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Shouldnt Anon technically be yellow to ponies? Like a Simpsons character?
Ponies can see all the colors of the spectrum just like humans. Otherwise Rainbow Dash would be Yellowblue Dash and artists like Rarity would not be able to make colorful dresses. Fuck you.
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Pony eyes don't look anything remotely like actual horse eyes, and that's not a style thing. Their eyes are semi front facing and they do reference colors that horses would not be able to see. They clearly possess the full visual range a human does.
I have 2 headcanons. 1) Bat Ponies need to see in the dark, so they have more rods in their eyes at the cost of having less cones. So they don't see colors as vibrantly as other Ponies. That is why many of them are grey. To a Bat Pony, the bright vibrant colors of the day ponies are way too harsh and can be hard to look at.

2, Unicorns are the opposite, they have less rods, because they do not need them, which results in having more space to have more cones. All Unicorns can produce light with their horn. With a built-in flashlight, they evolved to have notoriously poor night vision due to disuse, since they have never needed it. To a Unicorn, what other Ponies might see as a somewhat dark shadow looks hopelessly dark to them. Many Unicorns have a fear of the dark. The tradeoff is having more cones which means in the daylight they have excellent color vision and can easily distinguish between 2 colors that are nearly identical. This is a small part of why Unicorns are so fashion-conscious.
Good headcanons. I'm incorporating them to mine. Not sure about the evolution part though, in magical land and all that.
>durr they're just like real horses, despite of looking nothing like them!!
It's getting really tiresome lately with the amount of zooniggers around.
They do invoke evolution and I don’t think unicorns or batponies have existed long enough for evolution to change their eyes noticeably, maybe for the bats since their eyes actually are distinct, but it’s rather certain magic did that, and I doubt it for unicorns.

Evolution definitely exists as a force in the setting, it’s safe to assume that for every setting with organic life honestly, but we don’t really have a lot of reasons to think that the three tribes came about more than a few thousand years ago and that’s not a lot of time. Bats are probably just over a thousand years old as a race and basically everything mutant about them is magical in origin

I think magic related spontaneous changes AND natural evolution coexist in the setting
Yes he should.
Ponies should never see Anon anyway because he's an annoying faggot.
the blue-yellow thing isn't literal, horses can see green just fine, they just can't distinguish it from red.
[Ponies] are not actually horses, a horse is a species from earth, [ponies] are not even part of the same tree of life.

In regards to differences in eyes. You can do whatever is interesting. A fun idea is to have pony eyes be vastly different, as in not even light sensitive but rather magic sensitive. What Anon sees is completely different to what ponies see, or maybe there is no light at all in Equestria, Anon has to go around everywhere with a flaming torch to see anything.
>Light cast from the sun, moon and stars is magical in nature and you can't see any of it
Dark (literal) Fantasy Equestria, nice.

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