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>So we have to go through nine circles of Hell, defeat all the demons and kick Satan in the crotch? Sounds easy enough. Grab that shotgun, all the ammo you can carry, a sword and some healthpacks Anon, we got alot of work to do.
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>puts suit on
>engage suit speakers
>starts playing “Rip and Tear”
>picks up Butter pony and puts her on his shoulder.

It’s rip and tear time.
Meh, I don't really feel like it.
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Don't forget to install horse armor.
Kicking Satan in the balls defeats him?
That shit hurts, dude
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>pays 5 extra bits for horse armor.
>pats Butter horse
>speakers play “Sweet Little Lies”
That's not fair that fluttershy gets Mjolnir and I get the Praetor Suit. Mjolnir is arguably better.
>doom fans when the only thing they can "rip and tear" is their size XXXL underwear
yeah with my XXXL cock.
>grrr this anon likes a game I don't!!
I will never understand, nopony is making you play
Shut up and get to killing those demons, there's no time to waste.
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Keep your "shotgun" and your "healthpack"
My faith is my shield for no weapon wielded against me shall prosper.
I will take deaths scythe, however. So, dibs on that.
doomcels are as bad as 40kucks
Let me eat your yellow ponut for good luck.

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