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Bad hair day
Good hair day
Shes pretty
Very pretty
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>when every day is a "bad hair day"
Pipp looks like she's about to pounce her
And hug her?
And kiss her?
Vast improvement.
Is it normal to get that excited whenever your sister changes looks?
What makes you say that?
snipp the zipp
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Her hair is already awfully short, though
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Zipp always has a nice mane
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Her regular hair looks like a toothpaste colored doggy doodoo.
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Such a cute and comfy mare
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Here's a bad hair day
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Zipp "Huge Hair" Storm
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She's putting that volumizing conditioner to good use
>after chocolate
If that's true then I want whatever chocolate she's having.
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damn AI can knock out some bangers
More AI Zipp.
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There is not enough art of Zipp blushing
Light blush, or heavy blush?
Light blush suits her best.
That's not even similar
Kinda cute but don't like the giant ear half her head
We need more of this Zipp
And what is this Zipp?
Zipp's spiky hair...
A Zipp with a messy mane. Pipp agrees.
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That Hitch was giving me bad vibes
Cute but what does Hitch have to do with it
The original image included Hitch so anon cropped him out
I don't like Hitch so I removed him
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She's going to take you out to the dance
Zipp with her sisters mane?
Pipp's mane doesn't flip at the end, though
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Evil hair day
Gonna be a bad hair day
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g3 mane
Where is her mouth
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They're such a pretty pair.
Zipp is looking motherly!
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Not really. It's like a lit torch
And brush her hair
I need more alternate Zipps
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Har hair
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You can pick me up at 7 Zipp
Make sure to wear the dress she bought you
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Rainbow Zipp?
7 AM?
After hugging her and maybe giving her a cheek kiss.
Just maybe.
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Her sister ate it
Too late to return it?
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I like this trend of Pipp fawning over a Zipp with a different hairstyle
>the giant ear half her head
I can't unsee it now
I like it too because it's like big sister worship
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So pretty
Zipp is much less popular than Pipp here
Zippity do dah
She seems to be as popular if not more everywhere else, though.
Strange because people like Dashie.
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Pipp has more or less the same personality as Dash, only she’s not a tomboy. The only thing Zipp shares with Dash is being a tomboy pegasus, personality wise she’s more like a mix between Applejack and Twilight
She's looking noble here
There is not enough art of Zipp just chilling in a tree like this
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Yes, more pegasus-like Zipp moments would be nice
In canon too. She deserves to read a book on a cloud.
For an introvert like her, it's the perfect way to get some isolation and peace and quiet
Zipp's windswept mane
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I guess Pipp is more of a terrorist than Zipp
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We could have had a spiritual successor to the wonderbolts but instead she didnt want to teach
She taught for one episode
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It's always bothered me that they could have colored Zipp's wings correctly in tyt but simply didn't want to
They don't expect anyone to care
We talking a buzzcut or fade?
Zipp would never be this cute
What about that do you find cuter than base Zipp?
>Blushing, brushed mane worn down, submissive hooves up posture, extra eyelash makeup, biting lip, excited groomed to be fluffy wings out
Basically everything that Zipp isn't, in a nother world where she embraced Pipps pampering? maybe.
Or she finds her special someone
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Candy ass mane lookin mf
Blue raspberry and strawberry flavor
Evil Queen Zipp is basically Opaline if you think about it
Except athletic and physically active

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