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>"Salutations, Anonymous! Wouldst you care to accompany me to the new planetarium this weekend?"
she cute
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>Why of course! Just tell me what that is so we are on the same page
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>"The planetarium?! What, you think you can just gatecrash my son's special night with your weird freak of a boyfriend? Green skin! Fah! You're like that maniac on the hoverboard. Parker! PARKER! Get in here, take a few pictures of these two weirdos, I want an article on them tomorrow. Picture this: Hormonal Wannabe Scientist Ruins Planetarium Social! Hah! How's that sound, that good? Of course it is, it was my idea! Now get the hell outta here, I'm sick of looking at you all. Yeah that means you too, Parker."
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>Twilight, are we going to be in the press tomorrow?
…Why are you talking like that?
>rape the planetarium
Only if you suck my dick in the bathroom...
Totally. I've been meaning to go there. Where do we meet up.
based jonah
perfect kek
But that’s for nerds Twilight
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>bitch really said "wouldst"
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I would love to go to the Plane-arium with you
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It's not rape if she likes it
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Fuck Yeah I would! Those fish are awesome!
>tie her to the bed and then solve a puzzle while she watches
what a qt
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Im glad someone saved this
Which is your guys favorite? For me it's the cheerleader one
This legit?
dont speak to me you lame
do NOT bully the nerd
nerds should be bullied (sexually)
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