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what’re some websites that I can watch MLP off of?
Here’s what I can’t use
>netflix, or any streaming service

I know there’s websites to download episodes, but are there any that actually stream to you so you can watch? I’ve only almost halfway gone through S1 so, think the last episode I was on was either 13 or 14, since winter wrap up is ep 11

Also, thoughts on the intro to each episode? I find it not my thing to be honest.
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Just watch it on YouTube.
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You have to buy all 9 DVD packs to watch the whole show.
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>I’ve only almost halfway gone through S1
The first few seasons are cringe, I'd recommend skipping ahead to Season 5. That's when the main character shows up and it finally gets good
Both IP grabber don't trust em
Imagine even considering paying for intangible stuff

>Find episode
>Right click one of the "Direct Links"
>Copy Link
>CTRL + V into VLC, done

or click media in top left of VLC, click network stream, click play.
thanks anon
Now that I have to think of it: There is no official way to watch all 9 seasons of MLP:FiM anymore as they are not broadcasted, streamed or produced as physical media anymore which means that MLP:FiM doesn't canonically exist for Hasbro. Thus, if Hasbro releases anymore toys of G4 (which they do), they are canonically random OCs with random names that don't exist in any other form than toys. Twilight Sparkle, as of the year 2024 of our lord, is a mere toyetic character.
>as they are not broadcasted,
No Discovery Family still airs G4 shit last i checked recently. In fact thats probably the reason why its not on streaming in a complete state as Discovery still has a broadcasting contract.
Also they literally constantly post episodes and clips on youtube constantly, still outperforms G5 based on a few metrics really.
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Just search ”mlp complete series” on youtube and you got all of it in a playlist. What do you mean by intro to each ep?
>Twilight Sparkle, as of the year 2024 of our lord, is a mere toyetic character.
Always was
>"how do i watch pony"
>refuses to download pony episodes
>refuses to go to any websites which stream pony episodes
what if i watched all the episodes and then emailed you with what happens in the episodes. would that work for you hun x
Here’s a website: go buy the fucking things you cheap shit faggot.
>giving hasjew money
OP, you're a fucking retard for being inept to find one of the 1000 sites that stream it
how the fuck can't you find the episodes streaming on any random site? are you underage?
Maybe he's a 68 year old boomer?
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Threads done faggot niggers go home, you wonder why this board is dead as shit.
>all 9
Season 8 and 9 never have one

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