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Previous thread: >>41046009
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41046009/

>What is this thread about?
This thread revolves around stories about ponies getting bathed and pet.

>Can you elaborate more?
Sure! SPG (Slave Pony General) is mostly about characters dealing with the actual implications of the horrifying thing that is chattel slavery. It's more looking at how people with modern sensibilities deal with the ownership of another sentient being, and how most people aren't total cunts.

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Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields
- https://ponepaste.org/8260
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Getting Shy by AspiringWritefag
- https://ponepaste.org/752
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I want a pony to cook me a giant rack of ribs and my fat ass to eat all of them while the pony is in horror at the sight
Cute maids!
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First for Meyer Mahr.
I was getting a bit worried when this thread wasn't back for so long. Cant wait for an update from our beloved writefag!
Do you want to use its mane as a napkin as well ?
no I don't want their fur to stick to my hands. the mare can hold my napkin in her mouth though
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the slave i bought doesnt work and only consumes food
what do?
Shove this up her ass.
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It's back!
Infuse the cookies with caffine, so she can't nap after eating all of it!
thats literally weaponized cuteness
Very cute indeed!
Has your sweet little good boy turned into a bad bronco over the spring season? Does his mind seem to wander? Has his attitude become one of mischief? Disobedience? Even defiance? Come on down to The Gelded Age and let our team of qualified professionals 'Fix' the issue!
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pet the poner
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Mare's good secretary
>Lithia By Icehunt/KarmaFields
Do someone have a complete paste? The one in the op is missing chapters, and the one in the all stories paste is private.
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cmon guys, dont let the thread die!
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Pony has been extremely lazy for weeks!
We need to go fuzzier
I hope AWF returns.

I'm around. Did a bit of writing on and off, but also focused a bit on a hobby coding project. Let me edit what I have, and post it in an hour or so.
Catch up: https://ponepaste.org/9738

> Her wound was healing well, but physical exertion, especially walking, made it itch like crazy. More than once had Thistle torn the edges of the cut open again by excessive scratching. It was pure luck she hadn't gotten an infection.
> On the plus side, she didn't have to do a whole lot of hard labor today. She'd accompanied Salki and Buygra to a nearby copse of trees to watch for Ruslan scouts sneaking closer to the new camp.
> It wasn't that the two particularly needed a pony, since they travelled light, nor could Thistle contribute a whole lot to the endeavour with her poor eyesight, but she had needed a day away from the camp and, after some convincing, Salki had agreed.
> Part of it was that she wanted to get away from Saule, who still gave the mare the stink eye each time they met. Another part were the two slave children.
"[Mmmm, no...]" she murmured.
> "[What?]" Salki asked. He didn't look at her, and kept his eyes on the distant horizon.
"[Nothing. Talking to myself.]"
> She shouldn't think of Ning and Fen Ko as 'slave children'. That was a bad, un-equestrian habit to get into. Unfortunately it was just so easy! The two youths followed her everywhere she went, and did everything she asked. It was helpful, up to a point, and then it had become a burden.
> Food was the problem. Now that they were her responsibility, it was up to Thistle to keep the pair fed, not to mention clothed. Her pink mane and tail, despite the fact that they'd grown, were no longer interesting to the camp people. The color had become part of their everyday, and uninteresting.
> There wasn't enough food to go around, despite the hunters' best efforts, and the ceaseless toils of the women. The people had already thinned their donkey herd as much as they dared under the threat of the looming winter, and now their options were limited.
> What little game and forage was brought in each day, was divided among the people. Thistle got her share, and she could supplement it by grazing, but the two foreign children, whom most people considered to be slaves, were very far down the priority list.
> They looked to her to provide for them, like she had promised. They never left her side, and each mouthful of food she got was subjected to pleading stares. Thistle just didn't have the heart to deny them.
> It was exhausting.
> Something would have to be done. Thistle knew that Salki and Darga argued about it most nights. Even her own suggestion to try and ally with the Ruslans and invade the lands to the west was considered.
> Well, it was refused, but at least they talked about it for a short while. Were their situation not so dire, they would have rejected it out of hand.

> The way things were going, they had only two real options: they could retreat further into the mountains, and hope that the Ruslans would not find them. Game would be more plentiful, and Thistle's suggestions to plant and grow their own grain were being considered.
> On the other hand, Darga had suggested to go north-east and lie in wait. Travellers often walked there, passing between the lands in the west, to the far east, where there was a rich kingdom. If they chanced upon a caravan, their needs would be met for a while.
> There was also a third option, but it was very unlikely to work. Thistle lifted her head and looked to the south. Somewhere in that direction, she thought, was the hole between the worlds where they had brought her from Equestria. If they went that way, perhaps they could find it.
> The camp's old shaman had told her it wouldn't open again for many decades, but perhaps he was wrong.
> Unfortunately the man had been killed in one of the Ruslan attacks while she and Salki had been away, so there was no way to ask him again.
> It would be worth looking. If they could get into Equestria, even in the middle of the Everfree forest, the people would be able to survive. She would be able to help them, somehow.
> Neither Darga, nor Salki would hear her proposal.
> There was a rustle of grass and Thistle opened her mouth to warn Salki, but then she caught the familiar scent and relaxed. It was only Buygra, back from his scouting run.
> Pretty soon Salki heard the man, too. He grabbed his bow, but he didn't notch an arrow. "[Anything?]" he asked, when the other had shown himself.
> "[I haven't seen any trace. Maybe they don't know where we went?]"
> "[Possible. We still have to watch.]"
> Buygra jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "[Should we go further?]"
"[No,]" Thistle said. "[The land is flat, except for this hill. We can see farther from here.]"
> The hunter gave her an appraising look, which made the mare blush and lower her ears. She'd asked the same question while Buygra was gone. She sneaked a glance at Salki, but he just smirked and didn't say anything, letting her take the credit.
> "[Good thinking,]" Buygra finally replied. He went to lean against one of the spindly trees, and stared into the distance. "[We will need to figure out something with food,]" he finally said.
> Salki sighed and shot the other man an annoyed look. "[I know. Mother keeps saying it.]"
> "[What does she say?]"
> "[The same as always. We go east and look for a trading caravan. Maybe the two children from the last one remember where they travelled.]"
> Both hunters stared at the mare, who had her ears pressed completely flat. "[What do you mean, 'no'?]" Salki asked.
"[They won't help, not with that. Salki, their parents were killed! Willow did it!]"
> To his credit, Salki looked a little uncomfortable, but Buygra just shrugged. "[So what? They'll help if they want to eat.]"

"[No. It's wrong. We shouldn't hurt other people just to survive. We can go further south. I'll teach you how to grow food!]"
> At the suggestion, Salki's face darkened and he spat. "[I won't spend my life looking at a cow's ass!]" he growled. "[I'd rather go fight the Ruslans!]"
"[It's not that bad!]" she insisted. "[It's not a bad life, and everyone can eat! You saw how many people were in those villages!]"
> "[So, we go steal from them. We know the way. We can move the whole clan.]"
> At this the mare shook her head in a mixture of emotion. It was her suggestion, albeit one she'd come up with just after a Ruslan attack, when she was still in pain and shock at her injury. The people in the west *had* tried to trick them with the horses. They had chased them, and attacked them. They had killed Hisein.
> Would it really be that wrong? Attacking a caravan meant killing people, but stealing from the villages did not necessitate that. They could rob them without really hurting them. At least, that was a lie she could almost believe.
> "[We could attack the Ruslans,]" Buygra said.
> The other two stared at him. "[What?!]"
> "[Think about it. We have better bows, and Janus can make us metal tips. We will have spears with metal points. If they don't know where we have gone, we can take a group of hunters and sneak close to their camp. We'll wait until their women go to gather food-]"
"[No, not the women,]" Thistle said immediately.
> It had been one of the most abhorrent news she'd heard when she came back. The enemy were attacking those who couldn't defend themselves. They were systematically weakening the clan.
> "[She's right. We're not such sons of donkeys as them.]"
> Buygra held his hand up, palm out. "[Fine, not women. We can hide and wait for their men to go hunting. They will never see us.]"
> "[They have a lot more men than we do,]" Salki pointed out.
> "[We have better weapons. If we strike from an ambush, we can even the odds.]"
> They went back to watching the horizon in silence. Eventually, it was Salki who spoke: "[No, that would only work once, and maybe not even once.]"
> Buygra shrugged expansively. "[Then what do you suggest?]"
> There was no answer. Thistle watched Salki for a while, but then lowered her gaze to her hooves. They really didn't have any good answers. If only she could ask some of her friends back in Equestria, they might have some useful advice.
> If it had been Twilight Sparkle, instead of her, who was taken, she would have all these warring tribes in an allegiance by now.
> Would that work?!
"[Wait! Salki?]"
> "[Hmm?]"
"[Are there any other tribes? Us, the Ruslans. Anyone else?]"
> Salki looked strangely at her, but then shrugged. "[Ruslans are the nearest. We've always been fighting for hunting lands.]"
"[Yes, but are there others, even if they aren't near?]"

> "[I think there are Arashi to the north, but they keep far away. The traders talk about the Sagsai, and the Ulan-Zuk.]"
"[Do you know how to find them?]"
> Salki fell silent and thoughtful, but Buygra looked almost annoyed. "[Why? What use is this?]"
"[We need friends! Fine, we can't be friend with Ruslan, not after what they've done, but maybe we can find other friends to help us!]"
> At that, the hunter barked a laugh. "[Thistle, we've fought with every one of those at some point or another. Our grandfathers probably fought their grandfathers.]"
"[That was long ago! Now we have something they want!]"
> Salki snapped his fingers and began to grin. "[The blacksmith! We have bows and arrows, and we have a blacksmith!]"
"[Exactly! We can find these other tribes and talk to them! They help us deal with Ruslans, and we give them metal weapons and bows. We become friends.]"
> "[Do you think it could last?]" Salki asked. "[Why won't they just attack us after we've dealt with the Ruslans?]
"[It's a chance,]" she admitted, "[but so we think ahead! Once the Ruslans are sorted out, we go west like we talked. We go back to those villages and take more horses.]"
> Her words gave both the men a lot to ponder. They went back to scanning the distant landscape, but Thistle saw Salki's lips move as he considered her idea.
> It could work! If the fighting was far enough in the past that no one living actually remembered it, other than through stories, then an alliance might be possible.
> After all, it was the pony way.

> ~~~~

> Her heart was hammering as Thistle was being led through the strange yet familiar camp. It wasn't her people, but the similarities were staggering. She'd forgotten just how used the nomads had gotten to her presence, a stark contrast from how these strangers were staring at her now.
> Her ears were already completely flat, and her tail would have pressed against her belly, if it had any considerable length to it. She'd had Salki chop it off, along with what little her mane had managed to grow.
> To this new clan, her pink hair would be a novelty. Perhaps they could trade, even if they couldn't gain their help.
> Now that she was among them, she wished she'd at least remembered to tie donkey hairs onto her dock, like they'd done in the lands to the West. As it was, she felt entirely too exposed, and it was far too hot for her coat.
> A wave of murmurs followed the little group as they passed between the tents. Men and women and children pointed at her and murmured to one another.
> She took refuge in Salki's solid, reliable presence, and made sure to brush her muzzle against his hand as often as she could manage. On her other side, Buygra walked with one hand on his bow, and his other on the large sack on Thistle's back.

> They were lead to these people's chieftain. He was an imposing man, flanked by two bare-chested, burly individuals stood in their way, and their escort stopped. One of them, a thin nomad with a pencil-thin moustache, spoke: "[These come from Darga's clan.]"
> At the words, the big man, whose poise and calm, attentive demeanor confirmed to be the leader, scowled. "[That old witch is still alive? I thought she'd be killed by now. Pah-]" he spat on the ground, "[a woman Chieftain. Who ever heard of such a thing?]"
> He was about to turn back, and his people were casting increasingly dark glances at the party. Buygra's hand slipped from the pack and he carefully lifted his bow. Unfortunately there wasn't an arrow nocked.
> "[Wait,]" Salki called. "[I will be Chieftain after my mother. I already lead. She is helping me with advice.]"
> Thistle stared in slack-jawed amazement at this bold lie, and even Buygra glanced over in surprise. It worked, though, and the other Chieftain paused. "[You are barely a man,]" he barked and looked like he was about to spit again.
> "[I have been far West. We travelled to the people who work the land and raise animals, and we stole their horses. I also brought back a blacksmith.]" With that, Salki pulled his knife from his belt.
> They didn't need to know that he'd actually gotten it in the foreign lands. Surely, once they'd found some metal ore, Janus would be able to forge weapons of equal quality.
> "[We have many new wonders to offer.]"
> The man looked at the blade with eager, hungry eyes. He scanned their little group and pointed at Buygra. "[I do not know what that piece of wood is for. I do not know this creature you have with you. Perhaps you really have travelled.]"
> He looked at his companions and jerked his head. The two stepped aside, and the Chieftain turned. "[Come. I will offer you hospitality and hear what you have to say. If I like what I hear, perhaps I will let you walk out of here alive.]"
> His cronies chuckled at this threat, and even Salki and Buygra managed weak grins. Thistle's muzzle remained scrunched with worry. She wondered if they hadn't made a mistake in coming.
> They followed the huge man to an equally grandiose tent. He held the flap open and barked some orders, which sent several young women scurrying out. Only then did he duck inside.
> Thistle's companies looked at one another, but then followed. Salki held the flap open for her, but the voice of their host boomed from within: "[Leave your animal outside!]"
> "[She is important. You will see,]" Salki said. There was no objection, so Thistle swallowed and gingerly stepped into the warm, engulfing darkness.

> The tent stank of soured donkey milk, sweat, and piss. It was both different, and hauntingly familiar to the nomads back home. Thistle waited until her eyes adjusted to the gloom a little, and then took her place and sat on her haunches next to Salki. The pack slid from her back and Buygra pulled it closer to himself.
> In the center was a fire pit, but it was dark. The only light came from the opening above, which would let out smoke to keep the occupants from suffocating.
> "[My name is Adilet Ilu. I am Ulan-Zuk. My father was of the Saka, and my grandfather before him.]"
> Taking his cue, Salki cleared his throat and spoke in as deep a voice as he could must, albeit not nearly as booming as their host's: "[I am Salki of the Borchi-Quin. This is Buygra, of the Borchi-Quin.]"
> The unknown word made Thistle's eyebrows rise, and her mouth fell open in shock. She'd never heard of the clan refer to themselves in this way, and she'd never asked by what name they were known to the outsiders. Perhaps it was stupid, but since they were the only people she really interacted with, they'd always just been 'us', or 'the clan'.
> Unsurprisingly, Adilet was more knowledgeable than her, and the grunted in dismissal. "[The Borchi-Quin died with your father. We will see if you are worthy of the name.]"
> "[I am!]" Salki almost growled. "[I've been to far-away places and seen incredible things! I will bring back the name of my father and my grandfather!]" he said, and turned to the mare. She tensed, preparing for the role she had to play. Salki went on: "[This is Thistle, who comes from a land of magic, far away.]"
> "[Its hair is a strange color, but it is just a donkey runt,]" the Chieftain said and idly plucked at the edge of the leather mat he was sitting on, thoroughly disinterested.
"[I am not.]"
> The inside of the tent fell deathly silent and she could have sworn the temperature lowered a bit. To his credit, Adilet controlled himself admirably, and only a slight hitch in his breathing betrayed his surprise. "[You've taught it to speak? How?]"
> "[Thistle taught herself our language. She has her own. She brought my clan many secrets.]"
> At that, Buygra drew the pack open and pulled out something wrapped in burlap.
> "[Try,]" Salki urged as his friend held out the bundle. Already the smell of bread filled the tent, at least covering the less pleasant odours slightly. Adilet reached out and took it. "[It is food made from grain. It is better than broth.]"
> They watched in silence as the Chieftain broke off a piece of the small loaf and put it in his mouth. He chewed it for a while, then swallowed. "[If that was poison, your people will regret it,]" he said, and burst out laughing again.
"[I will have some and prove it is not poison,]" Thistle said.
> At those words, Adilet tossed her the bundle and she scrambled to catch it with her hooves. She kept her eyes on him and took a big bite.

> "[She also taught us how to make new weapons. We will show you how effective they are. Like I said, we have a blacksmith, and we have horses.]"
> As he spoke, their host leaned back on one hand and began to pick bits of crushed grain from his teeth with his other. "[If you are so mighty, why do you come here? Do you only wish to show off?]" he asked.
> Salki patted Thistle's side to signal she should proceed. They'd agreed she would take over negotiation, but now that they were faced with the large and imposing man, she wasn't as sure. Despite that, she managed a weak grin.
"[Our people need some time to breed the horses and craft metal weapons for all. We are at war with the Ruslans, and there is more of them than us.]"
> She took a breath to continue, but Adilet held his palm up to forestall her. "[Let me guess. You want us to drive the Ruslans away. What have they done to me that I should fight them?]"
"[We will share these secrets with you. You can send people to learn how to make bows, and to learn from our blacksmith. More than that - you will have allies in us.]"
> Adilet watched them with a beginnings of a derisive sneer on his face, but at least he didn't flat out refuse.
> "[There is more,]" Salki said suddenly, drawing a surprised look from Thistle. "[I know the way to the lands in the West. They are fat and rich. They have jewels, and metal weapons, and horses. Together, we can go and steal from them. We will get more than from any careless caravan which enters our lands unaware. You will need bows to fight them, because they have them too.]"
> At the mention of plunder and foreigners Adilet leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with interest. "[Hmm,]" was all he said.
"[I have more wonders from my land which I will share for you. The shaping of metal came from there, many years ago. It was my kinsmen who visited your world and shared such secrets.]"
> She hurriedly searched her memories for things which may be appealing to the nomads. She knew they weren't interested in farming, but perhaps some adjacent skills?
"[I will show you how to prepare milk and make it into a solid food. I will show you how to herd bees and make honey, and strong drink from honey.]"
> His eyes left the mare, and Adilet began to idly clean his fingernails, apparently not much interested. "[What else do you have?]"
> Thistle's mind raced as she invented rapidly.
"[My people can fashion metal into a suit. It is impervious to most of your weapons. I will teach our blacksmith! We can make machines of wood and metal which will throw a large rock into your enemies from a distance!]"

> At that, both her friends let out small gasps and stared at the mare with wide, incredulous eyes. At their intense scrutiny, Thistle's ears folded completely flat and she blushed. It has only been a bit of folklore from ancient Griffin stories. She wasn't sure if she could build a catapult, but perhaps with some of the cleverer nomads they could figure it out, like she'd done with Bakar and the bow.
> "[Interesting,]" Adilet broke the silence at long last. "[I will think about this. First, show me what your little wooden stick can do. If I am impressed, we will talk some more.]"
> Salki and Buygra leapt to their feet, although they kept turning strange looks at the mare. She stood up more slowly, and followed them out in a slight daze. Surely her purpose on this world wasn't to come up with new and terrible weapons for these poor nomads to use on one another, was it?
> At least it looked like they might get an alliance, or at least something similar to it. Perhaps the Ulan-Zuk would help them hold off Ruslans.
> She followed the men outside, where Buygra was already explaining that they needed a large, open space. When they set off, joined by a few more of Adilet's men, she walked after them, hardly seeing where she was putting her hooves. All her attention was focused inward. Could she really help these people devise a working catapult? Did she have the skills? She wasn't an engineer. Was an Equestrian education well-rounded enough for such a thing?
> More importantly, could she establish a pact with them? That was more up her alley, but these people were strange, despite living among them for so long. Their values were not her values, a fact she was consistently reminded of even among the people she knew well.
> Thistle shook her head and hurried to catch up and press her muzzle again into Salki's hand. At least he'd be there with her.
> Explaining the lies he'd told Adilet to his mother would be interesting, though. That was one place her skills could really help him.

There we go, haven't gotten as far ahead as I thought (I'll share the game I'm working on when it's playable, though).

Hope it's a good read, though! Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Now we're friccin getting somewhere, Thistle! Go friendship! Go technology! Go war!
Awesome! Alot happening in one update. Thank you Writefag!
Very excited to see the thread back after I was bitching in the SIM thread.
I’ve been rereading my favourites and glad to hear more is being written! Nice to see AWF is posting <3

I don’t use PonePaste much unless I know what I’m looking for.
Was wondering if there’s a way to do multi-tag searching as all the usual methods didn’t work?
>rereading my favourites
I just re-read Off duty and Back on duty plus the shorts while the thread was down. Still great greens.
>multitag search
As far as I know its not possible. But ask in the fan site alt thread, its up.
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Brushie brushie
Magic privileges for brushing? What a pampered mare.
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>at the last neighborhood pony playdate she asked for tips
>after swearing her to absolute secrecy the pegamares there taught her the secret technique to maximize floof
>she's still a unicorn so there's only so much it'll do but it's still A+ fluff
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Princess of Cuddles
Sensual Cuddles.
>to watch for Ruslan scouts
Pink is not the best camouflage color. Also she can't see beyond 10m.
>now their options were limited
They have 4 horses.
>If they went that way, perhaps they could find it.
Its not that far, maybe 2 days walk?
>Would it really be that wrong? Attacking a
They can just as easily attack thee Ruslans.
>They could rob them without really hurting them
Good luck with that. All they know is how to kill.
>hide and wait for their men to go hunting
Why not set up a trap to eliminate the hunting party? Also what happened with the prisoner Mayor raped?
>That was long ago!
Taking into account their lifespan, it could not be more than a few decades.
>We go back to those villages and take more horses
So, make friends but not with those?
>if it had any considerable length to it
She could have traded it in this new place.
>She'd had Salki chop it off
Ah ok.
>a woman Chieftain. Who ever heard of such a thing?
Just occured to me that revealing weakness might prompt the other clans to attack.
>perhaps I will let you walk out of here alive
Just as I suspected.
>several young women scurrying out
>something wrapped in burlap
>They'd agreed she would take over negotiation
Finally. Mayor doing what she is meant to.
>prepare milk and make it into a solid food
I don't think they have the required bacteria cultures. Without that its just going to rot instead of turning into clabber or curd.
>Thistle's mind raced as she invented rapidly.
Instead of answering she should have left this open and ask for what does he have in return. But at least Mayor now tries to actually "invent" stuff.
>kept turning strange looks at the mare
Why didn't she come up with these earlier? A catapult or even a wooden armour is a serious game changer.
>on this world wasn't to come up with new and terrible weapons
She failed to come up with anything else. She could have come up with more food, keeping bees, water purification, machines to grind grain, etc. Even if she does not know how they work, these are such basic things that having the idea that it can be done is enough.
>Explaining the lies he'd told Adilet
Were they actual lies? As I said the idea is what matters.

Thanks for the update!
Poner after riding.
Wash the horse.
Even with the whole no freedom, no rights thing, they probably still enjoy this more than working for the Rich family.
Hey I made that. I'll do one or two spg /r/s gimme em. No OCs
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hi shep.
how about clear skies perched on anon's shoulder like an adorable parrot
/r/equesting bathtime
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small stout workhorse
hanks writefren
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>"Masterrrr, haallpp"
Tell me, /spg/, why do so many businesses punish their ponies through cutting rations? A hungry pony cannot work as hard, and will furthermore be distracted by their belly, which will only lead to further ration cuts and even lower work efficiency.
ponies are consumable items
its a business expense
its upkeep cost is higher than buying a new one
buy one and work it to death, then buy the next one
Corporations are completely missing the point. They already have children in third world countries to fill the role of disposable tools, investing in ponies is supposed to raise the quality of their products and they need to actually lean into that.
>corporations which are using 3rd world workforce caring about product quality
Anon, that and the ponies would be two imaginary thing in one universe.
wow, that's cute.
Ponies should be extremely fuzzy.
Maximum softness.
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It's cuddle o'clock
What designation is backpack comfort pony? Who's job is to hang onto her master as a backpack and cuddle him from behind all day. And if she is a pegasus then on hot days provide constant air circulation.

For reference, L-41 is comfort pony while L-41b is part-time comfort pony.
Well that's just silly. If you work a pony to death you have to dispose of them afterward, an unnecessary cost. It's much better to auction them off when their productivity falls below acceptable levels. Then you can at least squeeze a bit more profit out of them.
How do you make sure they don't tell classified information to their new owner?
So far all places I have worked don't resell anything. They just "dispose" of it. Ofc if you know which thrash bin to stand under you can score good stuff.
Hm, story idea: ponies are disposable workforce, one manages to somehow stay alive while they are being transported to the incinerator and the workers there notice it and save the pony while filling out all the paperwork that they disposed of it.
A combination of NCCs and other legal bullshit on who exactly can buy them, and the classic "who wants to buy a mostly broken pony other than brothels, bulk breeders, and people who can't afford anything better?", I'd say. Or if the company is particularly practical they might just cut their vocal cords. Or cut off their tongues, that would cost less.
That's form R-6c
Any worn pony is technically a form of PPE, they all fall under R-6 and the subforms separate out the individual functions
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Pegasi are the worst at providing rides.Wings are constantly in the way, they are weak and lightweight thus they have a hard time balancing.
Even unicorns are better!
What is scarier Nightmare Moon or the central heating monster?
They are, however, excellent at taking rides.
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Sure, they are the masters of ball draining just after alicorns.
earth ponies can provide great blowjobs too
It pets the little horse or the little horse pees on everything
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> Thistle couldn't stop herself from pacing around her cooking fire. The grain broth she was making bubbled away in its bit of leather, but she hardly paid it any mind at all. It was a good thing it couldn't really burn.
> The alliance between the Ulan-Zuk, and her own clan was going well. A little *too* well. Her politician's instincts, despite their year-long disuse, were screaming at her.
> True, she'd never used them in a setting quite *this* different from Equestria, but as it turned out the skills were transferrable.
> Adilet was up to something. The mere fact that he'd been respectful - downright *courteous* - to Darga, especially after his comments about a woman in charge, showed that he had something to gain from their exchange. Just what that might be, Thistle couldn't tell, not yet.
> Then there was the fact that the big, loud, and crude man had turned out to be thoughtful and friendly, and spent a lot of time with Salki. Purportedly, he was teaching the lad some of the finer points of nomad hand to hand fighting, but if that was true, why did they exclude Thistle?
> Both men had told her that she couldn't join them when they left the camp to practice. That first time, she hadn't even heard about it until they'd come back, and her heart nearly gave out.
> Perhaps she was starting to think like a nomad, but it would have been an excellent opportunity for Adilet to simply make sure Salki didn't come back. He could always blame it on a Ruslan action, especially if he made sure to bruise himself up a little.
> That would have left the clan and, more importantly, Darga, without a future leader, and it would have allowed Willow to easily seize control.
> Thistle hadn't seen Adilet spending much time with Willow, and at best they seemed cordially polite to each other, but if she were planning a coup like that, she'd also make sure nothing really tied her to her prospective puppet.
> It wasn't too hard to guess what Willow would gain out of the deal, either. Chieftainhood, a position of power which would attract the women and offer him a more leisurely lifestyle. Even more, it would allow him to get his hands on Thistle, for whom he still held some grudges.
> During the talks where the mare was present, the alliance seemed to be going quite well. Both clans had realized very early on that Thistle had been correct, and they stood to gain much if they cooperated.
> The Ulan-Zuk would get access to metal tools and weapons, and their young would be allowed to learn from the blacksmith. They would also learn how to make and use bows, which would give them a significant advantage over their northern neighbors. They weren't exactly at war, but the situation was not unlike the tense, uneasy truce which had existed between her own people and the Ruslans before Thistle and her party had left to the West.

> For their clan, Salki and Darga would gain some much needed help against the Ruslan attacks, and there was even talk of going on a counter-offensive to end the threat once and for all. The senior members of both tribes were already discussing future expeditions to neighboring lands, to acquire more goods, slaves, and horses.
> That latter one was mainly a fascination for Thistle's people. Adilet didn't believe that 'a slightly larger donkey' would be that beneficial to their long term success. Even after Thistle had explained about her idea of horse archery, and of Buygra's promising, if fledgling, mastery of the skill, the big man wasn't really convinced.
> "[Show me how it works and then we'll talk,]" he'd told her, and: "[I want to see it in battle.]"
> She was fine with that. It wouldn't hurt for her people to keep something of an edge in these dangerous, trechearous times.
> Still, she could not get rid of the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Thistle snorted, stomped her hoof, and turned to walk the other way again. Her unseeing eyes brushed past Ning, who was minding the leather 'pot' in the mare's stead.
> "[Hey!]" the girl yelled.
> The noise brought her out of her deep thought momentarily, and Thistle spun around to stare at the youth.
> Ning tapped her cheek with a finger. "[You hit me with tail!]"
> The accusation was not unreasonable - Thistle hadn't been paying much attention to her body. She knew she must have avoided actually *stepping* on Ning out of sheer reflex, but it was a good bet that she'd been swishing her tail around in annoyance.
"[Sorry. I'm thinking.]"
> "[Thinking what? You look- uh, fennu.]"
> Thistle leaned her head to one side and squited at the girl.
"[What does that mean?]"
> Ning waved her hands in a gesture Thistle didn't recognize. "[Fennu! You know. Like this:]" She twisted her face into a scowl and growled under her breath.
"[Oh. Angry. I look angry?]"
> "[Yes!]"
> It was true, the mare realized. Not knowing what Adilet was doing behind her back worried her, and being unable to fetter it out was making her annoyed. Surely with her cutie mark, and her experience, she should have been able to see the man's undoubtedly simplistic strategy from a mile away! These people were hardly more than savages, after all!
> "[You are doing it again!]" Ning said.
> Thistle forced her body to relax, and she almost slumped as the tension left her muscles. Her ears splayed out and she let her head hang.
"[Sorry. I'm just worried.]"
> "[Why worried?]" Ning asked and sprang to her feet. She came to the mare and put both her hands in her mane. She'd learned just how calming and pleasurable it was for Thistle to have her ears rubbed. "[We have food. It is better. Why worry?]"

> That part of it, at least, was true. Unlike their own group, the Ulan-Zuk still got visited by traders, and as a larger, more powerful clan, were able to negotiate better prices. They were well supplied, and Adilet hadn't begrudged their new allies a generous stock of grain and tubers, to be repaid with metal weapons when Janus was able to produce some.
> Of course, that would be after they found some suitable metallic ore, which scouts from the both tribes were searching for with some fervor. In the meantime, the Ulan-Zuk shared their provisions freely.
> Come to think of it, that was another suspicious move on his part! By now, Thistle had learned that altruism and generosity didn't come easily to nomads, and certainly not when it was toward a different clan.
> Originally, she'd simply assumed it was a fair trade; food now, for weapons later. Now, in light of her other worries, she wasn't so sure.
> Fingers tapped at various places on her snout. "[Your face is funny when you make it like this,]" Ning said, bringing the mare, yet again, into the present.
> Once more Thistle went through the exercises of thinking about her body and forcing her muscles to slacken. She let out a deep sigh.
"[I know. I'm sorry. How is the broth coming?]"
> Ning spared a glance for the pot, which was still bubbling, and she shrugged. "[I don't know. We can eat it, I think.]"
> Her mind now firmly in the practical, Thistle went over and grabbed the stirring stick skillfully between her forehooves. That meant she had to sit her rump down on the ash-covered ground, but she'd long since stopped minding that. Ash was clean.
> She gave the stick a tentative lick, then smacked her lips a few times.
"[It is good, I think.]"
> Then she poked her hooves around the base of the fire, until she unearthed a large yam. Her mouth began to drool as she looked at it, even with the bits of ash and charcoal stuck to the vegetable.
> Back in Equestria, she wouldn't have dreamed of cooking potatoes like this, not if she didn't have copious amounts of tin foil, but after living with the nomads, she'd learned to appreciate the flavor naked embers imparted on the root vegetables. It was, she thought to herself, a little bit like roasting them on a barbecue.
> She picked up the yam easily between her forehooves, feeling only the faintest touch of the heat it radiated, and placed it on a flat rock she normally used for making dough. With a slight pressure, the vegetable split into two halves, and steam rose from the interior.
"[It looks done. Get a knife and we'll try it.]"
> Splitting it in half wasn't an issue, but her hooves were too imprecise, and too dirty, to try and tear it even further.
"[Oh, and get your brother. Tell him it's time to eat.]"

> As Ning hurried off, Thistle began rooting through the ashes for the other vegetables. The Ulan-Zuk had brought a few other types of tubers, for which Thistle didn't have words. The nomads, unhelpfully, just called them 'yams', or 'roots', even when it was clear to Thistle's earth pony eyes that they were different species, however slightly.
> They looked and tasted similar, and probably shared a common ancestry, so she usually defaulted to calling them all 'tubers', at least in her head.
> Now that she was alone again, her thoughts strayed to Adilet and the Ulan-Zuk. Their help was invaluable, and the clan wouldn't survive without it, Thistle was certain about that part. What she now had to worry about was the hidden cost.
> It all began with figuring out what the large chieftain was up to.
> Two avenues formed in her mind. On the one hand, she could get Salki somewhere alone, and have a heart-to-heart with him. After all, they *had* been lovers, and they remained fast friends, despite Saule's continued iciness toward the mare. He trusted her advice, and would listen to her concerns.
> Well, at least he might, if Adilet hadn't yet completely turned the boy's head around with promises of power and women. As a side note, it might be worth discussing this with Saule, too. It wasn't uncommon for powerful nomads to have more than one wife, she'd learned, but Salki's first one was an exceptionally jealous creature. Perhaps Thistle and her could find some common ground there. Between the two of them, they would be able to learn what Adilet was up to from Salki.
> On the other hand, Thistle could visit Buygra and ask for more lessons in stalking prey. He'd said she was a quick study, and if she practiced with the skilled hunter, perhaps should could follow Adilet and Salki when they left for one of their 'practice' sparring matches, and eavesdrop on what they were talking about.
> Both, or rather, all three strategies were worth pursuing, and at least one might yield results, which would allow Thistle to come up with a counter to whatever Adilet was trying to do.
> If he thought he could out-maneouver a born and Equestria-trained diplomat, he would find a nasty surprise!
> This line of reasoning made the mare a little calmer, and she smiled happily at the two children as they came running.
"[Careful, it's hot,] she warned Ning, who'd reached her hand for the yam.
> Instead, Thistle held one half steady between her hooves, and the girl sliced a small piece off with her knife. She picked it up gingerly, then blew on it while juggling it from one hand to the other.
> Eventually she popped it into her mouth, then nodded.
> Thistle had learned to rely on Ning, rather than her own taste, when deciding whether the veggies were cooked well enough for nomads. Her own stomach could handle raw grass and tubers, while theirs couldn't, at least not as well.

> She began to pull the others from the fire pit, one by one, and set them on the stone to cool. In the mean time, the two children grabbed the wooden sticks around the leather cooking sack, and moved it away from the fire. It was a practiced movement, and they barely disturbed the thick liquid.
"[We'll have to wait a little for it to cool. Did you bring the salt?]"
> Unfortunately, despite Ning's own prowess at the language, she still had to translate some things for her brother. He flashed them both a smile, nodded, and lifted up a small leather pouch.
> Another little gift from Adilet to Salki's extended family. She wondered if she'd included herself in the gesture in order to placate her. Did the man recognize her talent? Was he worried about it?
> Thitsle glanced around the camp as they waited for their food to cool. There were a number of cooking fires, despite the heat of summer, and she saw a few of the men trudging wearily back to their families. Some had small game, but all of theme looked tired.
> Scouting party coming back, she guessed, and felt a pang of jealousy and longing at the way some of the wives hugged and kissed their men.
> Thistle's own prospects for that were practically nonexistent. Even if Salki had wanted to continue the relationship, and if Saule had allowed it, a pairing between herself and a nomad would be taboo. She looked a little too much like what they considered 'animals', despite the fact that she could talk.
> Perhaps in time, she thought wistfully.
> One of the young men came running through the camp, shouting.
> "[Riders!]" he yelled, stirring a commotion around him. "[In the distance! I saw horses! They are coming here!]"
> Thistle's stomach clenched into a ball of cold fear. The only people nearby who had horses were the Ruslans.
> Were they under attack? Could they fend them off?
> A few of Adilet's men were in the camp, but they had nowhere near the numbers to counter a full-scale attack.
> Suddenly, Thistle didn't have an appetite anymore.
"[Take the food in the tent. Eat there. Don't come out until someone comes for you,]" she ordered.
> The children recognized her tone of voice, which brokered no argument, and Ning began to collect the cooked tubers into her bag. She jabbered something to Fen Ko, and pointed at the tripod with the leader pot. They grabbed it and began to carry it away.
> That was good thinking, and Thistle nodded to herself. They'd be as safe as anyone, inside the tent. In the meantime, she had to find out what was happening.
> The shouting scout had gone to Darga and Salki's hut, which wasn't far away, so Thistle headed after him.
> Already a small crowd was gathering, and she was pleased to see that the men all had weapons.

> Maybe it was just a Ruslan scout, or a small party. The boy hadn't shouted "attack", just that there were horses.
> Thistle butted a few legs out of the way and pushed through the crowd. No one complained.
> In the center, the young man was already explaining what he'd seen to Salki and Darga, so the mare went and set beside the two of them to listen.
> Unfortunately, it looked like it was going to be an interesting afternoon.

I'm coming in from a vacation with family, so I only have a wimpy Chromebook tablet with me, and no access to my usual tech and tools. Please forgive any spelling, grammar errors, or mistakes when cutting up and pasting bits. I also can't update the paste right now.

I'll make sure the ponepaste version is fixed of any such problems when I get home. Another week here, so not certain if I'll get more chances to write for next week, but I'll try.

On the plus side, I got to hand-feed some local deer, which was quite nice. Once I'm back, I'll share a photo or two.
Absolutely amazing update! Thanks!

Enjoy your vacation, Writefag!
bumpin to read
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once again good update writefren
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She won't stop taking shots of my milk. I think this one is defective
I happily trade that one for mine. Mine wants me to drink his shots of milk.
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Looks like master will survive the night
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>despite their year-long disuse
She sure shelved those in an air tight box.
Kill the guy already.
>Show me how it works and then we'll talk
Not a hard thing to do.
>I want to see it in battle
That may be a bit harder.
>Ash was clean.
Heh. Now there will be Mayor imprints where she sits down next.
>Thistle was certain about that part
They really took a hit, I bet Adilet realized this too.
>and have a heart-to-heart with him
And something more.
>what Adilet was up to from Salki
Probably forming a loyal ally which will be to his advantage in the future.
>should could follow Adilet and Salki
Bad idea on multiple levels. If it goes wrong it could be deadly ifthey mistake her for a Ruslan spy. Even if she is just caught all trust from Salki will evaporate and he will rely more on Adilet.
>while theirs couldn't
I can think of very few common vegetables of what can't be eaten raw.
>Did you bring the salt?
Mayors primary salt source is unavailable.
I bet she will change that.
>I saw horses! They are coming here!
Plural? My guess is Hisein spilled the beans or something. Ruslans would be stupid to attack this openly, they would first ambush then bring in the horses.

Thanks for the update!
Just noticed that OP is wrong, here are the correct links to thread #290:
Previous thread: >>41031164
Archive Link:
- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41031164/
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Why is she so smug?
She knows what a good girl she is
Cadence should stop using the excuse of slavery and just admit that she just enjoy cucking her Shining Armor
its not cucking shiny if theyre both in masters bed
Anon, it's not like Shining didn't cucked her first by getting bred like a mare in heat by his master.
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I remember that short green when she and Limestone got caught together, and poor Limey got blueballed to orbit
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Limestone must be blue balled in every possible universe. It's important to the fabric of spacetime
be careful, she bites
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Is Discount Slave Berry Punch 03: Sexual Harassment Training is Mandatory going to get updated?
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I want a maid mare who is in constant heat and comes for relief often.
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Need more berru
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Okie dokie. What do you want in the next chapter?
Then deny her relief and keep her pent up. Would make for such a fantastic cuddle-slave, always lovey-dovey and sensual and pining for master's touch.
I don’t know man, you’re the writer. Don’t put this on me. If you really need an answer, pick up with Anon and Berry or Fluttershy at work. Or Celestia getting back to the liquor shop to teach Sam some more. Or the three ponies getting off work and picking Sam up from school and getting home. Anything you write will be good, it’s my favorite spg fic. I keep coming back to it every once in a while, so it’s nice to see you haven’t abandoned it.

How about good ol' Flutterbutt discovering the magic of Hentai, and the hilarity of having to secret-watch it?
I think her brain is too broken for her to realize she needs to watch hentai in secret.
>check tags
>stallion tags
Every single fucking time.
Good boys are just as good as good girls
Nothing a pair of scissors and a trip to the licensing office can't fix.
There should be a warranty that lets you exchange the little faggot for a proper mare
Just get a young mare to pair him up with and you will get fillies soon. Just visit the vet after her heat every time and make her have an abortion if its a colt.
> Just get a young mare
Let me stop you here, everything else is a needless complication
but Anon, emdless supply of fillies!
Do i get endless supply of food and shelter with it? Or do i pay for all these freeloaders too?
thats what the stallion is for (partially)
also selling said fillies offsets the cost somewhat
It takes decades for a breeding farm to take off and make a first real profit. All i wanted is a mare without a dick, not a full time money pit.
it only takes like 5 year, fillies can be enrolled/sold to the training programs at a very young age
Money Pit would be a good name for a poney.
I don't have any specific ideas.
I just want you to know, I really like the fic.
Thank you.

i might be a little drunk --- verification not required
>Money Pit would be a good name for a poney
Sound like the mare that would promise you to bring you a big amount of money helping you to manage a breeding farm just by the sole fear of not being abused/dicked by her master only to get dicked willingly by her master later because her estrus
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Has Anon painted that handrail on his front steps yet? I think he was going to paint it a green color (Fluttershy used the paint to color her figurine). Maybe he needs to cut his grass one more time too. It’s just after Halloween, isn’t it? The two month holiday rush should be starting up at work.
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>opens the tap on full cold
no, go away impulsive thoughts
Hot and then flush the toilet isn't any better. Just go with the cold.
If you have a modern (aka newer than ~30-35 year old) hot water maker (combi or normal boiler) nothing will happen, just the flow rate will reduce. It won't get suddenly hot.
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90% cat
Going to boop Thistle tomorrow. I spent most of today in car and airport (traveling back home), exhausted.
90% good cat
I prefer ~200% good cat size.
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Pony wastes water!
I can work with this and the absolute shitshow of hilarity that was yesterday. Already started and a few hundred words in.
Gonna have to go back and see what Anon was planning to paint. And if it wasn't the handrail, probably that anyway because [redacted] needs a good reason to be outside in the front yard.

pic related
Thanks, encouraging words are nice.
>the absolute shitshow of hilarity that was yesterday
This should be good. Hang in there anon. t. neet
Her favorite angle grinder broke
Applemaid pleasuring her master

> "[I don't want to talk to you!]" Saule spat over her shoulder even as she was walking away from Thistle.
> The mare had to hurry to keep up with the obstinate young woman.
"[Come on! It's important!]"
> "[Get lost!]"
"[Do you want Salki to take more wives from among the Ulan-Zuk?]"
> She hadn't intended to lead with this, but since Saule wouldn't even stop to listen, Thistle had no choice. It worked, though, and the woman halted so suddenly that Thistle walked into her legs. She didn't turn around, but her shoulders sagged and her words came out in a tightly controlled voice: "[What are you saying?]"
"[I think Adilet will try to join the clans together.]"
> At last, Saule dropped the bundle of water skins she was carrying and turned. She still glared at Thistle, but now she was biting her lower lip, a clear sign of nervous uncertainty. "[Explain.]"
> It didn't seem they would be going anywhere, so the mare simply sat on her haunches, even if they were in the middle of flat, open grass. At least no one could easily sneak up and eavesdrop on them.
"[Adilet has been talking to Salki, and I don't think Darga knows about it. They've been going to train, but I think he's been doing more than teaching.]"
> She'd been watching Saule and caught a slight nod, as if some small, but nagging mystery had been solved. Thistle guessed he hadn't been telling his wife, either. Her ears flopped and she went on:
"[At first I worried he was going to kill Salki and try to get Willow in charge.]"
> "[Why would he do that?]"
"[Willow is stupid. He would be easy to control.]"
> Saule didn't comment, and this time her expression didn't change at all. If she agreed with Thistle, she wasn't showing it.
"[I don't think that's it, otherwise he wouldn't have been spending so much time with Salki. I think he's trying to get his trust. Then all he has to do is get rid of Darga-]"
> "[But Darga is in charge. If Adilet kills his mother, Salki won't be very pleased.]"
> The girl was surprisingly blind to the political situation, especially for a would-be chieftain's wife. Thistle very nearly rolled her eyes, but she stopped herself just in time.
"[He doesn't have to.]"
> "[Why not?]"
"[Women aren't usually chieftains with nomads, are they?]"
> Saule's eyebrows rose at the unexpected comment, but she shrugged and then nodded. "[No, I guess not.]"
"[Our clan is an exception because the old chieftain died, and Darga was capable enough to take over. She wants to make sure the position will go to her son, rather than some rival, like Willow and Intor.]"
> "[So...]" Saule began, but she didn't know how to continue, so she fell silent after that first syllable.
"[So,]" Thistle explained patiently, "[Adilet just has to remind everyone that a women shouldn't be in charge. He's an example. He can say that his clan is doing better because they have a man chieftain - him.]"

> Saule shook her head in wide-eyed surprise. "[But that's not true!]"
"[It doesn't have to be! Enough people have been complaining about being led by a woman. Darga is only holding on because Salki is almost old enough, and he's a good hunter. Oh, and the fact he brought back a blacksmith and horses also helps.]"
> Thistle let her head hand and heaved a sigh.
"[Look- all Adilet has to do is start saying that Salki should be the chieftain. It won't take much to do it.]"
> Those words made Saule smile with second-hand pride. She looked into the distance, at the tents which were visible behind Thistle, and her lips moved as she tried out the new title for her husband. The mare let her have her moment, until the woman returned to the present. Her face twisted into a triumphant sneer as she looked down at Thistle. "[So? That's a good thing. I'll be the Chieftain's wife, and you will be nothing.]"
> She was about to turn around and leave, but Thistle dashed forward and hooked her fetlock around Saule's leg.
"[It's not that simple. Listen to me!]"
> Her insistence earned her an exasperated sigh, but Saule stopped and gave her an expectant look.
"[Once Salki is chieftain, Adilet has a number of options. The easiest is to give him a wife. One of his daughters, maybe. All she has to do is kiss up to Salki so she becomes his favorite, not you. Then, *her* son would become the next chieftain, and that'd make us *practically* Ulan-Zuk!]"
> Granted, it was a long game, but Thistle didn't have enough experience in inter-clan politics to know how quickly Adilet might want to act. The scenario was very plausible, though, and Saule's thunderous expression confirmed it.
"[If he wanted to do it quicker, he could make sure Salki has some kind of an accident *after* he's married an Ulan-Zuk daughter. Then he could step in, maybe claim it was 'temporary', just to make sure our clan had leadership during this war.]"
> Talking about Salki being murdered had an effect, and Saule's eyebrows rose. She lifted her hand, as if to touch Thistle for comfort, but changed her mind and let it fall. "[He wouldn't!]"
"[Why not? Saule, Adilet is *ruthless*! You think the Ulan-Zuk gave us food and are helping us fight off the Ruslans because we're friends?]"
> "[We're giving them weapons and teaching them how to use bows!]"
"[Yes, that's part of it, but Adilet knows if he makes our people like him, then bringing the two clans together under his rule would be easier. I think he wants Janus in the Ulan-Zuk clan, and-]"
> This next bit was barely a suspicion, but not a comfortable one at that. Thistle swallowed, and her ears tried to press even further down.
"[I think he wants me, as well. He wants what I can remember of my people's inventions.]"
> For the longest time, the two simply stared at one another. Eventually, Saule's shoulders slumped and she asked: "[What do you propose?]"

> It felt as if a huge weight had lifted from Thistle's heart, and she smiled with relief. She peered at the other woman's face, and wondered if she could push it a little further.
"[Look- I'm sorry about me and Salki. I thought we - all three of us - would be lovers. I didn't know you wanted him all to yourself.]"
> This was a mistake, and Saule took a step back, even as her face hardened. It looked like she was about to storm off, so Thistle quickly raised a hoof to forestall her.
"[We have to work together. I'm good at things like this, but Salki won't tell me anything. I think Adilet knows I'm onto him, and he told Salki not to tell me anything they talk about.]"
> The logic was a bit convoluted, and Saule needed a few moments to wrap her head around it, but then she gave a nod. She was still staring uncomfortably at the mare, and there was a hint of a sneer on her face, but at least she was staying put and listening.
"[I want you to talk to Salki. He will trust you. Get him to tell you everything Adilet has been saying to him. As much as he can remember. Then tell me.]"
> "[You mean spy on my husband?]"
"[It's not spying, not really. We're working in his best interest, and the clan's. Please, Saule. We need the Ulan-Zuk, but if we're not careful, they'll eat us and we'll just become part of them.]"
> Why would that be such a bad outcome for Thistle personally? She'd asked herself that. If Adilet needed her skills, then her work would be pretty much what she was doing now, except in a bigger and more successful group of nomads. That would mean more food and security.
> The problem was that Adilet didn't trust her, so her influence would be essentially nullified. Then, who was to say he wouldn't simply kill her, if her usefulness dipped?
> She had some pull, some say in the clan, mainly because she had Darga's ear. It could eventually help her get back home, someday. At the very least, it would allow her to influence the group's policies and perhaps steer them on a slightly more Equestrian path. Thistle didn't have illusions that she would civilize the nomads, but it was nice to dream.
> Her thoughts flashed through her mind, and then the mare snapped back to reality when Saule bent down. She was holding out her hand.
> Shocked, but nevertheless pleased, Thistle placed her hoof in Saule's palm.
> "[I'll do this, because I believe you, and I want what's best for my husband. I don't want to be a second woman to some Ulan-Zuk whore!]"
> She was frowning as she said it, her face betraying mainly disgust at having to deal with Thistle, but she pushed down her misgivings and went with it regardless. "[I'll think about your apology,]" she added, as an afterthought.
"[Thank you. Here, give me those skins. I am going to get water for myself, I will bring yours, too.]"

> Saule's eyes narrowed at this obvious attempt to curry favor, but she picked up the leather sacks from the ground where she'd dumped them and held them out to the mare. It was the work of a moment for Thistle to balance them across her back.
"[Oh. You shouldn't tell Salki you're asking these questions for me. He might tell Adilet. We need to keep this a secret,]" she said, indicating the two of them with a hoof. "[You should-]"
> She fell silent when her ears caught the sound of approaching footsteps behind her. At the same time, Saule straightened up and took one step away from the mare.
> A quick glimpse revealed an unwelcome sight. Intor. She was on the way to the water too. Thistle would have ran for it, but the woman spoke up: "[This is good. I was looking for you.]"
> For a moment Thistle understood just how Saule had felt when she'd chased her down for a chat. Her ears splayed and she took a breath to steel herself. She hadn't exchanged more than a dozen words with Intor or Willow since her latest episode of forced servitude to them.
"[What do you want, Intor?]"
> To her credit, there was no nasty remark, the woman just went straight to the point: "[You set this up with the other clan.]"
"[No, Salki and Darga are negotiating-]"
> "[Shut up. I have eyes. I have ears. I have a brain. Darga is stubborn, but she doesn't do subtle. Salki is an idiot.]"
> Saule shifted on her feet, and for a moment it looked like she would leave, but Thistle gave her a pleading, splayed-eared look, and the young woman marginally relaxed.
"[You're in the talks too. You know I'm just listening.]"
> It was a silly bluff and they both knew it. Thistle couldn't meet Intor's eyes when the other woman retorted: "[Pah! You don't have to speak to be in charge of the negotiation!]" She leaned a little closer. "[I know what you're up to!]"
"[What is that?]"
> "[You'll sell us out to the Ulan-Zuk. Salki is pretty much your puppet, so all you need to do is get rid of Darga. Adilet will do that for you. What are they giving you in return? Food? Protection? More men to fuck?]"
> That last one struck home, and Thistle's cheeks reddened. There was an instant of panic, until she realized that Intor meant the Ruslan prisoner, not Salki.
> "[Hah!]" Saule exclaimed, and Intor gave her a sharp, calculating look. Suddenly Thistle regretted keeping the girl around. She could give away too much. She needed to distract the canny old woman, and quickly!
"[No. Actually, I was wondering what Adilet has offered *you*!]"
> "[What!?]" Intor almost roared and took a step closer, hand raised, as if to strike the mare. She didn't, but Thistle couldn't help flinching away.
"[Hasn't Adilet been meeting Willow in secret?]"
> "[No, and if you say that again I'll gut you like a worthless donkey!]"

> Thistle stared at the woman's face, but there was nothing except outrage. If she was lying, she was a far better actor than anyone gave her credit for. She let out a breath.
"[I thought Adilet wanted to get rid of Darga and Salki both, and put Willow as chieftain, because he could control him.]"
> This made the woman snort, followed shortly by a disgusted spit. "[Not while I'm alive,]" she muttered, quietly, but not enough for the mare to hear. Perhaps she didn't realize how good Thistle's ears were, because she added more loudly: "[They are not meeting.]"
"[Good. We need to make sure Adilet doesn't simply join our clan to his. I think he'll try it. He wants the blacksmith, and-]"
> "[And what?]"
"[Me. He wants what I remember from back home.]"
> "[And why should I believe you?]" Intor asked with a slight, distasteful twist to her mouth.
> Saule replied before the mare could: "[It's true. Thistle told me the same thing just now. Adilet has been meeting with Salki secretly. He's pretending to be his friend.]"
> It was still just a claim, and coming from someone Intor considered to be Thistle's close friend, she obviously didn't believe it. Her gaze barely flicked to the younger woman, before returning to rest, solidly, on the mare.
> "[I'll be watching you,]" she warned. Without anything else, she strode off toward the stream, with the other two staring after her in puzzlement.
> "[So Adilet isn't dealing with Willow,]" Saule said.
"[Maybe, but that's just what Intor claims. I'll have to figure out what she wants.]"
> This time even Saule chortled. "[That's obvious. She wants Willow to be chieftain.]"
"[Yes, but probably not under Adilet's control. She'll try and twist this alliance to get the others on her side.]"
> To that, Saule had no real response, but perhaps her gaze on the mare held a touch more admiration. "[You really think so?]" she asked, mainly to fill the silence.
"[Probably. It would be like her.]"
> "[So, what do we do?]"
"[About Intor? Nothing for now. We have to figure out what Adilet wants, first. Make sure you get Salki to tell you what's going on between them.]"
> "[Okay.]"
> It didn't look as if there would be anything else, and Saule crossed her arms as she stared at the camp in the distance.
"[I will bring the water to your tent. We will talk tomorrow if you find out anything.]"
> "[Salki trusts me. I will know everything Adilet has told him by tonight. I will come and find you.]"
> Thistle shook her head and patted the empty water skins on her back.
"[I won't be in the camp until tomorrow. I'm getting water for me and Zaur. We're taking one of the horses.]"
> This was unexpected news and Saule's eyebrows climbed. For a moment, her hostility was forgotten, and there was nothing but pure curiosity in her gaze. "[Where are you going with Zaur?!]"

"[We need to visit some places where there is stone. Janus needs metal rocks, and he explained to me what to look for. We'll move faster if Zaur rides a horse some of the time.]"
> "[Oh. That's good. Be careful. You will sleep away?]"
"[Zaur says we will find a place to hide. There haven't been Ruslan patrols near here since the Ulan-Zuk have been helping us.]"
> Saule's mouth quirked up in a nasty grin. "[Well, maybe you can fuck Zaur, and then you'll stay away from Salki!]" She'd said it matter-of-factly, but then she began to laugh at Thistle's shocked expression. "[Fine, I will look for you tomorrow.]"
> The mare didn't answer, and just watched the young woman walk back in the direction of the camp.
> Did the joke mean Saule was getting over her grievance, or was it just a nasty barb?
> Time would undoubtedly tell, but Thistle decided to take it as a good sign. At least the woman was willing to talk to her now. That was important. She had to stay Salki's close friend, if she wanted any chance of influencing the clan's politics. There was little chance of that, if his wife didn't approve.
> Unfortunately, it was too easy for Saule to control Salki by his dick, Thistle thought with some distaste. She shook her head, turned resolutely away from the retreating Saule, and headed out to the stream. After all, it wasn't much different from what she herself had done, at least to an extent.

There we go, only a little bit late. Headache after travelling, dunno why. Maybe leftover from the friggin' heatwave in EU right now.

I expect regular service for good ol' Meyermer to resume next week.

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738
Great update, loved it.
Awesome! Thanks for the update, writefag!
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SOON i hope
Thanks again writefren
Berry mare needs discipline
slaves need rescuing
She is really a jealous woman. Why didn't she shown any sign during the threesome (which got interrupted)?
>but I think he's been doing more than
Assumptions, assumptions.
>Why would he do that?
I don't think he knows Willow.
>surprisingly blind to the political situation
Issue is that Salki isn't any better.
>and you will be nothing
Oof. Saule went from a friend to an enemy.
>and that'd make us *practically* Ulan-Zuk!
Don't know why Mayor cares about this at all. She showing how useful she is will quickly grant her the same position. Sure, it will feel as a betrayal but if none wishes to cooperate one has to rely on oneself.
>I think he wants me, as well.
Just as I thought.
>all three of us - would be lovers
Should have invented herding before catapults.
>I'm good at things like this
And where were these skills in the past year?
>Why would that be such a bad outcome
>kill her, if her usefulness dipped
The nomads would do the same.
Long time no see.
>Salki is an idiot
In front of his wife? Also I agree.
>That last one struck home
>Not while I'm alive
That can be arranged.
>It's true.
Oh, Saule protecting Mayor suddenly? Seems like Saule is also easy to control.
>I will know everything Adilet has told him by tonight
Hopefully she will be subtle. Or Sakli might suspect something.
>and then you'll stay away from Salki
Could it be that Sakli told Saule that Mayor is better? Salki is forever ruined by horse pussy. And mouth.
>easy for Saule to control Salki by his dick

Thanks for the update!
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gotta clean fast
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pony sneaks snacks when master is at work
pony spoils her appetite for dinner
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Every time
Lets not slave away here
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She is the gift!

Drink 8: Fluttershy’s Relaxing Day Off (As Mostly Told From Anon’s POV While Being Nowhere Near Her And Totally Doing His Own Thing)

>You wake up.
>That is - in and of itself - not the worst thing to happen so far this week, being a Tuesday and all, but a quick glance at your alarm clock tells you it is far from ideal given the current time of 2 AM.
>The bars just closed.
>That’s irrelevant, but the second thing that comes to mind upon seeing “2 AM” in bright red light burned into your eyes.
>The first being - as already stated - "Fuck."
>Time to pee.
>Except you don't have to.
>Which is weird because why else would you wake up in the middle of the night?
>But it's also good, because you're not sure you feel up to kicking Fluttershy off of your legs to make the attempt like a functional adult that doesn't piss himself in bed.
>Maybe your guardian angel is trying to tell you something.
>Don’t smell smoke.
>Don’t hear any alarm chirping.
>No doors/floors/etc squeaking to alert you of your semi-adopted almost-daughter sneaking out.
>Besides, she stopped doing that long ago.
>There’s a dog barking outside, but quietly and halfassedly like he can’t get to sleep and is just bored.
>You -
>Fuck it.
>You give Berry a little squeeze and she -
>Her half-mumbled happy noise turns into a sleepy burp.
>You can still smell last night’s stout.
>Fuck it.
>You pat her side and close your eyes.
>Shuffle your feet a bit so you’re a tad more comfortable.
>As comfortable as you *can* be with a horse on your legs.
>It’s honestly not that bad.
>That guardian angel can fucking wait until the alarm.

>You wake up to the smell of a still and a pony *standing* on your legs.
>*Was* standing on your legs.
>It’s walking.
>You open your mouth to yell at Fluttershy.
>It’s probably her, right?
>Oh shit, you’re tired.
>Too tired to even think of her by something other than her name.
>You sigh.
>On the inside.
>Where it really counts.
>As she kinda jumps up and down on you.
>You mean, not *really* jumping.
>Just… pushing.
>Probably trying to wake you up.
>You close your mouth and open your eyes.
>Yep. That’s a yellow pony standing on your chest.
>You look over to your left to double check.
>Yep. There’s the pink one.
>Under the covers and still asleep, like a good pony.
>A good pony who isn’t currently suffering like you are because apparently SOMEONE or SOMETHING hates you.
>You look back and almost go for the accidental boop with Flut-uh-ah-whatever- Fluttershy’s nose.
>”Hyor phoo maa noi.”
>Oh no, the anime finally got her.
>Her brain melted.
>You wonder if anyone else will notice.
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>She drops something.
>From her mouth.
>Because she’s a pony and that’s the only reasonable way for them to carry small objects like your phone.
>Coincidentally, that was your phone she dropped on your chin.
>It all make sense now.
“My phone made noise?”
>She nods.
>You close your eyes just in time to totally not avoid getting your nose tickled by her mane because why would closing your eyes stop that?
>It’s from work.
>So. Yes. Spam.
>Why do they have your phone number?
>You gave them a fake number for a reason.
>Kyle probably told them your real number.
>Yep. Being friendly with coworkers is a mistake.
>And you thought he was trustworthy.
>This’ll teach you!
>But you’re also never wrong.
>Maybe it’s important.
>You – you tumble Fluttershy off of you as gently as possible to get full use of your arms as it’s rather hard to read a phone resting on your chin.
>Also because she’s still standing on you and that’s just rude.
>She makes a little squawk on the way down.
>You would giggle, if you weren’t already reading the text.
>Well fuck you blind.
>You need to get up. Now.
>Your alarm is going off.
“C’mon, Berry.”
>You give her a shake, but she’s already awake.
>Watching you.
>Not particularly troubled.
>Just… watching.
“Time to get up and suffer.”
>”Oh, joy. My two favorite things.”
>You roll out – no, no you don’t.
>Hard to roll out of bed with some damn pony sitting on the floor has her head popped up on the edge of it.
>Looking at you all sad-like.
>Lucky bastard. Why couldn’t you have today off, too?
>Because -
>”Suffer?” Fluttershy murmurs. “Why? Why don’t you just be happy?”
>She smiles.
>Well, being dumb as a box of cocks works for her, but -
>She wouldn’t understand.
“Because the world is literally fucking dependant on me suffering. It is a universal constant. The foundation of all reality. A truism that if ever proven not true, would end the world because it is impossible. I *must* suffer. That’s why fate gave you to me.”
>”So I can help you, right?” she asks with a grin that has no doubt.
>Fuck, you can’t mess with that level of innocence this early in the morning.
>She grins wider.
>Her face is now more teeth than eyes.
>Considering she’s a pony… yeah.
>That’s a little freaky.
“So please. Move. I need to get to work to make sure the sun rises.”
>Something goes wrong behind Flutter’s eyes, but doesn’t make it any further so you’ll just file that as a problem for later.
>Or a non-problem.
>You have enough problems in your life already.
>Such as getting up.
>You’ll read the text later. Like sometime after you get to work and see with your own eyes how shitted fuck is.
>Or so you tell yourself.
>Yet somehow between getting your boots on and picking up a still-slumbering Sam to carry her to “school” – and then putting her down to get her backpack before picking her up again – you find the time.
>You start swearing like a one-legged pirate with his nuts in a wood chipper.
>A string of word that on their own or in different combinations or order would have ranged from mildly disturbing to quite insulting, but in *this* combination and *this* order ascended beyond mere hurt feelings to literal, actual felony.
>A felony so dire that if uttered by a child, they would be charged as an adult – for even if not emotionally mature, by speaking these words they have proven themselves to be *linguistically* so.
>Fluttershy’s eyes grow wider with every passing syllable.
>Considering she’s one or two lost braincells away from being considered an inanimate object, that might have been concerning.
>Had you noticed.
>Not until she spoke.
>What the fuck.
“What the fuck.”
>She’s smiling.
>You close our eyes and try to count to a number without giving in to THE URGE.
>“You’re suffering so the world gets to continue existing!”
>She says it so cheerfully, so earnestly, so… so…
>Jail can wait.
>But it’s a good thing you hadn’t picked up Sam yet.
>Remember – not that you need to, because it hasn’t happened yet – this is *between* getting dressed for work and getting Sam out of bed.
>Damn good thing, because Berry is frowny and not the usual “I’m awake yet sober” frown or the early morning “oh fuck time for work quick pass the – what do you mean we’re out of cyanide? Fuck I guess I’m going to work” frown.
>It’s the “is this the day I have to beat Anon’s ass for corrupting a little filly with bad words” frown.
>And you know what?
>Today’s not that day.
>Nope, it’ll be bad enough already.
>So between picking Sam up for the second time (after retrieving her backpack/saddlebacks-BAGS SADDLEBAGS/fuckitbackpack – it’s too early to think in ponywords) and getting to the front door, you make a call.
>Not like a literal call. Not a phone call. Well maybe it is a literal call.
>Just not a phone call.
>You’re getting breakfast.
>You’re going to earn it.
>*Need* it.
>Maybe some donut vodka.
>That’d be a good breakfast. Thematic.
>It’s already cheered you up a bit.
>You – uh – your hands are full.
“Berry, could you pat Fluttershy’s head for me?”
>She doesn’t even blink, just does it.
>And gets a happy little squeal from Fluttershy that makes Berry almost smile back.
“Don’t forget -”
>She nods eagerly.
>”I know! I promised!”
“Right. Good pony.”
>You hope she doesn’t fuck this up.
>(She’s going to fuck this up.)

>You would knock but your hands are full.
>This seems to be a reoccurring theme, not only this morning, but every morning upon reaching the Booze Bodega’s door, probably on account of always carrying your littlest pony in one arm and her school supplies in the other, but today is special.
>Today, you have breakfast tacos.
>Two bags of them, even.
>There was a nice – you hope – little food truck selling them at the gas station.
>Figured why not give them a go since they were open?
>Aside from them being a food truck, that is, but for some reason you keep giving those kinds of places a chance.
>Wait, why were they open at Five-Fucking-Something in the morning?
>Don’t look a gift (paid for) breakfast taco in the ponut.
>Luckily, today you don’t have to knock.
>Actually, you never have to knock anymore.
>Berry does that for you.
>But today she doesn’t have to.
>Celestia is waiting.
>She’s smiling.
>”I heard it from here.”
>You would ask what, but you don’t want to know.
>Berry doesn’t want to know.
>She gives the princess a look.
>It doesn’t look any different from her normal look at fuckearly in the morning.
>Maybe that’s the point.
>But it has an effect.
>Celestia nods gravely as she ushers Sam in.
>”I’ll have something set aside for you two when you pick up Sam.”
>You leave a bag of tacos with the nice horse.
>You were going to anyway, but now you feel like she’s earned it.
>Nice horsey.

>You get to work.
>Shit’s fucked.
>That’s normal.
>But then you get to receiving.
>Where you’re supposed to be working when you aren’t pulled to go do something else (on top of doing receiving).
>Where shit really hit the flan today.
>And everything looks normal.
>Not because nothing’s wrong.
>Not because everything is always this wrong.
>Because a dozen or so so-called people all decided that this wasn’t their problem.
>Particularly the manager on unload duty.
>Fucking hell. You’d rather it was whatshername.
>The pony manger with the googly eyes.
>At least then she’d be doing her best.
>She’d have no idea what she was doing, but that would be understandable. Reasonable, even.
>She’s a silly pony.
>But this guy. This *human* – maybe you spend too much time with your ponies, because it sounds like an insult when you think it – you *hope* this isn’t his best.
>But you know it is.
>He’s in there, throwing cases from the truck on the conveyor belt like it’s his job.
>It’s not actually his job.
>Kinda actually a problem.
>You mean, you’re not one to bitch about a manager actually doing work, but in this case -
>He sees you.
>”Hey, Anon. Could you -”
“He hit the wall.”
>Manager stops.
>”Uh, yeah.”
“The wall that was just repaired yesterday.”
>”I don’t know.”
>Of course he doesn’t know. It’s only his job to know.
“It was the wall that was just repaired yesterday.”
>He shrugs.
“The one that a driver backed into six months ago.”
>”I guess?”
“The one we’ve been waiting for maintenance to get someone out here to fix for six months. And they finally did yesterday. And now someone’s backed into it again.”
“The wall we have around the loading docks that serves literally no purpose except keeping people out of the loading docks and I don’t know why we didn’t just tear it down and replace it with a simple railing?”
>He gives you a blank look like only someone who works retail and is also a manager and also probably played a lot of football in high school despite not being big enough to survive playing football in high school can manage.
>High school football in a *southern* state.
>Berry’s already swearing like the professional she is.
>Crawling under the conveyor belt to get to the back door to check the damage.
>You would say you had too much dignity to do the same, but -
>But you’re still not doing it.
>Too old for that bullshit. And too tall. Huh.
>They should put ponies on this job. Unloading the truck. They could walk underneath the conveyor belt and -
>And they wouldn’t be tall enough.
>But if they were peggerponies, then -
>Irrelevant. Management has made it clear it’s not your place to make things better.
>Besides, ponies are too nice for this work.
>You unbuckle a link on the conveyor belt and walk on through.
>Wait, did they already try putting ponies on unload?
>It all blends together.
>A few boxes hit the floor.
>You hope they weren’t fragile.
>Oh no.
“Did you already submit the incident report?”
>Managerlad shakes his head.
>”I still can’t log into the computers. Can you do it for me?”
“Still? That’s a problem. You really need to get that fixed.”
>Berry is waving for you to join her at the back door.
>That can’t be good.
>It might be hilarious, but it can’t be good.
>”Yeah, so can you -”
>You – whoops, another box hit the ground because “hold the line” is such a confusing phrase – shake your head and muster up the most regretful, apologetic look you can wring out of your tainted soul.
“When there’s property damage, it has to be a manager. I don’t even have access.”
>It’s all true, but it doesn’t make saying it any less fun and you’re smiling by the time you join Berry at the door.
>She is, too.
>That’s worrisome.
>No wonder Celestia said she heard it from the Liquor Lab.
>Rocks. Rocks everywhere.
>Not quite as far as the eye can see, but it’s also pretty dark and not all the lights work back here.
>So maybe beyond what the eye can see.
“Yep, that’s a problem.”
>”Should we to take a closer look?”
“Both of us? Go outside? Where we know the cameras are broken? Nah. HR might not like that.”
>”Want me to -”
“Alone? In the dark? With who knows what kind of people out there? Without even a shiny orange safety vest?”
>”Then who’s going to clean up all the rocks?”
>You shrug.
>Berry shrugs.
>The wall shrugs and loses a few more rocks.
>Fuck, you learned his name.
>That’s a bad sign for him.
>The yelling isn’t. It’s just that loud back here what with the fans (because of course the AC isn’t working) and truck being unloaded and people swapping out carts and all that.
>Okay, so he doesn’t know how to do the paperwork to receive the food truck.
>That’s… that’s not okay.
>But it’s okay enough. He should know how to do the paperwork.
>He doesn’t need to know how to do the paperwork.
>You don’t need to know how to do the paperwork.
>The *grocery* manager does the paperwork.
>And he’s been here since four.
>You saw him on the way back here.
>You *talked* to him.
>It wasn’t important enough to mention in your internal mostly-monologue.
>Now you know why he just gave a grim smile and laughed. And told you someone hit the wall.
>This dumbfuck manager has put back the entire grocery team two hours because -
>You don’t want to think about it.
>Instead you unlock the door on dock one – the dock closest to the wall, so that totally explains why the driver hit it – and with Berry’s help – because you need the help because dumbasses keep hitting the door with pallet jacks and it’s a little warped – get it open.
>You’ve got your walkie half-up to your mouth to call for the grocery team to come unload their truck, and yet -
>Just a bunch of stones on the pavement.
>Yep, someone’s going to have to clean that all up before trucks can dock and it’s not going to be you.
>Too dark. Too many weirdos out there. No working cameras.
>And -
>”WHERE’S THE FUCKING TRUCK!?” Berry shouts.
> - and HR was very clear about you and Berry being alone places that cameras aren’t.
>Probably still thinks you beat your ponies or something.
>Just the one – and only if she really deserves it – and only in your mind.
>And -
>You poke your head out of the open dock door.
>There it is.
>Right there.
>To the left a few feet.
>In dock two.
>Right next to dock one.
>At the dock where the ramp doesn’t work because someone parked something too heavy on it and busted the springs it so you can’t roll pallets off of the truck because there’s about a four to twelve inch gap between the building and the truck, depending on the abilities of the driver and right now you’re not feeling too hopeful about the abilities of the driver and that ramp is supposed to bridge the gap.
>Because things with four inch wheels like pallet jacks don’t do well with four inch gaps.
>But honestly, that’s not really a problem.
>Because the door for dock two?
>It doesn’t open.
>Someone hit it with the forklift.
>Didn’t punch through, but left two straight dimples where the forks hit.
>And bent the entire fucking door so bad that even three ground ponies couldn’t lift it.
>Which is good, because if they did, you have no idea how the fuck anyone wouldn’t close it.
>Honestly it was stupid to even try.
>But management…
>”We’re fucked, aren’t we?” Berry sighs.
>She raises an eyebrow like she’s just smelled a small-batch independently-owned locally-sourced artisanal cruelty-free vegan IPA or a the biggest pile of bullshit she’s ever seen.
>Like she *wants* to like it, but has less faith than an appropriate metaphor.
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>He doesn’t remember.
>You don’t wait for him to answer.
>There is, but he’d have to get their managers to agree and you kinda have the feeling that even they don’t have a lot of respect for this guy.
>Besides, what’s he going to do? Write you up?
>He can’t log in to do it.
>So. Problem solvedish?
>Only one thing for you to do.
>You sit -
>You move shit until you can sit down at your desk.
>It doesn’t take very long, because you don’t let it take very long.
>Also Berry is helping.
>Until you’re done.
>Because at that point you’re done and don’t need help.
>Then she looks at you.
>Back to the dock.
>At the mess going on around.
>Back to the dock.
>”What are we going to do?”
>You reach into your bag – you’re still carrying a bag, remember?
>Of course you remember.
>You wouldn’t forget breakfast tacos.
> - and pull out – you guessed it – breakfast tacos.
“We eat and we -”
>This is potato-and-egg.
>So is Berry’s.
>Did you get four potato-and-egg?
>You wanted bacon.

More another day.
Thanks for the update anon
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Berru! (And flutter butt)
Holy shit twilight game night is back I loved your twilight fic I barely check this thread. I mostly chill in the mind control thread nice to see you.
Will you ever continue A Deal is a Deal?
bumpin to read
I have 2-4 weeks off coming up in a few days. I'll re-familiarize myself and start writing that again.
Or not re-familiarize myself and just have at it. Not like it can drift much further from the starting point than the story already has.
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Bump for starving artists
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pone is for carrying
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Feed your artists properly.
They cannot work on an empty stomach.
Would you eat in a restaurant run by ponies?
Not in a fast food joint though
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Top mare is a hard job
Rainbow needs to crack her skull
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pony is for employment
Butterbutt would be horrible at customer service. She'll be conned into giving free stuff, or tricked into taking less payment than required. All someone has to do is /start/ arguing for her to fold.
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take care of your pony
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I really really dislike this comic

> Thistle began to drift off to sleep from the moment she laid her head down on the bundle of leathers she used as a pillow. She tried to watch the stars for a while, but her eyes kept closing. It was a shame, since there weren't that many opportunities to simply lie outside, away from the nomad camp, in peace and quiet, and without a tent.
> She and Zaur hadn't put one up, despite the night's chill. A few more fur blankets had proven enough, and the nomad had assured her it wouldn't rain.
> Unfortunately they couldn't cuddle together for warmth, because one of them was always up and watching over the other. It was exhausting, and Thistle wished sometimes that more people had come along on their little expedition.
> On the other hand, it was nice to spend some quality time with the young man. Thistle had realized she hadn't really spoken all that much with Zaur, even during their trip to the West and back. Now, with no other interruptions, they'd been able to resume their Equestrian lessons, and the hunter had proven to be a quick study.
> She tried to come up with a basic lesson plan for the next day, but the thoughts slipped from her mind before she could grasp at them. It really was time to sleep.
> "[Thistle?]"
> Of course, right in the moment she was nearly gone. Her muzzle scrunched up in annoyance, and her ear flicked toward the sound.
> "[How much further do you want to go?]"
> She opened her eyes and squinted at the smudges of faint light, which was the best she could see in the night sky without her glasses.
"[We haven't found any white ore.]"
> It wasn't a good translation, but it was what the nomads had arrived at after Janus' best attempts to explain. They were looking for two specific ores. The first one Thistle was pretty sure was copper, especially after Janus had instructed her and Zaur to look for green-tinted rocks. The other one she suspected was tin - the white ore, but it had been a long time since her chemistry class and, to her shame, the mare couldn't quite remember how one made bronze.
> "[Yes, tell me again why do they call it 'white ore', but we're not looking for white rocks?]"
> Thistle shrugged a little to herself. She tried to repeat her best best understanding of what Janus had told her.
"[We're looking for black or brown rocks which glitter and sparkle in light. Janus will put them in fire, and parts of the rocks will become liquid - like ice melts into water. Once it hardens again, it will be white, or maybe silver.]"
> Actually, the blacksmith had described 'clouds, but shining like water', which she interpreted as silver.
"[He will then put the white and the green rocks together, and it will make metal he can make into tools. You remember where we saw the green rocks?]"

> Zaur's hand patted her side through her cover. "[Yes. I know where it was,]" he confirmed. With luck, his memory wouldn't disappoint, so once Janus examined the samples they were bringing back, the hunter would be able to lead them right back.
"[How far are we from the camp?]"
> There was a momentary pause, before the hunter answered: "[Not far. We made part of a circle. It is only about two days away.]"
"[Is it dangerous to go this way?]"
> "[Why do you say that?]"
"[The Ruslan rider we saw the other day. They found us.]"
> There was silence at her reminder. A horse with a rider had been seen in the distance. By the time Darga had sent some men, there had been no trace left. The opinion in the camp was that it had been a Ruslan scout who had found their camp and rushed back to report. They'd all been on high alert ever since.
> Eventually, Zaur said: "[We went in a different direction. They won't find us, and we haven't seen any other strangers.]"
"[What if they try to sneak around and attack from where we don't expect?]"
> The man chuckled and reached over to ruffle her mane. "[Then we will ride home and give warning. That is why we watch at night.]"
> She gave a slight nod, and then went back to staring at the sky, even if she couldn't see individual stars. Something still bothered her.
"[What if it wasn't a Ruslan scout?]"
> "[Who else? Only us and them have horses near here, and it wasn't one of ours. If it weren't our enemy, why would they run away before we could meet them?]"
"[I don't know, something feels off about that. Maybe it's too dangerous, and we should go back.]"
> Zaur considered this for a short while, then spoke: "[We need to find the metal rocks, or Janus will not be able to make weapons for us. Without those, the Ulan-Zuk will leave, and the Ruslans will crush us. We have to go on.]"
> He was right, and despite her misgivings, this was something the clan sorely needed. Thistle was one of the best to look for ore. She had the closest common language with Janus, and to top it off, she had her earth pony nature. True, it worked better for growing things, but all the best mines in Equestria had been established by earth ponies. Ground, soil, rocks - it was all in their bones.
> She wasn't convinced that this world had any actual magic, but earth pony magic had always been subtle. It wouldn't surprise her if it manifested as nothing else than good luck while she was out searching for ore. It would feel like chance, but perhaps something in her would lead her to the right place. She'd all but proven that when they'd found what looked very much like a copper deposit in their second day of travelling. If they could find tin, too, the clan would have a fighting chance.
> Her ears folded down, but she set her muzzle into a determined scrunch and she glared at the dark landscape, daring it to spit out Ruslan raiders.

"[You're right. We're not going back yet. We still have food and we need to find the white ore metal.]"
> "[Right. We will keep going this way, away from where the Ruslans are coming from. We'll be safe enough. I think there are some rocky parts beyond the next patch of trees. We will see if they are the right kind, and if not we'll go home to take more food.]"
> They lapsed into silence, but the moment of calm had gone and the mention of the camp had Thistle's mind spinning around another problem.
> "[Yes?]"
"[What do you think of Salki?]"
> There was silence, and then the hunter asked: "[What do you mean?]"
"[If he had to become chieftain. Would you be okay with that?]"
> Another pause. "[Maybe.]"
> Before he could continue, Thistle raised herself up into a sitting position and explained:
"[Adilet may try to do something. I know the people aren't happy with Darga being in charge, and the Ulan-Zuk may try to use that and make us part of them.]"
> "[That's not going to happen,]" Zaur replied confidently. He couldn't really see her face, but Thistle's tone of voice had been enough to betray her worry, so the man reached out his hand to pat the side of her muzzle.
"[If it comes down to it, there may be a choice between Salki, Willow, and Adilet.]"
> The hand paused for a moment, but then resumed gently brushing her fur. Thistle closed her eyes and focused on the warmth and comfort. "[That's good. Two in three are our people. No one in the clan will want Adilet in charge. Not a stranger.]"
> Her eyes snapped open and the mare drew in a sharp breath.
"[You would want Willow in charge? No, he's all wrong!]"
> "[Why?]"
> Thistle was at a loss for words. She opened her mouth a few times, but closed it because all she would have said was one of the personal anecdotes between herself and Willow. Did she really dislike the man mostly because of their bad relationship?
"[He's stupid. He only thinks about himself,]" she said in the end, even if it sounded lame to her own ears.
> "[He's a competent hunter,]" Zaur pointed out. "[He knows what he wants. We need a leader with vision, or the Ulan-Zuk will really just eat us.]"
"[Salki's a good hunter, too!]"
> After some more silence, Zaur's hand withdrew and he replied slowly: "[Salki is good with a bow. He is an okay hunter. He isn't decisive enough.]"
"[He led us to the West and we got horses and a blacksmith!]"
> At that, her friend chuckled and she thought she saw him shake his head. "[That was because you and Hisein were telling him what to do. Do you think we would get as far with only Salki in charge?]"
> Thistle didn't have an answer there. It was true that Hisein had made most of the tactical decisions, and she herself had guided Salki when it came to trading. The few times the man had tried to put his foot down, it had been the wrong decision, and she'd had to change his mind.

> Her silence carried enough meaning for Zaur to go on: "[See? If Salki is in charge, he will be soft. Indecisive. His mother will have her hand on his shoulder, or Adilet will. At least Willow won't listen to either of them.]"
> In desperation to turn the conversation back, Thistle tried a bluff:
"[How do you know Adilet hasn't been talking with Willow in secret? If he promised him women, Willow will do anything.]"
> "[Unlikely,]" Zaur said. "[People would have said. I saw Adilet go off with Salki once, how do you know he isn't doing the same to him?]"
"[I don't,]" she admitted, "[which is why I asked Saule to find out.]"
> "[Why are you so interested anyway? The Ulan-Zuk are helping us against Ruslans. It has made the camp safer. They traded food with us, so we will not starve.]"
> She considered explaining her whole, messy reasoning, but the night was getting late and she really needed some sleep before her time to watch. If only she could reach *some* kind of a conclusion, so she could put the matter aside and calm her mind.
"[I used to do things like this back home. I negotiated, and set up trade, and dealt with rules and arguments. Adilet doesn't trust me. If he's in charge, I may be in danger.]"
> Zaur didn't have a response to that, so she just continued:
"[Joining the clan with Ulan-Zuk would be bad. It almost always ends up worse for the smaller group when they are taken into a larger group. My people have stories from long ago when this happened. We need to stay separate.]"
> "[So, how do we do that?]" Zaur asked. His voice sounded skeptical, but he was humoring the mare.
"[We either have to keep Darga in charge. She is stubborn, which is good. Maybe I can help her keep the clan out of Adilet's hands. If not that, we have to put Salki in charge, and I have to help him. If Darga still has some say, maybe that is good. She has the experience.]"
> While she was taking a breath to continue, Zaur quietly inserted: "[Under Darga's leadership we started a war with the Ruslans, which we couldn't win without help.]"
> The air left Thistle's lungs. She hadn't considered it from that angle, but it was true! If Darga had been less stubborn and open to talks and negotiation, the whole mess could maybe have been averted.
"[You think so?]"
> "[I don't know. Maybe?]"
"[Did you fight the Ruslans before Darga was chieftain?]"
> "[It was tense, and we threatened each other with war sometimes, but the actual fighting is new. We both want the same hunting grounds. People are saying the war is Darga's fault.]"
> Maybe it really had been inevitable, then? Although, Thistle had to admit she hadn't heard this particular rumor before.
"[It's still either Darga, or Salki.]"
> "[Or Willow.]"

> She didn't respond to that, because she disagreed, but it was obvious Zaur wouldn't share her views on that annoying, self-centered man. In either case, Thistle was convinced that between herself and Darga, they could install Salki as a chieftain, if only they could ensure that he wasn't Adilet's pawn. Too much of it hinged on Saule for her comfort, but right now she couldn't do anything about that.
> At least it was a decision, of sorts. Thistle would have to throw herself fully behind either Darga, or her son. They both relied on her advice for the negotiations, so the opportunity to attach herself to one of them was unprecedented. Maybe she could even advise both.
> Maybe that settled the topic enough so she could sleep. Thistle flopped back down on the makeshift cot and pulled the covers back over herself.
"[Wake me up when it's my turn,]" she told Zaur.
> All she got in response was an affirmative grunt.

> ~~~~

> Thistle was chewing on some hard, stale bread, while she sat in Darga's tent. She hadn't had time to grab anything else when she and Zaur had arrived. The woman wanted to see her, and it was all Thistle could do to grab a half loaf from Janus as she passed him. He'd complained, of course, but she promised she would pay him back later, and then she was out of sight.
> The urgency was a little concerning, especially as Darga hadn't even allowed her the time to give the blacksmith her rock samples she and Zaur had gathered. They were still in the bag slung over her back.
> Something had the chieftain agitated, and the woman fidgeted with a piece of leather as she spoke: "[You said Ulan-Zuk might try to eat us?]"
> Thistle froze, but then made herself swallow so she could talk.
"[Yes. Why? What happened?]"
> "[Salki has begun telling me we should move closer to them. It would be easier to guard against the Ruslan, he says.]"
"[Maybe he is trying to make the bonds between us stronger?]" Thistle guessed, but even her own voice was doubtful.
> Darga shook her head firmly. "[No, it is not that and I will tell you why.]" She held up a fist and lifted one finger. "[First, because this will give our lands to the Ruslans. If we are not here to fight them off, they will come and take it.]"
> It reminded the mare of a rarely-used law in Equestria. If somepony staked out uninhabited land, and lived there for a while, it would automatically belong to them. Perhaps the nomads had something simpler, although here it was just about who could possess the land, and defend it against others.
> "[Second,]" Darga continued and raised another digit, "[it would make us even more dependent on Ulan-Zuk handouts. We would have to hunt in their lands, and gather our food, and wood, in their fields, and our donkeys would graze their grass. Adilet would want payment.]"
"[We would be closer, and it would make sense for Adilet to suggest merging the camps together. It would be easier to defend.]"

> "[Right!]" Darga said, and for a moment she looked pleased with Thistle's understanding. She showed her yet another finger. "[Third, and most worrying, Salki told me he is ready and I should step down. I do not believe in coincidences.]"
> Thistle considered coming clean and telling Darga that her son and Adilet had been meeting in secret, but decided it was not time yet. Not until she could speak with Saule and learn what they'd been meeting *about*.
"[It, um, does seem strange,]" she quavered.
> It smelled like Adilet. No doubt he was filling Salki's mind with stories of glory and leadership, and the privileges of being an actual leader, rather than just the leader's son.
"[Are you going to do it?]"
> The woman stared at her in shock, and then snorted in amusement, obviously deciding that Thistle had told a joke. "[No. He is not ready, and we are in the middle of a war.]"
> Perfect time, the mare thought, for some accident to befall Darga, or for Adilet having to step in and 'help' with leadership.
"[He wants to take our clan into more confusion. I think I see it.]"
> "[Explain.]"
"[If he changes our chieftain, right when we are at war, the clan will be weakened. Salki won't know what to do, *especially* if we are out of our lands. Adilet will offer to help with fighting decisions, but it won't stop there.]"
> Darga snapped her fingers and pointed at the mare. "[Right! He will start with battle decisions, and then 'help' Salki with our war strategy. Of course, he will also help with deciding how we provision, and where we move. Soon, he will be the leader in all but name.]"
"[He could also give Salki some of his daughters, and that would let him bring the clans together later, especially if- uh...]"
> The thought was nasty and made Thistle shiver, even in the heat inside the tent.
> "[If what?]" Darga asked, intrigued.
"[If something happened to Salki. It is war, or he could have an 'accident' while he is out hunting.]"
> "[I wouldn't let him take over!]"
"[You can have an accident too. What if he tells people we are only at war with the Ruslans because you wanted one?]"
> There was a sharp hiss of breath from the woman, and Thistle cringed away from the cold fury in her eyes. She quickly raised her hooves and splayed her ears. It was a stab in the dark, but something told her Darga had heard the same mutterings.
"[I'm not saying it! I'm saying Adilet has been starting rumors! People are upset. If it goes much further, they won't listen to you, and they won't care if you disappeared. Then Adilet would have Salki all to himself!]"
> "[That snake!]"
> The response was a little gratifying, even while Darga's anger was scary. It looked like she was ready to get up, storm out of the tent, and go look for Adilet to settle the score directly. Thistle had to stop her from making a mistake.

"[Relax and think!]" she ordered, her voice taking on some of her nearly-forgotten tone of authority. She was the Mayor of Ponyville, for Celestia's sake!
> There was a moment of shock at her forceful words, and the mare seized upon it. She sprang to her hooves and pushed her face right up close to Darga's.
"[If you do something rash and stupid, you will give the camp to Adilet. If you attack him, he will say you are crazy and kill you. Then Salki will be nothing more than his puppet.]"
> The woman still glared, but her shoulders lowered the merest fraction. Thistle took it as a good sign and took a calming breath.
"[You won't beat him with anger. The people like him because he gave us food. That's why he did it! We need to beat him by knowing what he's planning and being smarter than him.]"
> This finally had the required effect, and Darga settled back down, even if she still glowered at the world in general. Her hands were clutching the hem of her dress in a white-knuckled grip. "[What do you suggest?]"
> Thistle thought fast. She hadn't wanted to say anything, not until she had more information, but the woman looked like she would demand answers. Besides, if they worked together, Darga would have a newfound respect for the mare, and perhaps for Equestrian diplomacy. Maybe it was worth it to tip her hoof early.
"[Salki and Adilet have been meeting. He says they are training bow and fighting, but Salki does not tell anyone where he goes. I think Adilet is filling his head with promises.]"
> Once more it seemed like the chieftain would jump to her feet and storm off, but Thistle laid a calming hoof on her knee, and Darga relaxed.
"[We need to know more. I made an arrangement with Saule. She will get the truth from Salki, and then we will decide what we should do.]"
> There wasn't much light in the tent, but Thistle thought the woman gave her a wry grin. "[You are a sneak too,]" she said, but there was a touch of admiration in her voice. "[I did not believe when you said you were a leader where you come from, but maybe now I can see it a little. Alright, we will wait until we know more.]"

Things are getting spicy, and good ol' Meyermer is getting into her element. Pretty soon she'll have her pick of the males in the camp!

Paste: https://ponepaste.org/9738


Thanks! This is extremely flattering!

Special thanks to you, commenting fren! These are always very interesting to read through, and some of them give me ideas for updates (if you haven't noticed).
Woohoo, fucking amazing update!
thanks again write fren
Great update dude, thanks!
What is your upper limit that you would pay for a pony slave?
at an auction? probably $1500. anything more than that and we're looking at luxury ponies, which aren't for me personally. every pony deserves a home, I would say that's especially true of the cheap ones.
Entirely depends on what they've been trained for. Maid? $300 max. House servant? Probably $1500 like the other anon. Maybe more if she's also capable of basic repairs. Bedmare? Around $600. Pretty low and probably won't be enough for a good bedmare, but a subpar bedmare's skills will improve over time. Likely won't be enough for a young mare either, but personally I don't have a problem with that. Companion pony? $2000. There's no point buying a companion pony who isn't caring, friendly, and doesn't like you, or at least doesn't pretend to.
That's impossible to answer without a better perspective on what the availability of ponies is.
I feel like having them about as widely available as cars makes sense: most households should be able to afford one, maybe two, but having much more than that would be unusual. It's just weird if every average wagie joe can afford a harem of 5-10 mares: if every house is able to own an entire herd of ponies, it just makes the logistics of everything seem ridiculous. Just how many billions of ponies are there? How will cities cope with the vast increase in food demand and waste/sewage capacity required? You'd be creation a situation where the effective living, biological population in most places is set to double or triple assuming slavery is widespread, which just isn't sustainable.

So going by the car analogy, even a cheapo slave would go for a few $k, the kind where if you're poor that's what you get but if you can afford better you probably go better. A good slave would be around $10k maybe - again, around the sweet spot to where someone middle class can certainly get one, maybe even two, but probably not more unless they dedicate themselves to just collecting ponies.
And luxury or special ponies would cost vastly more. Wealthy people would buy highly trained "society" ponies, drilled in aristocratic behaviour to accompany their new masters as effectively a fashion item to high society events. Or you might have highly trained specialist ponies, probably in the corporate market. Those could all easily got for high five figure sums or low six figure. Or more: imagine slave olympics, and consider how much people have paid for winning racehorses; a successful pony athlete might get traded around for millions.
Alicorns would almost certainly go seven-digit sums and above. Joe shmoe wagie bro finding an alicorn at the local auctions and being able to just afford it always required me to just not think about it and ignore it in order to be able to enjoy the rest of the story.

However. One way in which ponies might be cheap enough for "$300 maids" to be possible, would be if demand is very low. Maybe most people don't want slaves and/or aren't comfortable with the idea. So every household maybe could afford 10-20 ponies, but most don't want any at all - so those who do want some can get them at cheapo prices. There may only be a few million ponies out there, not billions, but when 0.1% or 0.01% of the population is willing to own slaves, then each one being able to own a dozen still makes sense, nor would it tax logistics all that much.

But most stories depict slavery as commonplace and widely accepted, in which case prices low enough that you could go go the market and buy them by the dozen simply don't make sense - not unless slaves have been bred explosively for several decades (and infrastructure colossally updated everywhere).
Fair. I was in the mindset of buying commodities when I should've been in the mindset of buying livestock. In that case, maid around $2000, house servant $3500, companion pony $4000. Realistically trained bedmares would be a low demand luxury and I doubt they'd go for less than $5000, If I was to buy a general pony and train her myself, I probably wouldn't spend more than $2500.
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