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Only intelligent philosophical and engineer-tier porn discussion is allowed in here.
Porn video games. Aesthetics. Fetishes. etc.
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Pardon me, fellow horse fuckers, but could one give me an example of the Philosophy of horse porn? Thank you
i think talking about sex is gay
Pony make pp feel funny
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The most attractive part of the pony is the rump.
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i put the pp in the girl pony :)))
I prefer the hocks.
Twilight wouldn't do that she's an angel
This is honestly a very reasonable assertion to make, provided one caveat: that homosexuality is only a subcategory of fetish, i.e. a sexual obsession which does not accomplish the goal of reproducing. Any talking about sex that does not in some way lead to heterosexual intercourse is a diversion of the sexual drive from a healthy outlet. Things can get very twisted, and talking about sex is a tiny tiny fetishistic action in the grand scheme of things, though. Swearing off women is a lot worse, whether in favor of or of men, for example, but I'm not judging. There's also a major nuance here: swearing off women is not the same as totally losing attraction to them - using porn is always worse than thinking about how much you hate women (because your obsession with women can at least be turned positive again, whereas with porn you have forgotten about them entirely)
Futa is gay.
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Even as a die-hard zebradom enjoyer, I admit that a lot of zeeb porn is just a lazy copy-paste of BLACKED. Zebras are often just stand ins for American black ppl: living in "the ghetto", speaking in "AAVE", rapping, etc.

But the zebras that actually exist in the MLP universe are nothing like that. Zecora is clearly supposed to be an African witch doctor type who probably came straight from some faraway Africa-type kingdom. Granted most people don't know shit about African culture and so they just adapt what they know and the stereotypes that are more familiar to westerners.

But still I wish we had more zebra porn where that portrayal of zebras wasn't just "ghetto Pookies but horses"
kys frogfag
Allow me to put forth a small example of the kind of philosophy to be found regarding equine pornography.

I disagree.
The most attractive part of the pony is by far more likely to be their snowpity or some other likewise quality found uniquely and innately within every pony.
Consider for a moment a pony with no rump, is that pony less attractive than a pony that is composed entirely of rump? Would you truly prefer the caudal portion of a pony as oppose to the cranial? If so I'd argue that you make a grievous misuse of the term attractive and that a more accurate statement would be that you hold the rump to be the most sexually gratifying. In this context, I concur but in terms of attractiveness in regards to what is most broadly appealing to the senses then one would be hard pressed to find the rump more appealing than the head if one were to be trapped in a room with one or the other. I'm getting ahead of myself, firstly we must establish what senses we are trying to appeal to when using the term attractive. In this essay, I will...
I would check this out purely of curiosity. Like what's the point of zebradom in its entirey if it isn't purely just degredation via african-american cucking
PP goes into V, sometimes M. A too if you're into that.
Everything else about this image is fine but then there's the god damn cutie mark. Holy shit I am so fucking tired of the ooh breed me with your superior zebra cock paint stripes and spades all over me fucking bullshit every single time there's a zebra in something. I like zebras. I like Zebra x Pony. I'm fine with zebras being stereotypes sometimes even though it just makes them less interesting. But so fucking often I find a well-made zebra on pony image, I like the characters, I like the pose, I like almost everything about it, and then it's covered in stupid bullshit.
It's really difficult to enjoy trap pony content without some faggot calling it tranny shit.
I just want extremely cute boy horses, that's all.
There's also no real general that accepts them either.
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Alright gentlemen and that one obvious femanon, >>41201488
time for serious business personality chart bullshit.

Which of these thrusting styles would each of the mane6 enjoy most?
I'm not a femanon, just a faggot.
I remember there being a really interesting screen cap talking about sexual dimorphism in ponies and why people are attracted to them. Anyone have that?
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Just this one.
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>engineer-tier porn discussion
It's beautiful.
I look like this and I say this out loud to myself while pacing around my bedroom
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Do you guys really think pony pussy is better than a human one? If yes why?
I like and goon to both, but for different reasons.
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aislop but it explains well
It's attached to a mare instead of a skank
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Haha no, it's way stinkier and it's too big for a human cock to enjoy. I think G4 ponies have more in common with deer than actual horses like Celestia so you should ask /k/ and horse riders how does deer pussy compare to horse pussy. Do not try to fuck a pig or a duck as a human though.

I think the most sensual part of a G4 pony or alicorn is the thigh and belly or lack of a fat belly like most horses have.
Of course aside from the giant expressive eyes, hair, smooth coat fur and sentient socially cognitive personality.
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Unf dashie plap plap plap
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this, no good fics about it either
I'm convinced.
From a biological standpoint how does the male genitalia differ from the female one? Why does it seem like females are never satisfied and they either don't feel jackshit or feel too much to the point that sensitivity is painful? meanwhile males just hump like no tomorrow in any kind of style & pacing and get satisfied all the same, but a female genitalia needs to be thrusted by a certain rhythm to get anything out of it. BigThink.
Because clitoris is female's tip of the penis and it is mostly outside instead of something more sensible like being in the middle of the vagina or something. Evolution is retarded like that.
I masturbated to this
Wasted trips kill yourself frognigger
the males can leave the females can stay. simple as.
Agreed. I'd like to enjoy the occasional porn with zebras when they come across my searches, they're already rare enough, but then it feels like 90% is over-the-top zebradom/striped/supremacy stuff that I just don't enjoy. How hard is it to just draw zebra clop like just any other kind of clop?

Stylised pony pussy looks better, plus muscle control
caveat: obviously, I'm a virgin
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>draw a mare
>call it a stallion
dont you dare
That cutie mark, lol. They really are just basketball equestrians. A shame.
At least it'd be incredibly easy to edit.
That's what the japs have been doing with traps in manga for decades.
It looks way more inviting. Human anatomy allows for better positions but horsepussy just looks so much nicer.
I think I actually hate all zigger fetishists. With a genuine passion. Like if you were dying on the street I wouldn't blink and I would perhaps try to speed up the bleeding. I don't think any other fetishfag disgusts me as much. Not sure why, I don't even hate blacks really.
Does thrusting even matter at that point? why bother with thrusting at all and not just flick her clit to get it over with? or most of the stimulation is for the male rather than the woman?
A minority of woman prefer internal stimulation, especially the g-spot, but there's also a lot of women who report only being able to orgasm with clitoral stimulation. But yeah when you're imagining what your waifu feels while you fuck her, definitely focus on the entrance.

People also in theory & fiction find abstract hearts appealing with their meaning, not the literal heart organ. However in real life it would look creepy and even more-so if I told you heart pupils represent a condition/a sickness that's infectious, you'd immediately not find it so appealing if I added that meaning to it.
People find appeal in trophies, cars, gems/jewels, bright colors, shiny things, cute cats, they just don't want to fuck their car, trophy, gems, etc. but they'd enjoy to have it visually on those thighs, flat stomach,torpedo/lemon or coconut shaped breasts, straight legs not crooked, decently proportioned body that's neither too slim nearing anorexic neither fat/blob like and having a tiny half upper body with a giant bottom body section, that lacks balance and the brain hates that. The brain loves symetry, it loves pleasing geometric shapes. Women enjoy edges, men enjoy curves. Artists who are egotists often draw what they see(themselves; a woman will draw curves, a man will draw edges if they're narcissists) and enjoy what they see in their delusion as opposed to truly drawing what they like. Women should draw edges and men curves, sadly women artists aren't visual, usually only men are visual. Fat people often lack a sense of aesthetics.
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any artwork that has a focus on a mare's plot is subpar without the inclusion of her crotchtits as well (given that the angle of the plot to the viewer and spreading of hind legs allows for the inclusion of crotchtits)
i will stand for nothing less in my equine pornography, be it a sketch or full color
on that note all pornographic depiction of mares should mandatorily include crotchtits (unless explicitly stated as an edit or artistic choice by the drawfag)
Memes -
The Japanese were right about the sword representing the spirit. Pokemons, Beyblades, heart of the cards, etc. so let’s have graphics cards represent your dick. Just like friends represent your personality.

RTX 4090 TI = 9 inches + condom thickness (if you're one of those fags who counts the condom) basically only pornfags would want this to work in the porn industry.
RTX 4080 = 8 inches , still overkill, but nobody, no bitch, no faggot, no woman can ever call you smol unless they work in porn or took too many dildos and cucumbers up there.
RTX 4070 = 7 inches , lucky 7-7-7 , absolute perfection, you don't need anything bigger nor smaller than this.
RTX 4060 = 6 inches, very average sometimes considered above average, nothing extra, it does its job well, still leaves a little to be wanted, but only a little.
RTX 4050 = 5 inches, for budget fags who only need the bare minimum, sometimes it's not considered enough. (Often times fags lie that this is the average)
GT 1030 = officefags I'm sorry, but you need to go to China where the land of the smol is.
>GTX 580 couldn't even run a stable 60 fps back in the day , you needed SLI.
Stop running unoptimized queen-sized porn studio software hookers, bro. Just turn the setting down on that Hogwarts hooker, bro, you don't need 16GB to fill her up.
I used to be a porn head, but now am but a mere plushie fucker
I feel like my life is better now

All these posts are gold.
I don't really get the obsession this board has with plushies. They're cute but I'd rather just jerk off to some good art.
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ponies are hot, and people who have their foreskin enjoy the sensation of soft minky rubbing against their sensitive glans.
gud b8
Why does this kinda makes sense
Theory: Futa porn is not gay (but worse)

As a kid almost everyone starts out with solo or lesbian softporn and then gradually transitions to hardcore porn
Hardcore meaning: A guy fucks a woman. But why is this a thing? Shouldn't any straight guy be absolutely repulsed by a naked man and his cock though?
I remember when I was 13 and just started wanking regularly I was so disgusted by cocks I couldn't look at them
Only a few years later I would normally jerk off to straight porn no problem, lesbian porn was "boring"

1) You equate the porn dick with yours since we don't know what having a vagina feels like
So if a guy gets his cock sucked we can translate that feel into our perception --> feels good
This is a slippery slope. Over time we become fixated on the penis. It's more familiar to us than pussy.
A girl with a dick is kinda the best of both worlds because we see the beautiful body with OUR most important sex organ
Seeing a futa getting blown is just way more relatable than seeing a biogirl eaten out.

2) We simply get blunt to whatever sexual input we are exposed to for a long time
Some take it much further and descend into cock-fetish territorium. This is simple porn escalation.
You fixate on dicks too much, you need bigger and more cocks, more sexual stuff.
This is not about sexual orientation. Guys who get addicted to futa are mostly extreme sexual hedonists.
It's like McDonalds, eating it once in a while is "ok" but there's always a fat pig who devours that slop
They aren't gay, they are depraved. Like a meth junkie who will inject literally ANYTHING that isn't even meth anymore into his decaying body as long as it gets a slight response
Cock fetish is in itself nothing else than voreshit, diaper and piss shit, scat, gore, (actual) bestiality and corpsefucking --> it's extreme perversion
Futafags are especially vulnerable because it's so easy to call them gay and so hard for them to refute. They aren't gay, but I don't even care about being gay.
Most people are way too hung up on straight and gay and can't think out of bounds. Pornography is a drug that squishes the brain and makes those terms completely worthless
I would rather be a decent gay man (not queer) instead of a brain-molten degenerate straight man. And yes, I love marecocks.
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Oh no here we go again.
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If you suck futa cock, you're gay. But futa on mare is straight because it's straight sex between two mares.
Simple as
What about futa x futa
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>literally same sex
Self explanatory
>If you suck futa cock, you're gay.
What if I let a futa cock fuck me while shouting: "Breed me like the faggot I am!"
Is that gay?
What program did you use to generate this?
I must know, for scientific research!!
head over to /chag/ but know that (((they))) captured the thread and require you to join their discord to get access to /g/'s /aicg/ proxy
You can go to /chag/ and ask.
That's false. There is no /chag/ discord and there are public proxies.
The weak should fear the strong. I imagine some weak normie woman coming in shying away and then pop comes out the actual sick twisted intellectual scientist talking like her life depends on it like she's giving a presentation on having to kill all africans and arabs if we want to cure cancer, it is the only way to cure cancer!!! trust me! you have no choice!

What about herma on herma? double the penetration, double the fun.
It's always futa x futa but you never hear about hermas as often nowadays as you did back in the 2000s despite hermas being much more real than futas.

>This coming from a frog
We can't trust a frog.
They're turning the frogs gay!

Personally I prefer it to be subtle. I just want to see the expressions you'd usually see on a male on a mare/woman/female.
I get weirded out whenever I see a cock on a woman, it's just not natural, like bussies, it ain't natural I tells yea, AJ don't approve of your shenanigans and biological magic.

It looks weird even when a woman thrusts and assumes positions you'd normally see from a male. That's why I prefer to just see 2 faces and let the rest up to imagination.
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Do you also find the pants version sexier?
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Girls, women and, by analogy, mares enjoy growth and size difference if and only if it's in their favor.
I can safely state that my ilk is in possession of thousands of images and hundreds of real life videos of material we're not to disclose. Also we hate each other so much we get into physical fights.
Still doesn't explain why you'd need a cock at all
Straight men should watch lesbian porn by definition, futa x mare still means you need a dick to jerk off
Also I don't understand this site's obsession with calling things/people gay
Does anyone here have such a bustling social life and career that being labelled gay would be catastrophic?
Because that's what this is. Normalfags are scared of being called gay because it's a threat to them.
But me? I could be declared gay right now and literally nothing would change.
I already have no friends, no family, am an untouched virgin and spend all my time either quietly at my dead-end job or alone in my room
There is nothing I would lose by dressing up a faggot and jerking off to gay porn if I wanted to
4chins is a site for deviants and rejects who are not much above faggots on the social ladder, so why are many anons so obsessed?
Is it because initially in 2010 there was this incessant gay-brony-debate? Kinda understandable.
Still, it has no relevance in discussing porn. I could head over to /lgbt/ or /hm/ or whatever right now and lust about men but I don't want to
It's tiring that people are so obsessed with categorizing things as straight or gay because they are socially programmed to never think outside of the box (which edgelords here pride themselves on)
Because it's not about that, it's about brain damage. Porn is literally similar to heroin in its effect. It's all proven and available. It's not what you actually like.
I don't like either version of this trash.
that's the point. the sense of betrayal. the only people who like it are cucks and scrawny faggots who wish to cuck. the fetish doesn't even make sense when there's a surplus of mares. wouldn't it be more impactful if it was female zebras with stallions?
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If it were about making sense then they'd use the species of canon succubi.
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>Straight men should watch lesbian porn
Instead of shoulds you oughta think why reality works different way.
It's not gay to find futa or traps attractive. Men are supposed to want to fuck things that are feminine. It's starts getting gay when you prefer traps and futa over normal females. It's still not 100% gay though because you are still fucking something that looks like a girl.
Futanari aka futa and traps are so gay we /d/eviants used to joke the fans would turn trans sooner or later and look where we're at right now.
For me it's simpler, it's really just that the majority of futafags are denial fags who would bring how much they want to suck cock in a straight discussion, and then get offended and derail the discuss when told to fuck off because blah-blah-blah [shit no one cares about].
And thus, futa is even gayer than being a regular faggot.
Nigger, you fucked a man. You're now gay with HIV. Cope.
>Girls, women and, by analogy, mares enjoy growth and size difference if and only if it's in their favor.
Explain the "in their favor" part. Cause what would be in their favor would be to want to dominate, but they don't want to dominate, they want the employee to tuck them in bed and tell them bedtime stories and care for them while not being leeching and for him to fuck off exactly when they want to. Women play natural support roles and supports hate other supports for trying to assume their job. Supports are naturally submissive and refuse to take responsibility as a leader. Women refuse to be leaders.
Anyways, I don't get why the obnoxious fetishist grops, like cucks and futa/trap fags are so retarded about their fetishes. You don't see scatfags being this retarded and derailing anything whenever scat gets brought up, I would say it's desensitization and they're into many other degenerate niche fetishes, but many of them don't like those other niche fetishes mixing with theirs, see cucks getting asswounded about SHITTED.
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Just more proof that diapers are the thinking man's fetish.
rapid: dash, she's the smaller one so deep penetrations can actually throw the vibe off
gentle and lance: rara, being the most experienced she likes to savor every moment
all styles: pink, she can withstand anything
gentle to pump: flutts and twi (normies)
pump to lance: appl, she probably likes to be on top and drain you
>that pic
Fucking unf
That's cock fetish. Important distinction. Most futafags have a cock fetish but aren't gay
You are so fucking gay, you're retarded.
I don't get it either and I say this as a futa and trap fag.
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dangerously based
Most of those are thrusting styles used by the futa versions of mane6, sadly. Why couldn't they be rule63? they're from Filly Fuck Fiesta.
To be fair it's kind of what happens when you become so porn brained you lose track of reality. Like I guarantee you if they were forced to go on a hike or something every week at gun point instead of gooning all day or thinking about gooning they would have snapped out of transitioning. I like futa and traps because it's a fantasy same way I like horses
The ponies are anthro, even if they aren't human shaped.
If I were to accept being a filly, it would only be under the condition that Twilight fucks me with her marecock
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you sick fuck
This but unironically.
The version with leggings is hotter than the version without and the naked version.

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