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Can you help me with ideas for black cards?
The ones that have a trigger and must be completed by the white ones.

>who cares if I won't be able to play Cards Against Humanity with ponies?
Don't be silly, there is a place where you can create your decks, find others', and play them online with friends without having to put in money or download anything.

Many Decks is where you can create your own decks or use someone else's.
Just create an account and create yours.

Massive Decks is where you play.
Use the code from your own deck or from another existing one, create a game and invite your FRAAAANCE

>an example of a ponified one?
Sure! Here

Just explaining in case there is someone who doesn't know the site or the game...


And white but only if they are very bizarre and combinable
After breaking a pinkie promise. pinkie has decided your punishment shall be _______
Kiss Tirek in the lips (both lips)
One time Chrysalis tried going undercover as ____ and ended up ____
It's widely believed that the show went downhill after they gave Twilight ____
Discord is well known for silly stuff like ____, but hardly anyone remembers his more serious crimes like ____
Instead of the Element of Magic, Twilight clearly should have been the Element of ___
Celestia won't admit it, but Luna was actually sent to the Moon for ____
no lube sodomy with chrysalis's horn
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16 KB
"-a beautiful _________ , faithful and _________-"
"what did anon give twi for hearthswarming eve?"
Fluttershy is the purest, kindest pony on the show, and her ____ is just the exception that proves the rule
_______ the best way to piss off a mare.
It's really hypocritical of the writers to turn Cozy Glow to stone for ____, while Starlight Glimmer got redeemed despite her ____
Sure, unicorns are good at magic and pegasi can fly, but no one beats earth ponies when it comes to ____
after seeing ________ marble pie had little reason to go on living.
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that when you try ____, you oftentimes end up ____
ew, EqG. nothings worse than EqG, except of maybe _________
after years of research pinkie finally devised the ______ cannon
After realizing that there's nothing better than just being yourself, Coloratura finally drops her act and performs an honest, heartfelt song about ____
They say pony fanfiction is great, but all I ever see is a bunch of stories about ____
Following a crushing defeat at Fashion Week, Suri Polomare decided to make a comeback with a new line based around _____.
And now for the Great and Powerful Trixie's most dangerous stunt yet: ____ while ____
In the good ending, the Rainbow Factory is repurposed from a factory that makes foals into rainbows to one that makes ____ into ____
Trapped in a time loop, Twilight slowly grows more and more unhinged, committing violence, murder and even ____
My alternate universe is pretty much Equestria, but everyone is into ____
You're not a bad dragon. You just need ____, that's all.
Applejack knows over 100 applications for apples - she even uses them in ____
Strawberry Sunrise has over 100 reasons to hate apples, one of them being ____.
There were several other cards against equestria variants in the past, and there was even a site specifially for CAE. You could probably find those and add them to the collection.
And then I said, "____? Are you crazy?"
Princess Celestia wasn't too thrilled when I wrote about _____ in my latest friendship report
7 out of 10 pegasus choose...
Pegasi have magic wings, unicorns have magic horns, earth ponies have magic _____
G rape
Fluttershy loves the smell of ____ in the morning
Actually, the School for Gifted Unicorns is a recruiting program for ____

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