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Verity Preorders are Open!
(Preorder deadline: by 31 July 2024)

>What is this about?
RTFM: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nNuoXy1F5nP7Cy-Y195150R1VDHeH3tgmdaERIYD9fs/edit?usp=sharing
PUBLIC SPREADSHEET & FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11bJ6pVMgErMSGmyrtxRg6M3lTXF_2-8kvpqu1IoAI5k/edit?usp=sharing

>What's the current status?
• current payment/shipping: N/A
• current pre-order/production: Verity
• upcoming pre-order/production: N/A
• prototype in progress: Woona
• planned characters: N/A, things are slow in China.

>What can I do?
• bump, shill this project to other Anons, make content and advertisements
• design the next plush, provide feedback / suggestions on the next prototype
• buy the plushies
• expand and supercharge the project's blueprint

>any alternatives besides current manufacturer?
if you have any suggestions, please share with the thread.
>I don't like your stupid idea, I disagree with...
if you have better ways to run things, you can contribute here!
>I have issues with my plush order / sensitive questions regarding this project, how can I contact the organizers?
email info@mppp.horse for plush support.
for general enquires, just ask in the thread.

Previous thread:
Anchor post for important updates!
For those that still having issues with Frosty orders, not receiving their packages etc... kindly email to info@mppp.horse
I'll compile the issues and message oly together in about 3 business days. Thank you.
and no, sorry no Frosty adoptions yet, going to continue follow up with any old issues with frosty orders before starting adoptions.
For Verity the prices will be similar with Frosty, around $29 a pop. Last updated with oly today.
Still not much update on the prototype for future characters yet.
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The day has finally arrived Veritybros, a perfect gift for a perfect Christmas day.
Secret Santa starts early bois
Order in lets goooooo
>can’t find verity’s story anywhere
Help a brother out
Here you can read the "context" (it's in spanish): https://www.deviantart.com/3d4d/journal/El-dia-en-que-el-Fandom-Brony-destruyo-Derpibooru-863990055
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Verity IRL
She was nearly left to die but did a big neigh and they heard her. It's crazy thinking about all the tragedy out there. All we can really do is buy all the ponies we can while we can.
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>image too large
oh ok here
There's a long-ass screencap somewhere
A piggy was instrumental to her rescue, I remember that
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piggy hero
>see her name
>immediately start crying
you cant do this to me anon. stop
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I got this picture of her on a DEFHR farm tour in fall 2020 and went on to become a volunteer there. I swear she’s an angel sent from heaven above.
She looks so much happier and healthier now
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I still want one of these
My paranoia struck at the perfect timing! I was afraid I missed the plush update while I was busy touching grass.
Ordering survey link?
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Bros.. I'm beyond hyped. I just put in an order for 3. Hoping to adopt another Frosty Flakes
How many would you say would be up for adoption when they open?
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NTA but thanks anon, very heartwarming. I thought this happened even more years ago. Do I understand it correctly that this horse rescue was selected before they heard Verity? So it was like:
>run an artpack because of Derpibooru moderation
>select a horse charity to send monies to
>the horse charity is aware of donations and continues doing their work as usual
>during their usual work they hear Verity and rescue her too
>Verity becomes /mlp/ daughteru
Is that correct?
also, I try not to look at Twitter but that one post linked in Know Your Meme summary, where someone was saying that anons are bad because they collected this money for horse charity and not BIPOC (whatever that means) humans... I don't know how they can say this is evil. Both horsies and humans need help sometimes.
I ordered 2
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I’m not >>41216238 but iirc it went down like this:
>run an art pack to raise awareness about derpi’s art censorship
>select a charity and send them money
>charity emails to confirm that these unexpected big donations aren’t a mistake
>artpack organizer replies to assure them it’s real and requests some recent rescue stories to pass along to the board
>rescue sends us the story of Verity and an exclusive snoot boop video
>more donations to the art pack pour in once we have a daughteru to rally around

So I think she was already rescued just before we donated, but she was the perfect mare at the perfect moment. To this day I think she was a sign that we were doing something special with that art pack.
ordered, psyched as fuck
Someone better send one to DEFHR
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All of the real silver ones have been given away, but email me at misslunarharmony@gmail.com if you want one of the non-precious metal ones.
One of mine will be gifted directly to DEFHR for sure.
She was rescued while the artpack was running. A day or two after we sent our first donation
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Verity, noun: a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance.
Oh fuck yes
I love her
During the Fallen Oak panel of /mlp/ con somebody asked if the horses liked being booped, and the lady didn't know what that was. I immediately thought of this webm.
Important note: the answer was yes
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>Don't you love Verity? God, you are pathetic
we haven't heard from her in almost half a decade by now.
I wish the new owners sent a status update to the shelter after those years so we might get an update if she's doing well
You know it's as simple as messaging them in some way, right anon?
Verity was adopted in early 2021 and the rescue did monthly check ins for a year or two to make sure she was properly cared for. I’m sure she’s in good hands.
Tears in my eyes. She looks so elated. Daughteru is happy
This will be boop in 2013
Bump for cute mare
I'm surprised how inactive this thread is
It did spring up out of nowhere and there wasn't any sort of newsletter email sent. At least I didn't see any email about it, even though I've signed up for the newsletter.
I guess Verity is not so popular like the other mares that Oly manufactured
theres no set schedule sadly. dead bump. Help spread awareness.

soon(tm), just requested with the IT department.
Maybe it's just momentum. Remember when the Angry Birds movie came out like six years after the game was popular? The plush should have been made four years ago when Marenheit happened.
MPPP hadn't even been organized by then.
It's slow because it's just "okay time to buy shit" time.
Which is an important time, and worthy of a thread. But I feel like we normally have concurrent shit going on too. Talking about prototypes, making suggestions/edits, that sort of thing. And right now, we're not really talking about the future much because the factory is kinda out of materials at the moment. Right?
i hope we're still in talks for a milky plush?
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littlepip bros...where are you?
Ordered my 3.
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Just a few more years!
just a few..
>>What can I do?
>• bump, shill this project to other Anons, make content and advertisements
I think "advertisements" should be removed from the OP text. Advertising was explicitly forbidden for the last couple of plushies and they are forbidden for Verity too.
>And right now, we're not really talking about the future much because the factory is kinda out of materials at the moment. Right?
This and the overall worse economic situation and the lowered popularity of ponies.
It is harder and harder to fulfill the order quota, so Verity might be the last plushie made by /mppp/.
What about Woona??
>lowered popularity of ponies
>Verity might be the last plushie made by /mppp/
stop it. the ride never ends
>it is harder and harder to fulfill the order quota
It's not that difficult, we usually hit the order number in a month. What's the harm in extending another month?
>Not an official trip
Good advice. Daughteru heralds another half decade of healthy plushies
First of all, fuck you and your baseless doomposting. Second, I can’t speak for everyone but I know that quite a few anons (including myself) typically just post when they’ve placed their orders then lurk until someone starts a conversation. Discounting the fact that this particular /mppp/ kind of came out of nowhere with little to no promotion, there’s not much to say about the manufacturing situation except that we’re still waiting for an update. If you want to do something useful, try shilling to people and places that might be interested in this thread instead of wishing it dead.
>the factory is kinda out of materials at the moment
That's the polite version of saying
>We have customers with much higher profit margins and larger orders, but when we have no customers we will return to you
It is impossible to be "out of materials" in the same location that makes these materials.
>we usually hit the order number in a month. What's the harm in extending another month?
Extending for another month already happened with Frosty Flakes, though. If Woona enters the preorder phase somewhere around 2025 it will be more like "extend for three months".
Woona is a much more popular character than what Frosty Flakes ever could be. There was simply little demand for Frosty Flakes.
>Woona is a much more popular character than what Frosty Flakes ever could be.
The fact that all of the other plushies were produced before Woona clearly show that it is not true.
Woona was popular a decade ago, but not now.
>Woona was popular a decade ago, but not now.
Woona is just grayscale Filly Luna but with a silly little hat.
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Rise up pipbros
Already here with my pip-leg ready to go!
>Advertising was explicitly forbidden for the last couple of plushies and they are forbidden for Verity too.
What do you mean, who's forbidding it?
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>>Advertising was explicitly forbidden for the last couple of plushies and they are forbidden for Verity too.
>What do you mean, who's forbidding it?
Ads are not needed.
Based. If someone wanted a plushie they would have subscribed to the newsletter already.
>Implying that there's a abandoned discord server about the /mppp/ news
What? Meds
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Yes, ok. How does that relate to >>41224529? How did I in any way imply that?
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I will order 300 myself if I have to.
Well I'll order at least 3. So you only get 297 Wooni.
>I will order 300 myself
Considering the worldwide price increase (especially in transportation) that will be $20000.
Woona will be cheaper than Frosty Flakes/Verity due to switching back to the default materials. If they're 29$ a pop right now, expect somewhere between 22-25$ USD per plush by 2025.
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>between 22-25$ USD per plush by 2025.
>He doesn't know about the upcoming Korean war, Taiwan annexation, Indian-Chinese war and the worldwide production chain disruptions caused by them.
>No plushie since 2020
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I like your attitude
2 honses ordered
I gotta admit, I wasn’t really on 4chan during the golden years of MLP (couldn’t get over my internalized shame of liking something “weird”). So I wasn’t around for Verity, but this is a very sweet story that makes me feel a little better about humanity. I’ll have to get my own Verity plush now (:
Which are the next /mppp/ plushies?
N\A. We don't know and nothing is planned after Woona so far.
>golden years
Anon, Verity came like about 7 years after the golden years of MLP ended.
Worth it
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I am forgotten
just sent my pre-order, along with my availability to sponsor a couple of verity plushies for poor anons
hopefully they gets home before Christmas
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Milky never ever
Please. I've been waiting for Floorb, Milky and Reckless since this started
Unfortunate news: We will not be making a Woona plushie. As much as I would have loved having a little moon explorer (and you can't tell how fucking pumped I was for that one specifically) we have to cancel her prototyping and production. We'll be looking onto who to make next. Potentially Floorb, but don't quote me on that.
Because somebody that has a say in the designing process is against the idea of mass producing woona. All I can say for now
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Well, that's bullshit. Can we not just get someone else involved with designing her? There's more than enough funding and anons willing to buy.
One guy's pet peeve shouldn't ruin something for the whole community.
> No trip?
did the bloke who made Moonstuck have a shitfit or something?
It isn't about designing the plushie
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No shitfit was had. And the announcement needed a trip, the rest really doesn't
Can we get a poll going for who will be next if woona is RIP?
I agree that a poll should be made. Also that a majority should be board characters.
Possibly the winner of this poll is a certain gray and brown mare with green eyes
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did you receive a cease and desist letter?
Olyfactory actually already received C&D letter from Hasbro once, so it is understandable they are not taking any chances with copyrighted characters.
In fact, it was a surprise that they agreed to do Twiggles.
This isn't the case. Olyfactory still produces pony plushies from the show, and they even still produce a normal Princess Luna plush, which you can find on sites like Aliexpress and their tags date to 2023. I'm unsure as to why they're unable to make Woona.
fuck god damnit fuck
no wolvan is just a giga homo fag with not even a glimpse of an idea of how to run a project and this is the proof of that
i knew the project was doomed from the start ever since he got involved glad i am proven right
>Olyfactory still produces pony plushies from the show, and they even still produce a normal Princess Luna plush, which you can find on sites like Aliexpress and their tags date to 2023.
Yeah, except they have the license from Hasbro to do that.
If anything, I blame the chinks.
>shitvan ruining everything he touches, again
>All I can say for now
>for now
So when will you be able to say more
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And order placed.

*sad anon noises*
Well, is it a definitive thing or a "maybe latter?" one?
Nooooooo Whyyyyyyy!
Canceling Woona is just wrong. Woona did nothing wrong.
Probably never considering the reason is most likely someone on the team just being autistic.
Name the traitor.
Kill yourself, preferably to the inconvenience of others. He's done more for the project than you could hope to
and now he ruined it with his autistic shit just as i predicted
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In your pants, and it's also little.
Your boss and HR will contact you about it shortly
I do have a question. I live in China. If I order the mech, will it be shipped using local delivery companies like EMS or SF Express? I know the question is quite retarded, just want to make sure
>If I order the mech, will it be shipped using local delivery companies like EMS or SF Express?
The delivery price for the /mppp/ plushies has always been cheaper if you are in China, so they should use some local delivery.
got it. Thanks a lot anon!
>Current phase. We need to reach >500pcs in order to start production.
Oh, shit. Is it because of the special fabric?
>Possibly the winner of this poll is a certain gray and brown mare with green eyes
Yeah, the previous poll shows that she is a strong contender.
Imagine how the popularity of Fallout and FoE skyrockets during the upcoming WWIII. A Littlepip plushie will be worth at least 100 caps, so it's a solid investment plan.
Been waiting years for that little shit
We talked to Ego and she was not happy with the idea of mass producing Woona. Please don't fuck with her though.
>We talked to Ego and she was not happy with the idea of mass producing Woona
Nah, this has to be a shitpost. If something like this was the case Nasapone would never have been approved for production either: NASA explicitly forbids anyone to put a modified NASA meatball logo on any product and they are backed by the USA government.
DEFHR doesn't know about Verity plushies either. And Aryanne? All the twittertards were raging against her production and even threatened to fuck up the Olyfactory's reputation.
Nah I can kind of understand this at least. As a courtesy, I suppose.

NASA was about copyright. Verity is just a real horse, DEFHR doesn't own her likeness or something. And Aryanne was made by that one fag, and even if she hadn't basically become a fandom OC, "all the twittertards" don't speak for Randy.
Woona isn't really widespread enough to really be a proper fandom or board OC, and this is directly the creator speaking up. It's not about copyright, it sounds like just common courtesy to the artist.

I don't know if I necessarily agree or not, but at least I can see the reasoning and how it's different to the other cases you listed.
It's not a shitpost. Princess and me decided to ask Ego for permissions, since Woona really is her creation and story and Ego said she wasn't comfortable with the idea of mass producing plushies of Woona.
She was incredibly flattered that we even considered a Woona plushie though.
Have you told her how much it would mean to all the Woona fans? Also that she's being a complete stick in the mud for no real reason.
Is this gonna be an issue for Milky too?
what? this makes no sense, i dont get why you even bothered asking
woona is quite literally just a gray luna with a paper hat (a paper hat that i assume was not gonna be made by oly anyway)
Trust me, I did. She just doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of some chinese factory mass producing these things.
Blame princess :^)
I remember that the Milky creator was strongly against Aryanne during the Marenheit 451 and even deleted the art featuring Milky together with Aryanne.
I expect that we will not be able to get the permission.
Kkat should be more chill about Littlepip, but there is some chance of refusal too.
We don't even know who made milky or how to contact them so tough shit bro. Don't think Luna and Littlepip will be an issue
milky is fandom property. i really hope this woona situation doesnt cost us more characters.
>We don't even know who made milky
The Derpibooru admins definitely knew, because they deleted the art on their request.
>Creator: Milkmare-of-Trottingham — NSFW

>Don't think Luna and Littlepip will be an issue
Well, you can always ask Kkat on fimfiction in advance, they seem to be active there.
>milky is fandom property
There is literally no difference between Milky Way and Woona.
this is the limp dicked behavior i expected from the get go
how does anyone trust you being in charge of anything again you worthless piece of trash
asking for permissions how fucking retarded are you
No more mass produced mares? :(
>I remember that the Milky creator was strongly against Aryanne during the Marenheit 451 and even deleted the art featuring Milky together with Aryanne.
Yes, so that means that we can ignore that retard faggot, right--
>I expect that we will not be able to get the permission.
Okay fucking kike
There is a huge difference, Milky is a popular shitposting mare with tons of art by random people and nobody caring or remembering the guy who happened to be the first to draw her, whereas Woona is basically "the Moonstuck character", has no real presence in the fandom or the board outside of that, and the overwhelming majority of Woona art is from the actual tumblr by the actual artist and creator rather than fan art.
In comparison, Milky doesn't even have "fan art" because almost all her art is by people who aren't the original creator. It's just Milky art. There's no "Milky canon". Nobody cares or remembers about the creator.
Completely random thought: what would it take for olyfactory to produce life-size plushies?
Let's say we magically had enough anons to fill out the minumum order numbers, at any price, any minimum quantity. Oly has access to materials and equipment. Let's magically handwave the pattern, too (maybe we commission one from an experienced plushmancer ahead of time, maybe chink expertise shines through unexpectedly and they are able to prototype one). Theoretically, is this something that would even be possible for them to manufacture?
If yes, is it possible to get a ballpark guess on the likely price point, or is that not really usefully feasible without actually asking them?
I definitely care and remember about her Milky cannon...
So the creator of woona did have a shitfit and I was right in my first post >>41231767
Shitfit would imply she was pissed, or cussing me out, or complaining on twitter.
It was a very civil and respectful conversation
I really appreciate y'all asking. My interactions with Ego were always very positive and I'm glad y'all gave her the courtesy of seeking permission. She gave a whole lot of good shit to the early horse fandom.
>She just doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of some chinese factory mass producing these things.
She... she knows that if it were to get mass produced at ANY time that it'd be this way, right? How the hell does she expect anyone to own their very own woona outside of paying individuals a fuckton?
She doesnt nor does she care if you have a plushie woona or not. She just felt she could say no so she did.
I've been wondering about this too.
it's possible, but also impossible because the purchase quantity wouldn't be met and they'd cost too much to make.
If you want a mass produced life size plush, buy from klp/rimi.
>She just felt she could say no so she did.
Well, yes, because someone asked. Legally they have no power to stop anyone.
>>I remember that the Milky creator was strongly against Aryanne during the Marenheit 451 and even deleted the art featuring Milky together with Aryanne.
>Yes, so that means that we can ignore that retard faggot
Lmao, if it worked like that then no one would ask about Woona either.
I think it's purely a matter of respect.
Yeah what >>41236927 said. Read the damn thread, the organisers are saying that Ego is basically a nice person and they didn't want to basically spit in her face.
Who's the first mother fucker who ever drew anonfilly? We ought to retroactively ask permission. Depending on how they react, there might have to be a mandatory recall. Thank you for understanding.
>Who's the first mother fucker who ever drew anonfilly?
>We ought to retroactively ask permission.
Sure, he is still active.
OK, I get it that NASA are scammers who tricked everyone that they put men on the Moon, and the USA government in general is a cancer on the Earth's face.
But why shouldn't we confirm the Verity plushie then? I am 100% sure DEFHR want their fair share from the merchandise which is based on the fruit of their labor.
Damn, does this mean we need to manufacture all future anonfillys wearing diapers?
Olyfactory doesn't support accessories for the custom designs, but the label says in Chinese
>Green diaper pony (diaper not included)
>merchandise which is based on the fruit of their labor.
Damn, didn't know DEFHR employees foaled Verity
Permission was never asked for with the creator of Anonfilly, a meme character, and was pretty much seized by the fandom.
Same for Aryanne and Milky.
If there are issues with making Milky I'm gonna be pissed. Then again, without massive teats will it really be worth it?
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>She doesnt nor does she care if you have a plushie woona or not.
Sounds extremely based. It's not a necessity, and if those poorfags want a Woona plushie they can just work harder and order one from her.
Just imagine agreeing to someone diluting your exclusive supply with a cheap low quality product, that's an instant business killer.
Permission is not a necessity either
>Permission is not a necessity either
You see, it is not a necessity if you just do it without asking. If you received a "no" and still proceeded you are in deep shit.
>Olyfactory doesn't support accessories for the custom designs
So, does that mean Littlepip won't have a jacket or pipbuck? Damn.
>does that mean Littlepip won't have a jacket or pipbuck
Correct. Also there is no canon depiction of her cutie mark and we should choose something that the embroidery can produce.
This can work
This definitely cannot
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There is this plushie
And it looks like it uses a modified version of this cutie mark

Though, we can always create our own cutie mark if we have better ideas.
This is the one
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It seems to be the most popular, but some people use other that may look cooler to someone.
It's time to vote using handwriting and finger photos again.
numget plushie
If I remember it right, Lyra Plushie was exactly the reason why Olyfactory received the C&D letter from Hasbro.
But Olyfactory just reproduced Lyra plushies. You can find them all over Aliexpress.
Also to the person who said that Olyfactory is partnered with Hasbro, no.. no they are not.
But olyfactory used to make plushies with accessories before. Why can't they now?
Stop being so fucking cucked and fucking negotiate with the factory.
>Virgin /mppp/: Abandons Woona because the creator said "no"
>Chad Olyfactory: Continues Lyra Plushies after Hasbro's C&D
>But olyfactory used to make plushies with accessories before. Why can't they now?
They can if the price is right. This project is about underage poorfags from single parent families getting something to cuddle with, they cannot pay $100 for a high quality plush.
Stop asking for permission retards
Continue asking for permission, retards.
That's how we filter out OCs made by shitty creators.
le poll
who gives the shit about the creator? youre sounding like those twittertards that cant separate the creator from the creation.
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Not everyone is a NEET, there are plenty of people who would swing $200 or so at a 48" plushie. Holla holla get dolla
I don't get it. Did she get permission from hasbro to create woona? Of course not. And why is Little Pip okay but other characters not? Someone had to draw her, right?
Did you get permission for Frosty Flakes too? She is more original character than Woona, more recent too. Doubt it.
I thought the whole point of mppp was to make fandom characters so the Hasbro doesnt bite our ass and keep it no profit so poeople dont bitch about using fandom OCs.

So why is it an issue now? Are you going for profit now and covering your ass? Lines up with how much more expensive the plushies have gotten...
Bullshit, the 12inch plushies with accessories used to cost in the same ballpark as their other stuff.
>there are plenty of people who would swing $200 or so at a 48" plushie
Yeah, except the minimal order is still 500 plushies and there aren't that many successful anons on /mlp/ in 2024.
>Bullshit, the 12inch plushies with accessories used to cost in the same ballpark as their other stuff.
You're comparing a big order with thousands of plushies to a small custom order with just 500.
>I don't get it. Did she get permission from hasbro to create woona?
She was not retarded, so she didn't. Asking for permission is asking for rejection, double so in the case of copyright and corporations.
>And why is Little Pip okay but other characters not?
I guess because Kkat is less strict about that, since they themselves do not hold the author rights for the exact Littlepip appearance and they are not profiting off making plushies. But still the permission must be asked if /mppp/ already opened that can of worms.
>But still the permission must be asked
Though, only if it is advertised and produced as Little Pip.
A plushie that might be interpreted as Little Pip but doesn't have her name is absolutely free to produce.
blame that piece of shit wolvan in charge hes a fucking pansy
kick him out and let hi anon run the project like it should have been from the beginning or find a replacement for that braindead piece of shit
this is how the project is gonna go to shit because with wolvan involved we can't have nice things
he even tries to throw hi anon under the bus to cover his own ass thats disgusting
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/mppp/ had good run, but I'm bit afraid this is it.
As >>41237880 said, we know who to blame and how to get back on track. I'm sure we'll find someone actually capable of helping Hi Anon make plushies that isn't a complete shithead.
All this drama could have been avoided if the organizers had been more open and discussed this on the board instead of months long radio silence.
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I have no clue who any of these namefags are and I don't care about your gay drama of who is sucking off who. I just want to have plushies of characters relevant to board culture.
Those are the two people that have been running this thing from the very start but it's clear one of them failed us and needs to be replaced if you want more plushies.
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Sorry anon, your beloved character was actually drawn once by a a faggot 11 years ago, we simply cannot ignore their wishes. What if their feelings got hurt?
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It's not so bad, we just need to ask for permission BEFORE we start proposing anything to Olyfactory, not AFTER they create the design.
Even better would be to stop asking at all, but it's already done.
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This is laughably cucked out. Who the fuck even cares enough to ask for permission to begin with?
ITT: oc donut steel
replace the organiser(s) or the project is dead
So what I'm hearing here is that we're never going to get a Milky plush
>All this drama could have been avoided if the organizers had been more open and discussed this on the board instead of months long radio silence.
If I understand correctly, they asked the Woona creator after creating the thread.
Which is, well, strange, considering that she has been designed for months now.
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>wasn't comfortable
??? That's the generic brand answer from a woman who doesn't understand how or why she feels a certain way and doesn't want to take responsibility for feeling a certain way and defend that position - because of their inability to articulate it in a factual/ objective grounding. In short, womanspeak translation is
>"no, for no good reason because I don't know what I emotionally respond to and I'm feeling things now."
Accepting an answer like that is the limp dick faggot bullshit that normies do. Sincerely, what the fuck is that? People were genuinely excited for this. Get it right next time. I vote Little League, hat included.
>So what I'm hearing here is that we're never going to get a Milky plush
Basically, yeah. The creator's feelings were hurt badly during Marenheit 451 and they don't want to have anything in common with /mlp/ now.
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Oops I posted Woona without permission, now the international things no one gives a shit about task force is going to bust down my door and shoot my dog
You know what to do to fix this, anon.
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If we don't get a milky plush because we suddenly need to seek permission from some homo I am going to be pretty upset for a while
please for faust's sake, someone else step up. nobody wants these limp dicked faggots in charge. permission? we're /mlp/, we don't give a shit about permissions.
Normally I'd call you a faggot for saying we but yeah, this is fucking pathetic.
I think asking permission is a privilege afforded as a matter of respect, not a right. Ego sounds like a standup person whom we're still on good terms with, so it's reasonable we would ask and respect their wishes. But someone like Milky's creator, in whose mind the bridges are already burnt?
/mlp/ doesn't give a shit about respect. We do what we fucking want, when we want to.
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>“Hey we’re making a plush of your OC because we like it, here’s a link to the thread if you want one”
It’s that easy
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>no woona plush
based Ego
now we can get onto some real characters instead of some shitty half baked luna
>I vote Little League, hat included.
But who is her creator? We must know their opinion.
>We will make characters' plushies if their creator is shitty, but we can skip them is their creator is alright
It really sounds fucked up.
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>>no woona plush
>based Ego
It is quite based to break some faggot's narrative
>We're already making the plushie of your character, but just for formality we are asking if are you OK with this. By the way, if you refuse everyone will see you as a huge asshole, tee hee.
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I do? Shitpost? Bitch? Harass people in real life online? I'm definitely not doing those. Repeal the 19th? On my wishlist. Draw art of sad Woona ironically being left out of the fun? On it. I would like clarification on whether a few free plushies were offered to the creator to have and give out themselves. This "I don't feel comfortable" answer really just screams 'I don't want to FEEL like I let people down with a stated answer/ grievance and take responsibility for taking a stance.' Typical woman bullshit. This is why you don't listen to them. They never take responsibility and just fucking own something like a stance because they don't even know why they feel that way. And when you listen to them, they're still not happy anyways because again, they don't know how or why they feel and what they think will work doesn't because they're so helplessly fucking bereft of insight into their own emotional state that it's pitiful and they're not happy anyways no matter what you do. Seriously, FUCK.
>hey people really like this cute thing you made and want to have it in their bedrooms
Who wouldn't want that? Sounds like a big ego boost.
Pretty sure the mass production is the issue
nah i dont care for some fandom oc littlepip included
i want /BOARD/ ocs from a board project
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>Draw art of sad Woona ironically being left out of the fun? On it.
I can already see it:
>Anonfilly invites Woona to the party with Nasapone, Aryanne, Twiggles, Frosty Flakes and Verity
>Woona responds "Sorry, but my mom said no"
An ego boost doesn't increase your bank account.
Replace the inept leads of the project. It's that simple. Pretty sure anyone can do it, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten a few plushies already.
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While we're at it, why don't we ask hasbro if we can use their characters' likenesses for the plushies too! I bet they'll say yes, it's about respect.
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Based. I want Dyx and that runt sister of hers to bully and punt around.
Gotta ask the writer of Past Sins first brah
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When has a fandom EVER respected what a corporation wants, you disingenuous retard
All you're doing is proving the point you're trying to argue against
I think that was sarcasm anon
we have to ask EVERYONE that is involved havent you heard the limp dicks running this project?
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>While we're at it, why don't we ask hasbro if we can use their characters' likenesses for the plushies too!
It's even better than this - Olyfactory literally uses the plush designs of the Hasbro characters for /mppp/. We need to confirm with Hasbro if this is OK or they need to be designed from scratch and be distinct.
Luckily, Dyx was not in Past Sins. So, as always
>Dyx rules, Nix drools.
anon, I...
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We need a new poll going forward.
Hey orgs, I still believe in you. Can you please make a new character interest poll? Preferably with characters you would be willing to go through without consulting 3rd parties to avoid this drama in the future?
No, it's a strawman
>with characters you would be willing to go through without consulting 3rd parties
Should be every character or I lose faith completely in the faggot running this show. Hostile takeover is the only remaining option
That’s not… you know what, sure anon. It was a strawman. Good job.
please do it, right now
>Preferably with characters you would be willing to go through without consulting 3rd parties to avoid this drama in the future?
What are even the criteria for that?
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>can’t ask Magritte for permission
Anonfilly bros… I don’t feel so good…
It's a strawman because it's a distortion of the original point. He's misrepresenting fandom creators and Hasbro Inc. as things we would care equally about, be it all-in or not at all.
By saying that we should care about all of them, sarcastically, he's implying we shouldn't care about any of it. But these things are different, so some people do feel differently about them. Trying to gloss over that and misrepresent it is a straw man.
>He's misrepresenting fandom creators and Hasbro Inc. as things we would care equally about, be it all-in or not at all.
You should care much more about not infringing on the corporate copyrights than about the feelings of some literally who that will never go to court.
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>You should care much more about not infringing on the corporate copyrights
Yeah yeah keep damage controlling cuck
One can (and is legally obliged to) ruin your life, another cannot. As simple as that.
Man, I just want Floorb.
That's why it needs to be violated and destroyed at every step. The exact reason why we bear arms. Simple as that.
>Man, I just want Floorb.
Sorry, but we need to hear the opinion of her creator first.

As long as we're not stepping on their toymaking toes by making official characters, Hasbro has been mostly happy to let us do our thing.
I'm more concerned about burning the few bridges that still exist. If someone is willing to be reasonable with us despite the "evil natsee" rep, if someone isn't just dismissing us out of hand for ideological reasons, then we stand to gain more by respecting those few than by alienating literally anyone who ever extended a hoof to us.
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>we stand to gain more by respecting those few than by alienating literally anyone who ever extended a hoof to us.
What exactly are we gaining with the respect of people who are not even in the fandom anymore and haven't been for years? This is really fucking gay
You limp dicked fucking faggot, stop damage controlling. Nobody fucking wants you leading this project, go kill yourself.
Our job is to make plushies for us and if you don't do what we want you have no reason to still be here. Kill yourself wolvan.
Short term? Nothing. Long term? People are still willing to work with us. Artists are still willing to associate here. We're not seen as unreasonable. I feel like there's this big disconnect, where people just assume that's how "they" are and that's how "we" are, and doesn't want to nut the fuck up and take responsibility for cause and effect.
If you knew Wolvan at all, you'd realize he would never defend his point like I'm doing now.
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lol, lmao even
happy now?
>Are you going for profit now
If that were the case they'd just do more Anon Filly runs.
>words words words
Don't care shut up and die, Wolvan. You're not a horsefucker and you keep proving it time and time again, piss off.
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I really don't think anyone cares that much about this place outside of us and our most vocal haters. I mean christ we're only making a few plushies here not fucking torturing animals.
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>Long term? People are still willing to work with us. Artists are still willing to associate here. We're not seen as unreasonable.
It's really a good thing that 4 years ago Anons had more balls than that, because it has already been proven that this shit doesn't work and there can be no middle ground with control freaks.
It literally just one shitposter hating on Wolvan, the rest of discussion is mostly constructive.
This mindset is what destroyed Trotcon
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I was there, anon. I remember. And I remember that it was purely on ideological grounds, so there was no compromise to be had.
Correction, I think both leads have to go.
Ironically, even Donut Steel has a creator, so we need a permission for him too.
I get not wanting to hurt feelings but >we also need some backbone to keep this thing going.
Many folks on the board and even more offboard were against making Aryanne, some were even trying to cancel the whole project over her, but she got made in the end (which is good btw).
I respect the Woona decision and understand why yoz got in touch with her maker. But I wouldnt say the same for Milky, Floorb and other OC which grew beyond their origin.
I will forgive my anger against the homosexual as long as he doesn't pull this shit for milky or floorb
Why would you ever forgive them for this shit? Seriously, this is so against anything this project and /mlp/ ever stood for, this can't just be forgiven.
Because I did not care for woona, I would riot for woona
>this can't just be forgiven
If he stops doubling down and admits his fault
>Anons asked to use an official NASA logo as a cutie mark so that we can get the free permission for an official Nasapone
>No request was made
>Literally no one asked to get the permission for Woona
>The request was made
It's simple: every Anon should just write "Ask the creator's permission for Milky Way and Floorb". Then they will drop this idea at once.
genuinely so disappointing to see this
can we get the plushies? we arent on "good terms" with anypony thats not already using the board. just do whatever most anons want, that was the point of this whole thing from the start. easily accessible plushies of iconic fandom characters. who cares about permissions.
>I would riot for woona
I'm retarded, meant milky
It was decided not to ask NASA because that would have meant we need to use NASA's ACTUAL logo, which we didn't want
Yeah, and this shit could (maybe even still can) put /mppp/ organizers to jail. But that's apparently less important than hurting some artist's feeling
Wolvan has decided to start moralfagging for no reason. He must have hit his head or soemthing, I can't think of an explanation for something this retarded
>She was incredibly flattered that we even considered a Woona plushie though.
Seriously? Shut the fuck up
Remove him and get somebody competent in charge. Hi anon wouldn't have asked for permission.
>really is her creation
Wow! Where did she get the inspiration to create such a brand new pony?
>Ego said she wasn't comfortable with the idea of mass producing plushies of Woona.
>She was incredibly flattered that we even considered a Woona plushie though
She doesn't want me to date her. She likes me as a friend, though.
I don't really care for woona but I thought the whole point of making her was to get legaly distinct filly Luna. And you managed to blow it lmao
We should cancel all verity preorders. Vote with our wallets.
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>I thought the whole point of making her was to get legally distinct filly Luna
We can always make a legally distinct Woona!
She will be... Greyish green!
And she will wear... The "autism" hat!
I will kill you
Unironically this, why don't we just make our own version of filly Luna?
What's wrong? You know I'm right.
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Great idea, we can call her troona
>Great idea, we can call her troona
It is retarded, but it made me laugh hard.
It might be better to just not pay when the invoice comes. Give them plenty of time to fix this shit, and if they don't, make them suffer twice as hard.
That's genius! There is nothing to fix. The only fix is getting rid of the managers
Sack em
Stop being a faggot.
People distance themselves from this fandom and stop respecting it entirely, what if they have an OC they now hate?
Fuck them and their needed respect, just make the fucking plushes. Pulling this shit WILL kill the project.
It already did. We all lost faith in current leadership.
Sit down pal, you are embarassing yourself
He speaks for me, at the very least.
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Here is Troona, and by making this post I explicitly grant the permission to use her in every /mlp/ project including /mppp/.
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This case reminds me of the character of Jade, 9 years ago. QueenCold (the creator) found out some time later that OlyFactory was manufacturing plushies of her character and ended up asking for C&D of their manufacture. In compensation, Oly apologized and gave him five of these as a gift.
It doesn't have much to do with the thread, but I want to assume that this is what the team behind /mppp/ imagines if they make the Woona plush.
Nah I agree, if this is one guy leading and fucking up or all guys leading the project collectively becoming faggots, it's basically setting a precedence going forwards.
If they keep going 'w-well we need permission beforehand!' then they'll reject all new OCs and board OC plushes because they can't get/find permission from old creators that want to keep their OC likeness LIKE HASBRO WOULD or they hate MLP now LIKE HASBRO DOES and the project is dead.
We need the dance gif version
Based anon, Troona is born
The project IS dead. I am glad you agree. Let's get rid of the leads and make sure they never come back. Someone else will step up.
Blessed, I love her
Yeah, I'd eat her out.
It boils down to one simple thing that's irrefutable: If we sought permission from Hasjew to make these plushes, they flat out say 'No fuck you it's ours get C&D'd you cunts' and that would be the end of it.
Just like with the original Luna plush before /mppp/ was established. And then things went to OlyFactory BECAUSE we knew we couldn't get permission.
If we do the same with creators of OCs that are cunts like Hasbro that want to say THIS IS MINE despite making a derivative of Hasbro's IP, or they have become a faggot and distanced themselves from MLP entirely and have deleted all their old shit and then '''respect''' that despite the lack of it back, then nothing will be made.
The leadership surely understands that getting permission is already fucking retarded, surely? NOTHING WILL NEVER GET DONE. This is why OlyFactory was selected in the first fucking place.
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>The leadership surely understands that getting permission is already fucking retarded, surely?
There is one person that is retarded in the current leadership. Get rid of him and literally every problem is solved. Simple as.
That twittard will NEVER understand.
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I'm convinced anyone in this thread defending this retarded decision is /mppp/ org damage control. This is the stupidest fucking thing ever and only the mentally handicapped would try to deny that.
When has /mlp/ ever cared about having permission? lolwat. It's not like you could get sued, It's not even their original character.
I haven't gotten the verity plush as I really only care for board OC's, and I've been hype for the Milky and Floorb ones.
But any cunt that's ordered the verity should cancel their pre-orders until this is sorted as a form of protest. It will light a fire under the leadership's arses. Either they all backpedal if this is a collaborative retardation, or kick the guy spearheading the retarded decision.
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no, fuck you. I need my horse child.
I bet they talked to her, because they thought she would be excited and happy her OC is still relevant. Retarded move, but I can see that way of thinking and the surprise when she shot it down.
Admit you dun goofed and move on guys.
Then you'll likely allow him/them to continue with their retardation and kill all projects going forward.
I will not be purchasing a Verity
I don't support it, but I'm not going to cancel an order for something that I've been waiting years for.
Aight, so long as you understand that you're not voting with your wallet.
Can you comprehend that voting with wallet only works when there is profit involved? You are only fucking yourself over.
Right, they aren't making money from this project, it's paid for by the community. Voting with your wallet will do jack shit.
I can see this. All I really want is for them to admit it was a major mistake, and they won't repeat it. We all make fuck-ups, they just need to not double-down on it.
Well no, because in this case if every anon goes 'Right well fuck this I'm not taking part' then the project dies until it's properly picked back up by the non-retarded leadership, assuming it's one guy.
It will die anyway by virtue of anons not trusting in it anymore because moving forward in this paradigm there's no guarantee they won't conk out halfway through a plush and say 'Yeah nah sorry the creator of the OC said no now, sorry guise :c'
Voting with your wallet is the only thing you can do here, by denying them the required pledges for the plush, it freezes it in place and makes them go 'Oh shit, we really need to sort this out'.
It will make things slow down and take longer for verity to come out, but if you've been waiting this long then what's another few months to make sure we get not only verity but more plushes in the future?
I think you're just being shortsighted and want your plush NOW without a care for other OCs anons want. You get yours then it's alright, right?
Love her.
It's a for community project, you are only punishing yourself and the anons that dont even know about this drama. No interest and dead mppp means less work for the orgs, it certainly wont make them scramble to please your petty ass.
They've been able to put out plushes before, no one really cares that they fucked up this time as long as they roll it back and admit their mistake. I'm all for the pitchforks if they don't change their mind promptly, but I'm willing to give them a chance to sort this out if it means we still get plushies out of it.
>The leadership that cares about this project won't care if anons stop caring about said project
Yeah nah, they put time into this because they give a shit, otherwise it wouldn't have made it this far.
Anons collectively saying 'Fuck this I'm out' will have them scrambling to course correct. My 'petty arse' is a discontented voice with the direction that things are going.
But hey man, enjoy your verity plush, you get yours.
Nah, I can see them just dropping the project when its not worth the trouble.
And I bet it wont be your ass picking up the torch and communicating with the chinks, not to mention putting thousands of dollars on the line.
Get a load of this guy, he hates plushies!
Shiiiit, can't be that fucking hard. I'll do it, if it comes to it.
I trust this guy
better start looking into it, cause you'll be going into it blind lol. Not to mention, you'll need to hire people to design the plush.
>you'll need to hire people to design the plush.
Pretty sure the chinks do all that and prototype, the issue is communicating with them.
I live with a professional seamstress, so got that covered if the asians won't handle it themselves. Can just tell the chinks the old guys got sacked by 'us', and offer them like $5 more per plush to not make a big deal out of it. Know how much they like money.

Write up some polls, set up a new email and paypal, and problem solved.

Want a Woona plush? Sure!
no, you'll have to provide a 3d model of how you'd like the plush to be designed.
...and... is that it? Is that all? You send them a 3d model, and they handle the rest?

Why the fuck do we need the current heads of this project, again? They seem very replaceable.
Holy shit really? A 3d model? A whole 3d model of how I want it to look like??
Honestly though, it seems like a semi-moderate amount of work to get started, and I'm lazy as fuck. Don't get me wrong, I'll do it if shit degrades, but I'm just hoping that our current fuck-ups backpedal and provide us with an 'it'll not happen again', so I don't have to get off my ass.
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>ITT: lots of big words and hot air behind safety of anonymity
I think we should calm down and wait for a bit to see what people behind this project have to say.
of course I'm just talking outta my ass but.. yes, (You)!
Stop your retarded damage control, Wolvan, and hand off the keys to Hi Anon before you gas yourself 1940 style.
I feel like if they were going to say anything positive, they wouldn't be taking this long. Takes five seconds to say 'we fucked up, sorry, won't do it again'. If I had to guess, they're probably trying to write up something that doubles down and tries to mitigate anger, but only ends up making it worse.
they are and should be replaced nobody ever wanted them in charge theyve been incompetent from day fucking one
it's kinda early, don't ya think?
No it's not what the fuck do you mean.
It's 8am or earlier in most American time zones.
Thats just like your opinion man, I disagree. For all their faults, there are not many anons here I would be willing to trust with my money and dox.
>he forgets that one time where they doxed like 100 anons
To be fair, some of them got sent packages of diapers for free, so worth it maybe?
I don't care. They're online already and hiding as anons to do damage control and you know it.
The project is over and the leadership killed it.
I think that might be an overreaction. Killing it, is more accurate. If they don't realise the mistake, and double down, I say we get maybe two more plushes before they either call it quits, or get forcefully removed from their position.

There IS still time for them to ensure this won't happen again, and make it known.
You're jumping to conclusions. Wait at least 6 hours.
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It is really unpleasant position to be in. Either they go to what Woonas creator wished, which was gay non-answer and make lots of anons angry. Or they turn around and go full death-of-the-author mode, which makes anons happy but is going to be fucking awkward since they asked already from Ego about it.
Mistakes have been made.
It's been 20 hours since they said anything. It's about time we have answers.
They're not publicly answering so they're damage controlling
They are here to cater to us anons. It's their problem that they get into trouble, not ours.
But these limped dick shits won't. Which is why they have to go now. They served their purpose.
You sound like 15 year old entitled faggot
>like a
Am I entitled for wanting a board project working out? Any board project should abide by the rules, laws and decisions of the board. Otherwise it is not a board project.
This ceased to be a board project months ago when they stopped talking about it.
I bet they cash in 10 bucks for each plushie themselves at this point.
Ok now I know you are just baiting
>Either they go to what Woonas creator wished, which was gay non-answer and make lots of anons angry. Or they turn around and go full death-of-the-author mode, which makes anons happy but is going to be fucking awkward since they asked already from Ego about it.
Woona is already dead. It can only be Troona or another legally distinct OC.
However, the real questions are
>Is Verity safe from cancelling if DEFHR forbids it? What plushies can even be made by /mppp/ in the future?

It is clear that the orgs themselves don't know the answers.
>only works when there is profit involved
THIS. In fact, I may get more than before since there is a non-zero chance that this could be the last one made here should everything downside into oblivion.
Well, hopefully it doesn't. It's a simple answer really. Just make the Woona plush.
The "creator" of the character didn't even know about the plush in the first place. All of this is just so petty.
I'd get it if it was their OC. But it's literally just grayscale filly luna.
I agree that there may be a chance that the organizer thought they'd be excited and got btfo when it was shot down. I can see that. But that means he was acting like a twittard seeking approval and appreciation from people who don't matter. There's a reason we don't do this and call out those who do. You do not showboat outside of mlp because then faggotry like this happens. A lesson that must be relearned because it's not really explicitly repeated and explained. Instead gatekeeping usually winds down to screeching and ignoring.
In this area I have a solution. Jut do what I do with an OC you personally love and don't want to allow the internet free reign to work with. Simply, DON'T SHOW HER ONLINE AND KEEP HER TO YOURSELF!!! If you want to show her off for the attention and bonding with strangers, then don't be taken aback when porn is draw and projects and merchandise is made. If you THINK you don't want anything like that to corrupt her or happen, then simply never reveal her publicly. That's what I do and I have a very close attachment to my OC. End of story.
The organizers can not be trusted. The only option we have is put someone new in charge and make woona happen.
I'd be happy id the old organizers get shit for it to be honest. They deserve it.
What happened to them? I missed that while I was on /toy/
It's over for /mppp/
You guys realize that nobody appointed the organizers, right? They’re just normal people who decided to take initiative. Nothing is stopping (You) from taking initiative of your own and proving the superiority of your ways to the board by making your own bootleg /mppp/.
>Nothing is stopping (You) from taking initiative of your own and proving the superiority of your ways to the board by making your own bootleg /mppp/.
Correct. In fact, it would be really convenient if someone who is totally-not-from-mppp ordered Woona from Olyfactory.
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>We need the dance gif version
>finally decide to go on on the /mppp/ for verity and word on woona
>missed out on all the others
>now drama is threatening to blow up the project

I just wanted the fun board project plushies....
Hey just gunna say, your reasoning here,
>Short term? Nothing. Long term? People are still willing to work with us. Artists are still willing to associate here. We're not seen as unreasonable. I feel like there's this big disconnect, where people just assume that's how "they" are and that's how "we" are, and doesn't want to nut the fuck up and take responsibility for cause and effect.
Is pretty bad and not a good excuse. No one has willingly reached out to us to do these, they have always been decided by us board users. We made Arry no matter the "consequences" and we made the Nasapone with meatball no matter the "consequences". You're arguing against yourself here, and really this is hurting the integrity of the project way more than just doing it would. It's time for you to "nut up" and continue with Woona. Literally nothing will happen.
It's over. Someone else should go and do it, I am not trusting the current guys in any capacity anymore.
They. Need. To. Go.
based. woona is a waste of a slot, get a better oc to make plushies of.
his twitter is full of cuck shit now, so you can guess what the answer is going to be
First they came for Woona, and I said nothing, for I did not care about Woona...
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what the fuck happened?
why is everyone so mad?
woona has been cancelled, is that the reason?
Few are mad about the what, many are mad about the why.
And the absolute lack of communication at all from anyone on the project.
alright, I've read some
I understand the organizer's reasons, it's sad we won't get woona
there is nothing I can do about this situation, hopefully things calm down after everyone got it out of their systems
yes. woona is a waste.
Doxmas was hilarious and people got mildly upset at NOT being involved with the impromptu secret santa where they threw diapers and a Spike plush at each other.
Fuck. I skipped this one so I could get twice the Woona next time :c
You still have time for Verity.
If we hit the minimum order requirement.
Maybe.. I'll consider it. Just bummed the fuck out for the rest of the evening now.
Wow, that was a lot to catch up on. I just got time to check the thread after work and all that.

As for asking for permissions? Woona was a big exception. Neither Princess nor me felt good with doing her without asking first because unlike the other characters on our list she hasn't been picked up by the wider fandom/our board like Milky for example has been. And as that one anon said, it's a character that a lot of love, effort and time has flown into by a single person. It's something that Princess and me both decided is worth the consideration of messaging her. I expected her to be cool with it, personally, but c'est la vie.
I also don't think we ever had a prototype for Woona, so I am not sure where the idea of "she is already finished" comes from.
Just start your own thread then, we're waiting.
WolvanID8M stands for Wolvan - I Date Minors.
fuck off nobody wants you here
you had your chance now get the fuck out this isnt your thread
and stop dragging hi anons name through the mud he had nothing to do with this
i am not even surprised
fucking pedo
So are you doing woona, and will you be letting permission be a step for milky or floorb? Ignore >>41239223 this faggot, I just want plush deliveries :^)
To quell the rage, can you please just outright say you won't be repeating this mistake in the future?
No woona. No permission for Milky or Floorb, at least from my end. And can't make any promises but I am definitely not planning to.
Go piss off. You had your chance now get lost you whore. Put Hi Anon back in charge you waste of oxygene.
>implying anything can quell the rage
The only thing doing that is him stepping the fuck down already and letting someone properly manage this
That's not very friendship is magic of you anonymous :^)
meds are mandatory
What do you all think about A Snowdrop or Screw Loose plush? Just my current cravings, behind Floorb of course.
Screw Loose is a show character, so no can do.
Replying to every post with the same thing isn’t going to fix anything
iirc there is already snowdrop plushies. it would be better to go after characters that have no plushies.
milky has had insane demand, is there any reason we havent gotten around to her that isnt "cant post pictures of her on here"? shes been the one ive been waiting for the most and it feels like shes just out of reach
wont stop until we get what we want and deserve
Stop doing this, people can speak for themselves
what would that be, woona? i guarantee you less than 20 people want her.
then fucking do it you deserve better than this >>41239202 worthless piece of shit in charge
new leadership that actually does what the board wants and trusts them to do
Initially I agreed with you, but I am happy with the response we were given. A mistake was made, and they've expressed they have no desire to repeat it.

You're taking it too far now, to the point you're not even causing damage, just embarrassing yourself. Cease, save yourself some decency.
Man this one schizo is crazy
Its not enough he's samefagged about 300 posts here, he's doing it to other threads too.
Wolvan has been rent free in his head for a long while now. anytime wolvans name is mentioned its like you are summoning a demon.
But instead of a demon its a faggot. And instead of it being your typical faggot it's one or several anons who constantly get mad over Wolvans mere exsistance and shits on him wherever he goes
>Can we not just get someone else involved with designing her?
yeah, i hear theres a new namefag named Molvan. sounds like a cool guy, maybe he can help on the project instead.
since its a totally different person who will be replacing him, Wolvan cant take the blame for something he has no control over. just a thought.
Fucking shit anons, your stupid rage comments are going to make /mppp/ management cry and send you all with the project to hell. There are so many other options to choose from besides a black and white Luna.
I remind you that they are not the only ones who can create plushies and manage the entire project, after all, this is the /mlp/ board you talented faggots.
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Welp it seems grorius readers of the project felt the need to ask premission so they dont burn any bridges clearly a bonehead move. Now they won't make Woona as they fear for their bridge but they arent us! Mad Anons take the initiative and burn that fucker down harass the creator of Woona and shit on them wherever they are. Fling shit so hard they leave the internet and never let the heads of /mppp/ ever think to ask permission again, if they want to protect that bridge out of their retarded morals do what they will not and BURN THAT BRIDGE!
Eh, that's effort, for absolutely zero change of outcome. They already said they won't be repeating this fuck-up in the future, we just need to accept Woona won't happen and plan for the next plush instead of lingering on it.

I'm all for Floorb. I NEED Floorb.
This post glows hard
want floorb
need floorb
Little Pip IS the option, Anon.
Need neet
Important question when Floorb is made: will the plush be pristine white and we grease her up ourselves or will her coat color be off-white?
Floorb is a need for me as well
Off-white sounds better to me
I like the idea of having to dirty her up ourselves. White tends to go off coloured anyway with heavy use
I like the idea of having to clean her up ourselves. have the chinks cover every square inch of white fabric in dirt and bake it in the sun for 2 hours and then its up to the user to clean up their florb.
Uh, no.
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Terrisoftbros, this is our opportunity
I, anonymous, created her. Well, I took part in the thread that created her, so I'd reckon that means I own about 1/64th of her.
What I'm trying to say is, Terri really is 1/64th my creation, and I'm just not comfortable with the idea of mass producing plushies of Terri. I'm incredibly flattered that you even considered a Terri plushie though.
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I, anonymous, created her. Well, I took part in the thread that created her, so I'd reckon that means I own about 1/64th of her.
What I'm trying to say is, Terri is 1/64th my creation, and I'm 200% comfortable with the idea of mass producing plushies of Terri. I'm incredibly flattered that you even considered a Terri plushie and cannot wait to see her IRL
White, that way you get authentic NEET grime
I, anonymous, created her. Well, I took part in the thread that created her, so I'd reckon that means I own about 1/64th of her.
What I'm trying to say is, Terri really is 1/64th my creation, and I'm unsure if I'm comfortable with the idea of mass producing plushies of Terri. I might be flattered that you even considered a Terri plushie though
>no accessories
She'll just be a boring Twilight recolor and a potential C&D.
Twilight recolor is legally distinct. Copyright doesn't apply to art style.
sure, but what is the point without the accessories?
>Twilight recolor is legally distinct.
Then why don't we just do a Luna recolor?
Even if grayscale is not available for a retarded reason, but the rest of the options are still on the table.
making all /mppp/fags into plushmancers. making clothes is just the first step of learning plushmancy
I, anonymous, created her. Well, I took part in the thread that created her, so I'd reckon that means I own about 1/64th of her.
What I'm trying to say is, Terri really is 1/64th my creation, and I insist on finding the other 63 faggots and conducting a poll. You can consider that collectively we are at least 1/64th flattered that you even considered a Terri plushie though.
>his twitter is full of cuck shit now, so you can guess what the answer is going to be
Which means that we cannot do Floorb. The creator is clearly not comfortable with far right pony extremists playing with his creation.
How about gifting him half a dozen Floorb plushies to sweeten the deal? if he rejects, so be it.
>The creator is clearly not comfortable with far right pony extremists playing with his creation.
No, but with a bbc will surely love that the people plays with her creation, like his fetish art.
Do it anyway. I want my Floorb.
dude was literally at mare fair last year, I don't think he has an issue with /mlp/
Wait, but if he is /ourguy/ then we definitely need to ask for his permission.
It would not be right to turn away the rare case of an artist who supports us.
if he's a cuck it would be better not to ask him. i bet it would turn him on.
Do not. I repeat, do NOT do this.
Why not, though?
Long term it is more important to maintain healthy relationships with the artists.
This is so fucking true
Good post
Literally yes.
There is much more hype for other characters than for Woona.
Obviously, everyone here would accept any plush pony no matter how autistic the character is (canon or not), but floorb or littlepip are definitely better choices.
Woona's design isn't even interesting or particularly cute or funny or anything.
The fuck are you talking about? What relationship? Take character we like, make plushie of it. Their approval does not matter.
I am really sorry, guys, but I cannot give you my permission to ruin the Floor Bored image with cheap chinkshit.
Please find a decent plushiemaker for my dirty NEET mare, then we can discuss it again.
>Their approval does not matter.
To you, Anonymous. It is important for Wolvan and Princess to keep their image relatively clean.
Should have used an alias, then.
Sergeant Reckless it is then.
Erm... no. I do not give /mppp/ permission to use my likeness.
fuck it. do zippers at this point.
I thought you were better than this..
I will exchange 1 bucket of beer for 1 permission
Back to the drawing board...
think we need another Anonfilly run
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Make it two and you have a deal.
I am the Anon that was turned by Twilight to a filly.
You don't have my permission for reruns.
>perfect english
bros, I think this might be an impersonator...
Unfortunately, your retarded ass doesn't speak Chinese.
Who's laughing now?

Google translate exists, also ChatGpt now can translate too.
老外, 你確定嗎?
USA army holds the copyright for you anyway.
>monolingual amerifat mindset
Пoмoгитe paзoбpaтьcя, этo мнeниe eвpoкyкa или yзкoплёнoчнoгo?
Why would anyone waste their time learning some peon language?
The point is if you don't like it. Why aren't you the one who contact OlyFactory to make Woona/FloorB plush for /mlp/?
Imagina no saber otro idioma que no sea el inglés
I'm the CEO of Permissions. Sorry, but you don't have my permission to withhold your permission. The projects will carry on as planned.
Not so fast faggot. /mppp/ will cease production of any and all plushies.
Honestly no idea what you are talking about. They said earlier they likely won't make the mistake of asking for permission in the future, so, not sure who you're defending here. We seem to be on the same page
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anon, you’re FIRED
Vetoed. Carry on.
Kill yourself.
What're you gonna do if I don't? Job?
You must immediately and effectively cease all the production of the toys bearing any similarity to the characters owned by Hasbro Inc. Also you must desist from starting the production of any such toys in the future.
Suck my Chris
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You're all a bunch of degenerate faggots and you no longer have my permission to watch ponies, think about ponies, or even say the word pony. Go home.
I returned my admin rights for 5 minutes just to announce that the creation of the /mlp/ board was a mistake and to start the removal process.
What the fuck happened to this thread
Do you really have to ask?
im going to buy so many chickshit floorbs your balls will explode from getting cucked so hard.
sit in the chair. i will be hot gluing my floorb mountain.
You guys are fucking stupid, what you have done is basically opening Pandora’s box. Every OC is owned by someone why do you think it’s called an Original Character? We know who creates a character based on the artist with the oldest picture on a booru. We didn’t ask permission for Anonfilly, Nasapone, Frosty Flakes or Aryanne. Even though we could have reached out to each artist that created them we didn’t, why start now?
No no no you set the precedent now, you have to go and find each and every creator of every OC that this project wants. Surely they’ll all agree to having their OCs made? What’s the harm in asking? Nothing totally bad will happen that will eventually destroy the project because nobody wants their OC being mass produced. Better yet we as the Anons can contact them directly letting them know that we are so excited on making their OC into a plush form for no monetary gain at all, I don’t see that being fucking ruined in the future.
hey guys. i just came up with another OC we could do instead of floorb.
her name is bloorf and she is a offwhite smelly neet mare with dirty black hair who doesnt have a cutiemark. she spends her days surfin le internetz, reading manga and eating cup noodles. sometimes she stays up all night to do these things. therefore she has bags under her eyes. i think this new OC will be perfect for this project.
>omg shes literally me but cute mare
Dude, you clearly ripped of my character. Her name is qɹoolℲ and also does those things.
Both of these. The project now has a stop lever that just asks to be pulled.
Your OCs are not real unless you make a picture.
Troona, though, is a real OC that can be produced.
>they likely won't make the mistake of asking for permission in the future
Don't worry, the artists' contacts are public, so I will. We don't want to ruin the relationships with the OC creators by doing something behind their backs, do we?
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Did you ever ask Randy permission to create Aryanne plush?
how many pcs are required for Verity?
I don't recall you asking permission for any of the others
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Mine is real because I made him :3
I remember that Jargon Scott approved Twiggles. Not sure that the word "permission" was ever used, though, he is not that retarded to copyright a parody of a hard-copyrighted character.
500 pieces - the fabric is special and more expensive than what Olyfactory usually use
I thought it was 400, wasn't Frosty 400?
She was, but she isn't Verity <:3
why'd it go up an extra 100 pcs required though? Frosty used a special fabric as well.
We had trouble getting 400 pcs of Frosty Flakes, how are we going to get 500 pcs by the end of the month?? lol?
>how are we going to get 500 pcs by the end of the month?? lol?
We aren't. The duration will be extended until 500 pieces are preordered.
How many we need? I shan't miss my daughteru
when does real verity get to meet plushie verity
I estimate that it'll take 3 months minimum
with active shilling
I estimate that we have around 200 preordered, so you need to preorder 300 more.
Active shilling is advertising, and ads are prohibited.
Whatever you say lol
I love my daughteru Verity
new thread when
new thread please oco
Never. The project is dead and the retarded leads killed it. Go home.
Probably less than 50 lol

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