll reroll for this >>41203412
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probably could have just cropped to her face as far as censoring goes, somebody might still ding you for that one
humina humina
Op now has to draw himself
pls draw lyra eating a carrot dog
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hot damn thats some top shelf shit, good job
fucking YES man that's that good shit
I quite like your vision on how crotchboobs should look, a nice blend of horse by keeping them darker like the genitals, and human in terms of shape and areola, it's perfection
fucking wasted
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yeah good work DUMBASS
Anon, I...
Draw Celestia flasing her twat standing in a doorframe inviting the viewer into her bedchamber.
uhhhh, thanks for the (you) I guess, mr. quads?
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Yes please AWOOOGA! Although I'd prefer more limited crotchboobs. Draw the face though and make it look inviting.
No limited teats, Celly is big and brazen like her sun.
King Sombra being a powerbottom and inviting the viewer to fuck.
Requesting Cherry Jubilee getting her jubilees wasted with some strong cherry lickor.
derpy in heat spreading her marehood winking and dripping marejuice
surely he meant a fucking wasted mare, right? like a drunk out of her mind berry punch or something? anon..?
Celestia's face with the lewdest expression you can come up with.
Vinyl Scratch lounging back on a couch with a nice white horsedong and balls between her spread legs, with her name blasting out above her but it's 'Vinyl Trap'.
ok that’s funny
I kneel.
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Do either of you realize wtf you've just done? You could've asked for Rarity showing off her goods, and you do this instead.
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stop rerolling you apes thats not how this works
Reroll for OPs fave mare typing this
Reroll for Zippers angery typing this
anon with the barrel of a revolver in his mouth pulling the trigger on empty chambers
Colgate force-brushing (You)the viewer as a show of her love
dash trying to escape her jar
Well, are (You) asking for Rarity here, or not?

I'm just asking for a SFW Smooze eating ice cream.
my friend please draw sunset shimmer pony looking fondly into my eyes and saying "i love you"
Naturally, Anon. As for it being lewd or not, I'll leave that entirely up to the artist, should they do it.
Sexy mare fart
Rainbow dash eating large amounts of bits while twilight begs her to stop
Suri Polomare touches (You)r tralala.
Ooo, my ding ding don~
And yet we do it anyway, hush. Also roll for this >>41204486
good job bro

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