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Trotcon 2024
Is anyone here going this year? They finally dropped all their covid BS
>TWO griffons in the poster
I can only see a single cute mare (?) compared to two griffons
>chase out kevin
>give baja blast so much clout and power that much of the staff leaves
>ban the staff member who owned your original mascots for some retarded reason, replace mascots with more furry-adjacent things
>lead harasses a hotel guest that was not a con attendee because the hotel guest was in a public non-convention area of the hotel and wasn't wearing a mask
>lead calls the police on someone for saying "hello" and helping a friend in the vendor hall
>the trotcon 2023 pizza incident (DO NOT RESEARCH)
>persecution of every attendee that had a green filly or a scarf
>the blacklist document
>their choices of charity
hmm yes let us all give them money
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So excited for this western animation event
god damn mare fair is such a blessing
>giving money to niggers
>a single cute mare
That's a fox you blind fuck.
>>the trotcon 2023 pizza incident (DO NOT RESEARCH)
Now you got me interested. What did they do?
>Going to trotcon
>In the year 2024
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It was 2022. Here's a pic one of the staff drew regarding the incident. I seriously can't comprehend who keeps giving Baja more influence in that con. It was never good, and only keeps getting worse.
God, I want to fuck this dragon
So it's about one of the orgs eating all pizzas available around until getting sick?
It’s so fucking over
I went last year, but they dropped the ball on shit like sponsor shirts being available for pick up, or sponsor posters being immediately available, etc. if I had the money I'd consider going, just because Larson is attending and getting an autograph would be rad, but honesty the furry presence is just overwhelmingly embarrassing. the minor d-tier horse famous people were all nice though, and chatting with them briefly was nice, helped me kinds redefine my sites on drawing ponies and stuff. mare fair was way more bang for the buck.
They invited all their staff to a pizza party at the end of the con. Once everyone was seated, they were told they would not receive any pizza or be allowed to leave - not until the staff member who leaked the "hate symbols pdf" (includes anonfilly if I remember right) was brought forward.
I don't remember exactly how that party ended though. If I were in there I would've left, can you imagine actually treating people like that?
>not allowed to leave
What was stopping them?
LMAO, this isn't what I expected. Thanks for clarifying.
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>there's been a second hate symbol pdf leak
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Found the video and I couldn't believe it at first
>spent $2634 for this
Forgot this was even happening. And I’m on social media a lot. Went to their Twitter account, looks like they chased their staff off again. They only just started posting again and whoever is running it now is…bad. Which means it’s probably the con chair.

They’re still hawking badges, too. With discounts. https://x.com/taylorbmcardle/status/1808939342540460186

I’m guessing attendance isn’t looking too good.
>ban the staff member who owned your original mascots for some retarded reason
I've always heard about this, but never cared to look into it. What was the reason they got banned?
Probably covid related I'd guess. That or politics.
is it really that hard for con organizers to just act like professionals?
Question based on how retarded the organizers are, are they zoomers? I feel like Millenials would be less obsessed about covid.

>lead harasses a hotel guest that was not a con attendee because the hotel guest was in a public non-convention area of the hotel and wasn't wearing a mask
KEK. I was thinking it was a jizz pizza or something.
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Is this the whole QRD on Trotcon retardation or is there more info? Is there anywhere I can read up on everything that happened/drama?

Cant say i ever read up on what happened outside of knowing that 2023 was an embarrassing disaster.
As funny as it is watching how badly run and overrun with furries and trannies all these cons are, I still think they should stay around - otherwise all those furries would show up at Mare Fair.
>They invited all their staff to a pizza party at the end of the con. Once everyone was seated, they were told they would not receive any pizza or be allowed to leave - not until the staff member who leaked the "hate symbols pdf" (includes anonfilly if I remember right) was brought forward.
Classic leftists.
The Mares and Stuff YouTube channel went over the drama. Just look at their Trotcon videos
Glad to see yall racist transphobes wont be coming.

Yall were the reason that the cons for the past 3 years failed. Yalls racism knows no bounds.

Yall are the reason why thousands of brony trans folks DIE.
>Yall are the reason why thousands of brony trans folks DIE.
Holy crap, I didn't know we're so successful. Maybe there is still some hope for the fandom.
The hope of pizza
Both me btw
I'm going because it's nearby where I live and I know a lot of people who are going to be there and I want to hang out with them.
That said, I'll tell you what the real worst thing about Trotcon is. It isn't furries or stupid Covid shit. It's the fact that the venue is a 30 minute walk from the nearest hotel, so I can't easily jump between drinking at room parties and going to the con, especially since driving isn't an option when plastered. And all the old fun with alcohol panels like Swaglicorn are now gone because it is no longer a 24 hour con. Switching to a convention center far from a hotel was such a mistake.
only in ohio
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Hello my fellow N WORD haters!

I cannot wait to see what WE have in store!

Can yall update me on the plans we've made so far? I need to put it in my schedule.

Where and when are we going to lynch a local african american trans girl?



Its going to be a total NUMGET moment when the N WORD figures out what WE are going to do!

Now please, help me fill out my planner?
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Yeah, I must have missed TEH memo!

Can yall update us?
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I must have missed the thread myself.


Yeah them EFFING N WORDS and F WORDS wont know wut hit em yall!!
Sure thing friends. We have a plant at pre registration. When you go to pick up your badge and our inside man goes to hand it to you, do not take the badge. Instead, delicately place your hand on his hand and whisper "the narwhal bacons at midnight" (secret 4chan code). Then he'll know to slip you the 2024 Channer Dossier for Cryptobigots. You'll find further instructions inside.
Can someone remind me whether it means f*ggots or f*moids?
>can't easily jump between drinking at room parties and going to the con
Reading such stories about alcoholic losers takes away my desire to attend pony cons.
Well, not only this, but also the stories about literally furry faggots fucking each other in hotel rooms.
The inclusion of the nazi imagery at the bottom really undermines the point of the rest of this retarded nonsense
>newfag doesn't know about the Derpibooru purges and Marenheit 451
Many such cases.
found the dumb nigger leftoid
Hearing Ike shit all over Trotcon is worth listening to this
Kek, can we see it?
I fully expect all OCs popular on /mlp/ (e.g. Verity, Tracy Cage) to be on the "mare bad list".
It's an edit. The original is about "fascist infiltration."
Someone just went through it and replaced every instance of "right wing stuff" with "left wing stuff" like it's Mad Libs
spec here im going and im bringing a specal guest with me
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The original obviously didn't make any sense: the DEI takeover is everywhere, but the opposite doesn't happen and is not supported by the corporate world.
Why is DEI so much more profitable than the opposite? The majority of people are willing to spend so much money on it
one exec in blackrock fetishizes it
Good, I hope you catch a case.
He just speaks for the corporate America, but his personality does not matter.
For some it's money laundering, for some it's immediate and large monetization in exchange for long-term reputation.
Why is it popular though? Why do so many people identify with it, numerically speaking?
No the idea that Blackrock isn't acting in its specific interests are a farce, while to some extent the virtue signaling is good for general corporations the extent is very much due to specifically Blackrocks interests.
Corporations do not need this for slave labor, and destroying their own internal structure is straight up suicidal and wouldn't be pursued if governments(and a big company that clearly just wants to be the government) weren't pushing it.
>Why do so many people identify with it, numerically speaking?
Greed, brainwashing, fear of being cancelled. Not many can oppose both social conditioning and their internal desires.
So much for "le other side can't meme le other side can only steal our memes and badly edit them" eh?
>/mlpol/ types taking the existence of a trotcon thread and using it as an excuse to shit out their propaganda
What do you mean finally dropped their covid BS?
They don't use anal swabs anymore.
>>/mlpol/ types taking the existence of a trotcon thread and using it as an excuse to shit out their propaganda
That's definitely an improvement. Though it would be better if the thread archived without replies and even better if it wasn't created in the first place
Mask requirements for all the time, checking vaccination while everyone else already stopped caring. All this annoying covid shit.

idk - was thinking about it.


needs more ponies. also needs less factions.


thanks for the update. am interested in more detail of the list, such as wat mascots were banned (still see peanut bucker i think) and choices of charity.


they were originally going to rename "trotcon" to "buckeyepop" but everyone was baffled and confused when they tried to enthusiastically announce it at the con almost 10 years ago. it was awkward. i don't think they really wanted to keep doing trotcon, and this is the result.


ciderfest was a blessing back in the day - not sure about now


savage, the opposite of friendship and gives me flashbacks to a similar event that happened in 8th grade gym class involving a gym teacher, the disappearance of a pen, forced pushups to exhaustion as punishment, rebellion, and then the sudden decision to do presidential fitness thing as "not" punishment the next day - but the con does have factions as a theme year after year.. probably related....


maybe fear of a permaban?


don't forget ticket price inflation - was only $45 at the door for 3 days 10 years ago. now, it's $80.


>no longer a 24 hour con

...just noticed. guess trotcon lost some of its uniqueness over the years. could always host an impromptu swaglicorn panel in 1 of the rooms while no one's looking, tho

(& no karaoke?)
>don't forget ticket price inflation - was only $45 at the door for 3 days 10 years ago. now, it's $80.
2x is the actual inflation of real estate over the 10 years, though.
The current state of Real estate isn't exactly just caused by straight inflation so its not a great metric.
Unless you want to tell me about how blackrock has been buying out all the tickets?
>how blackrock has been buying out all the tickets
They are buying up all the new real estate -> all real estate prices go up -> taxes and maintenance costs go up -> rent prices go up.
nigga i made the thread
>ban the trot ddr guy and all the gaming staff cause darkly dated one of them before she got married and that said staffer tried to blast darkly so she fired everyone
real story btw
The leftist furry favoritism is strong with the smell of bullshit and also wahman, this is what happens when they let DEI and women take over shit.
Though, it would be a damn shame if that type of shit happened too Harmony Con, even though they still allowed people wearing the scarf and let people bring the Anon Filly plushies and appearance and shit like that.
What are the hate symbols for this com? Id loke to know so I dont accidentally wear all of them.
Is baja finally out of everything? Last I heard he was accused by a bunch of peeps.
Even if it were a 24 hour con drinking panels would still not be allowed. The convention center has a no outside food or drink policy. They want to force you to consume their overpriced concessions
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...would require more research to see if con spaces also went up the same amount


the ddr guy is gone? :c


trotcon rules > convention rules
apple fritters for all: yes
24-hour con: yes
COVID cancelling the first pony convention I was going to go to is the reason I have never gone to one. I lost the cash I spent on the hotel flight and Trotcon ticket. I've been worried about buying a ticket to any convention since.
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:c they should have refunded them, pls
Hahaha wtf this is the first year without that?
liberal brain worms
>the ddr guy is gone? :c
Last year he set them up outside the convention center. Based rebel
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Went to 2022, somehow ended up with one of the two main stage signs (right place at the right time I suppose), never went back. Especially after the bullshit with the T-Shirts the first time.

HC is far better and making it to Mare Fair this year. Funny how Trot was celebrating being around 10 years and I honestly doubt it'll make 15.
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vote ddr guy for new con chair (wait, y can't attendees vote? hm...)
See you racists tomorrow. Hope you know I'll be reporting any person wearing a green pony or white pony shirt, accessory, plushie. :)

Yall arent welcome here and we want yall to be afriad :)

Toodles, sweethearts :)
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mods r sleep. post ponies
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ponies. just realized the convention isn't at the hotel ur staying at, lol wat
To my understanding, since I was at Trot 22, the con needed a bigger venue space, because at the Crowne it was really packed. Also, the best part about the Crowne was the staff because that hotel was shockingly bad.

Anyway, somehow, Trot gets moved to Dayton but it's in a convention center now. I suspect it's because Darkly, the con chair, has some need to do everything by themselves and so is constantly behind the ball on everything. Which means by the time they got around to finding a new venue, all the best places were full up and so they were forced to a contract with the next best thing. Which is this awkward as hell arrangement.

Side note, but Darkly also is the reason why it took two years for people to get their fucking T-shirts they paid for in 22. Everybody was begging them to get more manpower and yet to this day they have to do everything themselves. And the shirt I got? Tye-dye with one of the two faction logos on it, but it doesn't even say 'Trotcon' at all. Not worth the wait.

ah, that explains it. the marriott looks nice, tho - that's where i had thought the convention was to be held :shrug:
Supposedly they were originally planning to use the hotel that is connected to the convention center, but right after signing the contract with the convention center it closed for repairs. Renovations on the attached hotel still haven't begun and there is no idea when they will. Darkly should seriously consider finding a new venue next year that has an attached hotel because from the looks of it this one isn't going to be ready for at least a couple years.

so much driving, parking, and walking... seems like 2 much 4 a small con

Friend of a former staff member here (video game room), can confirm. The Darkly saga over the last decade or so is something else. She likes to talk about she does everything herself but will pass the buck if any of those things aren’t well received or will complain about not having help. Except she’s had multiple offers of help over the years, some she’s accepted. The fact that she drove away a lot of that help since the pandemic tells you all you need to know about the current state of the con and how bad it’s gotten. A shame because they had real momentum after BronyCon ended.
Underrated post. Kek!
Yeah, just listened through the Hobby Horse podcast on the 2023 con and so much of it seems to stem from Darkly's obsessive need to micromanage on the wrong things and paranoia. I'd be surprised if 2024 just continues the slow death spiral that's clearly happening and they still push for a 2025 with this expanded generic 'western animation'/furry push in an attempt to boost numbers.

Ironically, the shrinking numbers would be a strong argument for going back to the Crowne, as awful as that hotel was to the point of literally falling apart at the seams.

my favorite hotel was the one they used in 2014. such cozy - Sheraton at Capitol Square in Columbus, Ohio.
Lord, I miss that being right near Dirty Franks
Dirty Flanks
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come say hi
Absolutely this. Every cancerous leftist furfag con is a ward against the evil that might creep into the good cons.
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No u
Any interest in a meetup around 6pm? Third floor with all the old people things? Bring anonfilles and mares
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Sounds like a plan desu
If anyone wants to drink later, Ill bring my cooler down to the Marriot courtyard
I'll see you fucker's in the game room for commander.
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God speed anons, remember to have fun in spite of the faggot staff
Sounds good /)
This con is pretty chill so far. The venue being a mile away isn't even an issue cause of the shuttle.
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I'm bringing a small stash of beer. Reply to this post if you want to get drunk in the parking garage
Well the hotel wifi is banned but can you bring some mikes harder black cherry?
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I've got yings and Stella's, but I can diversify my holdings later.

Just parked by the skybridge entrance
The parking garage of the con center, I assume? Sure, what time?
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Wound up drinking a few with the owners of the Nissan that has the celestia/luna poll on the hood, and then went in for reg. Might try out front of the con center in a bit
Is it just me, or is there less vendors than last year?
Someone post some pics. I'm stuck at work and need some live pone activity to help me make it through the day.
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Whats attendance looking like this year?
I've been predicting that trot is gonna go the same way as Babs since their attendee numbers have been following a similar trend the past few years.
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Wow cool dead cockroach
Man, look how lively that concert hall is.
>8 poeple standing and pretending to dance while a guy stands in front of a stage
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Aha I am genius
I wish cons would stop dying so that I have a chance to go to them all. Except for Trotcon; I still had a blast at Trot 22 despite all the drama but at this point they honestly deserve to die.
I only went to Trot '22 as well and haven't been back. I'd argue it's not really even the same convention to the ones I've heard about before given how much staff leadership has changed, and the obvious focus on trying to shift to general anime/furry.

That said, there's maybe still six or seven pony major cons still going in the US alone including Mare Fair? That's an insane number for a niche fandom largely based around a show that ended years ago.
So when are one of you going to get a photo of Larson with an anonfilly?
I heard endless praise about trotcon up to the trotcon 2020 that never happened. I kept hearing it through their disastrous $20,000 super-pg ponyfest-partnered online con where a bud at the time got banned from their discord because blank3t was mad at him on behalf of someone else. It wasn't until Kevin left that all of those same people praising and hailing trotcon as the god of pony conventions finally changed their tune.
3rd floor
someone call the turkish embassy
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Forgot pic
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This is what you get for being a sponsor. Not even pony
Come brothers
Where the beer anon at?
Returning to base for resupply. May be back around 8, or may be hanging out around the Marriott courtyard.
Also banned apparently
I may do a quick stop by Walmart for cans of beer, because there’s only so many bottles I can shove down my pants.
So they raided the toy aisle at the CVS checkout lane for sponsors and have stopped giving two fucks about being pony related.

Why did retards in this fandom give in to their donation drive, and not let this cluster fuck die?
Gotcha covered
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Picrel this time
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Meanwhile, Darkly was posting in Discord a picture of the prototypes of actual mascot plushes (Peanut Bucker and the two whatever griffons) that she would be walking around with.

Like...they're okay, but this kind of reeks of "started the process way too late" if these were supposed to be in the sponsor boxes. Just like the T-Shirts from previous years.
Can you meet in room 146 in about 20 minutes
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Sure thing buddy
Hahaha wtf it looks like an Amy Mebberson character

pretty sure that's soundcheck
There is a distinctive avian flavor to this event…
Are there going to be any based room parties this year? Would love to come chat about mares and things!
Haha no this was the daytime concert (they’re doing those now)
Is that really the main hall? It looks fairly small from the photo, like it would be for the renegade stage or one of the panel rooms.
Daytime concert wasn’t in main hall. Same place where they had AD vendor hall, actually. Smaller room, either way
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>This is what you get for being a sponsor.
From the preview I thought it would be
>Bronies, this is your mindset.
Just saw this post recently. Anyone on the ground at Trot2024 that can give us a better idea of attendance? Don't need an exact number, just a scale between jam-packed and ghost town. Bonus points for photos.

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lmao even.

wat even
That was at the Rarity appreciation panel

for comparison, in 2014 it was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNTBX2a8LFs
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the levels of faggotry are insane
and this is why gatekeeping exists, yet you fuckers say no and are surprised when stuff like this happens
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holy shit that was me he was talking about, trot wasnt the worst experience of my life but i really didnt have a point of reference. it was /okay/ but MF was significantly better imo
Does anyone know why Spec was getting led out of the con by police?
Post pics or it didn't happen
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What the fuck hahahahaha
why do retards need to insert their politics everywhere? isn't the point of a con to get away from reality and relax?
Their unwillingness (or perhaps inability) to separate fiction from reality is why they ruin everything they touch
>Everything is political!
>I watched the movie and there was nothing political or woke in it
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the flag was a bit much
i give you internet hug brother.
holy shit, kinda glad I missed out then. last year was fidget toys and erasers, but at least I can cope and use them. the poster of my oc pony was cute, but I won't give any credit to darkly for it.
I didn't know what to expect, I just wanted to go to a ponycon and had credit card debt asking to be used. just about every face there was someone I never heard of, and the sponsor stuff was pretty garbo(>>41229496 me) but in the end it was a sorely needed kickstart in my brain. last year was pretty bad for me, so going to trot kinda picked me up. going to mare fair was the finishing blow where I decided hey, I don't wanna kms, I wanna do more, and make friends with these anons who helped me feel good about myself. sorely overdue for another hit of MF, cant wait
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Well that explains why he wasn't at the 5th floor party..
Just got a message saying he's all good tho
please don't do shit like this at mare fair
I don't think this would be allowed at mare fair
It most likely wouldn't be allowed at Mare Fair. While politics aren't explicitly "banned" from being brought up or anything, such a disturbance might be seen as disruptive and they might be asked to tone it back or leave - not to mention likely most people at Mare Fair would find it in very poor taste and tell you to fuck off if you tried something like that.

Corp mentioned at /mlp/con that a big thing they want to make sure the con sticks to is no politics - just pony. Also keeping furry stuff away - keep it pony.
Con is a shitshow like last year, but ponies are keeping it real. Funny to see some of you fags in the wild mixed in with the fedora neckbeards
I am the law
>keeping furry stuff away
And yet the coward still hasn't banned fursuits.
I love people spamming support for country where they would be among the first ones to be thrown off the cliff.
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>can't even hold the flag right side up
what did they mean by this?
That's not what they mean, Mare Fair is a pony-focused con therefore the panels, vendor hall etc will focus on pony.
There is however no requirement on who can attend, so if a furry wants to and wear a fursuit they can, though it'd be a bit out of place regardless. It is a con for everyone though as long as they aren't causing problems.

Quit your bitching, you act like seeing a single fursuit is going to ruin your entire weekend (if anyone even does wear one, which I don't think I saw at the previous Mare Fair other than some partial stuff). And if it does, well maybe you deserve it for being so sensitive.
these two should fuck
I'm of the opinion that we should gatekeep for "no furries" for Mare Fair. Not to say you can't be a furry and attend, but if you are there, leave the blatantly furry stuff and/or fursuit at the door. There isn't much reason to wear it anyways, unless it happens to be pony, other than to show off your fursuit, of which generally nobody at MF really has an interest in.

There are plenty of furry cons and events they could go to for that, simply leave Mare Fair for mare.
I agree with this. I can see why you might be afraid to instate that rule, with pony suits being (apparently) beloved and some potentially blurring the line, but it should be easy enough to just ask them to go get validated by an official arbitrator.
>Mare Fair has fallen
>billions must die
>trotcon thread
>look inside
>marefair talk
Well to be fair it looks like fuckall is happening at Trotcon.
I am really curious what their attendance numbers will be, based on the photos I have been seeing it doesn't look like there's more than 200 people there, but I could be wrong.
You better believe I was talking shit about this guy the whole time. Nigga wanted to get kicked in the nuts, not like he could see who did it
Glad I wasn't in the concert when that happened. I'd have cringed so hard. And for those who don't know, the song was Israel's entry for Eurovision last year. Anyone know who was the musician singing?
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Kek there's a muscle man competition and I seen more people going to that than trot today
The fact we're just discussing MF in here makes it even funnier that Darkly likely is still paranoid about trolls.

Like, your con is so mid at best that the people you fear decided to go almost full Bender and made their own con. Though I guess the Fallout tranny is at Trot still so they have Blackjack.

Should have just dressed as Face McShooty then.

interesting. maybe that had something to do with it, but then the audience would have to know that. probably shouldn't just sing random songs about unicorns....
Sure is, Darkly is always reading these threads. She used to brag about it when the reception was more positive
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Is there Mare Fair Promotional material or talk around Trotcon? I can't imagine a table or anything is set up, but at the other cons this year some people were getting the word out.
Well I can't post it because for some fucking reason screenshots of even convention announcements get deleted and banned, but the vendor lead @everyone'd yeah just ping all the people who aren't there retard with some bullshit about vendor "harassment", including such horrible, inexcusable things as uhhhhhhh "mean" comments about
>art style
Any boots on the ground know what the fuck happened? Did someone mention "there sure are a lot of non-pony stuff at this pony con" and cause a melty?
Probably nothing was said and she interpreted poor sales of g5 merch as a crusade against her
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Check out how lively this shit is. Standing room only here at trotcon.
This person?

Apparently she is asking $100 for those small "keychain" plushes.
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They could've at least invested in some chairs

day concerts in a tiny room were probably a bad idea... wat is this the sims
I saw her at Babs with those plush keychains. If I recall correctly, she was selling them for $60-$80, and they sold like hotcakes, so I wouldn't be surprised if she bumped up her prices. $100 is kinda steep, but that's no reason for people to be an asshole right to her face.
The back half of the room has tables and chairs. The place was actually pretty packed for the jazz band
Everything is a crusade against her, including her own employees.
Could they at least turn off the ceiling lights?
Yo who won the ass poll??
Yep, she's having a total melty and even claiming that her helper got bullied out of the convention. Ragequitting plushies entirely. I'd post the cap, but once again I feel like there's a security camera with a turret pivoting toward me fo
>4chan murders 1000s of trans bronies
lmao. 41% is self-inflicted. I am a liberal and even I know what you're saying is a load of horseshit.
>post cuts off
They got him
I’m at trotcon rn and it feels like there’s similar amount of people to last year, if not a little bit more, which was 800. It’s been fun honestly, mainly just wish the vendor hall was bigger and the main music hall performances were in the smaller carpeted room they were in last year, the new one is way too big and echoey
God, the panel rooms on the third floor are fucking freezing
That's a bad thing???
It happens at every con, Spec getting his ass kicked out is one of the most documented events in the fandom.
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Didn't people like you tell us to stay home? Did you ever once have accountability?
Anyone got the scoop on this?
Sounds like she brought in some outsider who hates ponies
Gatekeep. You give those faggots an inch and they take a mile.
From the pictures I've seen I thought she didn't have her hat. Does she come with it or did you make that yourself?
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I just looked at her wares. These plushies are really just bad. Not worth the price whatsoever. I mean, I know it's not easy making these things but come off it lady these prices and this quality are abhorrent. Makes sense someone who has literal autism would say something slightly offensive about the quality-to-price ratio and tick off a helper not used to a con scene.
I amend my statement. Her keychain mini plushies are actually really cool. She has a Grovyle on there that's genuinely impressive. It's just the bug ones that suck.
Looked up her Twitter...I honestly can't say I'm surprised but she sounds like she has a lot of issues in her life and Anthrocon didn't seem to go well for her either. I suspect it was only maybe one or two people balking at paying $100 for this stuff and there's a lot of hyperbole.

I think taking a break from con vending and focusing on her well being is going to be a net positive. Customer facing work like this can burn people out very quickly.
Well said
Damn I would have bought some of those if I was there. Does she sell online?
Go nuts
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From a too small venue to one that is far too big. Almost feels dash-con like.
people who went last time said they didnt mind all that much and it was fun, but it does look pretty odd
i am at con but nopony will know i am here :3
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2022 PDF featuring the infamous Anonfilly. Give it a read Anons.
>Southern Plantation AppleJack
The thought of this being her real name is very funny to me.

nopony will know who i am, i mean :3
>really just bad
How so? I’m not at the con but from what I can see I like them a lot. They’re cute.
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I am the last scholar of Drinkie Pie. No liver will be safe
where swaglicorn and karaoke can somepony start them orno
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I'm not against the ticket price hike, $45 is ludicrously low for a 3-day badge, should have been at least $70-80 for years at this point
Legend has it Baja has been put in timeout from Trot for harassing other vendors.
God, it would be hilarious if Baja was the one that set off Slappy about the whole prices thing.

Wouldn't be the first time, either, since I still recall how Baja blew a fuse over something at Trot 22 (and this was after the silly document banning everything vaguely related to 4chan) and was ominously absent from closing ceremonies.
I feel like people forgot we're chill with baja now
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Hi Baja
This apparently doesnt apply anymore since 15 was at TrotCon this year wearing a full anonfilly outfit and no one gave him lip for it
bar is closed we need more beer
Since when? This is the first I've heard of it. Or was this because they ended up getting canceled by their own side not too long ago?
does anyone have alcohol? we’re willing to venmo?
are you still here? our livers need to be destroyed
If I remember correctly it was never an open issue where they were going after people wearing anon filly merch.
The whole issue was that it was stupid to even put anon filly on the list in the first place since they obviously only added it due to le-cringe 4chinners. It was like a call to silently shun or judge people with filly merch while also pressuring vendors not to sell any either.
Slappy and Baja are friends, inside source says it was something else
You can't just leave us without details, anon.
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>POV: /mlp/ is chill with Baja
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haha faggot what are you even talking about
EFNW 2023 thread Baja came on and aplogised and befriended some anona.
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My apologies, ended up hitting two parties back to back, and just stumbled back to my room.
I may spend some time at the Marriott pool tomorrow, and I'll see about a little drinking in the courtyard, or around the side of the hotel in the morning. Still plenty to go around.

don't b silly, anon. everypony knows drinking parties don't exist, much less two back to back.

in other news, my trotcon expedition has concluded! theories currently processing.

might have seen u at con but not sure wasn't paying close attention
I actually talked to darkly before I went to swaglicorn and I asked why Dayton and she said that
In Cleveland convention center it was
Like way too much
Independence was too small
Akron charged 10000$ per day
And I think she even tried to get where canter lot gardens was held
She said she wasn't expecting the hotel that's under construction to screw over trotcon and she seemed genuinely very upset about it
Quite interesting but I do feel bad for her she really didn't seem to like the current way especially considering she doesn't drive so any retard thinking any of this was on purpose is wrong
It can't be any worse than trotcon 23... right?
Still don't know why Cincinnati was ruled out if Akron somehow was in the shortlist.
Did everypony like my special guest btw hes horse famous like me but a little more haha
Shut the fuck up spec
Cincinnatis cheaper than Akron so thats my guess why
Kill yourself faggot chimp nigger ape
I meant more expensive
Nigger shut up
Going to camp in the parking garage near the skybridge and have a drink. Everyone is welcome to join. Eta about 15 minutes
Can you pick me up im at con
Imma heading over there in a min
Thanks its spec btw
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Party van is go

Third floor parking garage near the skybridge

this is wat i miss 4 only going 1 day but It'll be OK.
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There will always be more pony
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this con has made me think pony should pony pony
I been playing smash I'm leaving the con kek
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What an amazing vendor hall this is.
Friendship sure is magic, eh, you lovely people?

15 as in 15 ai? Has he sad anything about what the fuck's happening with it? Could you ask him and get back to us?
Spec here im outie peace niggers see u at mare fair aka dashie fair
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Bye fags /)
So, what is the consensus on Trot2024? Seems it was pretty bland.
overall pretty bland, not like the worst con but everything was so spread out it never felt like you could hang with new people for mesh. The hotels being spread out only made it worse when you had to choose late night panels or an easy way back to your room.
Id say it was only slightly better than Trot 2021
Now seems like a good time to shill my "fuck trotcon" patch. Hope everyone was able to scrounge together some fun. Remember to party hard, even if they ask you not to /)
Would it be possible to order and pick up at Mare Fair?
are y’all still around? I could use a drink or two
nah sorry your best bet would be to order on the site
I placed an order about a month ago - any idea when that will be getting shipped?
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Okay but serious who won??
Finally took off about 30 mins ago. Kinda bummed there wasn’t more people to get sloshed with. Maybe we will cross paths again, especially if I try for marefare
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pros: overlooking area in hotel like ciderfest 2015 (con: hotel rooms not built around overlooking area so can't wake up in con)

lots of space (could also b a con, depending on how u look at it)

skybridge to garage


bathrooms usually empty


cons: con ops taking up entire 2nd floor

no hotel nearby

not a 24-hour con so can't nap in con at night

panels generally more adhd, probably due in part to g4s3+ influence, g5, and other spinoffs

not enough prints and plushies in dealer's hall

not enough ponies wearing pony stuff

didn't see any artist alley/needed more pony art set up around con 2 fill in space

no swaglicorn or karaoke

security (i think?) wandering around a bit 2 much/not wearing enough pony merch



few children in attendance

increased breadth of age

more mature/experienced fandom, many ponies there were veteran trot-goers

more focus on alcohol with bar in conspace area, rather than in 21+ panels (which i didn't see any of)

smartphones should b banned from conspace with a dedicated phone use area and 4 21+ only

energy in panels a bit stale at times

who spec?
do you fucking write for Horse News or something. I like you.
I'm racist and want to fuck trannies. Where does that put me?
cute crafts
Is this real?
too much reddit spacing
Your reddit
some time next week sorry for the wait
Bro on the left lookin' zesty
So how many showed up to this clusterfuck? What was announced attendance?

Anyone got the Baja tea?
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Like, I get that Baja has problems, I've even interacted with them briefly and it was a pleasant interaction.

But there has to be a point where you either realize a lot of the problems you're having might simply be of your own creation, or people will simply cut you out so your problems don't stay being their problems, too.
big if true
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>as if he was before
fuckin furries
I have to assume they'd reached a boiling point long before with all the crap in their life, both of their own invention as well as just the usual real life bullshit we all have to handle in the adult world, and whatever happened at Trot was the proverbial straw breaking the camel's back.

Honestly, I genuinely hope that stepping away from whatever toxic part of the fandom they entrenched themselves in, and honestly stepping away from online fandoms in general, allows them to really focus on themselves and come to terms with things. Do I expect them to do this? Hell no, I have no idea how their partner puts up with this shit. But at the end of the day, Baja moving away (if they actually do stay away) can only be a net positive for literally everyone involved.
>Ib4 baja steps away from all cons
>All cons but Marefair
Would be sad, if not ironic
>Any MLP/pony conventions are to liquidate merchandise
On the one hand, who could have thought that bowing down before the corporate ideologies (DEI, LGBT, etc) woukd lead to the full corporate control?
On the other hand, I didn't expect that Baja admits it openly.
first thing i thought of. sweet celestia please no.
Linking here for future reference https://twitter.com/BajaGryphon/status/1812950728157327400
as if the niggers are marefair would ever let that freak in the front doors.
I asked on of the many trans lesbian vendors why he isnt selling pony merch and he got mad at me.
Trans lesbians are good guys, don't bully them. They correction rape dykes and straighten them.
Hope everyone made it home OK
>thread starts well before the con
>barely 300 posts
>Most are talking about how terrible the previous cons were
>terrible people on staff
>or other cons
>heard literally nothing about Trotcon itself besides how empty it is
They're done for, aren't they?
>They're done for, aren't they?
They are not popular on /mlp/, but they might be popular somewhere else.
Hi, It's baja Here, I made amends with the 4Chan Community back in August 2023, Where i've admitted my faults and apologized. Got to meet and even high five some of you peeps at EFNW that was nice :)
I've been doing really good stepping back, just been dealing with some terminally online trolls. We left early on Saturday no big deal. There wasnt some big controversy or anything like that.

People have only the impressions of Trot22 which i understand there's been a lot of misconceptions from all sides in terms of what actually happened. Since May I've been now supported to the point of no need to be online anymore (what timing) I cannot accept commissions or income any donos have been going to supporting my partner Recap:Trot21 I had my surrogate father pass right before the con, privately called the police after hotline & was escorted quietly only stopping to say good bye to my partner. Trot22 I was threatened and my hotel room was banged on purposely, Followed around.That Fanart of me is fucking hilarious but I never even went to the pizza party lmao. With the now support system and mental help like I said my income has been stable and well, health problems have been more managed and taken care of and i'll be proceeding to get some more mental help with interpersonal effectiveness

Im pretty chill IRL I've never been an confrontational person or an angry one Lots has changed in the past few months and I'm getting help. I peek on and again sometimes but not much is going on. Trot went really well, darkly and I are still friends (despite rumors) I think 4C is pretty chill, I'm just been annoyed with the twitter crowd policing every single detail despite me taking every possible step to get better. I don't care about being "woke" or whatever shit its called now a days I just came to terms with a lot of shit and realized that nothing matters. **I've been mainly offline getting help but decided to pop in once in awhile to see whats going on**

Thoughts about the con: I love darkly but I can see how some are disappointed in some of the sponsor gifts, I want to see how I can make that better for you all because especially comparing it to WCPC/PVCF theres an stark difference in how its handled. The Concenter did seem empty but the attendance seemed to be about the same as last year. The Vendor hall room was cut in half due to the renovations so it may seemed smaller but i think it fits better as everything was so spaced out.W/TPM no longer having a whole section that def made the space seem even smaller. I have no thoughts about panels or other things since I was in the vendor hall, focused on selling my own belongings
I know my previous prescience has not been the best in terms of behavior, especially when my anxiety was untreated/undiagnosed (not excusing it but it did affect in a lot more ways than i thought) I've been medicated for a bit now and always want to work things out,made me realize that maybe 4chan is more chill than twitter
A review from someone who was there, which isn’t too positive. Sounds like it’s a shell of what it used to be. https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1044814/trotcon-2024-write-up
If anyone wants to hangout at EFNW lMK I can't drink due to meds but down to talk and chill out, after vendor hours.
What's happened has happened and really, all that can be done is to try and improve how we all live our lives and be better people. It sounds like you've been making some real progress and getting the help you need.

And twitter is a cancer where they will turn on you in the blink of an eye the moment you do not continue to toe the party line. Very cult-like mentality.

I wish you luck with your continued mental health, Baja, and hope things continue to improve in your life.
nice blogpost, go back to twitter
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>Made me realize 4chan is more chill than twitter
But I thought we were supposed to be the bad guys
How does this keeps happening? Everytime.
Either way glad you're getting help, taking a step back and away to focus to real life instead

Considering how he seems interwined with furry shit I'm glad there's no mention of Marefair, though seems like he only goes as a con guest from what I understood(?) so I wonder if he'd even would show up to any without such benefits.
The panels he mentioned doing seemed to be pony-first though, so gotta give him that caveat, glad for him keeping poni poni.
Take your me-
>I've been medicated for a bit now
Oh, uh, what am I supposed to say now? Good for you!
I speak for all of us when I say
"I'd really prefer if you were quiet right now"
I like how you don't bring up your harassment issues that have happened at other cons or getting your self stuck in Ohio at trot 21 for being so overly offended you hospitalized yourself. You are the perfect definition of a snowflake and 4chan is more honest than Twitter but we don't need you here nor going to mare fair either. Just go be in the furry community where freaks like you can suck each other's meds daily
Now now, there is no need to beat on someone trying to better themselves. Try to be nice for once.
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>t. Spec
You should follow Baja's example and just get off yourself.
>"I'd really prefer if you were quiet right now"
>Proceeds to list a bunch of shit in the past
Look in a mirror dude.
>I speak for all of us
Stopped reading there
I give Baja two months before she pisses off a lot of people you can't just take mental breaks and magically be better and meds are bad for you, don't you fags read about big pharma?
If you made amends then say niggerfaggot buttholiolickingtroongooner
or read woody got wood and type it here, either or.
Part of making amends with a community you’ve damaged is recognizing what you’ve done. So far I’ve only seen blanket “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done”esque statements. The misconceptions you’ve spread about 4chan and its related symbols (TrotCon vendor document) have been harmful and I don’t think you’ve actually addressed that. You did the same when you were getting called out left on right on Twitter. Have you actually directly apologized or plan to apologize to the people you’ve hurt and mislabeled as harassers? Saying you’re sorry to everyone you’ve hurt without actually talking to them is impersonal and doesn’t mean much.

Your amendments with 4chan are taken with skepticism when you’ve been recently badmouthing Mare Fair and the people involved with it for associating with the con.

I’m glad your income has been stable. Not having to rely on the internet for money must be a lot less stressful. I wish you a smooth recovery and that you continue to get the help you need. Also if you want to fit into a place like here you need to stop attentionfagging like a woman.
There's a second document in the works it's very early stages we hope to release by the end of the year.

The first document was less then 4 days, mostly written by a team of people. Goal was getting it out before whinny. But now with more time we can establish something more concrete.

Everyone has been given information to contact me my personal email so far none have reached out, we are still making the document to aplogise to individuals
Take a shower spec I can smell you from here
Why? I know I'm on my medications and everything.. but that seems really rude.

I don't get why I have to say hateful things like this to be apart of you guys, don't you know how rude it is to bully others? I know some people here are terminally online trolls and creeps, but this place is already making me uncomfortable!

Please never suggest anything like that again, I'll get back to work on that second document as soon as possible though for those who don't think I've made enough amends or recognized what damage I did.

Thanks, I'll just need to have more time to make the document, please reach out to my personal email if you have questions or concerns beforehand.
Baja, if that really is you I just want to let you know that I don't believe a word you've said, what you're saying now, and I won't believe what you're going to say in the future.
Shut up and go away.
>I don't get why I have to say hateful things like this to be apart of you guys
You don't. I've been posting here for years and never use slurs, and I know a lot of other people also don't. The key though is to not act offended when other people do.
Am I fucking wrong though? This person constantly talks shit and when she gets bullied off Twitter she comes here and is making a faggy document to display public instead of just privately messaging people or just stop causing problems. The attention whore is attention whoring
Spec is in the right on this one.
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>Spec vs Baja
Speaking as someone who does shit here and there, just do your own thing. You don’t have to be good with 4chan, you don’t have to be good with Twitter, just do your thing and figure out your own shit.
That also does mean quit trying to stir shit or needlessly and recklessly giving your own personal opinions that no one cares about - only people who care are those trying to leverage you and your friends - so that would help tons, too.
Every year looks like it’ll be the last year for Trot, but some how they keep trucking. Reason I’m surprised is cuz no one is in Trot’s corner + the move to Dayton was a massive downgrade in every respect. I talk to a lot of people involved in the pony and furry convention scene and it’s surprising how non-partisan (and common) “fuck trotcon” is. Everyone has their own wild story. Trot only has themselves and their sponsors.
This isn’t Baja, please don’t fall for this unless they post proof. If you’ve peaked thru the most recent Baja drama, it’s rooted in them having schizo-tier paranoia about people in their own corner. This is not the type of person to have a sudden change of heart about a group they’ve perceived for years as the 4th reich.
captcha: SK8R
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Top kek, you own me a new pair of sides
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Here this is for real and fake baja
No one gives a shit Baja. Really you have carved a path of drama and destruction throughout the fandom with your horseshit.

All you do is attention whore, bitch, piss and moan until you get your way. Use the hell out of this amazing community for money and to get high off fake fame. You claim to have no money but go out and piss away thousands on bullshit right after begging for money to get by,

I personally get along with just about anyone and you are one of the select few who I have actually winced at when it comes how you treat people and this community while parading around on your high horse.

TL;DR Shut the fuck up, don't say you are getting help to us. Just get it, better yourself and stop being an actual burden on this community.
Baja, I know you badmouthed me to bully me out of an artpack by attacking my reputation. I only managed to find out cause multiple artists let me know this after the artpack went wry.

And you have the audacity to say bullying is wrong.
lol don't come crawling here now that its the only place online with moderation lax enough to not immediately ban you. Fucking rope faggot.
hey faggot nice painted nails
He did that randomly out of nowhere, just to pick on you?
Holy hell, my last response was about making the second document. I would message privately but I'm rightfully blocked. I don't want to be a creep. It will be addressing people directly maybe a third party will dm them the document before release? We'll see how things go.

Clarification about the above my harassment was not by an vendor but from people on the forum who found my room. Which I've forgiven, anyone trying to use this as about themselves can kindly eff off.
As many of us stated, kindly fuck off and stop being an attention whore.
I'll fuck off, have a nice day
End your life
So how was the con? Everyone have a nice time? Any /mlp/arties?
It honestly fucking sucked. A few really nice highlights with friends but really that's it.
Why is it up to your victims to reach out to you? It’s hard to believe EVERYONE you’ve made problems with in the past has you blocked.
Because they are an entitled attention whore.
I guess I was a easy pickin' to frame as a racist, for receiving AJ Plantation as a gift.
I enjoyed the copious amounts of sex I had this Trot. Felt good. Cummed a lot.
I know this is not you Baja, I know that you’re her partner. I saw the posts you were talking about at Everfree last year, even seeing the pictures and while Baja may have been at the con she was not present at her booth most of the time. I briefly talked to you for a bit, don’t remember your name, but I did see your post last year in the thread with picture proof of someone being at her table. But the file name of the picture was that of I believe a Samsung galaxy which I saw you using while at the booth. So I’m not sure what your relationship is with Baja, I do know that you’re a cool dude and enjoyed chatting with you. But Baja wouldn’t have written a coherent statement like this without some schizo comments in it.
Hi spec I saw you and 15 you guys are cool
Show this to Baja. Even the people you might think are friends (especially the ones you have backstabbed or scammed) have plenty of shit to talk about regarding you. You have a long trail of people furry/brony that precede you to warn others what they're in for in dealing with you. You are held at arm's length for what value may be obtained from you. Selling all your MLP merch for escaping to the furry fandom is just a slight kicker before round 2. You'll find more people that don't know about you until you pull all the same shit again, then they'll come to here, kiwi, or just plain discord to see your record. You'll never get rid of it because you're never accountable. You will not be "chill" with "us" because you repeat the cycle and make more of "us." Good luck with the furries.
>The highlight after this at least was also being on his "Making Your Mark" panel, right alongside my wife. This panel is the panelists getting to tell their stories about how they got into the pony fandom, so my wife and I were able to share and relate how we got into MLP and what brought us to this place.
I'll be honest, I went with a friend to this panel and we expected it to be something about how to be active and creative in the fandom, and instead it was just an hour of listening to six people describe how they got into pony. Kind of disappointing considering I could get the same experience from asking anyone there how they got into the show
>crickets at the charity auction
>having to practically force a reaction from people

That is a horribly bad sign. Nobody was truly excited to be there apparently.
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Every con is pretty much just an excuse to meet up with online friends, if you're trying to go to every panel at consoom at the vendor hall you're not gonna have a lot of fun. Go out to eat, make silly memories of random shit, play games together and get wasted. I had an amazing time.
the con is a backdrop to a big, weekend-long hangout. but its also an awesome place to make new friends. matter of fact, all my friends were met at cons. cons are home.
This thing is basically a love letter to that worthless fuck Taylor. Also...
GTFO with that. Stop with the mental illness.
Who is Taylor?
This guy, community guest. Who, for what it’s worth, apparently didn’t like the vibes either. https://x.com/taylorbmcardle/status/1812247362112197053
Oh yeah, I saw him around
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>We'll do a Marefair~
>How bad can it be
>Sure it can't be worse
>Than Trotcon twenty thr-
he kinds seems like a faggot. but i never talk to him. hes always got a posse.
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>I've been medicated for a bit now
>He fell for the pharmaceutical scam

>hey finally dropped all their covid BS

I know some people still have that idiotic mentally, but at this point its obserd that cons go to great lengths to make people not want to go.
I hear they haven't even announced the attendance, and that estimates were as low as 200. We had more people in /mlp/con, a fourth-year online con that now has to share panel effort and viewership with another online con and mare fair, two years past the point things started opening back up and real world cons became attendable again.
Where was the “200” taken from?
200 is super low. There wouldnt have been lines if that were the case.
Well, it was all women calling the shots. So thats possible.
200 isn't low, Mare Fair was expecting 250 at most.
>250 for mare fair
are you talking about the first one last year? because that certainly is not the case this year
It would be catastrophic for Trot, though - they had over a thousand back in 2022.
How the hell do they wrap up the con and immediately advertise next year and pre-sales the day after it ended? Do they even crunch any numbers to gauge interest?
Not only was Marefair a first year con, it also had constant fags fighting against it to be able to happen at all.
Said estimates also were "pre" con, not "during" it
First Marefair had over 500 unique attendees, and I'm pretty sure everone was saying how it seemed like far more than the amount expected.

Also still waiting for >>41245025
Maybe they think advertising early will net more people
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I didn't go, but the fact some fag at the animation panel premiered his sfm thing as an announcement that he's ditching pony for fnaf shit, has sent my sides flying.
Who was it?
It's so corny and cringe.
What a sellout fag, ditching mares for furry ass animatronic bullshit
No way. What the fuck was he thinking?
Okay just went over it. Seems like it’s a classic branching out situation, but he also keeps saying MLP is the primary fandom? So does that mean he’ll do both?
That makes sellout number 2, how many more fags are gonna sellout this year ditching our beloved mares for furry shit or be a part of the LGBTQ/DEI (Didn't earn it) shit?
"My new fnaf oc that I will be using soon for most of my videos" just sounds like an excuse to forget horse or just have it vaguely in the back as a token.
Also originally a fnaf fag, seduced back by friends, it seems.
>make pony videos
>build an audience around pony
>decide to switch to an entirely different fandom with little modern-day crossover
i wonder how surprised he's going to be when his old audience mute notifications or straight up unsubscribe
Fags like him probably don't care, or maybe his circle jerk fur fag pals probably tell him too ignore them or whatever.
Can someone give me the QRD on Baja? They seem like an infamous figure.
female to male shit stirrer who is responsible for a lot of shut being stirred and then allegedly decided to stop going to cons or some shit. when I met them they seemed like a total pushover loser. they hate 4channers and will block them preemptively without interacting with them, which made my interaction with them even more embarrassing on their behalf
I see the screencap and I have a hard time trying to comprehend that Darkly actually fucking let that panel happen. TrotCon has jumped the shark and should be taken out Ol' Yeller style. Holy fuck.
That wasn't a panel
>female to male
I didn't know this, it explains everything.
Troons must never be entrusted with any position of power. They will ALWAYS abuse it, make the others suffer and ultimately destroy everything.
I like to think of troons as modern day hippies. Self-righteous pricks consuming drugs in dangerous amounts without care for the future, then in a decade or so they'll largely vanish as most try to return to become normies and their bodies start breaking down early due to the aforementioned drug habits.

Plus, NONE of them ever seem happy despite transitioning. Almost as if it wasn't actually the solution to begin with and they don't want to recognize the actual problems in their lives.
Marefair seems leagues better, wish I wasn’t busy during the dates, I’d love to go
Mare fair it is, fuck it we Ballin, HarmonyCon seems very based too at least they allow anon filly stuff and the /mlp/ scarfs too
Trotcon or should I say furfagtrooncon can go straight too the moon where poor Luna was banished.
Bye bitch, come back never, attention hoe ass, you won't be missed and have fun sucking furry dick you gender confused moron.
>Troons must never be entrusted with any position of power. They will ALWAYS abuse it, make the others suffer and ultimately destroy everything.
You'll never fully be able to comprehend how right you are.
>con over
>barely 400 posts
Fucking bleak. Better luck next year
It's not a popular con among the /mlp/ crowd, but it still had a decent attendance among other segments of the fandom
>It's just not popular among the /mlp/ crowd
>It definely had decent attendance though gaiz
Explain the other years threads then
Explain your lack of actual attendance numbers then
Explain why you're trying to blame the """/mlp/ crowd""" when even ITT you saw Anons being there
we still dont have numbers
yea isnt it more for furfags?
i read they had a bluey panel or something
Harmonycon had a bluey panel, too, it's literally just watching the cartoon.

At least that's what I hope the Trotcon one was, also.
>At least that's what I hope the Trotcon one was
i can only assume it was because little was elaborated
at the start of their "day 2" part
whole lotta fursuit talk throughout that blogpost too
Some horrible panels this year. Walked out of many. Attendance was so low for all of them. And there weren't many panels to begin with. 18+ panels were good. Music was good. Artist alley barren. Won't go back.
I avoided the panels I didn't really want to go to because the panel rooms were freezing
>Music was good.
I liked the jazz band
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Darkly just announced the total attendance was 750
I get the feeling mare fair is gonna meet or beat that this year
chill anon, anon meant that it isn’t an /mlp/ friendly con anymore. it used to be quite popular with Anons before 2022. definitely were way fewer horsefuckers there this year
oop forgot to remove name
750 with all days or unique attendees? That single wording makes all the difference, and with how Trot been shady before...
>Lemon Drops spent more on a single item at the MF auction than Trot raised in total for their shitty fag charity
I went to Trot 18, 19, and 22. Can confirm 18 and 19 were absolutely amazing and I was extremely hyped for 22. If I hadn't gone with such an amazing group of people I would have just packed my bags and went back home the first day. 22 was terrible. I feel bad for people that had 22 as their first experience and didn't get to see Trot when it was actually good
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uh oh trotcon
>wife approached the con with the idea of running a proper fursuit/headless lounge at the con
stopped reading there
I still had a blast at Trot 22 but that was due to the people I was hanging out with than the con itself. If I had actually wanted to attend any con activities it would have definitely been a much worse experience.
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Sounds like we're in the same boat then. I wouldn't say I had a blast at Trotcon though since the only real fun I had was outside of the con area with the group I went with. One of them brought the Marevan which was fun
Yeah, Trot 22 was my first real con experience period and it was...interesting. Met a lot of folks I'd met online through the boards over the pandemic so overall it was a net plus for me, but having a few conventions (pony and non pony alike now) under my belt, Trot definitely ranks at dead last. I still keep the main stage sign from it as a prized memento, though, probably going to get it framed one day if I get my own place with a man cave to display it.

Is that a fucking Toyota Previa? I haven't seen one of those in years. That used to be the family workhorse during my elementary school years, so many roadtrips to visit the family twice a year in that thing. I still remember my parents not paying to fix a latch on the sliding door towards the end of its life so you always had to butt-slam the back when closing it.
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I can see how if there is nothing else to compare it to it could be pretty enjoyable in the moment. By the time Trot 22 rolled around I had already been to Trot 18/19, EFNW 19 (don't recommend), and BC 19. Mare Fair is still probably my favorite con, though BC 19 is an experience that can't be topped
Ye, poor thing was nearly riding on the bump stops most of the way up from people being crammed inside. The other cars we brought weren't exactly multi passenger friendly
All this about how Trot used to be a better con but I still don’t completely understand what went wrong. It changed after the break from the pandemic? Even though it’s the same con chair?
A lot of people who had responsibilities left for one reason or another (from what I heard at Trot 22, the person who actually owns Peanut Bucker was kicked out because she wouldn't get the vax shot), which centralized power in Darkly's hands and we've discussed earlier in the thread about how they rarely ever seek help for things that cons usually have entire separate department heads for. Then there was Trot '21 in December of that year due to contractual obligations (or so Darkly claims) with the hotel that a con MUST be held by the end of the year.
I feel like a lot of the respect /mlp/ had for Trotcon was lost when that document labeling Anonfilly a hate symbol leaked
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They said Mare Fair badge sales were at 700 total months ago. by the time the con rolls around, it's likely going to be around or above 800.

>have a Gay Day! Charity
>pic related
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if you believe those numbers for a second, youre fucking braindead
>a lot of the respect /mlp/ had for Trotcon was lost when that document labeling Anonfilly a hate symbol leaked
And also because of >>41246098
Pfft holy shit hahahaha
I hope they know we’re not going anywhere
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checked hitler dubs
but Darkly said it was true...
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Checked both of those.
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right back at ya
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these are the posts that vindicate the Trotcon crowd to reasonable people. you would be gone in the first wave of purges for jerking off to horse pussy. they’d probably be quicker to kill you than the average jew or homo because of the novelty. when will the sentiment of not using ponies as political mouthpieces extend to /pol/ posters?
I say this as respectfully and genuinely as possible: cope
consider redecorating your room by painting the ceiling with your brains ASAP
>you would be gone in the first wave of purges for jerking off to horse pussy.

Trot has an AD vendor hall, though.
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>when will the sentiment of not using ponies as political mouthpieces extend to /pol/ posters?
Threadly reminder: the whole shitstorm started not with Aryanne, it started when pro-BLM images were downvoted and Derpibooru admins started to ban users for downvoting.
Your stance on BLM doesn't matter to me. I support the side that refuses to associate with furfags and barbie troons.
Jesus, what an insane unbroken string of gets. /mlpol/ wins the day, I guess
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because of a drama that happened four years ago, off-topic political shitposting should be tolerated carte blanche because it’s pony flavored? or are you getting at something else? mlpol has overstayed its welcome like hiv in the gay community
>botted dubs
sad times
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>sad times
nah, its fun to do in the late hours when the board is real slow
checked btw
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>Muh /pol/
Like clockwork
That's a first-time con in the swamp shithole that is florida. That isn't a veteran convention.
All the staff that were involved in making it the fun party con got ousted one way or another, including the owner of one of the mascots (replaced by the furry gryphons) and PR guy Kevin. Covid, politics, and sociopolitical retard faggotry completely changed everything.
That’s surprising that the owner of the mascot got removed, wasn’t she both Columbus based and also Darkly’s best friend? (Kevin was cool but he wasn’t local I think)
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>>botted dubs
It's not just dubs, it's picrel.
>botted dubs
It's not hard to get dubs on such a slow board
Come to Trotcon 2025
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fuuuck no
Kevin retired in 2020 to start a family
Darkly's best friend was just the Peanut Bucker cosplayer for the con They are still friends
I'm planning to
Which act was that?
comedy act
What a shame. I thought her animations were neat. A pity she's a virtue signalling freak, as it turns out.
Who is it?
I forgor
So, what were some positive things about the con?
The lack of responses is hilarious to me
This is the last thread on the board
>price inflation
In their defense, many conventions and conferences cost a ton. This year's tesla tech conference attendance fee is $400, just to hear some schizos discuss free energy.
The hotel was a lot more expensive than the old Crowne Plaza as well, which sucks considering it's not even attached.
i hope the next one is just as shit ^:)
Can't be any worse than Trotcon 25!
Based, its about time for a discussion tackling this issue.
That wasn't a panel
>he doesn't know that cons are for furries
I will

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