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Last time on Rise:
>You continue to talk with Yannig for a bit before you, Ruby, and Lupad head off to a nearby bar to take a look at it and warm up from the cold.
>Afterwards you do a bit of sightseeing, taking a look at a snow castle building competition outside of Gwitreg before returning to the inn.
>Meeting back up with Iudicael and Mai, you hash out some remaining stuff before the meeting ends on a good note with the two leaving.
>After the meeting the three of you take a walk for a bit before returning to your room and just hanging out for a while, eventually going to bed to get ready for the trip back to Highland tomorrow.
>You are now having another dream with Gael.
You can also catch up here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40865415/#40865415
You've mostly gone limp at this point in your afterglow, freeing Lupad from yourself and letting go of your magic. Watching the cream flow, you swallow and start to lazily lap at Gael's leaking egghole, the hen too out of it to give more than an acknowledging twitch of her hind legs in response. Realizing that the job is a bit too much for you as more comes out, you remove yourself from Gael to conjure a pair of cups fitted to her gaping holes to stop the leakage, a little bit of extra magic turning them into an improved thong for her. Turning your head, your cheek bumps into Ruby's lengths making you press your lips against the tip that had been plundering Gael's 'nest', tenderly cupping his sack with your magic as he thrusts forward very slightly as he's still a bit sensitive. After a few licks he pulls back and looks down at you where you look up at him, eagerly looking at him in a begging manner. Ruby smiles down at you and cups your cheek with a claw.
"Don't think I've forgotten about you, Caddy."
His claw moves down your neck and then your chest, gently pushing you down onto your back once more as he steps over you. You feel his twin tips pressing up against your holes, making you shiver in anticipation.
"Better not keep you waiting~."
He then pulls back and-

You wake up with a start, sitting up slightly in bed with your length smacking your belly a bit from the sudden movement. After realizing that you're still in your room at the inn you look around.
It was now morning from the sun streaming in through the frosted over window. Ruby is still sleeping next to you, your sudden movement having not awoken her. Lupad was still asleep as well in her little makeshift Breezie bed, her own form gently rising and falling in a slow rhythm.

What do you do?
Blinking groggily, we have to bite our lip to contain a grunt as our length flexes, a slowly forming dull ache indicating how close we had been and are quickly falling away from our peak, Ruby's proximity through the night evidenced by her hybrid scent still strong in our snout.
'... Was kinda hot. Could see her being a little possessive and greedy, but she probably would be less eager where concubines are involved. Seems "Gael" was on my mind again as well.'
Pointedly ignoring 'the problem', we spend a moment listening out for anything that could've awoken us, eventually turning our attention to our does, melting into Ruby's warm embrace. Regarding our tiny wife for a moment, our thoughts naturally wander, briefly picturing Lupad sprawled across our muzzle seductively, though we shake the imaginary Breezie off our snout.
You blink groggily, having to bite your lip to contain a grunt as your length flexes, a slowly forming dull ache indicating how close you were and are now quickly falling away from it, Ruby's proximity through the night evident by her hybrid scent still strong in your snout.
'...That was kinda hot. Could see her being a little possessive and greedy, but she probably would be less eager where concubines are involved. Seems Gael was on my mind again as well.'
Deciding to ignore 'the problem', you spend a bit of time listening for anything that could've awoken you, hearing the sound of a rattling cart going by which is likely what woke you up. Turning back to your does, you melt into Ruby's warm embrace. Regarding your tiny wife for a moment, your thoughts wander to Lupad sprawled out across your muzzle seductively, though you shake the imaginary Breezie off your snout.
You hear Ruby hum and look back at her. She doesn't wake up, but she does move around a bit as she stretches her hooves out and splays them on top of you in an embrace. Her head then moves forward to press itself against your side, a small smile forming on her lips.

What do you do?
Watching her sleep for another moment, we let out a slow exhale, glad the slight chill within the room is already dealing with our incessant problem, allowing us to more openly enjoy Ruby's touch as the seconds pass.
Returning her embrace, we carefully move the golden scaled doe's head to rest on our chest fluff, resting our head on top of hers.
'Dreaming of beating me in a sparring match? Or maybe just a private moment together.'
We muse to ourself. We also keep an eye on our shrunken lovebug, trying to devise ways to move her closer without risking waking or crushing her, mostly to pass the time.
Watching her sleep for a moment, you let out a slow exhale, silently glad that the slight chill within the room is already dealing with your incessant problem, allowing you to more openly enjoy Ruby's touch as the seconds pass.
You return her embrace, carefully moving the golden scaled doe's head to rest on your chest fluff, then resting your head on top of hers. Watching one of her ears twitch in response.
'Dreaming of beating me in a sparring match? Or maybe just a private moment together.'
You silently muse to yourself. You also keep an eye on your shrunken lovebug, trying to devise a way to move her closer without risking waking or accidentally crushing her, mostly to pass the time. You could use your magic to float her over.
After a moment you decide to do so, carefully taking her and her blankets in your magic and floating her from the table over to your pillow. It's a success until you place her down on your pillow as this is what wakes her up, her little head lifting up a bit as her eyes blink open. Once she is awake she gives you a small smile.
"Decided one doe isn't enough?" She asks playfully.

What do you do?
"I did."
We whisper back shamelessly and playfully as well, half-leering at the Changeling Queen with love in our eyes. The urge to kiss her is strong, but the doe in our forelegs limits our movement quite a bit, and actively using our magic on her seems risky, instead allowing ourself to become a font of love and joy to try and coax her closer, rubbing Ruby's back all the while.
Our eyes dart down to the 'blankets' she's using, namely the panties we've repurposed twice now, not commenting only because it's obvious enough we're thinking about them.
"Sorry for waking you, thought it would be nice if you were closer is all. Dream of anything pleasant?"
"I did."
You whisper back shamelessly and playfully as well, half-leering at the Changeling Queen with love in your eyes. The urge to kiss the disguised Changeling is strong, but the doe in your forelegs limits your movement quite a bit, and actively using your magic on her seems a bit risky. Instead, you allow yourself to become a font of love and joy to try and coax her closer, rubbing Ruby's back all the while.
And it works, her little Breezie form getting up and sliding out of her blankets to plod over to you and sit next to your face. As she does your eyes dart to the 'blankets' that slide off of her, namely the panties you've repurposed twice now, not commenting at all because it's obvious that you're thinking about them.
"Sorry for waking you, thought it would be nice if you were closer is all," You apologize, "Dream of anything pleasant?"
"I got to dream about being in a cabin next to a warm fire," She replies, "Guess it's the environment here that did that."
She then looks over at you, her forelegs hugging the top of your snout as she looks up at you.
"What about you? Any interesting dreams?"

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
"Gael was in my head again, well, not the Griffin herself, she was part of the dream. Anyway, it was a bit of role reversal; Ruby was a king and your husband, while Gael and I were his concubines. I uh, was a doe."
We blush as we recall the details of the dream. Remembering the cute dress we and Gael wore, our infatuation with King Ruby.
"Ruby was focused on rutting Gael with her- his twin cocks while we watch and pleasure each other. I was directly underneath the action; it was pretty hot!"
We recall it vividly through our lust for Lupad to see it in our emotions.
"When it became my turn, I woke up and I think you can still sense the lust I have. Still a problem now, but can't do much about it with waking her up."
... Interesting enough for me to be tempted to by the concept of comparing you at that size to... The result of said dreams.
With a twitch our cock slaps against our belly again.
But... In all seriousness it was fairly lewd, I had honestly thought when I started actually... Well, making use of my royal scepter it would bring me some relief. But it has just made these thoughts even more common.
We stare at the mare half mounting our snout, too swept up in loving her to not get lost in her eyes, breathing slowly to watch her striking blue mane (and tail?) and dazzling insectoid wings flutter. Suppressing the urge to shake our head suddenly takes some effort, but we manage to keep steady and answer her question.
"Wish I could say mine was quite so tranquil, but an evening spent under a greedy exhibitionist of a half-dragon king should only be described as hot and heavy. I woke before he could rut his salacious and confident queen or his composed yet absolutely smitten advisor, but I did get a front row seat of a shy griffon maid being promoted to broodhen... again. Apparently he'd left her purring in my bed for me to find, after not making use of a sound bubble."
We try not to linger on the dream or other tantilizing thoughts, but knowing we have a carriage ride to look forward to only makes keeping our mind out of the gutter that much harder. Actions and thoughts are separate though, so we don't wind up picking up the impish Changeling and depositing her somewhere more 'useful'.

Morning, Pluto!

You stare down at the mare half mounting your snout, too swept up in loving her to not get lost in her eyes, breathing slowly to watch her striking blue mane, tail, and dazzling insectoid wings flutter. Suppressing the urge to shake your head suddenly takes a bit of effort, but you manage to keep steady and answer her question.
"...Interesting enough for me to be tempted by the concept of comparing you at that size to... the result of said dreams."
With a twitch, your shrinking cock slaps against you once more.
"But... in all seriousness it was fairly lewd, but an evening spent under a greedy exhibitionist of a half-dragon king should only be described as lewd. I woke before he could rut his salacious and confident queen or his composed yet absolutely smitten advisor, but I did get a front row seat of a shy Griffon maid being promoted to broodhen... again," You admit with a blush, "Apparently he'd left her purring in my bed for me to find, after not making use of a sound bubble. Anyway, Ruby was focused on rutting Gael with her- his twin cocks while we watched and pleasured each other. I was directly underneath the action; it was pretty got!"
You recall the whole thing vividly through your lust for Lupad to see it in your emotions. You don't linger on it for too long though, and knowing you have a carriage ride back only makes keeping your mind out of the gutter that much harder. Actions and thoughts are separate though, so you don't wind up picking up the impish Changeling and placing her somewhere more 'useful'. Lupad just smiles and looks up at you, leaning herself on your snout a bit more.
"Sounds like you have Griffons on the brain~," She giggles, "And a few other things, but that sounds like a fun dream to have. Still, it does sound like you do have a bit of a problem."
Smiling up at you, she then shuffles back a bit.
"If you can wait, the problem of yours can be taken care of in the carriage back."

What do you do?
"That's the idea~. It just takes a bit for it to get the memo. As for Griffons, perhaps, but it might just be my mind getting revenge for Gael interrupting that other dream. That, and King Ruby being greedy. Suppose I wouldn't mind cuddling with a Griffon."
We play it off as an offhand remark, but our lust makes clear that cuddling isn't what we have in mind. Rather, we'd quite like to grab a hen's tail and-
"I'm surprised I wasn't beset by any Breezies in my dreams, but I suppose you're much too cute like that for indecent thoughts."
It's unsubtle goading, but focusing on Lupad is better than letting our mind wander and problem linger.
'I might need some cold water at this rate.'

Sorry, saw the post within a minute, but stuff kept popping up for nearly an hour after.
"That's the idea~. It just takes a bit for it to get the memo. As for Griffons, perhaps, but it might just be my mind getting revenge for Gael interrupting that other dream. That, and King Ruby being greedy. Suppose I wouldn't mind cuddling with a Griffon."
You play it off as an offhoof remark, but your lust makes it clear that cuddling isn't what you have in mind. Rather, you'd quite like to just grab a hen's tail and-
"I'm surprised I wasn't beset by any Breezies in my dreams, but I suppose you're much too cute like that for indecent thoughts."
It's unsubtle goading, but focusing on Lupad is a lot better than letting your mind wander and the problem linger.
'I might need some cold water at this rate.'
"Probably, and I suppose all I did in this form was sleep and hang out in your coat pocket," She shrugs, "And I don't think this form can take anything from you, and- oh..."
Lupad stops as she looks down at Ruby and you feel her shuffle a bit underneath you, one of her ears flicking again as she stretches her body a bit and lets out a quiet hum.
"...I think someone is waking up."

What do you do?
We rub Ruby's back, welcoming her slowly to the waking world, one hoof drifting lower as we turn a little more towards her, relishing in the proximity of both does, a quick thrum of magic upping our fluff game. Opening our eyes again, we look at the mare still clinging to our snout.
"Seems it. And it definitely wouldn't fit, but honestly, I was being a little greedy there myself: my does are always hot, at any size."
We consider pulling Ruby fully on top of us, or waking her with a kiss, but the former would make us even slower to rise, and the latter could mean Lupad gets into trouble. Still, we tilt our head just enough to kiss one of Ruby's ears.
Her shifting underneath doesn't help with our 'problem below'. The subtle grinding of our shaft intensifies our need to shove it inside someone.
We settle for grinding lightly on her scales/fur to gently wake her up.
You rub Ruby's back, welcoming her slowly to the waking world, one hoof drifting lower as you turn a little more towards her, relishing in the proximity of both does, a quick thrum of magic upping your fluff for her. Her shifting underneath you doesn't help with your 'problem below'. The subtle grinding of your shaft intensifying your need to shove it inside someone. You instead settle on grinding lightly on her fur to help wake her up.
"Seems it. And it definitely wouldn't fit, but honestly, I was being a little greedy there myself: my does are always hot, at any size."
You consider pulling Ruby on top of you, or waking her with a kiss, but the former would make you even slower to rise, and the latter would mean Lupad would get into trouble, and you're already grinding against her. Still, you tilt your head just enough to kiss one of Ruby's ears.
"...Mornin'," She says back groggily, "How long have you two been up?"
"Not for very long, we just both got up." Lupad tells her.
"Cool, you weren't waiting too long then," She yawns, "Both of you sleep good?"

What do you do?
"For the most part, thanks to you, Ruby. I don't know if sleeping in an empty bed is going to be possible for me any more at this rate."
'How long until she notices?...'
Much as we enjoy the feeling of Ruby's soft, warm fur, we slow down, tempted to see what she thinks and knowing we shouldn't let things escalate.
"I had a dream similar to this, actually. Lupad wasn't so small, and there was a Griffon maid in there as well, but I was an advisor to a dragon king."
Lifting our head and Lupad with it, we press our snout to Ruby's, leaving her in the middle as we give Ruby a loving look.

Gotta pass out, will try to update post when I can think.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
"That we did. I think we'll need to buy some new panties for you. Lupad is quite comfortable in them."
"We were just taking about our cozy dreams. I dreamt my scaley and crowned little brother was tending to his Griffiny concubine as his older sister and wife watched."
"For the most part, thanks to you, Ruby. I don't know if sleeping in an empty bed is going to be possible for me any more at this rate."
"As if that's a bad thing~." She giggles.
'How long until she notices...'
As much as you enjoy the feeling of Ruby's soft, warm fur, you make yourself slow down, tempted to see what she thinks and knowing you shouldn't let things escalate further.
"We were just talking about cozy dreams. I dreamt my scaly and crowned little brother was tending to his Griffony concubine as his older sister and wife watched."
Lifting your head up along with Lupad, you press your snout up to Ruby's, leaving Lupad in the middle as you give Ruby a loving look. Ruby smiles at this and her body stretches once more, this time bending against your length before she relaxes.
"Now that sounds like an interesting dream, have to wonder if something prompted it," She smiles, "I guess it is also the cause of your 'little' problem down there~."

What do you do?
Tensing when she presses against us, we nearly start humping the doe's belly then and there, like she's in season and we just noticed. With a blush almost up to our ears, our member pulses against her underbelly, whether to confirm what she said or in response to her touch.
"Perhaps. Don't know what could've brought it on, but I will say, King Ruby was at least half as hot as yourself, and was alledgedly using that to cause problems of his own around the palace. To the point that come winter, hiring new staff would become necessary. His big sister seemed very preoccupied with that, and helping her king. Aside from them and a certain lovebug, the other Gael made an appearance. What about yourself, "
Throughout, we caress Ruby's side, our other hoof hugging her. Enjoying the peaceful morning by losing ourself in her eyes, occasionally checking on (and out?) the our wife caught up in the emotional 'crossfire'.

I seem to recall deer heat being in winter
"Perhaps my inner desire to see such a buck. I'm not ashamed of being a little curious, and seeing his wife and concubine pleasure each other, with unexpected visitors within dreams stirred whatever my brain concocted."
(Very wordy, but Caddy always came off as a wordy fellow to me.)
Tensing when she presses against you, you nearly start humping the doe's belly at that moment, like she's in season and you only just noticed. With a blush that almost goes to your ears, your member pulses against her underbelly.
"Perhaps my inner desire is to see such a buck. I'm not ashamed of being a little curious, and seeing his wife and concubine pleasure each other, with unexpected visitors within dreams stirred whatever my brain concocted," You shrug, "King Ruby was at least half as hot as yourself, and was allegedly using that to cause problems of his own around the palace. To the point that come winter, hiring new staff would become necessary. His big sister seemed very occupied with that, and helping her king. Aside from them and a certain lovebug, the other Gael made an appearance. What about yourself?"
Throughout your explanation, you caress Ruby's side, your other hoof hugging her close. Enjoying the peaceful morning by losing yourself in her eyes, occasionally looking over at your wife caught up in the emotional 'crossfire'. Lupad looked to be enjoying herself, splayed between the two of you with her eyes close, clearly taking everything in."
"I believe mine was influenced by the thought of climbing a mountain yesterday," She starts, "Cause that's what we were all doing, climbing up a nice mountain on a clear day. Just enjoying ourselves and having a nice time, nothing too special."
She then looks back at you, staring at you for a few seconds before speaking once more.
"...Would the two of you like breakfast, or do you wish to stay here? Food sounds good, but I'm honestly quite content here."

What do you do?
"I can't hide what's between my legs right now, so I'm content staying here, and we're already feeding our tiny queen."
"Wish I could make your dream a reality, because it sounds lovely. Unfortunately, I am a king, so making an official appearance at some point before we say our good byes is almost necessary, and skipping breakfast seems like a bad idea with the carriage ride ahead."
We say that, before locking lips with Ruby, rolling into a slightly more favorable position, locking our hindlegs with hers and resting our fluffy body on her. The lazy Breezie on our snout does draw our eye from time to time, watching her tail flick contentedly.
"Of course, we're already giving Lupad breakfast, so a few more minutes together is fine. I might need some cold water, but I can live with that."

Liking the current scene, just don't want it leading to things (past teasing, of course) if we're gonna do stuff in the carriage. That, and this isn't an out and out vacation.
"Wish I could make your dream a reality, because it sounds lovely. Unfortunately, I am a king, so making an official appearance at some point before we say our goodbyes is almost necessary, and skipping breakfast seems like a bad idea with the carriage ride ahead."
You say all of that before suddenly locking lips with Ruby, taking her by surprise and allowing you to roll into a slightly more favorable position, locking your hind legs with hers and resting your fluffy body on her as she kicks her legs a bit in surprise. The lazy Breezie on your snout does draw your eye from time to time, watching her tail flick contentedly as she watches the events unfold.
"I can't hide what's between my legs right now, so I'm content staying here, and we're already feeding our tiny queen."
"Right, she needs her breakfast as well," Ruby nods after coming out of her surprise, "Then we can stay here for a few minutes."
Then shuffling a bit closer, she looks up at you.
"If I were you though I would stop before it becomes more of a problem."

What do you do?
Stopping for the night. Tomorrow I'm going to be traveling all day for a vacation, though it's to a place with wifi so I can still post though probably not very frequently. So if I end up not posting anything tomorrow and Saturday the thread can just die and I'll make a new one when I get back on Wednesday.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
I... Yes. Tempting as it is to make it so you only have to get me breakfast rather than the both of us you are correct.
Slowly we release Ruby from our grip giving her the space to get out but not really compelling her to leave our space.
"I could always make my problem your problem instead... In two different ways, actually."
We stroke her chest with our magic, tussling some of her fur, spreading her hindlegs just a little more as we slide forward, still just shy of kissing her but now looking directly down at Ruby. A little bit of magic holds Lupad in place on our snout, delicately exploring her body and massaging her shoulders, back, and thighs, caressing her long legs.
"There is the obvious, 'one thing leads to another,' that you're generally advising against. But if you *were* me, you could stay here with the problem while I have breakfast sent to us."
We thrum our magic, pretending to consider casting the body swap spell, before locking lips with Ruby again, panting softly when we break it and pulling away just enough that we're not pinning her quite so much. It's takes some effort not to hold her close.
"But then we don't get to spend as much time together, and the king doesn't make his appearance. So, I will gladly endure the bitter cold of an icy shower for just a few more minutes spent with you."
Melodramatic, but with some sincerity. That shower may have to come sooner rather than later though, as much of the progress made since waking up has been lost.

Tempted to joke about needing a collar and leash for ourself. And hope you have fun on the trip, Pluto!

Wording is a little callous, unless it's intended as banter? 'Make it so' sounds like an order, as opposed to asking.
"I suppose something needs to be sacrificed..."
We use our magic to open the window and collect some snow from the sill in our magic and bring it towards us.
"We could rub this on the proven to shrink it down and keep cuddling if you don't mind a cold spot."
I was considering the idea of swapping bodies, or maybe sending a clone down to get some catering service.

More for returning to the caravan, but I've considered having Lupad turn into us, we make a clone of Lupad as we turn invisible. We may need to make a command or two to our soldiers, so we can't simply make a clone of ourself.
Here's another idea: We ram it inside Ruby, then use the detachment spell so it's nice and warm and stiff and ready when we return to the carage
Was more so teasing with the body swapping idea, given Ruby's choice of words, not seriously suggesting it (this time, definitely worth considering later).
I'd be fine with skipping over breakfast narratively, if it means getting to the carriage quickly (would prefer to do stuff there). Lupad can act as us well enough to pull it off, but making an appearance at breakfast is more of a matter of appearances. That, and the King going about without his personal guard is odd.

For some reason, I get the odd feeling our hosts suspect what is going on with Caddy and Ruby, but if the palace hasn't noticed, they probably won't.

Sounds fun, but I'm picturing/recalling the last time Caddy took a cold shower, how he was achy and pent up. Ruby and Lupad knowing that the main thing on his mind as he goes about his business being how long until they get to the carriage is kinda hot.
>>41227485(me, somewhat of a bump, but another option to take.)
"That is the predicament, isn't it? That dream has me pent up, and I would like nothing more than to shove it in the nearest doe. Hmm..."
An idea pops in her head.
"Running a cold shower would do the trick, but I would hate for you two to then need to warm it back up to get it going again. Would you be alright with smuggling it inside of you, Ruby? I know you can fit the entire length, and I can use the detachment spell so you're not between my legs."
We focus our attention to Lupad.
"That would unfortunately mean returning her panties though." (So it doesn't slip out)
"I... Yes. Tempting as it is to make it so you only have to get me breakfast rather than the both of us. Or I could always make my problem your problem instead... In two different ways, actually."
You stroke her chest with your magic, tussling some of her fur there, spreading her hind legs just a little more as you slide forward, still just shy of kissing her but now looking directly down at the blushing and smiling Ruby. Seeing Lupad starting to slide off you use your magic to hold her in place on your snout, delicately exploring her tiny body and massaging her shoulders, back, and thighs, caressing her long legs as well.
"There is the obvious 'one thing leads to another' that you're generally advised against. But if you were me, you could stay here with the problem while I have breakfast sent to us."
You thrum your magic, pretending to consider casting the body swap spell, her body tensing a bit in anticipation before you lock lips with her again, the two of you panting softly when you break it and pulling away just enough that you're not pinning her quite so much.
"But then we don't get to spend as much time together, and the king doesn't make his appearance. So, I suppose something needs to be sacrificed for just a few more minute spent with you."
Being melodramatic, but with some sincerity you use your magic to open the window and collect some snow from outside and bring it toward you, the two does looking at you questioningly.
"We could rub this on the problem to shrink it down and keep cuddling if you don't mind a cold spot."
"...I don't mind, but are you sure," Ruby asks, "A cold shower would do the trick just fine, you don't need to do something like... this."
"I think it'll be fine." You tell her.

While it did work wonders, it was something you promised yourself that you wouldn't be doing again. Cuddling with Ruby helped as well to get yourself warmed back up.
Breakfast and getting everything back into the carriages was rather uneventful besides moving through the snow which seemed to have piled up even more since yesterday, but it's a very short trip to the carriage so none of you were outside for very long and the three of you are soon in the warmth of the carriage as it leaves Gwitreg. As soon as you get past the outskirts of the town Lupad transforms back to her normal Changeling form.
Groaning, she stretches her six limbs and abdomen before relaxing and looking over at you and Ruby who is sitting next to you.
"Well, we now have a carriage ride back to kill."

What do you do?
Even with one ache quelled by Ruby's touch, and our problem kept well in hoof while we needed to, we similarly unwind when Lupad does, spreading our hindlegs and massaging our thighs, even the traces of snow on our cold hooves more than we want to mess around with.

Opening one eye, the other shoots open to watch Lupad stretch in her natural, and nude, state.
"You warm enough?"

Immediate thoughts go to Griffon, Breezie, and bodyswapping with Ruby. Need to wake up in a few hours though, so I've gotta pass out.
Night, Pluto!
Yes and I recall quite a few very good ideas for how to do that thoroughly~
I've considered the idea of using the detachment spell and turning our cock into a strap on so our does can have some fun as we watch.
I think that could be interesting in that Ruby and Lupad could work together with the intent of edging/toying with Caddy, but that would either boil down to us making Caddy react while Pluto does most of the work, or having to continuously swap between Caddy and one of the others.
I think Lupad goading us with/about Lula and 'toeing the line' could be neat. That, or a pair of royal sisters meet with a Changeling King.
I do like that idea. I did have the idea of ovipositors if Lupad won the bet since I assumed we would ask to recreate the dream we had. Originally, I was saving male Ruby's body for it, but I wouldn't be opposed to either, I could just suggest the other later (assuming we actually do the bet.)
With the real cock strap-on idea, we could just simply shift perspectives to one of them. It doesn't take much imagination to what caddy does while watching and experiencing their technique.
Another idea though is to have Lupad turn into a deer, have her and Ruby stand next to each other with their sides touching, then band their touching legs together and put a collar around the two with a short chain linking them up. (Or maybe wrap their bodies together in a blanket/corset?)
We could also go back to the idea we had for Lupad's birthday. Turn Ruby into a buck, and gangbang Lupad.
I don't recall a bet. Wouldn't be opposed to recreating the dream, or doubleteaming Lupad.
Not sure I get the tying them together thing.
A bit random, but I'm kinda liking the idea of using the diplomatic angle again: a hippogriff or griffon queen being a handful (whether a lascivious MILF, a snooty noble, or just cunning yet lustful), and requiring the cunning and strength of the royal half-siblings (was thinking brothers, but could reverse the roles ie King Ruby, or do sisters). Picturing her shoving her way between them, wrapping them in her wings, and grabbing them by the balls

Random NMH stuff
>Gael-bot booted from standby into all encompassing darkness
>She was about to run preliminary diagnostics on her optics when the pressure sensors of her chassis finally had enough trend data to send feedback
>Curious, she definitely hadn't been in this state when she shut down to recharge, and there was no damage... in fact, she was fully charged
>Shifting ever so slightly, the android concluded herself to be wrapped and coiled in various places by an unknown material
>Too thick to be a blanket or tarp, the slight give suggested she could break it, though olfactory analysis kept her from doing so: faux leather, the expensive sort if the chemicals are correct
>Analysis: her frame was on its back on a bed, and all but her thighs and 'ears' had been covered, with one slightly elevated heartbeat nearby
>Conclusion: Mistress Nocturne needed her for something
>"You're online, good. Thermal output to full, regulate as need be."
>Gael bot did as her thestral owner commanded, activating the subdermal heating pads and regulatory subsystems
>An unknown weight-, Mistress Nocturne settled on top of Gael bot, slipping her head between her bound thighs, tufted
>"Run Songbird.exe, Sweet Dream's Greatest Hits."
>Finding the unfamiliar files, Gael-bot nearly killed the process when a number of her subsystems activated erratically and without rhyme or reason
>The feeling of Nocturne exhaling stopped that though, and a quick analysis showed that wear would be minimal from this usage
>"Goodnight, Gael."
>Goodnight, Mistress Nocturne
>Gael-bot spent the night measuring and subtly encouraging Nocturne's sleep patterns, deciding that she rather liked this program, and would experiment with it in her downtime

Unrelated, we need to make a dream machine in NMH
TLDR please
We're about to get frisky with our wife and sister. The thread will likely be 80% of this. If you want to join us...
Cadwalader (MC) Is a male unicorn who identifies as a buck.
Ruby is our half-dragon, half-deer half-sister.
Lupad is our soon to be wife who's a Changeling with 6 legs and abdomen.
Cadwalader is bi curious, Ruby is straight, but makes an exception for Lupad (and his brother if he swaps genders(via magic. He's not trans)), and Lupad is Bisexual.
We're discussing how we should fuck during our carriage ride home, so no asking for Lupad to grow or become heavier like with Giraffes, or Lamias.
The rules set:
No Masochism
No dendrophilia
No under age
No bestiality
Cryptids need to be agreed upon

Summon Tentacles
Swap Gender
Swap Bodies
Memory Implantation
Memory Wipe
Fluffy spell
Increase Fertility
Decrease Fertility
Broader story is hard to summarize, literally been running for years. We're the son of a (deceased, by plague) deer queen (MC of the prequel), and as the only male in our large family, the new-ish king.
Setting is the Deer Nations, half way around the world from modern(?) Equestria, most characters are deer. Lotta names of people and places I can't recall, character interaction, conflict. Resolved sibling rivalry in unexpected fashion. Discovered recently settled Changeling Hive under capital, captured and persuaded the Queen's daughter into helping take out her crazy mother, mutual seduction ensues sometime thereafter. Food crisis on the horizon, both for our normal citizens and the Changeling populace.
Past that, as one of the few bastions of the Neltic faith, we're dealing with a few fanatics: Warriors of Sunlight, worship Sunbutt so much they've started a crusade against her wishes, somewhat resolved. Can't recall the other group, some sort of 'Order' of supposed intellectuals, they wanted our support in taking out a hermit nation known for sending out spies that our mother fought and lost against. Sought us out because we're a 'Pony' (Grandma was a pony, we're a horn head) and thus 'reasonable'. Didn't stop one of the entourage from striking down a foreign maid we liked because she survived exile (for murder of her abusive master?). We're wrapping up negotiations with the Hermit nation.
If you haven't gathered, smut and character interaction are heavy here.

I'd say more setting info might've been useful, but you've got a bit of a point.

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