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And what makes you stay here?
Year was 2012, some dude on a tf2 server had a pony spray and was micspamming some pony shit. He urged me to go watch an episode and so I watched S1E1 and was hooked by the third episode. Been a mare enjoyer ever since
I watched the show around its initial airing because i had nothing better to do, not actually with the big watch thread weirdly enough. Vaguely kept up and at some point I guess I just got stuck. Probably helps I'm used to similar franchises and their usual decay and didn't feel it as much.
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Retards seething at the sight of colorful horses
Ponies are cute
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Discovered the show somewhere around 2013. Found it impressive how effort shines through all the toy marketing in the show proper, as well as how genuine affection for the characters and the world they live in shines through the degeneracy in the fan works. Eventually tried my hand at writing greens and fanfics a year ago, and now my soul is bound to this place at least until I finish the stuff I started. So probably forever, considering how slowly I write.
It's a pretty weird story.
I originally wanted to record all instances of cartoon physics from the show.
To my shock though, I ended up becoming a massive fan of the show.
I really expected a generic good show at best, but then I found something so much deeper.
Ponies looked extremely cute and pretty. They are a visual perfection. That was it, I was willing to watch FiM even if it's written like your typical kiddie trash. But good writing was a pleasant surprise.
i just love silly colorful ponies
Forcing ponies on imageboards and the development of AI from 2020.

During the heyday of FiM in the early 2010s, I only got echoes of it in the form of mocking bronies.
I came from /v/ and this place makes me feel like I never left.
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thought it was neat, now it's been one of life's comforts for about 13 years give or take. leaving would be pretty gut wrenching, so I'll stay on the ride as long as I can. another thing was mlp is what taught me about the fun of drawing, or rather the appeal, and to leave would mean I can't give back to the group that gave me so much joy during my life
sometimes you have to leave your favorite things
eventually you will leave it
many fans did, especially when the show ended
be emotionally prepared for that
I got into mlp in 2022
the visual style is pretty good and i really like character designs
the show's atmospehere also, and the quality animation

What made me stay here? The lovely community that is very hard woking, and their cool interests towards ponies, and young fillies
I saw PewDiePie play a custom story in Amnesia that had ponies in it. I stay here for the mares.
1. Cute ponies.
2. Cute ponies.
a MAD segment (Dash and Bernstein) and some spanish youtuber reacting to Smile HD
Just wanted to give it a watch I guess, was curious
Stayed because ponies are cute especially my wife
I enjoyed watching the show on TV when I was a kid. But later I stopped watching TV when I got a computer, and I discovered the fandom a few years later, in 2017 I think, and I started watching the show again. Then I discovered this board in 2019.
and I've been around since early 2014, then I slowly left the ride a bit before season 5 got officially released, so the last thing I knew of the show for a while was a sneak peek of The Cutie Map - Part 1.
That's what niggers do when they go out to pick up cigarettes
I was like 12 or something when it happened. my brother told me it wasn't as gay as i thought. so i watched it and figured. shit. he was right. i like these mares.
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>What made you get interested in MLP in the first place?
I was willing to give anything a try back in 2010/2011, so I watched FiM and fell in love with it.
>And what makes you stay here?
I don't have anywhere else to go, or anything to look forward to.
Ponies were all around the webz back in '12 and I hated seeing them, then I just got tired of being butthurt and watched the show.
>I came from /v/
Then go back.
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I liked watching AMVs and found the 'Angel of Darkness' Princess Luna PMV, which lead me to the Fall of the Crystal Empire animation. Picked up the show and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun everything was, this was in late october 2014.
I stay because of an addiction to horsepussy, the sheer amount of music, friends I've made in the fandom, and the fact that I still enjoy episodes and fanfictions of the show.
>eventually you will leave it
speak for yourself nigger. All of the interests I've had since I was 8 I still enjoy 20 years later (except for when dinosaurs were made shit), I've just added a few new ones along the way. I might enjoy them in different ways and my opinion on those interests may have changed, but I still keep them all close to my heart and actively or semi-actively partake in them.
Amnesia's 'Small Horse' mod is goated, shame that litronom took so fucking long to finish the mod but the ending even ramped up the ponies even higher.
Back in 2016 I was 10 and some YouTubers I watched had a separate reactions channel. I saw their video reacting to Smile HD and Cupcakes HD. I don't know why but that made me want to watch the show.
I'm a super newfag who started watching the show last November. I kind of just remembered it existed and wondered why I hadn't heard anything about it in so long. I didn't even know it ended until I started watching it. I started using this board around the same time and I'm impressed by the community and the projects it creates. Mare Fair is what surprised me the most, I think it's really cool that you guys were able to organize a successful con. I hope I get a chance to go this year and experience it myself.
based newfag
I watched the premier because I wanted to see what the hype was about. Never looked back since.

I stay because of the cute ponies, the friends I've made in this fandom, and hope for the future
cute pic
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EXTREMELY based post.
Why, I feel right at home here. v hates games, mlp hates ponies. I don't want to be anywhere else.
At the start only liked ponies ironically due to Homer's PTS series but then actually started appreciating ponies after I found 'Angle of Darkness' and Equestria at War.
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The Hearts of Iron IV mod called “Equestria at War”. From there , watched the show. I fell in love with the cutesy heart style, and how things felt so certain. How everyone knew more or less what they were doing, and those that didn’t had more than enough time to find out. I loved how everything always felt like things were going to work out. I felt the love that each of the friends had for each other. It helped me cope with my pathetic life last year, and even now. I just wish I could go to Equestria.

Oh yeah, marepussy is cool I guess. Prefer mare cuddles honestly.
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>be me
>inna highschool
>like cartoons
>turn on cartoons while I'm getting ready for school
>nothing on in that timeslot except Johnny Test
>goddamn I fucking hate Johnny test at least the theme song is good I guess
>apparently this pony show is popular just God save me from Johnny Test and commercials
>turns out the show is pretty comfy
>also FoE got huge about the time I was really into Fallout 3
Fanfic stuff in the early years was fun but I'm ADD and fell off the series after S3. I should catch up some time.
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Them's fightin' herds
Watched it on TV in secret back in 2013, stopped watching for years then came back and now here we are
You left after season 3? You should catch up, you missed a lot of shit
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A TF2 server was playing a map I liked, so I joined. It was the then very popular Pony Fortress 2 server.
Was very confused so I watched episode 1 to see what the fuss was about.
>what makes you stay here?
Home is where the pones are.
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I didn't leave exactly. I just sorta stopped paying attention because of IRL stuff and it got away from me. I probably will hop back into the series pretty soon, I've just been kinda busy lately and honestly it's sort of weird thinking about the series after so long away.

I'm back in because a ttrpg buddy of mine invited me to a Fallout: Equestria campaign so it's been on my mind for the last year or so. I even had a fic idea in the oven way back in the day that's bubbled back up. Part of me wants to go back and finish it but I was never able to figure out how it was going to end (or even all the middle desu). It's also working off S2 canon which I'm sure is dated as fuck. I know Discord's redemption didn't stick which is an unfortunate development.

I'm sleep deprived and rambling so I'm not sure where this post is going really. Really wish I'd hung out here before now. The difference in quality between /mlp/ and most of the other boards is nuts.
cute ponies
cute ponies
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I watched the season 2 finale as my first episode in May 2012. The twist with Chryssy got me hooked. I initially fell in love with Rarity and had a couple Rarity T-shirts and a hoodie that I wore my senior year of high school. But, I came back around to Twiggles.
I only started posting here recently, although I was always aware of it. I suppose I was scared of le scary 4chan. This board gets boring, but I still appreciate the humor.
How do you gain the courage to wear MLP merch in public?
I guess I just did it. I don't particularly remember being mocked about it besides a passing comment or two. I became acquainted with a tomboy girl who wore a Wonderbolts hoodie and another who I remembered liked Pinkie.
My culinary teacher noticed my Rarity cutie mark hoodie one morning and thought it was from Volcom. I just laughed it off and walked into class. A Wal-Mart stocker said he liked it one night. His favorite was Pinkie, I think.
I remember showing Epic Pie Time on my laptop to one of my friends in homeroom one morning. Another day, I got some nerve and watched Party of One in class during a free period. The popular girl came up behind me and pulled out my earbud to ask what I was watching. I spaghetti'd a bit, but explained.
I recently repurchased several different cutie mark hoodies from Redbubble that I still wear if I go out to the store. They're way too expensive for what you get though.
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An online friend who was 19 liked the show.
Although I didn't see it as super ridiculous either (both in an online cartoon community, I was 15), I wanted to understand how someone of that age could like a show that appeared to be Peppa Pig tier (I didn't know the fandom or its dimension at the time). ).
I tried watching it and ended up watching 4 and a half seasons.
At first I enjoyed it in a time-killing sense, and eventually I forgot about the show. I never had deep contact with the fandom although I did get attached to the characters and some fics.

Years later I returned out of curiosity, I came into contact with /mlp/, I saw the /ss/ and it seemed like the most adorable and autistic thing in the world.
Those two feelings made me love ponies and stay here.
It helped me be more aware of my taste for cute, feminine things, and belonging to autistic things, or enjoying things in an autistic way.
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Thinking about it, I already knew it, watched it and I myself was going to tell you that yes, I liked the show, but it was /mlp/ who taught me HOW to like the show, how to enjoy it and share it with other people.

I will be grateful to you for that forever, you depraved retarded green friends.
i watched it when i was a bit younger occasionally when it was just on, didnt really care or think of it again until some time early last year met a dude in a game who was a brony, profile picture and all so started to shit on him for it. he was chill af, felt bad after and vaguely recalled episode or two i'd seen when younger. decided to watch one and liked it, checked out community and seemed alright. now im here
I might wearing MLP merch, but I'll have to wait until I move out for college in September. I can handle strangers thinking I'm weird, but no way can my parents see that. We're Catholic, and they would probably think I'm gay or something (they don't understand that liking cute ponies is the straightest thing ever)
You should totally should finish it
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Someone linked Obsession and I gave it a read out of curiosity. It was good, much more inspired than the schlock that gets awards these days despite having obvious writing issues. Made me consume every good piece of MLP fanfic I could set my eyes on. Finished the entirety of Diaries of a Madman in like two weeks. Took me years to actually watch the show.
I don't know why I'm still here. This place has become a shithole. Its still fun to post ponies, though.
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>You should totally should finish it
Nyehhh... I'll think about it.

Incoming ramble just because I know I won't write it down anywhere else:
There needs to be some basic retooling of the main character. Mostly because he's an asshole. He can probably stay one but I need to figure out how to keep him from being grating. The fic started out as a thought experiment of dropping a post-apoc survival character into Ponyville and seeing how things went off the rails.
>dude pops up in the Mirror Pool
>almost eats Fluttershy until he realizes she can talk (and he's not hallucinating)
>gets a few stern words from Discord (after shooting Discord in the face, the ruffian)
>queue friendship misadventures with PTSD Survivorman
>eventually Spring rolls around and Ponyville realizes that the Winter Wrap Up didn't, uh, actually stop the snow
>turns out PTSD man's inner turmoil is attracting wendigos, town is blanketed
>lots of heated debate on what to do
>warm weather returns suddenly without anyone having actually done anything
>PTSD man is gone
>some time later, Fluttershy finds one of his guns abandoned deep in the Everfree forest, unfired
I know point A and C, but not where the fuck I'm going with B or how to keep it interesting. Mostly just the vague idea that Fluttershy is going to be the one trying to get him out of his shell.

Honestly this whole thing came out of the revelation that dandelions are high in certain important vitamins and the resulting, surreal mental image of Fluttershy and my post-apoc survivor character sitting on a hilltop munching on flowers together. I never really had a plan.
The tf2 to pony pipeline is so funny to me
I feel blessed to have parents who don't mind my mare collection. We're Baptist/non-denominational. I feel like at this point there is no way anybody is going to recognize a cutie mark on a hoodie unless they're a super fan.

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