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Here in /bug/ we over-feed Queen Chrysalis, go on noir detective styled adventures with changelings, and pretending gaylings don't exist. (It doesn't work.)

Some old links:

Old Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223

Very Old /bug/ Pastebin: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd

BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086
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Previous thread >>41068242
>Bug Mom Edition
I like this.
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bugg mum 4 evr
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instantly made me think of that one green anon has been working on for the past couple threads
hope he finishes it, iz been good
Shit... I forgot to make a new bread...
luv me bug
simple as
Sleep tight, buggo.
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>"Don't talk to me or my son ever again."
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luv the look of the new chibi but the smug look on the other chryssi's face is priceless
such a beautiful pair
I just had a dream where Chrysalis was being held in a cage in an abandoned krushchevka and escaped and as the only guard I immediately informed Twilight who basically said, "Just survive until help arrives" which began a game of hide and seek where during most of my time alone I realized how badly I do not want to be egg'd or eaten and trying to convince myself she doesn't actually have an ovipositor.
She also had a magic leather straight jacket that tightened on command so as to hold her in place but she squeezed out of it and stared at the camera I was watching her through.
When it tightened her ass looked really nice. I think she detected that and that's why she looked so pissed.

So, uh, do you think changelings can sense other creatures? Like, they can't see your emotions through walls and make a bee-line for you can they?
I CAN hide from them, right??
Why would she be pissed if she sensed you feeding her
I think she could tell that it wasn't love and more "damn, that ass is fat"
or maybe it was love but she just didn't like it coming from me, her captor
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Ask her why is she always pissed for no fucking reason
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shes pissed because everyone is against her all the time
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>I do not want to be egg'd
Why are you gay?
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bug gets bigger
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Imagine reaching a hand around her neck and pulling her in close for an unexpected kiss. Pressing your lips against hers and probing your tongue between her fangs. Squeezing her chitinous body against yours as you kiss harder. Feeling her resistance soften as the wave of your affection washes over her. Momentarily disabiling her with the force of your love.
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Do changelings have exo-skeletons or fur? If it’s the former I can’t imagine it’s very comfortable.
They have exoskeletons, but if healthy ie. Changedling they have fur on it.
wtf I thought Billy was brand new. how is there a plush of her already?
They have the texture of a motorcycle helmet
Green mouth vs. red mouth?
What about for billy?
Green, but it flushes red for threat displays.
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Red because it's canon
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Green because it's sexier and fuck canon.
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Queen Chudalis
This GIF is really freaking me out.
Terrible episode, nice Chrysalis moment. Helps make her more insectoid and monstrous.
She's very "flexible"
>wtf I thought Billy was brand new. how is there a plush of her already?
bugfags are just that good ^:)
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Red is all we ever saw in the show and I like it best. I both understand why some people do green or blue but also don't know why so many people do green or blue.
Why would people do green or blue? I mean, what's the reasoning behind it?
Necron players
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Those are some real chubby lingers!
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I made her it's so nice to cuddle with her
holy shit
Based Australian Anon
I really like Ocellus's facial expressions here
I don't get it
Fuck these shitty characters.
That anon isn't Australian, Chrysalis is on the ceiling.
Is this a Chrissy or a Billy
Looks more like ʎlliꓭ for me.
That's what happens when you give them lots of love!
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It's the inevitable result.
>>41219993 it's Chrysalis I follow a pony patern for the body and I didn't want to make hole in the leg because hole suck to sew
>poofy mane
why did you make her into a slut
To give her more love.
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She doesn't have socks now is it better
Billy about to get more than she bargained for
I want to cum inside Queen Chrysalis.
Bumping before bed
Don't forget your bedtime story
She had enough of being a whore and wanted to try just being a slut instead.
I realize this is probably just some type of artist paper, but these kinda look like you've scrawled them on your walls like an asylum lunatic
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do NOT fug the bug
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what if i already fugg'd all tha bug?
Straight to changeling jail.
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Take what you can get, Blueblood
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oh fug
Last night I had a dream that Chrysalis tried to sabotage Pinkie's sweets factory. She disguised herself as Fluttershy and got Pinkie to let her in. After Pinkie left her alone she turned back into her regular form and pulled a crowbar out from her throat. Then she just started smacking a machine. But she wasn't familiar with heavy machinery and ended up accidentally getting herself crushed to death in an industrial jello maker. The dream then cut to a scene of the mane six enjoying some jello that looked like green and black marble. To be fair it did look pretty tasty.
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is there a billy numget yet?
So out of curiosity, I looked up the sleeping habits of bees and ants: bees work during the day and sleep during the night for the most part, though some do bee things at night too; meanwhile ants don’t really have a set sleeping time, they just take naps throughout the day. How do you think Changelings sleep? I like to thing they sleep like humans/ponies.
>Chrysalis's type is white and rich
Shit, better get investing or hope I win the lottery.
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yall ever wonder if the queen of england was actually a changeling queen?
She was a shapeshifter, but reptilian, not arthropod.
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queens orders
>bug dies in an industrial accident
You got to stop watching LiveLeak videos before bed, Anon.
Perhaps they sleep in shifts
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"We are the same. We are one."
>"The princess is staring at beetles again."
>"Should we tell the queen?"
>"Do YOU want to tell the queen?"
I don’t blame her, I haven’t seen one in years.
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Changeling queen not so smug after being snuggled
Chrysalis is meant for shenanigans with the other princess ponies.
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bug rump
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I really wish there was more Flurry x Chrysalis content. There's just so much untapped potential between these two, especially with Flurry's semi-widespread fanon characterisation of growing up as a pragmatic and strict ruler, who could probably talk with Chrysalis on her own terms and allow her to see the possibility of mutually beneficial collaboration without immediately just chasing her off with "cutesy wutesy friendship" that Chrysalis abhores

There's even a good selection of Flurry x Cozy content for villain shipping, but almost nothing with Chryssy
I agree. Chrysalis will always be associated with Cadance and her family, might as well explore that.
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The hive has fallen…
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billions must bug
Huh, I never noticed that this artist drew Chrysalis without an equine tail until now.
is he okay
that's big Chrysalis
500% markup on all products sold to bugs.
the bugs can get their sustenance from emotions, so if they try to buy anything physical, they're hit with a fuck-you tax, just for good measure.
I wish Chrysalis wasn’t so hard to draw.
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I noticed immediately
I enjoy buggy lings
So what is this green stuff supposed to be? I can only assume it’s similar to honey because I’ve heard it referred to as bee vomit.
I think it's changeling goop, the kind that they use to glue things in place.
Basically a wax.
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Bug juice.
That's because bees literally vomit honey up
What does it taste like?
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If crustaceans are classified as insects, then why do we not have underwater crab-horse changelings?
Schizo bug performing mating dance.
Aku lookin ass
In a new forbidden tome discovered it is revealed that Chrysalis acts the way she does because she was raised by a human.
What human wouldn’t give her tonnes of affection and love?
The problem is that ponies just don't have the same flavor of love that a human does.
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Look at this smug bug.
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used to hate bugs when they were introduced but ive come to love them for what they are
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Why would you hate bugs
Why are Chrysalis and thorax blushing so much
it was the bandwaggon thing to do when they were announced thats all
oedipus complex
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is that a band?
it sounds like a band
A changeling band?
hahaha wouldnt it be funny in Billy developed an oedipus complex hahahhaha
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i remember reading someone talking about a changeling band at some point
would be dope to see
I don't think that's Chryssi
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shhhhhhhhh dont tell anybody
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Trixie mogs all you cunts
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even though nulings all look like gay oc shit i always loved the look of their eyes
its probably my favorite thing about lings in general new and old
like besides the obvious thing of them being bodysnatcher bug-tree creatures their eyes were always the stand out thing in my mind that made them look super alien when compared to pones
get in my lane bitch
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why do trixiefags have to act like this?
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You just can't handle her superior mare form
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You will never feel the bliss of having a cute changeling queen/ changeling next to you while you wake up in the middle of the low humming buzzing hive.

Imagine, looking deep into beautiful green eyes and giving her all of your love, feeding her and nourishing her. She knows that you freely give love to her when so many others shunned and pushed her away.

Chrysalis knows that you truly love her... And she loves you.
Now that’s some cool art
I already get all that but with Trixie, a pure mare that doesn't need to change into anypony else to get love. Get fucked.
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Chrysalis is perfect as is, she doesn't need to change... Or bow down to Twilight like Trixie did, she is pure perfect villainy.
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Then why does Chrysi feel the need to change to suck love out of innocent ponies? at least Trixie learnt to accept herself for who she is. The sexy mare that she is.
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Silly ponies do not know the true might of the changeling and her majesty royal Queen of the Changeling hive; Queen Chrysalis!

Imagine... Getting mogged by twilight twice and being in a gay relationship with a glimmershit.

Thank god Chrysalis stood on her own till the very end.

Also Chrysalis is waaay sexier than Trixie, observe.
Trixie is in a relationship with me you pleb, but I'm willing to let bygones be bygones since Chrysi is pretty sexy.
That reminded me of this one weird greentext from years ago where rockstar Chryssy pulls Anon on stage and eats him with her dick. I'm surprised I remember it, guess it stood out.
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>rockstar Chryssy pulls Anon on stage and eats him with her dick.
Based, villain bros gotta stick together.
I remember seeing that too
And that was the first and last time Trixie was invited to Thorax's nightmare night party
>be Chrysalis
>Thorax is throwing a party
>invited those ponies who helped him steal your rightful empire
>get incredible, brilliant idea
>pod the blue one
>disguise self AS her dressed as you
>attend party
>act like yourself
>dismiss all criticism with "Trixie is simply getting into character"
>get banned forever
>cackle into the night
Trixie was never a villain tho
To be fair they've always come alongside terrible writing.
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The billy has devised a new, less ethical method of collecting love. Nothing can possibly go wrong.
What if I don't have a bank account, credit, or debit card.
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How is it less ethical?
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The board is quick today.
Excuse me?
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Thoughts on Halflings? Do you have a favourite one in particular? I have two in particular that I like (picture related being one of them).
They're retarded and you're retarded.

Changelings only make sense if they're different enough to not be compatible with other races. If they could interbreed with other races, they would long since vanished, leaving behind only traces in those rare individuals who seemed to live by draining the life out of those around them, like some people in real life. But I'm not naming any (((names))).
How do you think that would actually work? Do they produce love like parent race? Can their changeling aspect feed off the pony aspect, in some sort of endless loop? insert autofelatio joke, here
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>Changelings only make sense if they're different enough to not be compatible with other races. If they could interbreed with other races, they would long since vanished, leaving behind only traces in those rare individuals who seemed to live by draining the life out of those around them
I mean, at that point people are taking inspiration from incubus/succubus. I would assume it's both.
>Do they produce love like parent race?
Changelings are capable of loving though.
> Can their changeling aspect feed off the pony aspect, in some sort of endless loop?
Sounds OP.
She doesn't look very happy here Anon
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This was a cool concept/fanfic genre, “what if [pony character here] was actually a Changeling this entire time.” I’ve seen it with Derpy, DJ-Pon3, and now Scootaloo. Now I wonder if this Scootaloo was just pretending not being able to fly or is changeling that can’t fly.
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>first she drains you of love
>then she drains you of cum
What does she do with the latter?
She has to rebuild her hive somehow
>the hungry hungry whore
I thought at first that's a POV of her sucking the love straight out of you like a mosquito
They’d probably take offense to being called a mosquito. If I’m recalling correctly they don’t offer anything to the ecosystem and can be completely removed without issue. IDK I read it on the internet.
I've read quite a few fanfics about that too. I think the latest one was "The Irony of Applejack". Pretty good but gets somewhat hokey at times. Idk how to say it, its like there's melodrama but its at the same time as a dramatic situation like ponies are dieing and its a dire situation. Same with "Princess Celestia: Changeling Queen"
Do changelings offer anything to the ecosystem?
>If I’m recalling correctly they don’t offer anything to the ecosystem and can be completely removed without issue.
Genuinely took me a while to realize this was supposed to be about mosquitoes.
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Why chill out when you can flame on?
A good question. One that I honestly don't have the answer for. I'd say no.
Emotional regulation.
Ponies have a tendency to go from love to obsession. Changelings drain off some of that high-intensity "love", rendering the pony a bit more sane.
Fake grift. Unnecessary.
I want to pamper/care for a sick/injured Chrysalis.
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>You just gave her a smooch
If they can effect other emotions than just love, they could act as a buffer against Windigo
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Extra love helps them heal faster, doesn't it?
I'd imagine so
Theoretically yes, resting, eating, and relaxing works for healing everyone else. I don't see why it wouldn't work for Changelings.
They create nutrients from nothing (love, abstract)
Celestia seethes so much because changeling poop is the only other source of free biomass than the sun. they mog her with literal shit
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Nerdge Chrysalis is best Chryssi
I like the Derpy one.

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