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Wow, would you look at that, Sunset and Starlight are now officially part of the Elements of Harmony. How exciting! But what even are their Elements?
Sucking and swallowing respectively.
Forgiveness and Redemption?
Starlight for sure is the element of farting.
i bet you would like that, glimmer sniffer
Uh yeah, that's why I posted it idiot.
>Pinkie Pie, the element of foodplay
>Starlight Glimmer, the element of brap
>Rainbow Dash, the element of sweaty wingpits
>Applejack, the element of brap
>Sunset Shimmer, the element of brap
>Rarity, the element of femdom
>Fluttershy, the element of vore
>And Princess Twilight Sparkle, the element of brap, makes it all complete!
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Both characters suck. Glimmy has no substance and Sunny actually had lots of potential before being character assassinated by the friendship laser.
Sunset bearing the "empathy" virtue is as funny as a former antisocial shut-in having the element of friendship/magic.
sorry im autistic, please dont be mean to me
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Damn. Sorry bro.
Starlight is definitely forgiveness or something
A black void? Without Stu Pidface present? What in the fuck gay image
Shimmy: Empathy
Glimmy: dicks
Starlight: Empathy
Sunset: Forgiveness

Glimmy actually has little to do with forgiveness other than for herself. Sunset's whole arc towards redemption was about seeking forgiveness for her crimes while Starlight's was about learning friendship.

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