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Previous Thread: >>41179034

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival, and Final Frontier.
you let the mares die.....
I can't believe we were having so much fun in game we forgot to keep the thread liv...
It will happen again.
gmares is too good bros
so true anon
unf sexy mare
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4 on surf
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what's your favorite kill feed message you've seen on gmares?
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that green pony looks stinky...
kill yourselves faggots
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stallionfaggots posting gay porn to own the straights
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What fags right? I mean who on earth could possibly enjoy a supple stallion rump
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what is going on
Grug havin' a giggle, I imagine
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somepony help these fillies are trying to take my lunch money!
What a faggot.
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One lonely mare.... Many have tried to join. Many have failed
restarted the server
Fixed, no longer authenticating with steam forever.
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Moments before >rape
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Stop being nasty fags and return gmares to their rightful glory. First off ban all stallions.
It's literally just one autist shitting up the thread as usual
In case it wasn't clear, I meant (You) >>41227396
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Sonata's Gyatt
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cute legal mare
4 on sandbox
lil shids
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8 on TTT
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Anon, you remember what happened to the last [building] she sat on, right?
Yes, and?
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Mare movie time
5 on sandmare
beeg hoofas
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that's a big mare
5 on sandbox
derpy is a bird
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2 on sandsnoof
Server down?
I just wanted to play some horde
Server is back up

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Hordeniggers don't crash the server challenge: impossible

Abolish Horde
how bout you abolish dis dick lmao
poor filler
2 on the sand
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time mare
3 on sandbox
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cute woona
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Poor Reckless
upset white chocolate hooves
feesh on a stick
for the snowpones
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i feel bad missing out and not checking the thread this days, i saw the HLVRAIMLP 3 stream and i realized there is this Zippers dude, what about it?
can you give a link to the stream please?
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can we have playx it is like media player and has many nice features like remembering timestamps for independent .mp4 files but does not have a queue or support .webm do u guys think this is cool or no it also has this cool lighting addon
i dont think it can completely replace media player but i think it would be good for movie nights since encoding to mp4 is significantly faster than webm and it remembers the timestamp so if people join in the middle of it they can still watch
filesize is super lightweight, i don't see why not
4 on sandbox
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Looks cool, plus a ton of things let you download as mp4 so you might be able to get away with not even having to reencode things if the file is small enough.
I do hope media player works again at some point, fucking jewtube
Bumpa for mares
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*jaks up your server*
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fuck it, if a single babyjak is permaban on a server which cant hit more than 3 people then it deserves to die
>inb4 they become one of the schizos who wastes their time ban evading and doing the same thing that is easily dismissed
return to sharty lol xd
No, im genuinely wondering why. I didnt grief at any point. When I joined the server for the first time I made a shitpost avatar and later I made a decent one but for some reason each time I join it automatically changes me back to the shitpost one. Thats why maybe they thought I'd troll as I was loading in. Sucks because I did play on the server for a few hours. Hell, even squeaker mods in muh serious darkrp would give you a warning if you did something wrong before banning. This is just retarded.
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Say hi to Grug on your way back
PlayX has been added.
It will be kept until the regular media player is fixed.
8 on sandbox
5 on sandbox
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2 idling
0 mares idling schizo
touch grass 3 never ever
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Anon reached out and explained to me what happened, posting basedjacks is faggot tier shit but not enough to be banned for in my eyes.
He's visited the server on and off during euro hours for a couple of months now. I believe he's genuine and that this was just a really unfortunate misunderstanding so I decided to unban him.
pic rel is Anon who was banned.
2 on sandbox
mares are quaking
also the q3dm## maps are causing issues for some clients. so maybe we can replace them with some new maps?
>maps are causing issues for some clients.
What are the issues?
mare pile
3 mares in tornado alley
the maps differ from client and server side, so many aren't able to load into the matches due to that. idk if one or the other just needs to update. instead of replacing i'd be in favor of just adding more, to lessen the chance of whatever the issue is occurring.
They need to unsub from every other version of the gamemode and sub to this one.
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5 on sandmare
This Kirin is smoking!
Back from the dead
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2 on snoofbox
gmares never die
3 on sandsnoof
What happened to the ArcCW addons? Did they all get suddenly removed from the server collection? I can't see any of the arccw weapons in the server because they got unsubbed from my collection
Are you subbed to
Sometimes models don't load correctly as well and the game needs a restart.
6 on sandmare
why did it do that
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Nooooooo, princess
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how didnt the secret service see him?
>how didnt the secret service see him?
I blame the slope on the canal bridge
3 on sandbox
2 on sand
3 sandsniffers
5 on sandsnoof
does anyone else have purple and black reflections on windows? Seems to only be this server.
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Typing mat_specular 0 in console should probably fix this issue
I believe that just disables all reflections. Thanks anyways.
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Do you have the improved cubemap?
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can we get midi support for gmares
Is there an addon for it?
Does this work for you? I tried it and it could read inputs into the base game (pressing the corresponding key on my midi controller for w corresponded with moving forward) but not when I was sitting on the piano bench
I tried using the build cubemap command and got an error saying something in the lines of "the map file cannot be edited". Unless if you are refering to something else.
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Aye, thanks
mare party trips!
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where are the mares
at 7/11 ordering slurpees
her right hoof looks weird
Euromare here. Since we have 2-3 mares max during Euro hours, is there any chance of a few games being added the next time the addons are updated so we can do something besides watching videos. Afaik billiard doesn't work and the rest are slop. (read as: I don't know how to play poker so I refuse to use the card table). We should have chess and darts as the bare minimum.
I have chess. When the E2 mare is on just ask for it and I can give you a copy
seconding this, whenever I hop on its usually just ppl watching videos which is fine but it would be nice to have more stuff to do

New gamemodes or stuff to play with in sandbox?
There's several COOP gamemodes.
I'm replying to you and to the message I originally sent. I was asking about more games being added to sandbox. I don't really know much about specific gamemodes so I think other anons should suggest them.
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Lemon Hearts a QT!
the mare is dead
hopping on
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Mare lemonade stand, with extra snowpity per cup garanteed

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