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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

Back from the grave edition.

>Why alternate boorus?
Recent changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus have arisen to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>Why alternate text sites?
>Why alternate text, fanfiction, and fanfiction archival sites?
Pastebin.com has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format. FimFetch has been purging foalcon and other material deemed to be "unacceptable" as late as Jan 22 of 2024,. As such, a new home is needed.

Overview: altboorus.org
>General purpose boorus
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]
rainbooru.org by Raindev [!RaInbOWink] (dev MIA)

>Specialized boorus:
booru.foalcon.com by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] - Underage
lyrabooru.org - Hot glue

>Greentext, fanfiction and fanfiction archival sites
ponepaste.org managed by Not Twifag/Floorb
IAS (derpy.me/1yd6A) (Text search)
foalfetch.net managed by Floorb

>Video sites

>File sharing
smutty.horse (frozen until further notice)

>Latest Developments:
-A security/privacy issue on Ponepaste, which allowed for anyone to view one's private paste titles, their authors, and tags (but not its actual content) was patched.
-Semi-minor spam on Ponerpics, Lyrabooru, perhaps elsewhere as well. [might not be worth including?]
-The fanfiction archival site FimFetch escalates its ongoing purge of content deemed by them as "unacceptable" (mainly foalcon) by hosting a list of accounts from all around the fandom (FimFiction, Discord, AO3, Derpibooru, ect.) they "found" to be associated with said material. In response, Floorb has created foalfetch.net. For keeping up with the ongoing drama, see https://ponepaste.org/9926
-An issue revolving around the Twibooru importer not working on PonerPics has been resolved.
-Anon releases searchable DNP list (derpy.me/mxM0C) (derpy.me/LSj5y)
-An anon is scraping pastebin links (derpy.me/zFWPk) (download green.zip)

-[Dead] Mediafire rip now available on IPFS (>>36440908)
-IAS Anon needs help seeding IPFS files (>>36700329)
-Reminder to backup Fimfiction (derpy.me/fPTg1)
-yuki.la likely dead, some other /mlp/ archives (>>36764936) (>>36764947) (and of course Desuarchive)
-yuki.la backup (>>>/t/1033260)
-Ponerpics gets a new dark theme (>>40265520)
-Ponemusic archive is dead, latest torrents (>>37005785)
-Poneb.in dump (>>37346011)
-Userscript to load GDrive resource keys (>>37536855)
-FimFic story filter (>>37512031)
-WiP userscript for offline "accounts" on Philomena (>>37705442)
-Twibooru still looking for help(?) (>>38113999)
-New Ponepaste dump >>38375740
-Old ponibooru.org database found (>>38882814) + beta v. of Ponibooru.org Restored (>>38872905)
-Search millions of images by MD5 or SHA1 hashes, as of 2022-08-07 (>>38927537 >>38947506)
-pony.tube (running PeerTube) updated to a newer software version (>>39172527)
-Someone is working on a new booru website, which should be cool (>>39189860)
-Missing pbooru.com images and maybe also web pages were found (>>39190286). Some users were going to share some files, but didn't yet
-Archiving stuff like old pastes
-List of alt boards https://ponepaste.org/8236
-Some scripts for scraping youtube comments
-smutty.horse still frozen until further notice?
-ponytube is on an old version, update in ???

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ive been using twiboru personally, what differentiates all these alts anyway?
a lot of them look the same
ponybooru got hacked, all passwords are forcibly reset. The site itself won't tell you that, it'll just claim that your password is "incorrect". You have to use "I forgot my password" feature, and if you don't have an e-mail associated with an account, you're out of luck.
Any update on pools? It's a must-have feature for boorus.
What the fuck, i was wondering why i had to reset my shit
See https://altboorus.org/
It's a bit outdated (by nearly 4 years, in fact), but you should still be able the get the gist.
Anyway, glad that the thing I wrote up got added to the OP. Just a shame that newer developments, e.g. the whole ponybooru fiasco (>>41204704), or that update to Derpi's privacy policy (though that may be unrelated?), or NHNB going down, weren't included.
>-Semi-minor spam on Ponerpics, Lyrabooru, perhaps elsewhere as well. [might not be worth including?]
I will say though, you were not supposed to include those square brackets kek
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Because the person who usually posts the general went MIA, I'd assume It's because this board doesn't care for the thread by the responses in the last one, which died all the way back in May and never reposted unfortunately. (>>41061583)

Just posted what I could to get it back on the board. My bad lol didn't even notice. Feel free to repost and keep it updated yourself because I legit don't know what i'm doing nore am I up to date with the goings-on as much as it seems you are.
Any news on foalfetch ?
What kind of news, did something happen with it?
Seems to be up and working fine for me.
Asking more about update news.
On ponepaste, I think turning a paste private should not be an option once it went public.
Floorb would be flooded with emails begging him to revert pastes to private after users accidentally toggled them to public. It's Floorb that runs PonePaste, right?
Ask the user multiple times and warn them that it can't be changed back. A writefag turning a story private is basically equals to deletion anyways. Also an account having only private pastes is sus.
Should users also not be allowed to delete pastes?
That would be great! Also a paste modification history, so even if the user overwrites it, it is archived.
Probably because generally, there's nothing to discuss, and the thread inevitably devolves into people being mad about twibooru moderation (one moderator specifically) and that moderator calling everyone a pedo child rapist.
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Yea that is true.
I just wish there was a place that fansites all together in one place, with development news and community happenings.
Although there doesn't seem to be anything like that besides these threads with

would love to refresh and revamp this thread in hopes of a change, but I'm pretty retarded
>a place that fansites all together in one place
That was discussed at length in the past though. Too much centralization is a risk since it's a one factor question of failure.
Bumping this thread with the announcement that the nudist serial mistagger is still going at it. https://ponerpics.org/tags/nudist/tag_changes

Bored said he's working on it. Although I can't fathom the point when galleries exist.

>Probably because generally, there's nothing to discuss
Well that's true, except for all the major stuff that happened while the thread was down. Plus keeping tabs on the retardation Derpi does with tag changes.
>Plus keeping tabs on the retardation Derpi does with tag changes
What happened this time?
>Probably because generally, there's nothing to discuss
Could say that in regards to anything in /mlp/ in 2024 really

There's always stuff going on, example being NHNB being shut down.
The PonyBooru hack that seems like nobody has any idea what happened.

anyone seen the shit being posted on RainBooru recently? It's basically dead.
Galleries are one of the most useless features, basically favorite folders. Pools are for comic navigation, a must-have feature.
I would have said that people would then delete the public paste and create a new private one, but >>41205970 already raised that point.

A git-like change tracker would be nice too, I haven't seen any paste service use something like that. Going to a rentry and finding out that the owner nuked its contents is always infuriating.
>The PonyBooru hack that seems like nobody has any idea what happened.
Did you see https://ponybooru.org/forums/meta/topics/incident-report-for-6-7-2024 ?
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Yes there was a good transparency, I don't think any password has been leaked, but better safe than sorry.

Ponerpics used to have outages but works well now, it's my main source for pony.
Also there's been a tag raiding from some faggots, it was swiftly dealt with, so small staff but pretty active fixing these.
Staff recently fixed some tags pertaining to AI labelled traditional art, which helps for filtering.
Ponybooru is run by a megalomaniac furnigger. Twi and Poner are equally good.
don't die
Pony stuff in progress?
How many Anons actually upload pics on altboorus? "no DNP" thing is useless if no Anons upload
I say about 5% more images get uploaded to alts than derpi. So some anons do upload.
is ponepaste down for u guys?
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Rip ponepaste, it lived a good life.
It's been down for over a week, how did it take you this long to notice?
Not that anyone but It Literally just stopped working for me, was using it all day. I'm a leaf, so that might affect things.
Anon* jeez.
How hard is it to keep a text-only site running?
pls tell me its gonna come back.....
Pretty hard when people keep trying to hack it
According to the ponepaste twitter the hacker who gained access deleted everything along with the backups. They will try to restore it once they gain access to the server again but everything is probably gone forever.
It came up fine for me, yesterday.
I hope Floorb can get this one solved.
>someone hacked ponepaste
>deletes shit
but why?
why would they even bother doing that???
Spite? Pedos have been trying to use PonePaste, but Floorb has been taking measures to make that more difficult. They would retaliate like that because pedophiles are fucking immature assholes.
Hold on, what do you mean pedos have been trying to use ponepaste. Like actual full on pedophiles? CP is illegal, why would they upload it to a site that is easily visible in a google search?
Because they're immature, retarded assholes with neither shame or self-control (or they wouldn't be pedophiles).
Which twitter?
>along with the backups
>having delete access to the backups from the same place as create access
Lol. Lmao.
These are the same third-world savages that search for "teen girl rape" on Google.
They've been putting in pastes full of links for each other. They think an obscure site like PonePaste is "safe", apparently.
Do they have no idea that the site is run by obsessive nerds?
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historically, this place had a more laissez-faire approach with such matters.
>The email provider that actively scans your email
Lets hope he never actually got that CP or else he's fucked
Replace pedos with anti-bronies or certain bronies and I'd find it far more believable.
The amount of samefagging and trying to start shit geeez....
It seems Foalfetch hasn't renewed its
ssl certificate

>File sharing

What the fuck is IWIFTP?
nice try mr fbi
You've never heard of the Immanual W. Ibanez File Transfer Protocol?
>except for all the major stuff that happened while the thread was down
Like what? So much of nothing goes on that even when I personally make the thread, it becomes a bumpfest within 10 posts because nothing's going on, and one of the local schizos starts calling me a "derpitroon" because I mentioned, after 9/11 posts in the thread were just variants of "bump", that maybe we should just not bother with threads until there's something necessitating discussion.
Apparently all that wasn't important enough to make one of these threads for. You can just look at the fact someone got bored and made the thread out of nowhere rather than making it when a happening happened.
the FTP i guessed as much, still clueless
First, /pol/ used it and got mad when their epic political pastes got deleted. Now apparently we've got more bad actors trying to use it as a contraband sharing platform. I wouldn't be surprised if security were lax either. We're talking something that's gone down multiple times because the host is autistic, refuses to use a real phone, and as a result failed to pay the bills.
Speaking of ponepaste, how the fuck do you report a paste?
I'm checking the site (it's up, what are you doing canadians?) and right there on the discovery page, this suspicious, untitled paste with a password lock is THE most popular paste on the site.
Someday there will be AI jannies who do it for free to prevent this sort of thing.
It's also been up for over a year.
Even more odd.
Found this from a while ago.
Another mention
Quite mysterious indeed.
Why are password protected pastes even allowed?
I don't know why they don't limit password-protected pastes to actual accounts.
The owner of Tabun (Russian brony equivalent of Hacker News/Reddit, full of original pony content) is threatening to delete it, because some random commenter hurt his feelings:
I remember that there was a mirror of it at some point, but I kinda lost it. Maybe it's down already. Are there any archiving efforts on preservation of Tabun content (including images)?
>g%niggers ruin another site
who could've seen this coming?
Well from what i can translate it really goes no deeper than that huh.
What a faggot.
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>Has a G% avatar
>Shits on G%
Its sorta bemusing to me that most people seem to run around with the idea that there's even a notable population of people who like current G5.
If you actually read what 99% of G5fags say, they say that G5 went to shit and went nowhere. Its somewhat funny that people are screaming at ghosts in the wild mane thread though.

Even in other places this is the consistent trend, nobody likes the TYT era and consider G% functionally a dead man walking.
what's the state of nhnb?
Soon, very soon.
thats not a state
good riddance
>equivalent of Reddit
nothing of value was lost
What's next, you gonna say that porn is bad?
i've got a lot of respect for russian artists and ponyfriends actually. their appreciation of an IP is largely focused on the IP itself and not OCs or AUs so you get really high quality fan content from them even years after the IP was popular that hasn't descended into cannibalizing itself for new ideas. mostly i base this on the russian Fallout fandom, but from what i've seen looking into their social media from the outside, they are based. plus the russian tradition of animation and art is beautiful too.
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Don't let them get to (You), Anon. "Divide and Conquer" is their tactic, you shouldn't let yourself get fooled.
Frens across the globe
Paid a visit to the place like last year, seemed to be dead as fuck, used to be lively though. Nowadays most artists probably post their art on Acks, VKunt, Derpi, Bluesky etc.
>Disliking someone who is into the same things as you simply because they had the unfortunate circumstance of being born in a third world country
That's not very friendship is magic of you Anon.
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>largely focused on the IP itself and not OCs or AUs
>i base this on the russian Fallout fandom
back to r̶e̵d̵d̷i̴t̵ with you all
>back to with you all
What did he mean by this?
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Sunny is top wife material
I finally fixed my server a bit, it is now less of a mess held together by chance.

+ Fixed the official stuff tor site
+ Started de-duplication the various folders such as Fan-fiction, Episodes, etc
+ Started to sort the things uploaded by other people into the respective folders
- Finally and 4 years too late I removed the iwiftp.romesilvanus.io, iwatchitfortheplot.romesilvanus.io domains
= Something else I did which I have forgotten about
feel free to prove me wrong of course, this is just my ponysonal experience
I mean, Fallout Equestria is an AU full of OCs. It seemed to disprove itself. Then there's EaW. My personal run-ins show they're no purer than anyone else, if not worse.
found a ponepaste bug : https://ponepaste.org/9764#1048
awww... gets turned into a link
The world is healing again.
Yeah, I noticed that too. Russians often have their own distinct style in fandoms. It's usually kinda different than what 'we' are used to in terms of styles and such, but you can tell that much of it is done with a lot of passion.
For how long?
yerf host down

onion address?
Have anyone archived the things there yet?
I remember what I forgot. Accidentally broke the old link, so here's a new one:
SFTP server should also work on it though I didn't test.
It's foxed again
There' just a long standing problem with docker creating new network adapters that take over any connection and break everything until I run a script to delete them, I'd have to reinstall the OS to fully fix it.
Haven't seen this thread in a long while
It just had a short break.
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Ah sweet.
Appreciate all your efforts, they certainly don't go unnoticed
PonePaste automatically catches all instances of "www." and assumes the rest of it is a link?
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smuttyhorse aint coming back is it? :(
nope. plans are too grand to be implemented in reality
What were the plans?
as a random anon, I wouldn't mind getting the pony file host to live again, not just as an archive, even if it meant requiring an account to upload new files. Not great but better than freezing new uploads, in my book. pomf2 has cool infrastructure blog but pony pony pony, you know.
Have you guys ever had an idea for an imageboard? What would you make it like?
sms phone authorization + anonymous uploads that's deleted within 24 hours unless the non-deleted link is found in the 4chan archives, in which case it's kept indefinitely.
It's time to ban Wild Manes from the rest of the alt boorus, leave furfags no quarter.
Hello Boxless
>from the rest
I couldn't find them only on ponybooru. Based, I guess?
Lol, try again. Twibooru has the most wild manes images from all boorus, 42 here, 36 on poner, 17 on derpi and 10 on mane.
Just getting it back online and getting some sort of protection so junk can't be deliberately and maliciously uploaded and then reported.
Ponybooru's importer has been down for a week. The number should be about what Ponerpics has.
And there's no one who can be contacted about that?
Looks like Notification page was completely changed in the upstream Philomena.
What am I looking at?
Theres always one guy in the chat on this website.
I've been observing him for weeks, interesting fella.
It's deliberate. They're doing some server migration thing and had to turn the importer off. I don't know why they haven't put a notification at the top of the page.
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so does anyone here want to fork a youtube app, name it a racial slurr + killer etc so it cant be recommended to normalfags, and then make it so that jewtube cant keep getting away with nuking functionality?
/mlp/ is not my personal army, and I cant help in any way, i just figured id' ask because this board has a reputation for being better than /g/ and more or less the other boards at most things.
honestly hate that 2fa is necessary to stop glowziggers from zigging.
so you want a pony.tube app?
personally i'd want any kind of jewtube app that doesnt break every now and then, but honestly I am not holding my breath or seriously soliciting one, but I cant imagine I'm the only fucker on this board who watches content on jewtube and gets annoyed when this happened, and unlike /g/ if someone from this website got involved I think it could probably work, just like blueclover is "depreciated" yet still receives regular updates. horsefuckers cant stop winning even when they want to quit.
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You can just use Newpipe (or any Newpipe fork). They already support peertube instances.
Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.
So you posted this on /g/ obviously. https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101343948/#101348381

What does this have to do with pony?
Nothing, NYPA Faggot.
>you posted this
I already inb4 that.
back from the edge of death again
>Shill campaign trashing on /mlp/
>Most upvoted on the booru most hated here.
Really gets the noggin joggin
does ponybooru serve any purpose other than padding zyzzy's ego?
honestly no
I don't see any genuine reasons to use Ponybooru over others
You use ponybooru if you're an artist. Well, that used to be the case, until their retardation with OCs (twice!) ruined that point.
IMPORTANT: All pictures featuring loli/shota were mass deleted from e621 hours ago. To all Anons: make sure all pony-related pictures were uploaded to the alt-boorus, and if not, find them and upload them.
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looks like someone is posting cbat, as well as changing tags on some pictures on Ponerpics
Ah shit, here we go again.
He's been coming around every few weeks. Ponybooru has an autist who does the same thing too. Might be the same guy. Wouldn't be surprised if twibooru has one too.
infinitebooru.com (a mirror of many e621 pics) also got discontinued at some point in 2022, dammit. Any other way to retrieve deleted pics?
There's this:
But it's 0.5 Terabytes of compressed ZIP files. Not easy to search for individual images, and I don't think it could be downloaded in this century with archive.org's speed.
And only up to 2016-03-07.
iwiftp e6 archive
one was some mod getting mad at gay porn with their child OC, what was the other?
>what was the other?
Twitter user got mad at the porn/gore with his OC, picture was deleted, rule change was proposed, it caused drama among themselves, rule change got shelved, pic did not get restored. Basically the same situation as August 2023, but back in July 2020. I would bet it would repeat in 2026.
>Wouldn't be surprised if twibooru has one too.
Yep, cbatfag spams on twibooru too.

Also how hard will it be to implement a wordfilter that replaces word "cbat" with "pony" or "mare"?
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appreciate chu
It's okay.

I think Ponerpics should be more welcoming to artists, lately I noticed mods removed traditional art tagged AI images.
This is a good move, then maybe community projects or anything to make it more like Ponybooru with less drama.
Twibooru has zero community for sure. No need for one.
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That shit is on life support
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>Constant issues
>Importer has been down for a week+
>"Planned" matinence

I would not be shocked in the slightest if it just never came back online
>lately I noticed mods removed traditional art tagged AI images
Is it possible to recover a twibooru account if I know the username and the password, but not the email address? I registered it in the first weeks when the site launched.
nevermind, i guessed my mail address, i though I used a random throwaway one since there is no verification mail
Eh, it's way too early to say.
got 500 error on upload on ponerpics, lost all the metadata. Is there a userscript that saves that shit?
If you mean the tags, there's a save button under the box native to philomena. Hitting the back button on your browser will refill all the other boxes.
Wish we could login to Twi/Poner etc with a username.
Why the fuck does it need an email to log in it's so aids.
>there's a save button under the box native to philomena
Does not work for description and source, is not automatic.
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PonyBooru still down as of now.
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use chatgpt to make a greasemonkey plugin lel
i'd check forums of boorus that are running philomena myself but i cbf right now i'll get back to you if you have no luck.
Looks like their maintenance page is being updated. Says coming back 7/15/24 now. According to their news channel in Dicksword
>45% migrated.
>After migration we should be able to turn the importer back on
>Likely some upgrades in the near future as well.
>We will eventually have to endure another migration in 6 months to a year.
>Also we're limited by disk transfer speeds at this point, PB just happens to be about 10TB of data, and it takes a considerable amount of time to move that lol.
I see.
Looks like they calmed down.
Ponerpics gets intermittent 500 errors again.
>not pony content
>pony related pictures
Pick one
Can you not read?
>make sure all ((pony-related)) pictures were uploaded to the alt-boorus, and if not, find them and upload them
If its loli then it's not pony related, horsefuckers use foalcon.
Different terminology same shit
>same shit
*Except Manebooru and Derpi, where it's not allowed.
I clarified for the sake of your preferred boorus. No need to thank me, citizen.
If you two chucklefucks think that pony (actual pony, not lolishit, upload nonpony lolishit to furfag fox's archive, he loves it) pictures at glutamate and other furfag sites aren't at risk of deletion too, you're in for a surprise!
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Was there a way to find/crawl existing Smutty.Horse uploads URLs without having the link?
>Two more weeks
iz zyz behind the gore on twi?
Do any of you Anons actually scrape/archive pony sites?
I scrape the dead skin off my back and chew on it.
Whatever happened to rocket foal party??
Not alt-boorus.
Ponybooru is back, looks like they have some more things to solve but it's working fine here.
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Do tell how Mane is not an alt to Derpi.
>Young humans and anything that looks vaguely like a young human in NSFW contexts. This includes plain humans, stylized humans like cartoon characters (The Simpsons, etc), elves, orcs, vampires, zombies, kemonomimi, humans with a few glued on animal features (noses, tails, ears, whiskers, etc.), and similar content.
>Basically, if it mostly looks like a young human (even with stylistic or other small changes), it is no longer allowed.
Wow it's fucking nothing!
EqG, Humanized, Satyrs are all affected. Fortunately it's all already archived and deleted images can still be searched with "status:deleted".
>EqG, Humanized, Satyrs are all affected
And nothing of value was lost! Please don’t archive this shit, EqG and Satyrniggers deserve this loss
t. derpinigger
that’s you faggot, keep the furshit out.
Are you mentally retarded, per chance?
Anyway, alt-boorus were explicitly created as anti-censorship initiative. If you want censorship, fuck off from this thread.
Not a great fan of satyrs, but what's wrong with them?
They're anthro.
>deleted from derpi
>rule 3
why dont they ban all ai at this point?
Why does that guy has a horsecock
Because someone tagged it as human instead of anthro.
Then the second part of my post applies. Those will both refill if you use the back button to return to the upload page.
Back button does not help, obviously. "Duplicate tab" partially helps (file field is cleared), but have the same problem (not automatic).
Strange. Everything refills for me. Well, I hope you find a solution.
Have you guys ever had an idea for an imageboard? What would you make it like?
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Instructions unclear, thread bumped.
Oops, I did it again
the spam on rainbooru is unreal lmfao
There's booru.foalcon.com for that, but yes archive them too.
Page 10 bump.
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I wish I knew how to write plugins for h5ai so it could display cbz files without downloading.

Anyway, in an effort to reduce the amount of loose files I started to make cbz files out of comics, image packs, etc.
>>Why alternate boorus?
>Recent changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art
Shouldn't that be dropped at this point?
Derpibooru didn't sit idle the last four years. Situation got even worse
I haven't looked back at Derpi after 2020. What happened in the last years?
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Cool. Yeah, no. That's my wakeup call to go somewhere else. Never given alts much of a thought, but if I wanted a booru with everything under the sun, I would go to e621. What takes number two after derpi?
>oh no they ban non mlp related stuff from an mlp booru
For once, I actually agree with them, I would be even more stricter: no non mlp stuff at all.
My issue was them allowing any of it at all, albeit spoilered.
By their notion it's hypocritical not to allow filly funtasia fan art too, and while we're on the slippery slope why not allow bluey too, since so many love sucking that teat as well.
Oh, anon. You should know by now. It's not banned because it's not related to mlp, it's banned because it's horses rather than wolves or cats or foxes.
Oh, you are right. Damn.
All alt-boorus allow non-Hasbro chibi pastel magical equines content. Ponybooru hates screencaps, tho, so if you uploaded just 10 on one day, expect purge.
So, did this absolute stupid retard behind anonpone releases a server dumpy et?
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Fan Site Alternative Thread
Fan Alternative Site Thread

Why is Vinyl sad?
Fansite Alternative Thread
Shit, that Anon cracked the code.
>why won't an mlp booru accept non-mlp things?
>this is an outrage
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Every booru imports from derpi right? if I upload something to derpi and it immediately gets jannied, would it still get imported to the altboorus?
> immediately
no, it won't be imported. fastest importer waits 30 minutes.
I scrape every booru every 2 minutes.
Except Manebooru which banned my ip.
Manebooru is run by niggers anyway. That's no loss.

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