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Thoughts on this weed loving mare?
druggies are fucking annoying
dubs of truth
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I want to cuddle her and make out enough to get secondhand.
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we chill braaah we dont care bout nun
Need more mares in tight jeans
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Prettiest and funniest horse on the show
Would smoke with
I love her, she has similar vibes to zecora though maybe a little less competent. I think she would be great to hang out with, and most of all chill, in a way that not even fluttershy is.
I bet she's a good hugger
i hate her so much, just like i hate all stoners
I like her, but I don't like stoners. why can't she just be a chill mare? not everyone needs drugs to have a personality.
I don't really care about her that much but I would like to smell her ass
degenerate, death the only solution
I bet it stinks haha ewwww
I'm equally attracted to her and disgusted by her to an immeasurable degree
I would reach an orgasm inside her body six times in a row then spend all night crying
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Yeah, she's much better without drugs.

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