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>You were right Anon. Turning Starlight to stone with the Elements of Harmony was a much better decision than letting her roam free to cause chaos and misery. Now we just need to decide what to do with it. Should we smash it or toss it at the bottom of the ocean? You can decide.
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>Twiligth, don’t you think she should be given another chance? I know, I know, it was my idea to turn her into stone, but Discord doesn’t seem so bad now that he’s reformed. Maybe we should give her a little chance. I mean, if Discord can do it, the lord of chaos mind you, why can’t she?
Smash it!

Shut the fuck up.
>just kidding! cut the head and put it on a fountain, the water must be coming out of her nostrils, smash the rest into dust
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ANON! Do not destroy the statue! You will doom us all!
Toss it in the ocean, the crushing water and natural elements will cause it to erode.
Does a smashed pony statue stay sentient even when reduced to a fine dust?
Yes. The Glimdust will become one with the very land they live on. It'll always be inside of you, influencing everything you do, inescapable. This was all part of Glimmer's plan to take over at a subatomic level.
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>"Anon how could you!"
>"You stupid ponies are so gullible. I led you to believe stoning all of our enemies was to protect Equestria. But what you were really doing was neutralizing every threat against my rule."
>Anon's body shapeshifts into his true form.
>*gasp* "Discord!"
>"Now there's no one left to protect you." *finger snap*
*tips trilby*
Smash it to bits
Grind the pieces to dust
Scatter them to the winds
>Be Anon in Equestria, a land of harmony and friendship
>But for you, it's a playground for your more... chaotic tendencies
>Convince Twilight to turn Starlight Glimmer to stone with an argument about potential threats
>Twilight, with heavy heart, does as you suggest
>Together, with a mix of reluctance and trust in your judgement, she helps you throw Starlight's statue deep into the Everfree Forest
>"Out of sight, out of mind," you chuckle, as the statue vanishes into the dense foliage
>But your plan doesn't end there
>Later that night, under the cover of darkness, you and Discord, retrieve the petrified Glimmer
>With a snap of Discord's talons, Starlight is back to flesh and blood, but with her magic locked away
>A twisted smile crosses your face as you contemplate your new toy, free from the constraints of her own power
>Moans and pleas fill the room, but Anon's heart remains untouched by mercy
>Days pass, Starlight's distress grows, but her cries go unheard, muffled by the walls of your abode

>Elsewhere, in the realm of dreams, Princess Luna, guardian of the night, senses a disturbance
>A pony's soul crying out in anguish, a feeling all too familiar
>Investigating the source, she uncovers the cruel fate befallen upon Starlight Glimmer
>Rather than immediate rescue, Luna's curiosity is piqued by your audacity
>She decides to pay a little visit to your humble abode, masking her intentions with a veil of royal duty

>It's late, the moon is high, casting eerie shadows through your windows
>Luna appears before you, ethereal and imposing, her eyes reflecting the moonlight
>"Anon, we need to discuss the wellbeing of a certain pony under your 'care'," she says, her voice calm yet carrying an edge
>Expecting anger or a stern lecture, you're taken aback when her expression shifts
>A sly smile, not dissimilar to yours when you first enacted your plan, adorns her face
>"I must admit, your creativity is... intriguing. Perhaps there is a different way we can utilize Miss Glimmer's... situation."
>The hint of darkness in Luna's tone sends shivers down your spine
>Instead of a rescuer, it seems you've found an unexpected ally in your twisted game
>The night ends with whispered plans and devilish agreements, Starlight's fate hanging in balance
>Luna's departure leaves an unsettling silence, broken only by the distant howls from the Everfree Forest
>You can't help but wonder, as you gaze at the moon, what kind of nightmare you've just allied with
>As you secure her tail to the chair, you can't help but relish the scene before you.
>Starlight's eyes are wide, her gaze fixed on her own pussy with an intensity that would be commendable in any other circumstance.
>Her mane is disheveled, a testament to the struggle she put up before you secured her to the chair.
>"Mmm, tastes so good," you exaggerate, making sure to savor each lick. You can't help but notice the way her eyes follow every >movement, filled with longing and desperation.
>Her attempts at threats and warnings are muffled behind the dirty gag.
>You pause, tongue halfway through her pussy, and give her that look. The one that says you're enjoying this far too much.
>"Oh, Starlight. You should've thought about that before you ate the last of my cookies," you say, trying to suppress a smile.
>Despite her predicament, she puts up a brave front. Straining against her bonds, she wiggles her hips pathethically.
>Laughing, you unzip your pants, lubing your dick with her pussy juices.
>"Want this?" you ask, the mischief clear in your voice.
>The transformation is immediate. Her expression shifts from one of defiance to pure despair.
>You Jam your dick into her with unnecessary force.
>Starlight's face contorts in pain.
>Oh, it's better than you thought.
>You can see her almost crying
>You begin to trust
>Starlight's mouth opens, probably to protest or to scream in silent horror, but no sound comes out.
>Her eyes are screaming though.
>It's oddly satisfying, watching her squirm around as her marehood tightens around your rod.
>You continue mercilessly fucking her until she comes
>She begins to spasm softly after the third orgasm
>She's pleading now, her eyes begging for mercy.
>It's really cute
>Then, with a smirk, you attempt to jam it all the way in
>It doesn't fit, of course. But you keep trying, pushing, grunting.
>Starlight's face is a masterpiece of over-the-top despair and desperation.
>You finally come deep inside her pussy
>Tears fall down Starlight's cheeks, as she sobs faintly
>You pull the tip out, the moment of truth
>The cum starts to peek out of her pussy
>Damn you came a lot
>You take a moment, admiring your work, the cum barely holding itself inside her twitching marehood
>Wiping your dick on her fur, you step back, a job well done
>No time to bask in the glory though, it's about time to catch up with spike
>But for now, this horsepussy, with its creamy filling slowly leaking out, stands as a testament to your deviancy

Tadah hoers >rape
I don't think I'll keep writing this, so have fun anons.
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>Anon starts to believe in the magic of friendship
>Turns out Starlight is the living vessel of the Mareaddictum
It all makes sense now.
Yeah, please don't.
Discord is canonically more retarded and easily manipulated than the average anon. Also can't seriously do anything to the princesses.
I did.
Cookie eating bitch got what she fucking deserved.
that could be too much of a punishment depending on the type of cookie

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