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would u let bat wife suck blood thorugh ur weenoir
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Are we really going to let this thread die on day 1?
unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf
the first few posts are garbage enough that I honestly wouldn't be opposed to just letting it die then trying again, hopefully without weird zoomer facebook memes
Fair, I'll leave this thread with a second relevant image then and let it go it's course until morning.
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Unless I forget the image
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I'd love to have bap thread, but what is there to discuss? Whenever somebody posts even something silly stuff approximating lore it just gets ignored and stuff just boils down to bumpfest of same old images. It's like there's no will to live or vitality anymore.
Why don't we put together all of the lore and broadly accepted headcanon about batponies in this thread? Then maybe upload it to ponepaste. Then we can use that as a foundation to expand batpony greens, etc.
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What something like

>Live in caves
>Like Luna
>Until that one anon shows up to say they're all Sunfags
>More warlike (?)
>Are sex fiends that kidnap people to reproduce (?)

The only real constant is the look and form of the bat pony, but even then some artists forgo the fangs or the pupils. I think it's widely accepted by now that they don't need to have dark and desaturated colours but some authors might choose to still do it. Were they created by Nightmare Moon or did they exist before her? Did they share in her punishment? Even their diet can be called to question. Some authors have them eat meat or drink blood if they need them to be even edgier or it suits their fetish.

There's too many inconsistencies to make big list of "Rules of Bats"
Well, what if we just start at one particular point, like where they live. Flesh that put in more detail, and then move on to the next topic
>Are sex fiends that kidnap people to reproduce
its not kidnapping
its house arrest
I propose an alliance between the avian strange waifu pony breeds. Bump the plone thread on page 10 for your own bat pony thread page 10 bumps. simple as.

I don't think we should merge threads or anything extreme, just a being a wing pony on the board for each other.
The only thing thing that is clear is, they are evil. Everything else is rumors at best. Bat ponies are DARK and BROODING demonspawns, they are. They make strange noises, dance disturbing dances, and never bathe. Their blood is so densely cursed that evil itself finds it unbearable, you may dispel small hexes and exorcise weak possessions with a glass of it. Their eyes don't actually glow in the dark but for some reason they all believe otherwise, they get agitated if you question it. Their saliva has this unique persimmoney astringent taste and their tears taste bitter as sin. Younger bats instinctively look for the highest place to sit in any room they find themselves in. In adult bats this behavior disappears and reappears again as they grow old - this time not as something subconscious but as a social signal, a subtle way to say "I feel old and tired". They can be rather expressive about it. If your bat granny drags a heavy chair to a high closet and the legs of this chair screech screechiously, it doesn't mean she forgot she has wings, it means you overstayed your welcome. Despite what they may tell you, bat ponies can take off from the ground. If a bat pony tells you she can't, it's because she's trying to trick you. Bats are INSIDIOUS and UNDERHANDED like that.
All of this is true and more. The only way to save the eternally damned soul of a bat pony is to have many foals with them.
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That's unironically one way to learn math.
>I think it's widely accepted by now that they don't need to have dark and desaturated colours
I figured the desaturated color palette would be the norm for most bat ponies, but some do stray notably from that trend with more vibrant colors, presumably due to previous non-bat ancestors in their lineage.
Shit, forgot to quote >>41222664
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I kinda like to think that they're creation of NMM during her episode 1000 years ago and after her defeat baps have been living in self-imposed semi-exile in far corners of Equestria. In Canterlot they're just old mares tales for scaring fillies and colts to behave, but in northern lands local townsponies know of them mainly from pilfering crops. As for brighter colors, I think NMM enchanted ponies loyal to her to look DARK, INTIMIDATING and EDGY but as centuries has gone by, in absence of their great mother the baps have mellowed down to same level of adoraretardation as normal ponies and rare brighter colors is result of them just intermixing with regular ponies.
>tfw no bap wife to make foals with
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I'm more partial to them being around before Nightmare Moon but otherwise going how you have here. Celestia might eventually seek them out though. After 900 or so years, when the cultural wounds have healed and ponies have all but forgotten NMM. If she knew her sister would be coming back soonish and that there could potentially be an army for her to recruit hiding somewhere in Equestria's wilderness, Celestia might try to bring them back into the fold, form relations and trade, possibly recruit them into the beginnings of a new Lunar Guard. I don't think it would be in great numbers, only so many that ponies would still be taken aback and spooked by their appearance even after Luna's return. Probably the majority of ponies still not knowing they exist, but enough to let bat ponies form a proper attachment to the country and ponies of Equestria, and that there would be some in Royal Service when Luna visited Ponyville a mere 3 or so months after he return.
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I like that diplomacy idea. Main reason I want to think them as 'designed' tribe is that the three tribes feel natural and balanced as alicorn sisters have aspects from all of them. But there's no bat in neither of the diarchy. They are 'outsiders' kinda by nature.
That's fair. They do fit well as a 'manufactured' tribe but my main reason to lean away from it is that the existence of normal ponies who followed NMM to be turned into bats kinda goes against the reason Luna turned. If normal ponies followed her in any numbers then she couldn't have been /that/ dejected. I think if the ponies that followed her were already outcast, already monsters in likeness then she might take their rejection from normal pony society as an extension of her own, enhancing her anger and hatred of the sun.
>kinda goes against the reason Luna turned.
Yeah, my headcanon relies pretty heavily on aspect that Lunas turning wasn't just petty jealousy, it was some sort of cosmic corruption by powers way beyond mortal ponies. But that's getting more into moon general territory.
The show itself fucked up NMM's reasons for being completely anyway. I've seen a theory/headcanon that all of the major bads were empowered by a single evil cosmic entity at one point or another, enabling them to do evil on its behalf. Explaining bat ponies as the creations of NMM can explain lunar guard Rainbow Dash in a more interesting way than "the armour has illusion magic"
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How so? The show stated right from episode 1 that Luna turned against Celestia out of jealousy. That never changed.
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I guess that's not quite the right wording. The later development of the princesses makes the fall of Luna less understandable as anything other than sheer incompetence or narcissism by Celestia. When it was simply missing her sisters depression and anger it was one thing, but Celestia never seemed to understand the dream stuff and made no efforts to deal with it in Luna's absence. This is totally a /moon/ conversation though.
>This is totally a /moon/ conversation though.
Haven't really followed those to be honest though. I don't frequent /moon/.
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Desperate bapbump
I feel like a batty dose of military police violence is afoot here.
Are batpony police more violent than normal ponice?
A little, I think? Bats are solitary hunters by nature. Their instincts are fine-tuned to stalk and crawl and ambush. They can train themselves to stay calm and collected when faced with an opponent who can clearly see them, but they weren't designed for mode of comminication. It gets on their nerves when the other guy knows where they are.
Violent, unclean creatures
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Imagine the smell
Sexually, yes.
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"Extreme Sexual Violence" is the slogan of the Lunar Military Ponice
I'm ok with all of this.
You can't rape the willing ^:)
No batting on page 10!
That's bad propaganda!
Yeah! Baps are perfectly sanitary. They bathe at least once a month!
I heard baps hang upside down in their caves and defecate right where they hang!
arrest the bats
release the bats
Relieve the bats.
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Post the bats.
I know this one, she's a fucking psycho.
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No, there isn't a good blood supply there, if that's a kink of her's then... maybe. But I get to do decide what we do next full moon then.
Why next full moon?
Yeah the Fluttershy werebat transformation shit is cringe, we've got homegrown full time bats
How so?
Professional bat!
Bats mean business
I was going off the head canon that full moons make bat ponies loopy and horny to varying degrees, generally they can control it but if your bat pone wife is prone to some S tendencies you might want to watch out and keep an eye on the lunar calendar.
>tfw no professional bat wife that just wants to come home and be pampered after a long and exhausting night of waging
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>Daaayum mare you live like dis?
Same old story. Mare or stallion?
Either a very tired mare or a medium tired dude. It's impossible to say with any degree of certainty without knowing how long and/or eventful fucker's shift was.
if you had to ask, does it matter?
No eyelashes, so most likely a stallion.
Only marginally. To know what to expect.
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Thank you for reminding me that blackmidi exists.
They always do.
What's so special about her?
>no eyelashes
>square muzzle
>male tag on Twibooru
Sorry, anon.
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Even better
Meant for >>41237605
Still would.
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It's got a cute face? It's got a cute ass? Good enough for me
war criminal
intentional collaboration in a mass murder. Didn't commit murder herself, but contributed to it
Because they brought who knows how many Anons to beat their meat to them?
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All bats are special
I'm fucking retarded, but just going off mangos, is the answer 147.5?
It works for bats and anons alike
Yeah, thought so.
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These appendages on the wings, are they sharp?
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Bat-tech is highly advanced.
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The Smithsonian website mentions that bat thumbs tend to have a sharp claw, which would make sense for climbing things.
>a bat mare with sharp wing claws hugging you
God, that's hot.
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*steals your bat*
>file corrupt
>works on my computer
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Who's that?
>doesn't work on Pale Moon
>does on Firefox
Weird shit.
>Using a browser made by a degenerate furry
Would've been weird if it had been the other way around, but why are you surprised a single-dev browser based on an ancient fork has some issues rendering some types of content?
4chan uses two different servers for embedded files. i.4cdn.org and is2.4chan.org.
The former always runs well while the latter couldn't load files for shit.
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wtf sad bat
Bat is an orphan and starving
>Bat is an orphan
No such thing. Bat is for care.
Bat is sad because no more fries.
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Not orphan but homeless nonetheless. She was booted from her tribe to go and find husband, and only after then she may return to see her family. Living in ditch trying to spy unlocked houses is rough way to live.
To bat is to suffer.
Can't be too hard to find a stallion for her though.
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>just kiss
Entry tier.
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>leather on feather preening and vice versa
Now that's unf/10.
I refuse that answer.
Batty bumps.
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This bat just begs to be bred.
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Itadaki Seieki main character reference?
btw captcha KYS K
Her cutie mark is a candle with a tooth instead of flame? Metal as fuck, ngl
Or is it bellows? I blinked and now it's bellows.
That's a big bat.
Love this image
The mare looks pretty concerned though.
that is just a little boy. She is a predator and he is in danger
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For you.
Imagine the BJs. She could snatch your dick with pinpoint precision.
Not according to the file name.
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Bapduction bump!
What's the bat doing here?
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That's my OC , she would make a wonderful wife. But she was just working parttime, she wants to be a trad wife.
Trad bat or in common Equestrian way?
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smol bat
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>Squeeze the bats, squeeze the bats! Make them squeak and become flat!
Or something. I'm really bad at rhyming.
Where's the difference?
Batty bumps.
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Bath bat a cute.
Couldn't this picture be considered a batty bump?
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All vampire ponies are batponies, but not all batponies are vampire ponies. What do you think?
>All vampire ponies are batponies
Vinyl would like to have a word with you.
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No, stop it. Ponies can't be green. It's against regulations. Not even some specific regulations: it's the crime to end all crimes, against all things regulatory on the conceptual level.
Even Anonpone?
makes sense, most bats are insectivores or herbivores with the amount that actually drink blood is pretty rare.
>only bat ponies drink blood
Would explain why they get shunned.
>old 'based' browser without 'new engines spyware'
>entire drama about dev banning adblocks and making sure modern ads and trackers work
there are lot other and better unmaintained broken old schizo browsers
0 devs is better than 1 dev fixing ads
How does that relate to my point, anon
Vampire bats' method of drinking blood is way less sexy than a long, drawn out Dracula bite and suck too. They more scrape and lick.
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desu it can be as sexy as you want it to be, they don't scrape more then use their razor sharp canines to slice open a vein and lap it up. Maybe I'm weird but being cut open and seeing the blood flow while a bat pony looks me in the eyes to slowly lap up my blood is pretty hot to me.
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Imagine her fondling you with these wing claws or whatever they're called.
>You get woken up in the middle of the night because she hugs you in her sleep and her wing claws poke into you a little harder than is comfortable
The things you put up with for your mare.
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>look up bat mating for lulz
Holy smokes those bat ponies are PACKING and they do a ton of foreplay with their long ass tongues.
>after months of asking, vampire batpony gf finally agrees to bit you
>expect it to be super erotic like the movies
>close yours eyes and wait for the feeling of her fangs entering your neck
>time passes
>she wakes you up, turns out you fell asleep waiting
>it's been nearly an hour she's done already
>didn't feel anything because the enzymes in her saliva numb the pain
>didn't even have to drink because the same enzyme causes blood to flow to the surface of the wound
>no trace of her feed on her face and the wound from the bite is so tiny you can't even find where it is
What kind of species specific diseases are the giving each other?
None. They're clean. Unlike actual bats.
.t corona bat
Need a vampire bat being really awkward trying to bite me in a way I might expect despite it being completely unnatural
>whatever they're called
Anatomically, that's her thumb. The wing is actually a hand, with each of the "points" a finger and the webbing between the fingers making up the membrane of the wing.
Lame. Try ebola or rabies instead.
Bats are clean. At least since being reintegrated into Equestrian society.
Rabies is classy and fun but ebola? It's corona 0.1, same weak unimaginative bandwagoning on the black plague with no own substance. I mean, above all else, you do you. If you love ebola, don't listen to me: go for it and have fun. But I don't get it.
>But I don't get it.
I don't want to get it either.
>same weak unimaginative bandwagoning on the black plague with no own substance
meanwhile corona is weak unimaginative bandwagoning on the common flu
I'll take a wannabe black plague over a wannabe cold
Bat bump.
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Wash the bats! Wash the bats! Make them clean and not smell bad!
Some likes this bat enough to save her twice.
Not only twice
>(1) (1)
The bats deserve it
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Why do bats need baths so frequently?
Leather is high maintenance.
Really they shouldn't be taking too many baths, if they did without properly oiling or treating the skin of their wings it could make them go really dry
>bat pony wing oiling
Damn Anon, don't give me new fetishes.
Where are the artfags to draw anon massaging oil into bat gf's wings
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You go live in the attic and try to not get filthy.
All bat ponies are SLUTS.
You see a bat pony OC? That OC has porn. Every time.
All bat ponies SUCK COCK.
Every single bat pony stallion has either appeared in gay porn or will do so within a month.

Prove me wrong. You can't.
>Create a bat pony oc
>Never post her online
>Never make porn of her
Would pegasaliva do like in >>41246317?
Do cyborg bats needlessly cover their cyberwings in machine oil to feel alive again?
You could ask in the request thread for it.
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bats just have such a comfy vibe to them
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I like the thought being hugged by bat pony wings. Must be really nice to be wrapped up like this.
honestly it probably wouldn't feel pleasent, imagine being hugged by what feels like stretched out ball sack skin
pegasus wings typed this post

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