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Good at writing, but bad at singing?
Have I got a thread for you!

Post your song lyrics below, and after a few posts, we'll paste them into suno and make a song!
>What is this thread for
Posting/writing lyrics to be fed into an AI so we can listen to the funny output
>What can I write?
A few funni words trigger the program but write whatever you want!
I'm horny
I just want a big strong mare
Standing over me
Looking down upon my face
And smiling happily
I've been married a long time ago
Can the lyrics centre around jartycucks and FNF ENF pedos
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Kill furries. Behead furries. Roundhouse kick a furry into the concrete. Slam dunk a fur-blood into the trashcan. Crucify filthy furries. Defecate in a furry’s food. Launch furries into the sun. Stir fry furries in a wok. Toss furries into active volcanoes. Urinate into a furry’s gas tank. Judo throw furries into a wood chipper. Twist furries’ heads off. Report furries to the Wizards’ Council. Karate chop furries in half. Curb stomp pregnant non-human furries. Trap furries in quicksand. Crush furries in the trash compactor. Liquefy furries in a vat of acid. Eat furries. Dissect furries. Exterminate furries in the gas chamber. Stomp furry skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate furries in the oven. Lobotomize furries. Mandatory abortions for furries. Grind furry fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown furries in fried chicken grease. Vaporize furries with anti-matter. Kick old furries down the stairs. Feed furries to alligators. Slice furries with a katana.
there is one strong mare and that is me
if you want to mess around i might have to pee
anons swarm around me like a queen bee
say my name or i'll make you unable to see
I have a sad story to tell you
It may hurt his feelings a bit
When OP had least seen it coming
I told him his waifu is shit
There was once an RGRE poem that was made into a song by some Anon. I think it was a Disney song
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zigger killer
yeah you know me
zigger killer
every days a killing spree
zigger killer
you know my job is makin em dead
zigger killer
paving streets with the insides of their heads

if you got stripes,
watch out for the knife
runes on your flank,
prepare for a shank

if you see me,
and you dont run,
ill give you good reason to fear my gun


i cant stop till theyre all gone
i though i would write this song
its the one thing thats on my mind
i think about it all the time

Stay in your containment jeet
The wicked enchantress has cursed them all!
Changeling drones from Chrysalis try to steal your love's denotation
And little colts from Cloudsdale dream of rainbow rays creation
And if you want these kind of dreams it's Alicornication
It's the edge of the Equestria and all of Pony civilization
The sun will rise with Princess's help and settled in it's final location
It's understood that Princesshood sells Alicornication
Pay your zebra voodoo mage to break the spell of aging
Snowpity gleam, is this your dream, or that's nightmare you're waging?
First born unicorn
From wings to horn
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Marry me, mare, be my waifu to the world, be my very own constellation
A teenage filly with a foal inside getting swell on life creation
And buy me a star from the Lunas lair, it's Alicornication
Moon may be the final frontier but it's made in a Canterlot basement
And Sapphire can you hear the Ponytunes singing songs off celebration to celebration?
And Countess not far away, it's Alicornication
Born and raised by those who praise control of population
Well, everypony's been there and I don't mean on vacation
First born unicorn
From wings to horn
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Friendship leads to a very rough road but it breeds strong bonds fondation
And villians are to the elements war, they're just another test before transformation
And canon deniers couldn't save the world from Alicornication
Pay your zebra voodoo mage to break the spell of aging
Being the best, place in princesses nest, but this is what you're craving?
First born unicorn
From wings to horn
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
Dream of Alicornication
I swear the links are randomly generated
Come trot along!
Come with me and see,
just all of Equestria's majesty!
Friendship spells our harmony,
see it to believe!

(In Equestria! In Equestria!)

Together we're strong,
Together we stay;
to keep the windigoes at bay!

Might seem out of the blue,
and things might seem new,
look around, it shows,
friendship grows!
Whether young or old,
it's neither bought nor sold,
And there's so much to see~
Come with me!

(In Equestria! In Equestria!)
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superb slop delivery
holy shit this is hilarious
This site has insane shitpost potential holy kek
Make your own!
Make sure you click the "custom" button if you want to write your own lyrics.
Can you catbox this one? litter seems broken for me.
Smelly Mare Stinky Mare
Horny Mare Kinky Mare
Smelly Mare Stinky Mare
Horny Mare Kinky Mare
Go back to your trooncord
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Actually a banger
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Go back to the sharty faggot
Fuck, if I knew a suno thread would pop up I would've waited instead of posting this in create and bale. https://files.catbox.moe/8n0qme.mp4

Made this one during the sermon https://files.catbox.moe/c52mtg.mp4
>Feed furries to alligators.
You can't. Scalies exists.
I keep thinking of that other alicornication song
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More suno shitposting
Unf dashie plap plap.
These are the best Suno's I've made so far
I let it do the lyrics
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AI's perfect use really is shitposts

>anus in the link
I can't believe it, it's so pefect

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