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speaking genuinely they all deserved mercy
sombra, cozy, and tirek were never even offered a chance, and chrysalis was only offered one at her lowest moment
They all deserve sexual healing. With me.
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Put that Sombra on an Escalator
speaking genuinely they all deserved petrification
Discord did not deserve mercy
Agreed. They weren't even more evil then the reformed villains.
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Best outcome
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Discord is the literal spirit of chaos. His redemption would never really work. I like him, but he had like three chances, fucked every one up in the worst possible way and then was still forgiven.
The only in universe reason for that is that he is strong and no one wants him as an enemy so they just have to play nice with him to not fuck up things further.
>Cozy Glow
Cozy Glow is a child, not really going to argue here other than the obvious.
Snorted to many crystals. The comic did an almost? good job at his redemption, but that's not counting. He needs some backstory for a redemption to work. I'd give him the worst chance at redemption. Also enslaved ponies for a long time, so thats pretty bad.
Going with the "just wanting to get food"-route, redemption would be pretty easy. She was even thinking about it in season 6, but was kinda betrayed by her people / shocked about their transformations or something else so didnt take the chance. She went fucking insane alone, so needs other ponies/changelings.
Again, easy redemption. Changelings got a redemption, so why not her? "They only followed orders" and she only did what she thought was best for her hive.
Honestly, easy redemption as well. He was in prison for 1000 years and "betrayed" by his brother. He was probably a bully in his early years. His evil motivation is the weakest, because its literally just getting more powerful, probably because of some sort of inferiority complex and trust issues because his brother betrayed him. People cant hurt you if you are the strongest and have no one close enough to do it. Just show him that he can trust people and that he can just focus on bodybuilding or something. And other than sucking out the magic out of people, he didn't enslave or hurt anyone unnecessarily.

Frenemies is such a double bladed sword because it was a perfect setup for their redemption, but then the finale spat in everyones face by turning the last villains into stone, even though everyone else got second, third and fourth chances.
I hate all this so much, they have the means to make great stuff, even in the later seasons, they just don't fucking care and shit out garbage. The fucking Princesses retiring also makes no fucking sense if you think about it more than 5 minutes, but hurr durr, cant have old competent rulers, you have to use the new thing, did you know Celestia is fucking racist against all other ponies, so Twilight has to step up and invite everyone to Equestria for no reason. Hurr durr, Twiligt I neeed a fuccking holiday, use this thingamajig to move the fucking sun, becasue I dont want to live out my talent anymore, becaue im fucking retarded now, go twilight we need to copy marvel or whatever, i need to go idonjt know wheere but we need to kill of som of the caast but noit the mane six or or fucking retradded studetns or anything and we cant cdie either so we go to a fuicing retirement hme, wtilight dosomething im dying
Chrysalis was doing it for her ego the whole time. The "aww poor me and my poor starving changelings" thing is pure fanon projected onto her.
>The only in universe reason for that is that he is strong and no one wants him as an enemy so they just have to play nice with him to not fuck up things further.
Except this isn't true because the elements can literally just put him into a permanent stone prison.
Based on precedent yes, though based on some other logic maybe not.
I think the obvious thing to point out at is Cozy; who might straight up be an attempt at a concept that MLP was never going to actually solidify but there's definitely vague implications of it.
Which is one that sorta erases a lot of the leeway; Cozy Glow might have killed her parents as that is what the concept she is based on did.
People like to be very rigid in this idea that Cozy being a child just absolves her of everything but a lot of that is because most of her nonsense is very vague.
And superimpose context that doesn't even line up that well with how the character is handled. This isn't to say they couldn't have redeemed her, but it is somewhat of a farce to act like Cozy was ever depicted as the "but child" idea implies.
Cozy as a character basically shatters the second you attempt to redeem her; there isn't anything beyond it. In an ironic sense she's not actually much better than Sombra from an out of universe perspective.

Also Sombra basically isn't even a character in the show so eh, as mentioned earlier you basically have to write all the context for it on the spot. Tirek actually had a coherent plotline that could mesh with a redemption so he's probably the winner here.
Chrysalis is kinda a mixed bag of earlier implications contrasted with the character she had later on which basically leaves her as whatever; the version of her by the point of the finale didn't really gain or lose much from not being redeemed.
That was an example for how you can easily redeem her actions with minimal retcon.

He broke out once and he can break out again. Celestias main goal was to use him for good, but that clearly didnt turn out that well when he was directly responsible for two other series finale big bads. Tirek in season 4 and the legion of doom where non problems before Discord stepped in.
The real reason is that hes not a statue is because hes a cool character, I know.
>He broke out once and he can break out again.
This only happened because the elements of harmony got new bearers.
Guess what happens in 50 years?
The mane six die and then there will be no one to bear the elements.
Nah don't worry, Twilight knows how to groom children from the best.
Even if there are new element bearers, the original reason given still doesn't make sense. Discord fucks things up regardless, so they may as well just leave him stoned for most of the time and then only have to deal with him fucking things up on rare occasion whenever the elements get new bearers.
The student 6 will inherit the elements.
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>sombra, tirek were never even offered a chance
pretty sure the show made clear they were far too gone, or well at least sombra was and tirek had little chances of redeeming himself
yeah it has been repeated to death
>and chrysalis was at her lowest point
sure but she never did anything to change and actively hates the reformed changelings, sure there may be a chance she could turn into one of them but its really low considerimg how much she hates that
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I feel the show's choice on who to offer redemption to, and who not to offer redemption to, makes alot more sense if severing a pony from their ability to use magic is seen as an irredeemable sin. Nopony else does what they did. You're not going to offer leniency to a child who figured out a way to break the hands of hundreds of thousands of people and never considered the implications once. This is the only way to make sense of Tirek and Cozy just being straight sentenced to hell/stoning.
Chryssi was offered a chance and willfully chose to reject it and descend into madness, at any point she could have crawled back saying 'yeah I was wrong to reject' but she chose not to. Pony of Shadows, NMM, and GlimGlam all had chances and eventually accepted or had their superpowered evil side crowbar pried off of them so they could take the offer.
Sombra is the problem. S3 Sombra is closer to being a ghost then an actual character that you can offer anything to. S9 Sombra is resolute on his violent and evil tendencies to the end but it opens up a bigger question of 'did you seriously bring back someone who was already dead just to kill him violently again while putting everypony at unfathomable risk'? Also S9 just in general is fucking broken and the less I have to think about it the better.
I'm happy that Discord got an opportunity. I'm not happy with how his redemption never sticks and each time he backslides it leads to a worse problem then last time. The Spirit of Chaos acts more like a spoiled child (guilty and sad when things go wrong, acting high and dumb when things are fine, no other thoughts) then the actual child villain. The only reason you could give for him not being given an actual punishment is that he's such a reality warper that there simply isn't anything which can be done..
Literally two or three episodes prior Ahuizotl got a redemption arc
>severing a pony from their ability to use magic is seen as an irredeemable sin.
>The only reason you could give for him not being given an actual punishment is that he's such a reality warper that there simply isn't anything which can be done..
Elements of harmony?
How many times you going to post this thread until you figure out that Discord was a special case? Fluttershy didn't give him a chance because "every evil creature deserve it" but because she was seeking a husbando. Shes not going to fuck Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek
>ancient evil satanic center
>alien monster high queen
>and the world's most evil nine year old
>STILL trying to find sense in post-faust nonsense
You can't find something that never existed. Not canon. Never was. Never will be.
It's canon whether you like it or not.
It's canon whether I like it or not.
This. Honestly, its weird that they never tried to reform Tirek. He was stuck in Tartarus, so they pretty much had the safest avenue to do so.
That doesn't make much sense though. Both Discord and Starlight's actions were on a same scale as those two and they were given proper chances and help.

>The Spirit of Chaos acts more like a spoiled child (guilty and sad when things go wrong, acting high and dumb when things are fine, no other thoughts) then the actual child villain.
He's an adult who did horrible things and got away with it. I'd say the manchild is worse then the actual child.
yeah but that was some retarded "huur indy is actually the bad guy" type of nonsense
Also Cabellaron.

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